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August 08, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-08

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ion of the Sumnibr Session

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'ulished every morning except Monday during the
versity year and Summer Session by the Board in
trol of Student Publications.
ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
n and the Big Ten News Service.
le Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it .or
otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
ilished herein. All rights of republication of special
patches are -reserved.
ntered at 'the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
nd class matter. Special rate bf postage granted by'
Ird Assistant Postmaster-General.
'ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
i0. During regular school year by carrier, 4.00; by
1,' $4.50.

of justice that allows for no special dispensations
in such .cases. It is, true that Maxim broke'
society's laws and that heshould have paid for
his crime however insignificant it might have.
been. It is likewise true that, after being given
a position at the penal institution on his honor,
Maxin defied authorities by escaping. But a look
behind the scenes might create a different picture
of Maxim's case.,
Many men now confined to prison have paid
their debt to society and are now paying usury.
That they have sinned is probably true but in
many cases society as a whole would probably
benefit by their release. Maxim's case seems to
be such a one.
He was sent to an institution known as a
"Reformatory." Whether his stay there or other
factors determined him to "go straight," he has
nevertheless done so. Society will certainly not
profit by returning him to a cell. He has admitted
his identity and his willingness to peacefully re-
turn to prison to finish paying his debt to society.
But can he not better pay that debt by remaining
a iesponsible member of that society which he
wronged rather than by turning into a confirmed
and embittered "jailbird"- which he might easily
do by returning to the Ohio institution?
It would seem that to send such a man to a
"Reformatory" would admit the weaknesses of
such institutions as places where young men are
to be taught how to properly live in an organized
society which protects its members. To place him
under the guardianship of his employers or other
iesponsible parties and allow him to continue his
respectable existence would seem the best solution
to the problem. It would probably mean saving
the future of the young man while at the.same
time sparing society the expense of another con-
vict and possibly a confirmed criminal.

Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
>or, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.


N:ilepresentatives: College Publications Representatives,
fr-c., 40 East Thirty-Fourth treet, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; .612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
,it., New York, N. Y.
Phone: 4925"
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
-. a . :.Jerome Pettit..
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H.Kleene, Bruce
Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Offce Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214

Musical Events

Local Retailers
Cheating Oin NRA?..


N THE BASIS of an Associated
Press dispatch dated from Wash-
ington, D. C., Aug. 6, we submit the possibility
that Ann Arbor retailers are "cheating" on the
National Recovery Administration because they
have shortened store hours far below the mini-
mum stipulated by Brig.-Gen. Hugh S. Johnson,
thereby choking off anticipated re-employment
and violating the "understanding" on which the
retail code is based.
We quote from the dispatch:
" . in several local communities retailers
are making joint agreements to shorten hours.
"This is not in keeping with either the spirit or
the fact as expressed in the President's re-employ-
ment agreement or in the President's statements
regarding re-employment, of which the essence is
to effect an increase both in re-employment and
in wages to those employed."
(Ann Arbor retailers, "backing the NRA," have
decided to cut their store hours down to 52 a
week, closing up Saturday nights in addition. Does
this not conflict with Johwson's aims as expressed
in the following paragraph, as we again quote
from the dispatch?)
"If the store hours are reduced by this agree-
miept to any number below 63 hours, the re-
employment which is anticipated through the al-
lowance of the 48 man-work hours each week will
not be obtained and the understanding upon
which the food and grocery distributors and the
retail codes was based will not have been carried

The caliber of the program of the chamber-
music recital to be presented this evening in Hill
Auditorium, is such that is seldom found on
student programs. The recital opens with the
first movement from the Dohnanyn Quintet for
piano and strings, opus 1. The manipulation of
the different voices is surprisingly mature for a
first work, being handled in a broad style of writ-
ing. The arrangement to be used in this recital
is fairly orchestral, since the string parts are
doubled to balance the piano part, thus enhancing
the general effect greatly.
The Quartet written by Hugo Wolf contrasts
decidedly with the Dohnanyi. The whole, entitled,
"Italian Serenade," is written in one movement,
depicting the gaiety and light-hearted mood of
the serenaders. Even to professional quartet
players this composition of Wolf's is of exceeding
difficulty in its liveliness and delicacy.
The Ravel Septet is in effect a concerto for
harp, with flute, clarinet and string accompani-
ment, a unique combination. As the preceding
number, the Septet consists of one movement,
with a slow introduction. The color palette is
used to the utmost advantage and results in a'
brilliant, somewhat "atmospheric" study of sound.
Brahms is represented on the program with the
second movement of his Quintet in F-minor for
piano and strings. The conversation worked out
is delicate, sotto voce, the melodies warm and
lyric. The whole is treated in a pastelle manner.
The recital ends with Saint-Saens' "Carnival of
Animals." It was originally written for the enjoy-
ment of a few friends during a Mardi-Gras cele-
bration. "The Swan" was the only part of this
suite published during Saint-Saens' life-time, the
others being carefully kept from publication, per-
haps for fear of jeopardizing the musical dignity
of the composer. In many cases Saint-Saens
used themes familiar everywhere to point his
sketches of the animals, os for instance in the
"Elephants," he has used a bit of Weber's "Invi-
tation to the Dance" as a counterpoint to "Dance
des Sylphes" of Berlioz. The suite is cleverly
orchestrated to contribute to the aptness and
wittiness of the suite. -Sally Place

with a tremendous life by the analysis the situa-
tion affords for the central characters.
tThe Michigan Repertory Playersahave secured
special permission to have the play included in
their summer schedule of plays. If the popularity
afforded it in New York when Francis Lederer,
the young Czechoslovakian actor, and Dorothy
Gish played in the leading roles, is any indication,
it should be one of the most entertaining thea-
ter experiences of the season.
A Washington
WASHINGTON-Back in those long-ago days
when Herbert Hoover as president-elect was cab-
inet making, great interest tached to what he
would do about filling his own shoes as com-
merce secretary.
From time to time all his other selections were
made and became known, but who was to be his
secretary of commerce was mystery.
Finally a decision was reached. George Akerson,
Mr. Hoover's campaign secretary and his first se-
lection for his White House secretariat, gleefully
disclosed the fact, but not the, name, to the news
hungry corps of political reporters.
"And if anybody can guess who it is, I'll con-
firm it," Akerson challenged the group.
Nobody did guess it, which shows just how far
out of the political picture of that day Robert
Patterson Lamont was.
Speaks For Steel
The Roosevelt "new deal" having got going,
however, it remained for Mr.' Lamont to be the
first of the Hoover cabinet figures to get into
the Washington news in any but a politically
speculative fashion.
As spokesman for the steel industry in the code
framing activities of the National Recovery ad-
ministration he was a key man.
The fact that the steel 'captains hit on La-
mont to speak for their group in the NRA hear-
ings was a bit surprising.
Itmight have been expected that somebody sup-
posed to have an'inside political track with the
new powers at Washington, a Democrat by pref-
erence, would have appealed to the steel men
rather than a former Republican cabineteer like
Lamont. Particularly a Hoover cabineteer.
But Lamont was the hian and it fell to his lot
to give General Johnson and his NRA shock
troops a surprise that went far to mitigate the
hot sticky weather in Washington just at that
Voluntary withdrawal by Lamont of the so-
called "company union" clause of that code at
least deferred one of the thorniest problems they
faced. Washington was all read for a real knock-
down-and-drag-out battle between industrialists
and organized labor on that point.
Edtorial C Oznment
Indirectly, President Roosevelt took another of
his frequent slaps at Tammany this week when
A. A. Berle, Columbia professor and "brain trust"
member, indicated his support of La Guardia,
independent Democratic nominee for mayor of
New York city.
Berle pointed out that political freedom will
soon be lost if the "Wigwam" continues to hold
power over New York voters, and offered active
aid and technical advice to La Guardia.
If Tammany loses to this fiery progressive it
.will force the bosses down on their knees, and will
probably cause much comment by the press. But
such a possible upset does not seem strange when
the relations between Roosevelt and this organiza-
tion are recalled.
For, taking a glance at the record, since 1910
Roosevelt has repeatedly clashed with Tammany
and has won every battle. From the first week
that he sat in the New York senate to the election

of 1932 Roosevelt has "mistreated" that long-
established political machine.
If La Guardia wins the mayorship and if Berle's
statement is any indication of the president's
opinions, Tammany might just as well hang a
"Closed for Repairs" sign on the door of its wig-
wam. -
Roosevelt will have had the last word in a 33-
year argument. -The Daily Iowan
Learn to spend your leisure time unwisely! That
was the altogether unorthodox piece of advice
given members of the national Business and Pro-
fessional women's clubs recently in Chicago, by a
professional woman of Philadelphia-an editor.
Undoubtedly there is much to the argument
that wise use should be made of leisure. Develop
hobbies that will prove helpful to you. Interest
yourself in a sideline or two that really intrigues
you. It'll make life much more worth the living
and you'll really be profiting by your leisure time.
That's the theory on which exponents of this
science of spending your spare hours will work.
But, as the speaker in Chicago implied, and
later declared, in substance, isn't leisure time a
period in which to do just as one wishes? Isn't
the wasting of it good for the soul-and body?
Doesn't the human machine need a period of
idleness in which it may be allowed to wander
about satisfying its own whims?
These quite sensible things are, we believe, what
the lecturer meant when shei'said "Use your leis-
ure time 'unwisely'." And however much her ad-
vice, might shock the orthodox believers in budget-
ing even your leisure (in effect) we assume that
this paradoxical statement of hers is anything but

Members of the Faculty of the Col-t
lege of Literature, -Science, and the
Arts: An important special meeting
of the faculty will be held at 4:00
p. m., Wednesday, August 9, 1933, in
Room 1025, Angell Hall.. President
A. G. Ruthven will be present and
preside. The executive Committee of
the College will present its report.
It i.s highly desirable that there be
a large attendance.
M. Gomberg, J. R. Hayden, L. C.
Karpinski, D. H. Parker, and
E. H. Kraus, Chairman
Radio Program: You are invited to
come to Room 4032 Angell Hall to-
day at 8 p. m., to hear a se-
lected radio program, broadcast by
members of Prof. Densmore's Public
Speaking Class 131s as demonstra-
tion of their work in radio techni-
que. A most entertaining radio hour
is promised.:
Kenneth Hance, Chairman
Student's Recital: The following
program of Chamber music present-
ed by the Chamber music class un-
der the directionof. Professor Hanns
Pick of the School of Music, will
be given today at 8:15 o'clock in Hill
Auditorium to which the general
public with the exception of small
children is invited: Dohnanyi: Alle-
gro (first movement) from the Quin-
tetin C Minor for Piano and Strings;
Hugo.Wolf: Italian Serenade for two
Violins, Viola and Violoncello; Ravel:
Introduction and Allegro for Harp,
Flute, Clarinet and String Quartet;
Brahms: Andante (second move-
ment) from the Quintet in F minor
for Pano, Two Violins Viola and
Cello; Saint-Saens: The Carnival of
Animals Suite for two Pianos, Flute,
Clarinet, Strings and Percussion (Re-
edited and partly re-orchestrated by
H. Pick) 1. Introduction and Royal
March of the Lion; 2. Cocks and
Hens; 3. TheElephant; 4. Kanga-
r o o s; 5. Aquarium;, 6. Creatures
with Long Ears; 7. Aviary; 8. Fos-
sils; 9. The Swan; 10. Finale. The
merhbers of the Chamber Music Class
participating in this program are:
Walter Bloch, Lynn Bogart, Floyd
Burt, Grace Cushman, Wilfred Ed-
monds, Elsa Eppstein, Frederick Er-
nst, Albert Fillmore, Mary Fishburne,
Clinton Ford, Alice Higbee, Charles
Law, Luther Leavengood, Margaret
Martindale, N a t h a n Rosenbluth,
Clyde Severance, Laura Shields, Earl
Slocum, Lynn Thayer. Assisted by:
Nicholas Falcone, Ruth Pfohl, and
James Pfohl. Charles A. Sink
The Summer Session Play Reading
Group of faculty women will have
its last meeting today, Tuesday, at
2:15 in the Alumnae Room of the
Michigan League Building. Mrs.
Louis Keeler will be in charge of the
play. Wives of non-resident faculty
members of the Summer Session
are cordially invited.
Summer School Chorus: Final re-
hearsal in Hill Auditorium at 2 p. m.
Concert will be at 4:30 p. m. Hill
"The Physical Education Program
and the Needs of the Individual," will
be the title of the need address on

the series of afternoon conferences
in education. Professor Jackson R.
Sherman of the Physical Education
department will talk on this topic in
Room 1022, University High school,
today at 4:10 p. m.
Mr. Ira M. Smith, Registrar of the
University will be the speaker at the
educational conference. on Wednes-
day in Room 1022 University High
S'*ool. His asubject will be "How
We Admit Freshmen." The meeting
starts at 4:10.
Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon Michi-
gan Union at 12:10 today. Speaker
will be Dr. John S. Brubacher.
Summer School Chorus: Final re-
hearsal at Hill Auditorium Wednes-
day, the ninth of August, 4:30 p. m.
Summer School Chorus: Import-
ant rehearsal at School of Music
Auditorium Tuesday at seven o'clock.
-Every member is urged to attend.
Pi Lambda Theta: Pi Lambda Theta
business meeting Wednesday, Au-
gust 9, at '7:30p. m. in the Elemen-
tary School Library. Important that
all members attend.
Reeves Addresses Law
Teachers On Chaco Fight
(Continued from Page 1)
having been, since the eighteenth
century, within the jurisdiction of the
bishopiic of Asunsion, capital of that
state," he said. "Bolivia claims it all
as a part of former Upper Peru on
the basis of the so-called Uti-pos-
sidetis of 1810."
"By the Uti-possidetis was meant
that each independent state had
rights to the territorial area which
it embraced as a province such as it
had been in the hands of Spain when
the wars of independence- began,"
Professor Reeves stated.
The Uti-possidetis does not solve
a boundary dispute where there were
no colonial boundary lines, or where
states have come into existence since
the close of the wars of independence.
Paraguay existed long before the
wars of independence began as a
Spanish colony, but official Spanish
documents show no record of the
exact limits of Paraguay, he asserted.
In commenting on this boundary
dispute, Professor Reeves said, "Prac-
tically every country of South Amer-
ica has had boundary disputes with
neighboring states, and no continent
has ever afforded greater opportunity
for boundary difficulties than South
America for the whole of it was,
within a century of its discovery,
claimed by European powers;"
Boundary disputes began in South
America in 1494 and ultimately in-
volved Portugal, Spain, France, Great
Britain and The Netherlands during
the colonial era, he continued.
'The next address on the series will
be delivered by Prof. Charles Cheney
Hyde, of the law department at Co-
lumbia University and a member of
tiie conference teaching staff, on
"The Arbitration of Boundary Dis-
putes" Friday evening.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Pilot Injured
In Crash Near
Detroit Airport
Pilot J. L. Huber was injured and
seven passengers were badly bruised
and shaken at 4:30 p. m. yesterday
when an American Airways Corp.
plane crashed in a field near the
Detroit City Airport.
The plane, a tri-motor, en route
to Chicago. had taken 100 feet alti-
tude and was circling above the air-
port when its right motor stalled.
The plane began to settle and Pilot
Huber tried to turn about and make
for the landing field.
Skirting telephone poles and
housetops, the tail of the plane
sagged so low it caught on telephone
wires at Grinnell Ave. between Grace
and Raymond Ave., struck the roof
of a house at 9692 Grinnell Ave., and
caromed to the street and into- a
six-foot wire fence.
Pulling Huber through the emer-
gency door in the forvard part of
the plane, Raymond Assessor, 39
years old, 9705 Traverse Ave., as-
sisted the passengers to the ground.
Prior efforts of M. B. Buckley, a
salesman from Kansas City, and C.
S. Wagner, a Detroit Michigan Stove
Co. district manager, of Kansas City,
to open the passenger door had
failed.. According to Buckley the
plane took off nicely but began to
settle when it circled the airport.
"It seemed as though something
was dragging down the tail of the
ship, he said. "'The pilot just
couldn't seem to get the tail up. It
wouldn't stabilize."
"It was when the plane began to
lose altitude that the pilot tried to
swing back to the landing field,"
added Wagner. "It all happened so
quickly it was hard to keep track of
it. The main door was jammed
against the fence when we finally
crashed with a terrible bump. We
hardly felt it when the plane struck
the wires but the jar was noticeable
when we grazed the house."
Pilot Huber was taken to Saratoga
HbspitaV at Saratoga and Gratiot
Aves., near the airport, when it was
found that he was injured about the
head and shoulders. Although sev-
eral passengers complained of
bruises, none was considered seriously
ha'rmed. At the hospital Huber de-
clined to discuss the accident.
His plane, a Stinson Detroiter, was
one of a fleet operated by. American
Airways and regarded as one of the
finest in the Middle West.
Friends and relatives who had lin-
gered about to see the passengers
take off for the World's Fair were
preparing to leave the field. They
were attracted by the cries of by-
standers who saw the plane swing
about and sink to' an altitude of 35
or 40 feet.


['he proposal to shorten hours is in violation of
ion 8 of the President's re-employment agree-
t. Reconsideration of the provisions of the
il codes and possible withdrawal of the in-
ia will be necessary if community or concerted
on to shorten store operating hours is taken."
nn Arbor retailers have chopped 11 hours from
inimimum store hours prescribed by two-fisted
.inistrator Johnson-from 63 down to 52, mak-
t evident that both the "spirit" and the "fact"
ie national recovery move are being thwarted
ugh this "community action."
ae result? Employees working 48 hours a week,
es open only 52 hours a week, juggled lunch
's in order to evade all re-employment, buying
er thus not distributed, prosperity not re-
d, and the eventual breakdown of the Na-
il Industrial Recovery Act and its subsidiaries.
a what? As one cabinet member has pro-
ied-a real dose of Fascism and dictatorship
would make Nira and NRA pale by com-
in Arbor retailers should 4econsider. Recon-
before Johnson' does it for them.
stice For The Man
io 'Went Straight'. .
T HE STORY of the man who was a
jailbird at nineteeen, a fugitive
justice a year later, and now, at the age of{
ty-five is a trusted executive in a responsible
less firm provides excellent study for crimi-
ists and sociologists. Authorities have caught
ith the escaped convict and now he faces the
ice of the term in prison which he never
e man, Paul Maxim, was originally sentenced
he theft of a typewriter. After his good be-
)r assured prison officials in Ohio that he was7
worthy he was sent to a so-called Honor
p to complete his term. There he escaped,
to another city under an assumed name to
life over. -
at his new life was successful from society's
of view cannot be denied. After his break
the Ohio Reformatory, Maxim educated
elf, taking a night course in Washington
csait't, S t T.niiic, t= a vapd toa ra..


The Theatre
An article on "Autumn Crocus" the
eighth production of the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players' season.
Audiences aren't as cynical and blase as they
make themselves out to be-not according to Di-
rector Basil Dean who produced "Autumn Cro-
cus" for the Schubert Office in New York this
winter. They think themselves very hard-boiled,
but it's only a veneer. Underneath it all they like
to have their heartstrings tugged at, they like
a refreshing sweetness in their play. Basil Dean's
production jammed 'em in all winter and spring
as the proof of it.
Not that "Autumn Crocus" is one of those icky-
icky sort of plays, for certainly it is not. It is a
gentle and tender document on the woes of frus-
tration, written with tremendous sincerity and
simplicity. There is a strength in the loosely writ-
ten script that raises it above being "just another"
or "average" play.
The author, C. I. Anthony, an Englishman, has'
written her play in a delightfully slow-moving
way. The method which has become attractive
to many playwrights in the past few years for
dealing with a simple story, is almost casual. Two
other recent successes have been written in that
manner - "Another Language" and "The Late
Christopher Bean." The important play by the ill-
fated English playwright Ronald Mackenzie, "Mu-
sical Chairs," (which as yet I believe has not
found production in America) was written in that
manner. It is a delightful slowness of method
which harks back to Checkov-who mastered the
method supremely some thirty years ago.
The story of "Autumn Crocus" is of an English
school teacher who in an overnight stay at a Ty-
rolean mountain place falls in love with a young
and Pan.'. ina Ait cf'r4a inni,,nn . '0 a.nl rn in

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- '

SLOWLY, laboriously, the Indian
painted his message on skins-crude
pictures that told the story of tribal
expeditions of war or chase.
SPEEDILY, efficiently, the giant arms
of The Associated Press today
gather the stories of not only local,
but national and international hap-
penings. The Associated Press
meets a demand for news unequalled
in the history of written communi-
cation-meets it with accurate, in-
teresting and unbiased dispatches.
LYou will find


~rr ArnONr Irn


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