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August 03, 1933 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-03

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Three Transatlantic Fliers Are Guests Of Roosevelts

Zti Hu1ere
Pledge Support
P oinse To Cut Down On
Hours B eginning This
Forty-five Ann Arbor merchants
have already signed agreements
plealging support to. President Roose-
velt's. .eoovery program arid limita-
tion of hours of operation.
They will keep their places of busi-
ness open nine hours a day six days
a week, according to their pact en-
tered into at the meeting of the re-
tail merchants division of the Cham-
ber of Commerce. All of the signers
will close Saturday evenings, begin-
ning this week.
.The list of those who have already
signified acceptance of the plan is
as follows:
Burton's Walk-Over Shop.
Collins Shoppe.
Coralee Hosiery Shop.
Conlin & Wetherbee.
Crosley-Sparton Sales.
Dietzel's Shoe Store.
Del Prete.
Earle Boot Shop.
JL B. Eibler.
irnst Bros. Electrical Shop.
Grinnell Bros.
John C. Fischer Co.
Wi. Goodyear & Co, Inc.
Handicraft Furniture Co.
Walter D. fenne Paint Co.
Martin Haller Co.
,. J. Hutzel Shops.
Koch & .Henne.
G R. Kinney Co., Inc.
Kline's Department Store.
George W. Lutz.
Lindenschmidt-Apfel Co.
Muehlig & Lanphear.
Mayer-Schairer Co.
Mack & Co.
MiVlis.& Co.
Montgomery, Ward & Co.
B. E. Muehlig.
Masten & Chase.
George J. Moe.
R. & S. Shoe Store.
F. W. Schumacher.
Stanger Furniture Co.
Saffell & Bush.
Schumacher Hardware Co.
Sehlanderer & Seyfried.
Van Boven, Inc.
Wadhams & Co.
Warehouse Furniture Sales.
F. W. Wilkinson.
George Wedemeyer.
Wagner & Co.
Ziefle & Nissle.
Zwerdling's Fur Shop.
Northwesternt , Chicgo
Decide To Co-operate
CHICAO, Aug. 2.-(A)-Future
co-operation between the University
of Chicago and Northwestern Uni-
versity was assured today, following
a joint statement by the presidents,
Robert Maynard Hutchins and Wal-
ter Dill Scott.
The plan, while not definitely
worked out, provides in general a
utilization of the resources of each
institution to the advantage of both.
The statement makes it clear that
no thbught of a merger is entertained
nor will either university be asked
to abandon any part of its plant or
Dr Scott hailed it as "hastening
the day when Chicago shall become
the center of higher learning in
America," and Dr. Hutchins said
there was "no good reason why every
institution should attempt to do
U.S. Sets Aside $227,000
For Care Of State Canal

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-(A')-The
War Department today allotted
$227,000 for the operation and care
of St. Mary's Falls Canal, Mich., for
the current fiscal year. It is in addi-
tion to an unexpended balance of
Other allotments included $110,000
to meet contract payments due on
improvement work in the Detroit

-Associated Press Photo
Three trans-Atlantic fliers were guests of the President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the "summer White
House," the Roosevelt estate at Hyde Park, N. Y. Left to right: Mrs. Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Capt.
J. A. Mollison and his wife, and the President.

Favorites Win
In 1st Round Of
Local Touney
Defending Champion Hits
84 In Defeating Oppo-
nent; Miss Kyer Wins
Reigning favorites survived the
first round matches in the women's
city golf tournament played yester-
day morning over the Barton Hills
Country Club course and Mrs. James
Cissel. defending champion, Miss
Jean Kyer, medalist, Mrs. John Ber-
gelin, Mrs. H. Haller, Miss Jane Cis-
sell, Mrs. Harvey Emery, and Mrs.
Harold Scarth adnfred into the
quarter-finals of the title flight.
Mrs. Cissel served notice on her
competitors that she is decidedly on
her game by carding a brilliant 84
in handling Mrs. Max Williams a 10
and 8 defeat. Miss Harriet Heath,
who startled the tournament follow-
ers with a 96 in the qualifying test,
was eliminated by Mrs. John Ber-
gelin on the sixteenth green, 4 and
Mrs. H. Haller won her match from
Mrs. Jack Brier by a four and three
margin, and the battle between two
young stars, Miss Helen Gustine and
Miss Nadine Schmidt, ended on the
seventeenth hole with Miss Gustine
winning, 4 and 2.
in the lower half of the draw, Miss
Jane Cissel, University senior, defeat-
ed Mrs. Arthur Boak 6 and 4, while
Mrs. Harvey Emery was beating Mrs.
Dana Seeley by a 5 and 4 count. The
other two title flight matches were
won by Mrs. Harold Scarth and Miss
Jean Kyer over Miss Dorothy Lyn-
don, a sophomore, and Mrs. Flora
Brown, respectively.
The only other University student,
Miss Jean Seeley, a sophomore, was
victorious in her match with Mrs.
Russell T. Dobson by a score of 2
and 1.
Man Called O'Brien
Finds Irish Strong
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Aug. 2.-()-
After a view of the Notre Dame foot-
ball squad, Johnny O'Brien, line
coach at the Naval Academy and
former Rambler player, forecasts an-
other great "Irish" team for the
coming season. O'Brien says that
the line will be the heaviest in the
history of Notre Dame and he par-
ticularly warns opponents to watch
Don Elser, 230-pound fullback, who
is 6 feet 1 inch in height and does
the hundred in 10 1-5 seconds. He
prophesies an All-American post for

College Just A Golf Course In
Curriculum Of Denny Shute

HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Aug. 2.-
(P)-When Densmore Shute, British
Open golf champion, was looking aft-
er his academic endeavors at Mar-
shall College here there was seldom
Com stock Says
Constituion In
Need OfChange
FREMONT, Aug. 2. - (Al) - Gov.
Comstock, in an address here Tues-
day night, said that he is ready to
dp his part in maintaining the stand-
ards of education in Michigan. He
described education as the "basic of
success" in Michigan life and de-
clared that the State's standards
must not be lowered.
Because, he said, the State Con-
stitution, written in 1908, was a
"hodge-podge of amendments," the
Governor declared himself in favor of
a Constitutional Convention for the
purpose of shaping a government in
keeping with the times. He expressed'
himself in favor of centralization of
authority and responsibility to elim-
inate lost motion in government.
The Governor said that he believed
that the constitutionality of the re-
cently-enacted retail sales tax in the
state will be upheld. He said that in
his opinion a large number of the
people who voted for the 15-mill lim-
itation amendment did not thorough-
ly understand its provisions.
"The government at Lansing will
be an honest government, first, last
and always," the Governor said in
Arriving here with State Treasurer
Theodore I. Fry, of this city, the
Governor attended a banquet of the
Newaygo County Democratic Organ-
ization before his address.
New German Zep
To Be Ready Soon
2.-(IP)-Germany's first helium Zep-
pelin, the "LZ 1.29," under construc-
'ion here, will be ready next year,
Dr. Hugo Eckener, veteran dirigible
expert, has announced. The skeleton
is one-third complete.
The craft will have a length of
813 feet 6 inches, and a maximum
diameter of 135 feet. It will look a
bit more bulky than the famous
"Graf," and will not approach the
"Macon" in size.

a day passed when the dark haired
student failed to lug along his clubs
to class.
Under one arm would be a load of
profound texts, w h i l e swinging
around the other would be his worn
but faithful golf bag, chocked to the
gills with sticks of various designs.
While other students took advan-
tage of the vacant hour periods that
punctuated their daily schedules to
prepare for following classes, Denny
would be found out on the spacious
campus, followed by a handful of
student playmates, knocking the
rough edges off of difficult shots or
experimenting with some newly ac-
quired club.
His practice became so regular the
president even appropriated him a
small portion of the campus so he
might perfect his play. Also, the ad-
ministration did not wish any stu-
dent casualties from golf balls that
sped through the college stratosphere.
All this might give the impression
that Shute was not much of a schol-
ar. On the contrary Denny was much
better than the average, his grades
usually in the nineties.

State's $850,000 In
Beer Taxes Will le'
Divided .Thiis Week
LANSING, Aug. 2.--()-An $850,-
000 beer melon will be cut for Michi-
gan governmental units by Aug. 15,
Frank, A. Picard, 'chairman of the
state liquor control commission, said
The money represents the 95 per
cent of license revenues to which
local units are entitled under the
law. Townships, cities and villages
are the beneficiaries.
Licenses have been sold since May
9. .Picard said the amount to be re-
turned to local units represents
nearlyball the revenue that will be
available, inasmuch as license sales
are now negligible. Approximately
half of the $850,000 will be returned
to Wayne county.
CHICAGO, Aug, 2.-(P)-The arti-
ficial larynx that Fred Bendlage,
Streator, Ill., had installed in his
throat three weeks ago is so suc-
cessful that his doctors, Joseph C.
Beck and M. Reese Guttman, say
he has already learned to talk with

a ++

Lucky is she who is taking
a late vacation.. . .

Summer Frocks

You still have lots of summer weather
ahead to enjoy the coolness and com-
fort of summer frocks, so out they go!


- $5.00

- $7.95

Light ones, dark ones, some with sleeves,
some without, some with jackets. Dresses
for sport, afternoon and evening.

T IE young man is saying the
reason he smokes Chesterfields
is because they satisfy.
The young lady agrees with him
She says: "They click with me, too.

have a kind of feeling that Chest-
erfields taste better."
She's right. Chesterfields are
just as pure and wholesome as

ALL SUMMER HATS. . . . 69c

Nature and Science can make them.

v !;
:.: ' n:t ...:.

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