The Weather
Local showers, slightly
warmer Thursday; Friday
partly cloudy and warmer.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
VOL. XIV 14o.39
Bureau Is
Functions Given To Justice
Department In Gigantic
Merger Program
Immediate Savings
Close To 5 Million
Numerous Other Divisions
Are Abolished As Inde-
pendent Units
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. - (P) - A
new alignment of Federal agencies,
which abolishes such familiar figures
as the Prohibition Bureauand Ship-
ping Board, goes into effect at mid-
night tonight under President Roose-
velt's 'economy reorganization 'pro-
The changes call for more dele-
tions from the Government structure
than any action since the end of the
No responsible official should esti-
mate how many workers would lose
their jobs, but the majority felt that
the' number would be less than 2,000.
Immediate savings from the reor-
ganization, estimated originally to
cut yearly expenditures at least $25,-
000,000, will be at the rate of $5,000,-
000 annually as a result of modifica-
tions extending the time to Dec. 31,
in which some changes become effec-
At Hyde Park, President Roosevelt
studied reorganization plans present-
ed by Cabinet aides and went into
the legal phases so that there could
be no upset.
Where the Ax Falls
Here are the divisions abolished as
independent units:
Shipping Board and Merchant Fleet
Corp., acquired by the Commerce De-
Prohibition Bureau, its investiga-
tion and enforcement work sent to a
division of investigation in the Justice
Department and other duties divided
between that department and the
Offices of Public Buildings and
Public Parks of the National Capital,
National Memorial Commission, Rock
Creek and Potomac Parkway Com-
mission, Arlington Memorial Bridge
Commission, Duties to the National
Park Service, which becomes the Of-
fice of National Parks, Buildings and
The Bureaus of Immigration and
Naturalization are consolidated into
a Bureau of Immigration and Natur-
alization, while the Federal Board of
Vocational Education, heretofore an
independent unit, becomes an advis-
ory board with its functions placed in
a division of the Office of Education
of the Interior Department.
Major Phases of Plan
Major phases of the reorganization
plan until Dec. 31 are:
Establishment of a Division of Pro-
curement in the Treasury to succeed
the several hundred units now ob-
taining supplies, and formation of a
Division of Disbursing in that depart-
ment to succeed the 2,200 agencies
attending to that duty now.
Consolidation of the Bureaus of
Internal Revenue and Industrial
Alcohol into a Division of Internal
Revenue, likewise put off until Dec.
31 or sooner if Secretary William H.
Woodin works out a plan.
Abolition of the Prohibition Bureau
brings to an end its long. effort to
enforce the Eighteenth Amendment.
Of its 1,800 employees, all discharged,
approximately 1,200 are to be re-
employed ignmediately in the Division
of Investigation.
Fire Is Checked In
University's Tract
SAULT STE. MARIE, Aug. 9.--(A')
-The forest fire on Sugar Island was
under control today after burning
over 400 acres of slashing, burned
over acreage and marshes.
The blaze was completely checked
on the west, south and east and 48
men were on hand to complete the
work on the north, according to
Louis Smith, fire warden in charge,
who returned to Trout Lake.
Rio Grande Valley Is Torn By 80-Mile Hurricane
-Associated Press Photo
An 80-mile-an-hour hurricane caused considerable property damage in the lower Rio Grande
valley, twisting buildings and blowing citrus fruit to the ground. This picture shows how a hangar at
the airport at Brownsville, Tex., was damaged by the storm.
Store Hours Must Not Be
Shortened, Johnson Says
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-(PA)-Cit-f
ing that the intent of the Recov-t
ery Act was to increase employment,t
Administrator Hugh S. Johnson said
today, in a statement that no re-
tailer could stagger employeehours,
enforce rest periods or shorten the
hours of store operation without de-
feating the purpose of the codes.
His emphatic assertion immediate-
ly took place among the most signi-
ficant yet to come from the NRA,e
in view of constant reports as to re-
courses for getting around the codes
and yet displaying the Blue Eagle.
Inquiries on this point have in-
creased of late, while the officialsc
have plugged ahead at other aspectst
of making the law effective.
The militant Johnson took timeE
off from the opening hearing on 27
codes proposed for the coal indus-
try to stress his point as to retail-
ers. At that crowded session in the
huge Commerce Department auditor-
ium, the struggle between union and
non-union forces was flushing to a
full height.
Putting that quarrel on for futuref
determination, Johnson insisted that
while the agreements signed by re-
tail stores and groceries provided
that no store, open less than 52 hours
Edmonson Calls~
First Meeting
OfLocal1 N.R.A'
Session Is To Formulate'
A Course Of Action For
Ann Arbor Drive
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education, who was made
director of the NRA forces of Ann
Arbor at a meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce Tuesday night, will act
in his new official capacity for the
first time at 10 a. m. today when he
will meet with industrial and business
leaders of the city to discuss the
local committee's course of action
and to appoint additional officials.
Dean Edmonson's first assistant in
the recovery work will be Mrs. Edgar
C. Edsill, while Frank B. DeVine,
local attorney, will head the Ann Ar-
bor NRA committee.
It is expected that among the first
official acts of the forces under Dean
Edmonson will be investigation into
and action on assertions current
throughout the city that localumer-
chants are acting against the spirit
of the Federal hours code by closing
their establishments at earlier hours
than formerly.
Because of the fact that the sum-
mer months 'constitute the season of
least activity in Ann Arbor business
circles, no radical reforms are antici-
pated within the next month. It is
expected that all efforts of the com-
mittee will be bent on getting all the
city's commerceaworking under NRA
regulations by fall.
Other members of the committee
which will work under the direction
of Dean Edmonson are William F.
Angell, secretary; and Otto W. Hais-
ley, Paul L. Proud, and Mayor Rob-
ert A. Campbell.
Literary Faculty Will
a week before July 1, could reduce
the store hours at all, the intent was
that hours of operation should not be
curtailed in any way.
In other words, while 52 is a set'
minimum, it was explained that if a
store had been operating 60 or more
hours, it should not curtail its time
of being open but rather should em-
ploy more people to do the work.
"That agreement is a solution cov-
enant and its purpose is explicit,"
Johnson said. "The owners of the
stores and the customers who buy
from those stores should have but
one single purpose, which is to carry
out this specific provision which has
to do with re-employment through
reducing the number of hours each
employe works and by keeping the
stores open as long as pssible."
The statement proceeded:
"The insignia of the Blue Eagle
must be withdrawn from those stores
which either collectively or individu-
ally flagrantly attempt to frustrate
the purpose of the presidential re-
employment agreement."
Johnson said that "when employ-
ers sign this agreement with their
President after reading Section 8,
no one could conceivably set about
staggering employee hours, enforcing
rest periods and increasing the time
for lunch without pay, or either di-
rectly or indirectly conspire to de-
feat the very purpose of the agree-
ment by materially shortening the
number of hours which the stores
had customarily stayed open."
In warning the retailers against
shortening store hours, the admin-1
istrator quoted the agreement which
was provided for them temporarily
(Continued on Page 4)
Michigan Must Match All
Grants Of Federal Relief
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.--UP)-Set-
ting one billion dollars as the goal
for unemployment relief through the
coming winter, Harry L. Hopkins,
Federal relief administrator, said to-
day that unless slates and cities
equal the Government's $500,000,000
appropriation the jobless are going
to take a beating."
West Virginia, Texas, Ohio, Ken-
tucky, Alabama and Michigan, he
added, already have been "put on
notice" to increase relief expendi-
tures or else not to expect any more
Federal grants.
By the Associated Press
W L" Pct.
Washington.............6,6 38 .635
New York...............63 41 .606
Philadelphia...........52 51 .505
Detroit................. 52 54 .491
Cleveland...............52 57 .477
Chicago .................4 56 .462
'Boston................... 46 56 .451
St. Louis.............s42 68 .382
Wednesday's Results3
Washington 4, New York 1.
Boston 8, Philadelphia 4.
Only games scheduled.
Thursday's Games
Detroit at Chicago.
NewYork at Philadelphia.
Washington at Boston.
St. Louis at Cleveland.
W L Pct.
New York ................61 42 .592
Pittsburgh ..59 46 .562
Chicago...........59' 47 .557
Boston.. 56 51 .523
St. Louis .... 55 52 .514
Philadelphia...........44 59 .427+
Brooklyn..............42 60 .412
Cincinnati ...... .........44 63 .411
Wednesday's Results
Boston 3, Philadelphia 2.
Chicago 10, St. Louis 7.
Only games scheduled.
Thursday's Games
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.
Boston at Brooklyn.
Philadelphia-at New York.
Five U.S. Navy
Fliers Killed In
Honolulu Crash
HONOLULU, Aug. 9.-()-Five
United States Navy fliers were killed
today and another was injured
slightly by the crash of a twin-en-
gined patrol plane on a coral reef
a mile off shore.
The dead:
Lieut. C. P. Hill, Pilot; body not
Lieut. T. C. Marshal, Pilot under
instruction; body recovered.
Aviation mate, first class, C. C.
Stewart; body not recovered.
Radio man, first class, V. C. Hovey;
body not recovered.
Seaman, first class, L. B. Pitt;
body not recovered.
The plane was attached to the
fleet air base at Pearl Harbor.
The only occupant of the plane to
escape death was N. A. Tuft, ma-
chinist-mate, second class. He was
slightly injured, was picked up and
transferred to the'naval hospital at
Pearl Harbor.
Tuft said the accident apparently
was caused by tail surfaces of the
plane coming off, causing the craft
to land on its back.
Bombay Editor Finds America
Different From Its Reputation
Swarthy of skin and be-turbaned
with white cloth, K. Natarajan, noted
Bombay editor, was introduced to an
American lady.
"How do you do," he said, or some
such greeting.
"Can you read my fortune?" she
demanded, thrusting out her palm.
Natarajan said that no, he was
afraid he couldn't, and wasn't very
sure about his own, either. At least,
that's the way he tells it.
He had run into Americans be-
fore, though. On a European tour-
ist train, he met a jolly sectarian
minister from Georgia who was run-
liras. Before we go back I can get it
changed into dollars and-have a neat
Natarajan doesn't think all Amer-
icans are like that, though. We were
given a long distance interview with
him over the table at a luncheon in
#his honor yesterday under the aus-
pices of the Hindustan club. The
beauty of it was that everybody else
asked the questions.
"What do you think of America,
Mr. Natarajan," asked Dr. Frederick
B. Fisher, just as a starter.
Natarajan forked at the Michigan
League's stewed pineapples, and gave
up trying to get it all in one sen-
tence. "In the matter of race prej-
*,lns. T nmnc. 'rimnrT , rnn, 11o ~hP oaird