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August 03, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-03

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Summer Session

City. Certainly not by Mr. Kelly's own inhibi-
Perhaps the concerned are as bad as they have
been pictured. It is slightly possible, however,
that publicity writers have colored the descrip-
tion of "fan dancers" a bit. And at any rate,
it is peculiar that it has taken two months for
a civic official to find out about them.

responsible for making ."The Girl in 419" a good




K .


r, '.


i dkihed- very morning except lNonday during the
i~versity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Contro of Student Publications.
t nber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
t19nand the Big Ten NeW Service.
"fIxe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tieuse
Or republication of all newscdispatches credited, to it
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local nets
p' zisled herein.svArights of republication of special
tesare reerved.
5itre at the Post Oice at Ann Arbor, ochgan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Thrd Assistant Postmaster-General.
$Subscription during summer by carrier,r 1,0r0 y mi,
$1aDuring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
ma ,$4.50.
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cago National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 est 42nd
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Phone: 4925
C r AT EDITORS John C. Iealey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
R"W TERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce
Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Office Hlours; 8!12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
Good Morning,
Mr. Bingay
W E HAVE been afforded no little
amusement by the recent speech
de4lvered by Malcolm W. Bingay to the assembled
p2ice chiefs of the world who are at present
meeting in Chicago to discuss ways and means of
wip0ing out organized crime."
Jo4r. Bingay is the editorial director of the De-
troit Free Press and the writer of a rather well-
worded, if occasionally rather dull, daily column
Which appears on the editorial page of that news-
paper under the heading "Good Morning."
The advice of the journalist seems to be basi-
cally sound. He attributes crime and the reign of
the gangster in a large measure to the glorifica-
ton process which the "yellow press" of the na-
tion has minaugurated. Sensational newspapers
have made heroes out of American criminals, ac-
cording to Mr. Bingay, and this is largely respon-
sile for the increase of crime and the hey-day of
the gangster.
This criticism of the press seems to be entirely
Justified, but if one reads Mr. Bingay's address,
one Sees that he himself is guilty of precisely that
wihich he is criticizing. Although he does not
glorify the American gangster, nevertheless, he
verges on the yellow. Frankly, Mr. Bingay is being
tet us look at an account of Mr. Bingay's
Si~eeh which appeared in Mr. Bngay's newspaper,.
Vh Detroit Free Press. The first phrse that meets
r critical gaze is a headline, "Rackets' Rise
Traced to Glorification in Lurid Journals." Strong
,ordq, Mr. Bingay; -in fact, very nearly sensa'
tional words, Mr. Bingay.
And now, let us take a few excerpts from the
Iornalist's speech. "Just is prostituted to make
a circulation holiday." "'Every policeman knows
that the average gangster and racketeer is a cow-
ardly rat." "It does not matter that a murderous
'iad d6g-in human form may escape. The scoop is
the thing." "An unholy alliance between the yel-
low press and the penal law-enforcing officer."
These are merely a few quotations. There are
zhany more. Personally, we agree with Mr. Bin-
gay's statement, that the yellow press, the sensa-
t1onal newspaper, is, at least in part, responsible
Tor the rise in crime. But sensationalism of any
l tnd should be avoided if a fair representation
of facts is desired. And the speech under discus-
sion was, if we may say so . . well . . . lurid.

g ,
The Theatre
Despite the fact that Thomas Wood Stevens
has a previdus production of the great Elizabethan
problem comedy to his credit, the four-day run of
Shakespeare's "All's Well That Ends Well" which
he opened with the Michigan Repertory Players
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night repre-
sents a distinct departure from American stage
The play, because of its merciless commentary
on the behavior of men and women in love, has
practically been considered unproducable in the
United States. The plot originated with Boccaccio,
whose counterpart for Shakespeare's Helena fol-
lowed the Italian "clever wench" tradition. Brief-
ly, a clever wench tale is one in which all other
conventions of behavior are modified to the ex-
igencies of the problem set for the girl by her
lover. She mist overcome all the difficulties he
throws in her path to satisfy the plot, and, having
overcome them, need regret nothing she did to
gain that end.
In adapting the Boccaccio story, Shakespeare
modified Helena to the extent of giving her a
psychologically sound motive for attempting the
problem, and produced a play which presents a
"clever wench" tale with reasonable motivation
built on a romantic framework.
Critics have called Helena a low character be-
cause she submits - to the Shakespearean "bed
trick" to win her man. But Helena has every
justification. Her husband has left her for the
wars, and she, being thoroughly in love with him,
feels that she is responsible for causing him to
risk his life. She therefore considers it her duty
to spare no ruse to bring him back, though he
declares he is not for her.
Bertram, the man, has often been classified as a
complete and unjustifiable cad. But Shakespeare,
though his happy endings often come with sur-
prisingly little warning, has the denouement of
"All's Well" perfectly psychologized also. Bertram,
brought face to face with his discarded wife, ex-
periences a genuine romantic emotion when he
realizes that she after all is the woman he loved
in Florence. And so Boccaccio and psychology and
romance are all reconciled.
As Helena, Jackson Perkins' work is of a calibre
probably not exceeded in a straight dramatic part
by a student actress this year. Miss Perkins is
lovely, graceful, and capable of exercising precise
judgment in the representation of the varying
degrees of emotion necessary in the part. With-
out a doubt, her work far outshone that of the
other members of the "All's Well" cast last night.
Jay Pozz, as Bertram, was distinguished also,
but his acting showed some lack of finish which
was never to be noticed in the performance of
Miss Perkins.
Arthur Secord, playing Lavache, the clown, had
most of the laughs in a comedy performance
which comes very close to shaking the founda-
tions of the antic throne which Jack Nestle 'built
for himself this year. Lauren Gilbert, as Parolles,
continued the good work he has done this sum-
mer, while Dorothy Crane's countess, William
Halstead's Lord Dumain, arid Frederic Crandall's
king were all satisfyingly convincing. The sets
for the show deserve special mention as very
nearly the best of the season. Only those for "The
Servant of Two Masters" outdid them. -K. S.
S cen.R eflctions
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

The little French girl adopted by the Middle
Western family leaves her foster home and her
fiance for Hollywood, with the boy friend tagging
along. She cuties her way out of half a dozen
tight spots, including the slick bathing beauty
contest racket which the wily Sam Hardy-as
good as ever-is working. She lands a contract
in the movie capital, meets the boy friend again,
and throws over all for love.
That's the plot of "Goldie Gets Along." It has
one or two neat angles, but not enough to carry
the hooey. Sam Hardy is really the only thor-
oughly enjoyable character in the lot. As an itin-
erant beauty contest promoter, he carries his
prize beauty along with him, and winner (Mr.
Hardy, of course) takes all.
Lily Damita plays Goldie, a stock Clara Bow
part, and while we won't deny that she is con-
siderably decorative incostume-you should see
the costume-the fact that she talks English as
though she had a mouthful of noodles is a little
too disconcerting for us. The male lead, Charles
Morton, is a total flop. Bradley Page, who had
a nice gangster part in "The Final Edition," de-
serves a mention, and although his part is cut
to almost nothing to make room for too much
of Morton and even more of Damita, he is con-
siderably more an actor than either. -K. S.

Musical Events

Two seniors in the School of Music will present
their graduation recitals today. James Pfohl, or-
ganist, will give his recital'at 4:15 p. m. in Hill
Auditorium and Charles Law, violinist, will pre-
sent his program at 8:15 p. m. in the School
of Music Auditorium.
Mr. Pfohl's program is as follows: Bach-Fugue
i n E-flat; Chorale Preludes,"Ich ruf' zu dir,
Herr Jesu Christ" and "In dir ist Freude"; Karg-
Elert; Symphonie Chorale, "Ach, bleib mit deiner
Gnade; Guillmant-Pastorale, Sonata No. 1;
Rheinberger-Vision; Bach-Prelude and Fugue in
D major.
Mr. Law's program will be made up of the fol-
lowing: Handel-Sonata in A; Bach-Adagio and
Bouree; Brach-Concerto in G minor; Svendsen-
Romance; Denuci-Heifitz-Hora Staccato; Aki-
menko-Shepherd's Song; Wienawski-2nd Pol-
onaise Brilliante. Mr. Law will be accompanied by
Mary Fishburne.
The general public, with the exception of small
children, is invited to these recitals.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
regarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded. as confidential, upon request. Contribu-.
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors must be as brief as possible,.confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. -The Editors.
To The Editor:

Listless Day In
Mar1ket Closes
On The Upturn
Metals and Repeal Issuest
Lead In Last-Hour Rise
After Slow Beginning
NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-(R)-Stockss
today conformed to Tuesday's pat-;
tern, rallying in the last hour after
a narrow, listless movement in the
earlier trading. "Wet" issues again
were prominent during the upturn,'
being joined by the metal issues.1
Volume was light, even with the late
Gains for the rank and file ranged
from mone to two points, though num-
erous particular favorites of the mo-
ment rallied more briskly. Wheat's
improvement at Chicago, despite re-
action at Winnipeg, contributed a
constructive influence, but shares had
their major upward push after a fi-
nancial news ticker had printed a
Washington dispatch to the effect
that inflationary moves by the Ad-
ministration might not he long de-'
Upturn Starts Sowly
Some of the prominent industrials,
utilities and rails were rather slug-
gish in getting under way. For Unit-
ed States ,teel, General Electric
General Motors, Chrysler,.Montgom-
ery Ward, Westinghouse, Consolidat-
ed Gas, North American, New York
Central, Pennsylvania, Southern Pa-
cific and Santa Fe net gains ranged
from fractions to about a point.
American Telephone, Du Pont, Un-
ion Pacific, American Tobacco "B,"
Industrial Rayon, Celanese, Penny,
General Mills and General Railway
Signal, Illinois Central and many of
the alcohol issues lifted more vigor-
ously, to the iaximum extent of
6 3-4 points in the case of National
Distillers, Western Union was up
5 1-2 on its good earnings report.
United States Smelting climbed
around six. Sales totaled 1,730,680
shares, about the same as yesterday.
Mid-week sidelights on the state
of trade revealed a marked tendency
to hold the gains of spring and early
summer. Iron Age said steel pro-
duction was unchanged at 57 per
cent of capacity, adding that output
in August seemed less likely to be
affected by "seasonal influences than
by a shortage of fuel" as a result
of labor difficulties. The gain in
electric power production last week
over a year ago was 15.4 per cent,
the same increase as had been shown
in the previous week. Freight traf-
fic reports gave further evidence of
some recession from recent peaks, but
is well above 1932 levels.
Inflation Delay Seen
L Talk of inflation has recently met
a less sympathetic response in many
Wall Street quarters which have be-
lieved that this course would be side-
tracked while Washington watches
the effect of recovery measures now
being so vigorously pushed. Word
that the Treasury's cash position had
made a new high was naturally well
received, although the day's news
also contained a reminder of the
mounting national debt.
The Reconstruction Finance Corp.
offer of a billior dollars in new capi-
tal to banks to speed the recovery
met with various expressions of opin-
ion here. In some quarters it was
pointed out that institutions now
having excess reserves were still en-
deavoring to find work for them; in
others it was assumed that the offer
was being directed particularly to
banks not so comfortably situated,

including those in process of reor-

Excursion No. 11, to the Michigant
State Prison, Saturday morning, Au-r
gust 5. Students on this trip willI
have an opportunity to see and have
explained for them the various ac-
tivities of one of the country's larg-I
est penal institutions. The Michigan
State Prison at Jackson covers 57
acres and has a housing capacity of
5,000 men. The chartered bus leaves
from in front of Angell Hall at 7:45
o'clock Saturday morning, and re-
turns to Ann Arbor soon after 12:00
o'clock. Bus fare, the only expense,
is $1.00. Reservations must be made
before 5:00 p. m. Friday, August 4.1
Wesley H. Maurer
Large Scale Housing: An illustrat-
ed lecture on recent large scale hous-
ing in Europe will be given by Pro-
fessor Wells I. Bennett, of the Ar-
chitectural faculty, in the auditorium
of the Architecture Building, Room
102, at 5:00.p. m. on Friday, August
4th. Although primarily for students
of Architecture, the discussion will;
be general and visitors are cordially
Mr. Warren R. Good, instructor
in Educational Psychology will speak
on "Research Training in the Edu-
cation of the Teacher,f' today at.
4:10 in Room 1022, University High
PMr. Del Smith, General. Manager,
of the Detroit Street Railways, will
speak in Room 1213, E. Engineering
Building, at 9 o'clock this morning,
on the subject, of "Municipally
Owned and Operated Street Rail-
ways." Mr. Smith is unusually well
qualified to speak on this subject,
having been the general manager
for a number of years of the larg-
est municipally owned street railway
in America. All those who are inter-
ested are cordially invited.
University High School Demon-
stration. Assembly: The fifth dem-
onstration assembly of the University
High School Summer Session will be
held in the high school auditorium
Friday morning, August 4, at 9
o'clock. The program will be under
the direction of the Latin and In-
dustrial Arts departments. All Sum-
mer Session students who are inter-
ested are invited to attend the as-
Art and Propaganda is the topic of
a lecture to be given by Dr. Ernest
Sutherland Bates at 5 p. m. Friday,
Natural Science Auditorium, for the
Socialist Club Public Lecture Ser-
Summer Session Chorus: Import-
ant rehearsal for concert program,
Morris Hall 7 p. m.. today. Please
be prompt. David Mattern
Michigan Repertory layers: To-
night and for the remainder of the
week, Shakespeare's "All's Well That
Ends Well' is being presented at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Seats
are now on sale for all performances,
-the telephone number is 6300.
Special Matinee: There will be a
special ., matinee performance off
"All's Well That Ends Well' on Sat-
urday afternoon 4 3 o'clock in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. All seats
are reserved,
Phi Delta Kappa: The summer ini-
tiation and banquet will be held in
the Michigan Union today. The ini-
tiation will be at 4:00 p. in., and the
banquet at 6:30 p. m. Dr. E..B. Sta-
son will be the speaker.
All Albion College alumni are in-
vited to a picnic to be held at Port-
age Lake today. Those who expect

to go should meet in front of the
Michigan League Building at 4:30
p. m. The supper will be a potluck.
There will be a game in the Men's
Education Club baseball series this
Student's Recital: Charles Law,
Violinist, accompanied by Mary
Fishburne, will give the following
graduation recital this evening at
8:15 o'clock in the School of Music
Auditorium: Handel: Sonata in A
(Adagio Cantabile, Allegro Deciso,
Largo Assai, Allegro); Bach: Adagio,
Bouaree; Burch: Concerto in G min-
or (Prelude, Adagio, Finale); Svend-
sen: Romance; Dinuoi-Heifetz: Hora
Staccto; Akimenko: Slieperd's Soig;
Wieniawski; Second Polonaise Bril-
liante. Charles A. Sik
Graduation Recital: James Pfohl
Organist, will give the following
Graduation Recital, this afternoon
at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to
which the general public with the ex-
ception of small children is invited:
Bach: Fugue in E flat ("St. Ann's");
Bach: Chorale Preludes "Ich ruf' zu
dir, Herr Jesu Christ" "In dir ist
Freude"; Garg-Elert: Symphonie
Chorale "Ach, bleib mit deiner
Gnade"; Guilmant: Pastorale, Sona-
ta No. 1; Rheinberger: Vision Bach:
Prelude and Fugue in D minor.
Charles A. Sink
eport Shows
Hiher Ineomel
For Con smer
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. - (P) -
Business entered the last nonth of
summer yesterday with a number of
indicators showing it faces the bright
prospects of encountering the largest
consumers' income in several y ears.
Such a situation is contrary to
seasonal trends, indicators of the
Labor Department covering a period
of yeai's showing that bot emplpy-
ment and payrolls have a tendency to
slide off during the summer and in
the early fall months.
In contrast, however, this year's
chart showing that employment in
the manufacturing industries in-
creased 7 per cent in June, while pay-
rolls were up 11 per cent over the
preceding month. Estimates for July
indicate no cessation of the upward
turn during that month. To this ad-
ditional buying power is added the
increase accruing from rising stock
and commodity prices, and the bene-
fits forecast officially from the broad
program being whipped into shape by
the national recovery administration.
The upturn in business activity
during the last two months. has
caused some apprehension that.pros-
pects were causing man manufactur-
ers to gea~r production ahead of the
anticipated retail distriibution. Be
that as it may, many recognized bus-
iness indexes of the country have
shown lately the best figures since
early in 1931..
The extent of this upturn has been
calculated by the National City Bank,
whose table, that follows, shows ac-
tivity in given lines during the month
of June or the latest week,.with the
percentage of increase from the same
period a year ago. The index of the
Standard Statistics Co., given at 94.3
in the table was 93.9 in April, 1931,
based on. representing Jan. 1, 1932,
as 100. The level in April, 1931, had
not been equaled until last month.
Total oil producion for Michigan
the first half of 1933 was 2,803,950

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a.,nm. Saturday.



iicago's Mayor
Shocked' ..

V ISITORS who attend the World's
Fair during August, September and
October will be deprived of certain "expositions"
which were open to those who attended earlier.
Chicago's Mayor Edward J. Kelly has issued an
edict to do away with the so-called "nude danc-
ers" who entertained June and July audiences.
After a tour of the fair's. amusement places,
which the mayor classed as "a chance observa-
tion; not an investigation trip," his honor de-
clared that he had seen several dances which were
"filthy and disgusting." "Why, the veiled ladies
in the Oriental Village were not veiled," said the
At any rate, after his "chance observation"
the mayor declared that the shows concerned
would either have to "dress up or shut up." This
in. itself is undoubtedly a fine thing. If the danc-
ers referred to appear as indecent as newspaper
reports would have us believe, then there can
be little question that "art" is not the prompting
motive for such display.
However, of interest to those who will calmly
consider the mayor's edict, is the fact that it
comes after the fair has been open for two months

James Dunn's career to date has gone through
two stages which practically every actor whose
rise to prominence is sudden and unexpected ex-
1eriences-and with "The Girl in 419" he seems
to have brought himself to the beginning of the
Dunn's name was almost entirely unknown until
he played the lead in "Bad Girl" two or three
years ago. Wally Ford had played the part on
the road, and Ford was a howling success. When
the screen version appeared, Dunn outdid Ford
by far. He was a made man. That was the first
stage. Then, attempting to capitalize on that
performance, the producers cast him in a number
of similar parts, with only indifferent success.
"Bad Girl" had typed Dunn so thoroughly that
as long as the general impression of that show
remained in the public mind, it was impossible to
give him anything but similar roles.
Unfortunately, Dunn seemed to have shot his
bolt in "Bad Girl," for "Dance Team" and the
shows that immediately followed it were hardly
better than mediocre. That was the third stage,
where too many skyrocket careers end.
Dunn slipped pretty well out of public notice
for a number of months, and little has been
heard from him lately. Now he is back in the
role of a surgeon in a city hospital. He has
dropped a number of the personal mannerisms
that originally gave him prominence, has grown
more conservative, more sure of his technique.
Opposite him in "The Girl in 419" is Gloria
Stewart, pretty much the baby-faced type of
beauty, but possessed of sufficient acting ability
to be able to offer more than just a face. In
this show she is the unknown lady brought to the
emergency hospital on the point of death from a
beating at the hands of mysterious assailants.
Dunn protects the girl from the sinister designs
of gangland, the villains are extinguished, and
all ends happily.

After Tuesday evening's unusual concert and
the manner in which it was received I feel that
Miss Place's gentle suggestion of last week re-
garding audience courtesy needs corroboration and
Perhaps it is because the laiety is ignorant of
the fact that trios, concertos, spnatas, and sym-
phonies are not made up of unrelated pieces put
are just larger forms of music, essentially uni-
fied ones, so that applause between movements
it not showing anything but a great deal of mis-
directed enthusiasm. The audience as a whole just
can't be deferred long enough from this noisy
approval of a perfect cadence to notice the reluc-
tant manner in which the artists acknowledge this
applause--or perhaps they attribute that reluc-
tance to diffidence. No praise is lessened in effect
by being judiciously withheld until such time as
it will be appreciated.
Certainly it is unpardonable for- the doorkeepers
to condone the tendency to break the continuity
to such an extent as they did Tuesday evening
by letting people in between movements. A play-
goer is not annoyed by people being allowed to
barge past him during an act, why a concert-goer
between the movements of a piece of music?
Then there was the "rocking chair brigade."
Being forced to check rocking chairs outside they
contented themselves with fans. And how vig-
orously they did content themselves! I could
think of nothing but gigantic metronomes such as
one might see in a nightmare. It was rather like
a grotesque dance by a large group of people.
When an artist consents to appear publicly he
is overcoming a certain reluctance in baring his
feelings before a crowd-feelings he must have
to properly interpret the music he plays. The
fineness of the interpretation he gives is quite pro-
portional to audience receptivity.
A concert should bring about a psychic inter-
action between performer and audience that
makes for a profound emotional experience. It
may be a priggishness in the presence of such an
emotion that induces people to do such things
as wave fans frantically throughout sublime music
as they did Tuesday, but if so, they were taken
unawares without their emotional safety-valves
(most of them) in the Rapsodia of the Trio, and
practically throughout Mr. Brinkman's group, for
there were few fans being wielded then. That, of
itself, together with the second of dead silence
immediately following each of the piano selec-
tions, speaks for the quality of the performance.
There may be a less justifiable explanation for
such "gauchiness" as the use of fans at a con-
cert. It may be the result of an attitude of "just
home folks, no fuss or feathers, it's only a faculty
concert." If such is the case I would suggest
that most thinking people would agree that cour-
tesy, like charity, should begin in home circles.
Any Ann Arbor audience would do well if it

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