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August 08, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-08

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session
French Fliers French Aviators Establish Distance Record PoliceObtain lany Dead In Havan
Reach Syria,. . . . .Clue In Series
Claim Record.Of Robberies iacnado Callsut
Rossi And Codos Land At *w r ...;.1Small Amount Of Money All Parties Ask Resi
Rayak, 79 Miles From A "TRemoved From Sorority
Damascus <J- Sunday Night
Distant Record Is J q f. Intruder Described Jacobs Traces Wecture series To Be Open
Broken By 600 Mi. As Short Negro Family SSlumpCToBf
"Chateaux of Touraine," an ii-

al Retailers Cheating On
1?; Justice For The Man
Went Straight'
a As
Reported Slain In
Rioting; President
e Ousted Today


Abandon Plan To Fly To
India Because Of Gas
DAMASCUS, Syria, Aug. 7.-(')-
The airplane Joseph Lebrix, piloted
by the Frenchmen Maurice Rossi and
Paul Codos, landed at the Military
Airfield at Rayak, 79 miles from here
at 1':10 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
The fliers are believed to have shat-
tered the world distance record by
nearly 600 miles.
The airplane which left New York
Saturday inorning, -crossing the At-
lantic, passing over Paris and Central
and Southeast Europe, was in the air
57 hours.
The French airmen abandoned their
plan to fly to India because of the
more rapid consumption of gas than
had been anticipated, which was
thought to be due to evaporation be-
causeof unusually hot weather.
Reports received here said that
Rossi and Codos made an excellent
landing and still had gAsaline in their
tanks when they came down. Govern-
ment officials declared that the world
distance record had been broken,,al-
though the exact comparative figures
were not available.
While flying over Latakia, Syria,
the Frenchmen sent a'message which
"In one hour we will land at Rayak
as the .result of very abnormal gaso-
line consumption. Nevertheless, the
Joseph Lebrix, despite 1,000 hours..of
flight' and 11 departures with full
loads has linked New York and Beirut
in'55 hours,"
PARIS, Aug. 7.-(P)-Maurice Rossi
and Paul Codos, French airmen wh
left New York Saturday morning,
landed at Rayak, Syria, this evening
after 57 hours in the air, having cov-
ered, according to Paris air officials
a distance of about 5,900 miles or
about 594 miles farther than the pre-
vious world's distance record.
The exact figures for the remark-
able -flight yin which their airplane
Joseph Lebrix crossed the Atlantic
and passed over the continent of
Europe to Asia, will not be known
until the fliers report the route they
Bayak is a small military post
where an air squadron is stationed
and only scattered messages thus far
have been received regarding the new
aerial exploit.,
Mine Strikers
Spit On Code;
Blame Radicals
BROWNSVILLE, Penna., Aug. 7.-
(P)-With thousands of strikers re-
fusing to return to the mines under
the Roosevelt truce, the federal gov-
ernment today opened an investiga-
tion into alleged communistic agita-
tion in the western Pennsylvania soft
coal fields.
Led by assistant U. S. attorney
Lloyd W. Bryan, agents sought the
source of pamphlets urging defiance
of the armistice which was to have
brought about resumption of mining
At the same time, officials of the
United Mine Workers of America,
urging the strikers to accept the
truce and resume work, blamed the
delay on "radicals" and "red agita-
-Assailing "communistic elements,"
P. T. Fagan, President of District No.
5, U.M.W.A., asserted that "someone
is furnishing the men with moon-
shine liquor and a bunch of irrespon-
sibles are causing trouble."
William Feeney, head of District

No. 4 (the Fayette County section),
declared "these fellows don't have the
interest'of the miners at heart."
Discussing the pamphlets, the
United States attorney said they bore
the name of the National Miners
Union, declared by the courts to be
a communistic organization, affiliated
with the Trade Unity League, he as-

-Associated Press Photo
Two French aviators, Maurice Rossi (left) and Paul Codos, set
a new non-stop distance record when they landed in Rayak, Syria,
at 11 a. m., after flying approximately 5,900 miles.

Law Teachers
Hear Talk On
Chco Dispute
Professor Reeves Speaks"
On History Of Bolivia,
Paraguay Dispute
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the
department of political science and
dean of the Summer Session on
Teaching International Law, ad-
dressed the. members of the confer-
ence last night on "The Chaco and
Leticia .Disputes," in the sixth of a
series of .eight public lectures.
"These treaties have been nego-,
tiated between Paraguay and Boli-.
via dividing the Chaco, but none has
been ratified. Clashes between the
military forces of the two countries
have repeatedly occurred, and war,
has now been declared by Paraguay
against Bolivia. However, both bel-
ligerants at present seem to be,.
stale-mated," he said.
Professor Reeves described the lo-
cation of the area as being a vast
tract lying west of the River Para-
guay and north of the Pilcomayo
River. The Chaco is a territory large-
ly unsettled and never thoroughly ex-
plored, about the size of the state
of Colorado. It is probably the larg-
est area in the world; concerning
which there is disputed title.
"Paraguay claims most of it as
(Continued on Page 2)
Jean Kyer Defeats Mrs.
Cissel To Win Golf Title
Miss Jean Kyer outlasted Mrs.
James Cissel in the fight for the
championship of the seventh annual
women's city golf tournament Sun-
day afternoon over the exacting Bar-
ton Hills Country Club layout.
The match ended on the twentieth
hole when Miss Kyer, after staging
a determined uphill battle, scored a
par five to her opponent's six.
This match marked the fourth
time that the two women have played
in the finals of the tournament. Mrs.
Cissel had defeated Miss Kyer in all
three engagements previous to Sun-
Prof. Jackson R. Sherman of the
physical education department will
speak on ."The Physical Education
Program and the Needs of the Indi-
vidual" at 4:10 p.m. today in Room
1022, University High School..

iy the Associated Press
W L Pct.
washington...............64 38 .628
New York................63 39 .618
Philadelphia.............51 50 .505
Detroit ................. 52 54 .491
Cleveland..............52 57 .477
Chicago. ...............48 56 .462
Boston..........45 55 .450
St. Louis...42 68 .382
Monday's Results
Detroit 6, Clcveland 3.
New York 6-5, Washington 5-4.
Boston 8, Philadelphia 5.
St. Louis 6, Chicago 0.
Tuesday's Games
washington at New York.
Boston at Philadelphia.
Chicagoaat St. Louis.
Only games scheduled..
W L Pct.
New York................ 61 41 .598
Pittsburgh ................ 59 46 .562
Chicago.................57 47 548
St. Louis............... 55 50 .524
Boston.................. 55 51 .519
Philadelphia. ..........44 58 .431
Cincinnati...............44 63 .411
Brooklyn...............41 60 .406E
Monday's Results
No games scheduled.
Tuesday's Games
St. Louis at Chicago.
Philadelphia at Boston.'
New York at Brooklyn.
Only gamnes scheduled.
Players To Do
C. L. Anthony's
Broadway Hit
Ella Haith and Lauren Gilbert will
lead the cast for this week's produc-
tion by the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers. "Autumn Crocus," the. eighth
play of the summer series, in a senti-
mental comedy by a new English
playwright, C. L. Anthony. It will be
staged by Valentine B. Windt.
"Autumn Crocus" was produced in
New York during the past season by
Basil Dean. Starring Francis Lederer
and Dorothy Gish, it was one of the
most popular plays on Broadway. The
Repertory Players have secured spe-
cial permission to include the play
in their summer repertoire.:
Other members of the Repertory
Players' cast include Frederic O.
Crandall, Jack B. Nestle, Uldean
Huht, Morris Greenstein, Nancy
Bowman, Maude Meikle, Velma Reed,
Sarah Pierce, and Dorothy M. Crane.
Laid, in the -Austrian Tyrol, the
storyof "Autumn Crocus" presents
the sentimental love plot of an Eng-
lish school mistress' infatuation for
a peasant innkeeper. The settings,
which include the living room of an
inn,-a mountain shrine, and.a bal-
cony scene, were designed by Oren
Pairker, of the Repertory Players'

Officers Find Footprints
Of Burglar; Enters By
Breaking In Window
A possible end to the series of cam-
pus robberies of this summer was
seen last night when local authorities
obtained a description of the man
who entered the Collegiate Sorosis
sorority house at 1501 Washtenaw
Ave., early Sunday evening and
escaped with a small amount of cash.
It was believed that the intruder,
whom the occupant of the hoise de-
scribed as a short negro, is linked
with the five other fraternity and
sorority burglaries, which have oc-
curred this summer.
Several women were awakened by
the noise of the man entering their
room shortly after.-10:15 p. in., and
although they were too frightened to
scream for help, the knowledge that
he had awakened them in breaking
through the screened window appa-
rently scared the intruder away be-
fore he could obtain- any large
amount of cash.
The chaperone at the house, Mrs.
Paul Roberson, told The Daily last
night that the doors of the sorority
were locked, and there were lights on
the first floor and in several of the
Police officers, called to the scene,
discovered the prints of rubber-soled
shoes on the ground below the win-
dow the man entered.
Negative Team
Takes Decision
In RadiolDebate
Members of Prof. Gail E. Dens-
more's class in debate teaching and
coaching presented a public debate
at 7:30 p. m. last night in Room 4203
Angell Hall, on the question "Re-
solved, that the Federal government
should adopt the essential features of
the British system of radio broad-
casting." His negative team won the
decision. This is the same topic to be
debated next year by member schools
of the Michigan High School De-
bating League.
James H. McBurney, manager of
the State debating league and mem-
ber of the speech department, acted
as judge and Henry H. Bloomer, of
Lincoln, Ill., served as chairman.
This debate, according to an an-
nouncement by Professor Densmore,
served as an exhibition contest for
the many teachers from various parts
of the country who are taking sum-
mer training in the teaching and
coaching of debate work.
Members of the winning negative
team' were: Warren A. Guthrie,
Grad., of Nebraska Wesleyan Uni-
versity, Lincoln, Neb.; Eva L. Hesling,
Grad., of the University; and Paul
L. Sultzbach, of Wittenberg College,
Springfield, Ohio.
Those participating on the affirm-
ative team were: L. Wayne Smith,
Grad., of Iowa State Teachers Col-
lege; W. H. Miley, Grad., of Otterbein
College, Westerville, Ohio; and Law-
rence E. Vredevoogd, Grad., of Hope
College, Holland, Mich.
Federal Men To Meet
With Moley On Crime
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-( P)
Signaling the start of a new phase
of the government's anti-crime cam-
paign, high federal officials today
started a series of conferences at the
call of Raymond Moley to seek ways
of unified Federal and State action.
Meanwhile, Department of Justice

agents, who recently have aided in
solving four kidnaping cases, were
assigned to hunt down the abductor
of Charles F. Urschel, wealthy Okla-
homa City oil man.
Steal Arms At Academy;
Sell To Rebels In Cuba

As Social Unit
Finds Individual Freedom
And Economic Changes
Have Weakened Ties
The family today is an affectional
group, held together often only by
conventions, not the stern economic
necessity it has been in the past,
according to Prof. Albert C. Jacobs,
who spoke yesterday afternoon on
the Summer Session special lecture
"The two main underlying tenden-
cies which have changed the status
of the family as the unit of society
are the growth of free choice in a
career as opposed to hereditary and
caste principles, and the increasing
extent to which outside interests are
taking the place of the home," he
"The individual has gained at the
expense of the family," he continued.
"Land is no longer important to the
existence of many and is no longer
handed down from generation to
generation in one family, with the
result that traditional ties are weak-
ened, and women have gained a
measure of emancipation from fam-
ily bonds. Likewise, the factory has
replaced to home as the center of
activity-baking, canning, cleaning,
washing, and sewing are done out-
side. Hospitals, asylums, old age in-
surance, and compulsory schools
have removed old-time duties from
the home."
Family attendance at churches is
higher today, Professor Jacobs said,
but family prayer has dropped off
greatly and church marriages -have
done the same. "The church has lost
its power to preside over marriage
and prevent divorce, and the idea
of marriage as a civil contract rather
than a sacrament has become- ac-
Professor Jacobs attacked the im-
proper administration being given to
modern marriage laws in those states
which have them, and the antiquated
legal attitude toward divorce, which
makesperjury and law evasion
"Although divorces will increase, I
have no fear that the family' will
cease to be the unit of the social
order," he said. "All the traditional
notion of the family have persisted
after the reasons for them disap-
peared. But there is no doubt that
its position has been weakened."
Roosevelt Confers With
Chinese On Trade Plans
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 7.-()-
President Roosevelt extended his new
trade negotiations to China today as
he arranged for a complete interna-
tional policy on the complex mone-
tary problem.
T. V. Soong, the Chinese minister
of finance and delegate to the Lon-
don Economic Conference, and Al-
fred Size, the Chinese minister to
this country, were luncheon guests
of Mr. Roosevelt.
The joint question of improving
the price of silver and the prospect
of further wheat sales by American
farmers to China received attention

lustrated lecture by Prof. Rene
Talamon of the French depart-
ment, will be given at 5 p.m. today
in Natural Science Auditorium on
the Summer Session special lec-
ture series.
K.dNatarajan, for 25 years the
editor of the Bombay Social Re-
former and editor of the Bombay
Daily Mail, will speak at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in Natural Science Aud-
itorium, in another lecture under
the auspices of the Summer Ses-
sion. 0
He was invited by the UniversityI
of Chicago to deliver the Haskell;
lectures there, which he has just
completed. He is eminent in the;
Indian social and political world,
and is a personal friend of Ma-
hatma Gandhi.
The special lecture series will be
brought to a close tomorrow witht
"Social Welfare in a Changing1
Society," at 5 p.m.-
Michigan Seen
As Pioneer In
Education Fielda
An outstanding contribution has
been made by Michigan to second-
ary schools and educational stand-
ards in the United States because
of pioneer work in the field, it was
stated last night by Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Educa-
tion in an address before the Wom-
en's Education Club.
Provision for the office of State
superintendent of public instruction
and the creation of a permanent
State school fund are among the
early contributions, he said.
Also Michigan was the first state
to establish a normal school. The;
famous Kalamazoo -case established a,
judicial opinion in the development
of free schools, he added.
The University' was the first tax-
supported institution to open its
doors to women 'ton the same status
as men and is still the most cosmo-
politan of the tax-supported insti-
tutions, he explained.
Active interests at the University
in secondary schools developed in
1871through the accrediting system
under the late President James B
Angell. Under this system it was
recommended that graduates of ac-
credited schools should be admitted
without examination, Dean Edmon-
son pointed out.
Another pineer step described by
Dean Edmonson was the passing of
a resolution in 1894 by the Michigan
Schoolmaster's Club which led to the
establishment of the North Central
Association. He concluded with a de-
scription of the present status of the
Students To Give Final
Summer Recital Tonight
Students of the School of Music
will present a chamber music re-
cital at 8:15 p. m. tonight in Hill
Auditorium, under the direction of
Prof. Hanns Pick, as the last of the
popular Summer Session concerts.
Selections by Dohnanyi, Hugo
Ravel, Brahms, and Saint Saens will
be performed.

Militia Fires Upon
People In Streets
Victims Shot While Cele-
brating False Report Of
Machado Removal
HAVANA, Aug. 7.-(R)-At least 26
persons were reported killed and 160
wounded tonight in disorders which
followed upon military occupation of
the city-the reply of President Ger-
ardo Machado to the united demand
of all political factions that he re-
sign immediately.
Responding to an administration ,
request, the Congress in extraordin-
ary session this afternoon gave the
president authority again to sus-
pend constitutional guarantees of
personal liberty-a move sought to
cope with the rapidly spreading strike
Movement in the island.
There was no waiting for hat au-
thority to usenthe military force in
helping to control the situation, how-
ever, nor, insofar as could be iearn-
ed, did the administration comply
with the technical formality of hav-
ing the president sign the bill and
send it to the official gazette for
Heavy Firing Heard
Half an hour before the senate
gave the bill its unanimous approval,
military forces tramped through
Havana streets and machine guns
bristled around the palace and every
other government building. T h e
sound of heavy firing reverbrated
through the streets.
Eh arlier in ts aeternoon the A. C.
opposition society broadcast a report
that 'Machado had decided to resign.
Thousands rushed to the streets, yel-
ling, singing, embracing one another,
and flinging their hats in the air.
Some took off their shoes and threw
them away.
Their rejoicing was not for long.
From the third police station 50
uniformed policemen rushed hurried-
ly to the capitol, before which thous-
ands of the demonstrators had gath-.
ered. Mounted officers quickly joined
Pistol, rifle, and sub-machinegun
fire rattled, roared; and echoed from
around the great white capitol.
Dozens fell, dead or wounded.
Many Carry Cuban Flags
In other parts of the city similar
scenes occurred. Many of the jubil-
'ant throng carried Cuban flags.
The city was grimly quiet tonight
while almost hopeless efforts to count
the dead and wounded went on. A
hasty check showed 15 dead and
more than 100 wounded. Many of
the latter were struck by bullets
which ricocheted from the pavement
and from the sides of buildings.
So busy were hospitals that there
were noneto answer telephones. Po-
lice earlier in the day gave orders
that no information of any sort con-
cerning wounded should be released.
.Despite the action of Machado it
was learned authoritively that the
executive will leave office tomorrows
Faing what was freely described
as toe gravest situation in Cuba's
history as an independent nation,
representatives of the opposition,
liberal and conservative and popular
parties agreed today that there could
be no solution of the plitical situa-
'tion while Machado remained in of-
f ice.

Barton Kane Sees The Sights
At The 'Century Of Progress'

Dancing At League Is Pretty
Popular As Indoor Sports Go

CHICAGO, Aug. 7.-(Special)-No
nudes is good nudes at the World's
Fair here.
At present, although Mayor Kelly's
National Recovering Act has made
the girls "tighten-up" a bit, as it
were, the old.skin game still goes on.
Sally Rand, the southern exposure
fan-girl who closes her fans, the
most discussed stripper since Lady.
Godiva soloed, has left the Fair. Even
though, following her arrest, the po-
lice were forced to admit that they
had nothing on her, Miss Rand has
taken her act, with the southern
exposure somewhat shaded, to a local
theater. But the "Streets of Paris,"

squirms, in the only authentic and
genuine performance of this kind
ever given in these United States and
for the insignificant sum of only 15
tents, a dime and a nickel.
The barkers do not lie. Without a
doubt the performance is the only
one of its kind ever given in this
country. One hopes it will be the
Fifi is dressed. She looks more like
an entertainer at a W.C.T.U. picnic
than anything else in the world. If
Fifi is naughty and spicy she must
confine her philanderings to after
hours. One would not go far as to
intimate that Fifi's clothes are suffi-
cient to make her eligible to accom-

In spite of extremely hot weather,
sensitive sunburns, and general le-
thargy from over-indulgence in sum-
mer sports, attendance records of the
League's dances this session show
that tripping the light fantastic is
still one of the most popular of in-
door sports.
The week-end of July 14-15, 698
students turned out for the opening
dance. The following Friday and
Saturday nights there was a slight
drop in the figures, 578 being pres-
ent at the two dances, but officials

were really approximately 50 addi-
tional at each of the parties.
Miss Ethel McCormick who, as so-
cial director of women, has had gen-
eral supervision over the League's
activities, said yesterday that a good
deal of the success of the parties may
be attributed to the co-operative
spiri.t of the patrons.
"With their kindliness and excel-
lent senses of humor the majority
have been willing to make an effort
to insure that all had a good time,"
she added.
This week-end will witness the fi-

HAVANA, Aug.' 7.-- (A') - With
many of the public activities of Cuba
paralyzed by strikes, leaders of both
opposition and Government political
groups today agreed that President
Machado should resign as a solution
for the political unrest in the island.
The National Congress convened in
extraordinary session late today to
consider suspension for 30 days of
constitutional guarantees.
Before the representatives assem-
bled, Sumner Welles, United States
ambassador, in. a conference with
chiefs of most of the political parties,
submitted a plan for peaceful settle-
ment which he said was supported
by all important leaders.
As the representatives of the peo-
ple gathered to deal with a situation
which approximated passive revolu-

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