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July 23, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-23

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Will Open. New Commercial Era I

Mjor Politicwl
Conflict Looms
In New Project
Roosevelt Stands for New
York State Control; Hoo-
ver Not Committed
One of the major political conflicts,
of the coming campaign between
President Hoover and Governor
Roosevelt may develop over the con-
summation of the Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence waterway treaty.
While the treaty has been signed
by the United States and Canada. it
will not become effective until rati-
fied by the United States Senate and
the Canadian parliament.
Seaway Primary Object
As designed in the treaty, the
principal function of the canal is to
providpthe seaway. While this pur-
pose will necessarily remain primary,
to New York state and to Governor
Roosevelt the matter of waterpower
developed in a very important con-
Two .decades ago the Democratic
party in New York advanced as a
political issue the idea of public de-
partment of the water power re-
sources. Republicans conceded that
the power belonged to-the people, but
favored lease of the power sites for
private development.
Former Governor Smith brought
the fight to a head, and Governor
Roosevelt carried it to success, de-
claring it the opinion of New York
that the state should own and de-
velop the power.
Expected to Be Issue
Whether Congressional action can
in any way negate that opinion is
not known, but Governor Roosevelt
is expected to; make an issue of the
matter beyond the bounds"of New
York state. The question of states'
rights a o centers. The attitude of
President Hoover has not been dis-
New York, insisting on her right to
the power, has denied the Federal
claims to the navigational rights.
Governor Roosevelt, the state pow-
er authority and other interested
groups have altered their plans and
called upon the Federal government
to determine what New York's share
of the seaway should be, based on
the cost of the power plant.
New York's claim to the water-
powerhnever has received a ruling
from the U. S. Supreme ?Fourt, which
may be necessary. Some 2,000,000
horsepower is involved, half for On-
tario and half for New York.

Newspapers Join in Proclaiming
Seaway Project as Forward Step
On the heels of the announcement The dlivision of the cost will also
that United States and Canadian come in for considerable discussion
representatives had signed the agree- before the details are completed.
ment for the completion of the St. No deflite stand is taken by the
Lawrence waterway project, papers New York Times on the controversy,
from both countries were unani- but the Times points out that "the
mously joined in praise of the heads of both governments have rea-
project. son to believe that the treaty will
The sourest note through the not be .ratified without opposition."
country was struck by the staunchly New York state and Premier Tasch-
Democratic Baltimore Sun. Bitter- ereau of Quebec are mentioned as
ly attacking President Hoover for his leaders in the fight against the
approval of such "trade-strangling" treaty.
agreements as the Smoot-Hawley To the Christian Science Monitor,
tariff, the Sun warned the Ameri- the entire waterway scheme is a
can people that "it may easily find "great international achievement and
that it has another large white-ele- a credit to responsible statesmen of
phant in its stables. both countries." The New York
"If the policy of the present ad- Herald-Tribune goes even further
ministration," the Sun continued, and lauds the President fog' his "de-
"were to promote foreign trade, a termined hand."
case might be made for expanding
facilities to care for it." Canadian Press Favorable
Democratic Drive Seen Canadian papers, with but few ex-
ceptions, have joined in the general
But the Washington Post says-the praise. The Mail and Empire, of
Sun editorial is "probably the fore- Toronto, hails the project as a "tri-
runner of a Democratic attack upon umph for Bennett and Herridge."
the treaty negotiated by President The treaty, signed last Monday in
"A serious mistake," the Post Washington, provides for a 27-foot
warns and reminds the Democrats channel through the now unnaviga-
that, should they consider such a ble portions of the St. LawrencE
program, they . will run into very waterway at an estimated cost of
strong opposition throughout the $543,429,000.
mid-west. The United States' share in this
An even stronger warning note undertaking is to be about $258,000,.
against such opposition to the treaty 000. From this sum must be de-
is sounded by the Detroit News with ducted the amount which the gov-
a claim teat Smith's stand for a ernment will receive from the sale
canal. thro gh New York instead of of the waterpower.
the international project was the Ten years is expected to be neces-
chief factor in his loss of the mid- sary for the completion of the pro-
western support in 1928. The News gram which will, permit about 9(
mentions particularly the opposition per cent of ocean commerce to enter
of Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Great Lakes and dock at harbors
Senator Wagner (New York) and as- of Chicago, Detroit, Toledo, Cleve-
serts that "dog-in-the-manger" tac- land and Buffalo.
tics by these men will not be tol- ---A
erated by the people.
Chicago Opposes Plan
It is generally realized throughout S atu rd ay
the country that the opposition to
the project will come, in the United
States, from.New York state and the
city of Chicago. New York's argu-
ment is chiefly over the diversion of
the power which will result from the
waterway, which may exceed 2,000,- 9 AM.to I
000 horsepower. Chicago's conten-
tions, on the other hand, center Sum m er Sir
about the level of the Great Lakes.
This morning only fro
a large stock of summe
sw~V i at at this very special pr
pastel shades . . . the:
Newport Beach models . .small and la
attend this special.
P'ortage Lake

Have Had Small Ocean Trade
Previous to this time, Dean Sadler
pointed out, there have been small
ocean-going vessels on the Great
Lakes, but they have een limited in
size to 250 feet, the largest length
which can pass through the old Wel-
land canal. Such trade, mainly in
Norwegian and Swedish ships, has
not been of particular economic ad-
vantage because of the small size of
the vessels, but with the opening of
the St. Lawrence to boats of greater
tonnage, he expressed the opinion
that no doubt business could be car-
ried on much more economically.
"The real trade of the world,"
Dean Sadler asserted, "is carried on
in vessels on an average of from 5,000
to 8,000 tons. And these will be able
to come through to lake ports. There
is absolutely no thought of mam-
moth passenger liners using this
Minimizes Local Losses
Dean Sadler minimized the loss
which might occur in New York or
other present shipping centers. "The
production and absorbing capacity
of the middle west area is enormous.
There is no question but that open-
ing it to direct communication with
the rest of the world will be econom-
ically advarntageous. New York- and
Montreal will always.be big shipping
ports, and when we consider that the
main financing of the two countries
-is done in these two cities, the gain
accruing them from financing a busy
Middle-West will offset the small re-
duction in shipping reVenue."
He also pointed out that the exist-
ing lake traffic will go on as usual
and be taken care of in the specially-
designed ships as at present. It is
probable that. ocean-going vessels

Stressing the economical aspect of
the project, ,DeDan Sadler declar'ed
that the cost of transportation is so
important to any trade that any-
thing done to reduce it constitutes
an advantage. The present water-
way' project will save costs of re-
handling at coast ports and addi-
tional costs of railway transporta-
tion to the coast. Touching briefly
on two other aspects, he intimated
that the waterway should be con-
sidered first, and that the power is-
sue is secondary. He also said that
as far as the engineering is con-
cerned, the plans are quite feasible
and should- present no difficulties.
"The country as a whole will bene-
fit from a prosperous Middle-West,"
he encluded. "And the history of
the world has shown that whenever
adequate facilities are supplied, ships
will take advantage of them."
Detroit and California
Veterans Refused Food
WASHINGTON, July 22.-(AP)-
Who should have the food was be-
ginning today to bother the capital's
bonus marchers.
Walter W. Waters, elected com-
mander-in-chief of the chartered
bonus . expeditionary forces, had
charge of the commissary. But he
issued orders that no supplies should
be issued to groups led by John Pace
of'Detroit or Roy W. Robertson of
California. Pace and Robertson had
not found anything they could do
about it.
All three leaders turned down an-
other invitation by Pelham D. Glass-
ford, .superintendent of police, to
leave town.

Waterway Will
Benefit Toledo
Most, Is, Claim
Toledo, rather than Detroit, will
benefit most by the St. Lawrence
waterway, according to George San-
denburgh, Ann Arbor city engineer.
"Toledo is," Sandenburgh said in
an interview yesterday, "more favor-
ably situated than Detroit. It has
a better harbor than either Cleve-
land or Detroit and is closer to the
regions affectod than either of the
other two cities. Thus the railroad
traffic westward would be handled
by lines running through Ohio, such
as the N. Y. C. and Wabash."
Sandenburgh said that Detroit
would benefit materially and conse-
quently the whole 1Michigan area in-
cluding Ann Arbor. A boom in De-
troit, he said, would be radiated for
several hundred miles, helping farm-
ers, dairy men and business men.
The Michigan Central railroad,
Sandenburgh indicated, would be
benefited by the waterway through
shipments to the lake ports but
would lose a certain portion of its
foreign freight. The New York
Central lines in the. Middle-West
would profit, he said, but this would
be offset by a loss in freight on the
eastern lines.
The belief that goods would be
shipped by water to Toledo or De-
trbit ' and then to Chicago by rail
he declared fallacious, pointing out
that although the water route
through the Straits of Mackinac was
about five hundred miles longer, the
cost of unloading' and reloading
would make the cost of rail shipment
practically prohibitive.



MAJEST IC - Starting Today
25c to 2 P.M.
Anita Page - John Miljan
__Extra Added
A Cartoon "Playball"-Hearst World News




Head ed HORSE"
The Laugh of Both
Warren William
..H GAl

Ithat\EXTRA something .


i , a,

TIMES that try men's
souls call for the fizzing sparkle
and mellower, smoother flavor
of Clicquot Club. What a
drink when throats go dryl
What a drink when they don'tI
What a drink any time
"k, . any placel

State and Washington Streets
Frederick 9. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45-Morning Worship
Dr. Fisher
(Continuing a series of sermons on
"Living 'in the 20th Century.")
Others will be: i
July 31-Tolerance in Religion
august 7-Standards of Behavior
August 14-Finding Personal Victory
Alison Ray heaps, Minister
10:45 Morning worship with address
by Professor Preston W.. Slosson.
Subiect"Tie Three Atheisms"

State and Huron Streets
Edward W. Blakeman; Director
6:30 P.M.- -Student Guild and'
Dean E. H. Kraus will speak on
"The Influence of the Church in
Summer Study."
9:30 AM.-Bible' Class with Prof.
George E. Carrothers, teacher.

Huron and Division Streets
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister
10:45 A.M.---Morning Worship
Rev, Peter Soudah, Guest Preacher
6:00 P.M.-Social Hour and Fellow-
ship Meeting at Church House,
1432 Washtenawt Ave. All young
people invited.


South Fourth Avenue
Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor
9:00 A.M.-Bible School.
ta. -MrA i tr N c"s

orr East Huron below State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, University
9:30 - Church School. Dr. Logan,
10:45-Worship and Sermon
Dr. Judson C. King recently hav-
ing returned from missionary work
in Africa will speak on missionary




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