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July 23, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-23

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Michigan Daily
Established 1890,
r ~

ing the next year, will be forced to turn to in-
creased taxation to meet the question. Any in-
crease in taxation will weaken the power of the
party backing the tax, and then the next step will
undoubtedly be communism.
Germany has been the bone of contention be-


A Washington



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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board inJ
Control of Student Publications.t
Member of th4 western Conferenca Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for repblication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
dllished sherein. All rights of r ublication of specialt
patches~are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.1
Subscrptiln during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
#a 0, uripg regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Ctoesr Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Littel-Murray-Rutsky, Inc. 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street,
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
II4uial Drector......................Beach Conger, Jr.
+ Cty Editor ...... ....................Carl S. Forsythe
State Editor.........................David M. Nichol
?ew s 4itor .........................Denton K(unze
" Telegraph Editor...................Thomas Connellan
i Sorts Edtor ...............C. H. Beukema
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Business Manager....................Charles T. Hllne
Assistant Business Manager...........Norris P. Johnson
Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger
New York Tries to Hog
The Water Power.1
I The American public is today holding its bated
breath, watching Senator Wagner's moves to hold
up the St. La'wrence waterway treaty's ratifica-
tion until New York shall have been assured the
lion's share of the power which is to result from
the p roject.
Needless to say, Senator Wagner is a dog in
the manger if there ever was one. He and Gov-
ernor Roosevelt appear to have convinced the
people of New York that if the waterway was ever
to be built, it was to be for the benefit of New
York state alone, and consequently they have to
niAke good on these ideas.
Dean Sadler points out in today's Daily that
the proper viewpoint to take' of the matter is a
national one, and furthermore that the power
issue is completely secondary. New York ma
lose a little revenue in shipping profits. But if
racketeers are to control trans-shipment in the
great Eastern harbor, so that, as one expert has
° estimated, it costs shippers twice as much as it
should to unload or load cargoes there, why is not
the shipper entitled to a reduction in the cost of
his transportation?
The St. Lawrence Waterway, if and when con-
structed, is not for New York state alone, Messers.
Wagner and Roosevelt to the contrary notwith-
standing. As President Hoover recently said, in
answering a letter from the Governor., when the
proper time arrives, all the states concerned will
be consulted as to the disposal on benefits deriv-
ed from the project.
Fortunately, other states will take the broader
point of view, and be willing to share the advan-
tages accruing from the seaway for the common
benefit. The Federal government has been con-
ducting negotiations on behalf of all the states
since 1926, and the matter is akfederal project.
When the time comes, New York will find that
the New England states, as well as middle-west-
ern states, have as much right to be consulted on
questions affecting them as does the empire state.
Editorial Comment
(Daily Illini)

tween the nations since the World War and a
great many things will be affected by her paiti-
cal status' during the next few years. The politi-
cal stability of the present government is surely
endangered, and the only answer lies in the fu-
ture, when the riots will either result in a new
government or a more stable basis for the present
one. Either condition will be of vital importancev
to the world at 'large, both economically and poli-]
(Daily Iowan)
Without looking in the back of the book for
the answer can you tell rigfit off the number of
feet or yards in a rod-and why you ever bother-
ed to remembe, if you can? So its sixteen and
one-half and five and one-half, but you can't re-
member anything you ever measured by the rod!
Antedated as this is for most localities, it re-
mains orthodox arithmetic, like the ,stunts Mr.
X, Y, and Z are up to all the time. And the re-
sult often is bright youngsters who grade 98 at
solving problems and couldn't help much at home
in determining the amount of wallpaper neces-
sar'y to do the interior decorating. Besides, the
man at the drug store has a chart with all that
figured out anyhow.
So the youngster (who used to be first done in
his class on figuring up the monetary value of a
college education now utilizes his mathematical
ability over in the college of commerce as official
class computer of how many times the professor
says "That is to say, uh-."
While this chap may dimly remember some-
thing about the rod, more fresh in his memory
is the fact that 100 years equal one century and
220 yards equal one furlong, even if this is an
Olympic year.
And that really brings up something, if this
editorial is ever to have any point: the metric sys-
tem. Although the English speaking peoples, with
their feet and yards and rods, make quite a bit
of, the world's territorial map their color, the ath-
letic world as well as the scientific world thinks
in terms of meters and divisions or multiples. Wit-
ness the Olympics, as per the tryouts here recent-
Anybody who remembers abouteters from his
arithmetic may shudder just a shade-translation
of feet and yards into meters or pounds into
kilograms was so hard that the metric system
seemed complicated. Actually, the trouble was
with the English system of distance and measures.
The other is like the decimal system; everything
goes by the number of digits.
How simple it wuld be if child intellects could
learn to point off their problems in measurement
and not bother about learning an unnecessarily
bomplicated table of how much what equals so-
and-so! Adoption of the simple, more efficient sys-
tem wuld free a good deal of mental effort for
more important uses.
Yea, verily, in this case sparing the rod would
not spoil the child.
(Indiana Daily Student)'
In no uncertain language the State department
has again reiterated its stand that there is no
relationship between reparations and the war
debts. A letter to Senator William E. Borah of
the foreign relations committee from President
Hoover says America is to be entirely divorced
from any of the swiftly developing interEuropean
agreements, and would not be bound by them.
"While I do not -assume it to be the purpose of
any of these agreements to effect a combined ac-
tion of our debtors," the President said, "if it shall
be so interpreted, then I do not propose that the
American people shall be pressed into any line of
action or that our policies shall be influenced in
any way by such a combination either open or
This stand is not new, since Secretary of State
Henry L. Stimson has made known the national
stand time and again. However this was the
chief executive's first personal answer to reports
from various European capitals that, when the
reparations agreement was reached at Lausanne,
American spokesien had given hope that ac-
tion on War debts owed this country would fol-
The "gentlemens agreement" at Lausanne
provides that reductions in German reparations
are not to be madeeffective unless United States
revises its debts agreements with European
"I wish to make it absolutely clear," Mr. Hoover
said, "that the United States has not been con-
sulted regarding any of thesagreements reported
by the press to have been concluded recently at
Lausanne, and that of course it is not a party to
nor in any way committed to any such agree-
'Thus it seems settled for the time being at least
that this government shall remain firm regarding
the demands for the paynent of the war debts.
Money owed the United States might be used for
the production of more deadly armaments were

the war debts cancelel. Meanwhile, the American
taxpayer goes ahead paying the delayed debt in-
Music and Drama ,
The following program will be given at 8:15
o'clock Tuesday in Hill auditorium by members
of the School of Music staff:
Concertstueck .................... . ... Dohnanyi
Mr. Pick and Mr. Besekirsky .
Trio Op. 101, C minor .................. Brahms
Allegro energico
Presto non assai
Andante grazioso
Allegro Molto
Mr. Besekirsky, Mr. Pick, and Mr. Brinkman
W aldseligkeit ............................ Marx
Traum durch die Dammerung ........... Strauss
* Nicolette .............................. Ravel
Black Swans( Modern Scandinavian) . .Hallstrom
To the Harp (Modern Scandinavian) ... Jarnefelt
- # Miss Lewis

By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 22. - (AP) - None who
watched those dramatic moments of the Demo-
cratic convention at Chicago which swept Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt to a presiden-
tial nomination could have fail-
ed to sense that a shadowy
half discerned figure lurked ir
the background, the undisclos-
ed and unwilling possible bene-
ficiary of the "stop-Roosevelt' j '
drive that collapsed soutterl; e
on that fourth ballot.
Who was it? That is what
McAdoo a'sked when he wa.
urged to hold California solid
at least for another test or two
When no name was mention-
ed, McAdoo took the platform
in the face of tl e booing gal-
leries to drown the anti-Roosevelt movement un-
der a deluge of votes.
The Wheels Didn't Turn
What was the next step of that effort to stall
off the New Yorker's triumph?
The Bystander has had a peek at the wheels
that were set to start turning on that fourth bal-
lot, but for McAdoo's coup.
And what is revealed is the fact that a swing
to Newton D. Baker by a substantial enough
showing to have made him an important figure
in what might have happened was about to be
Ralph Hayes, Mr. Baker's wartime secretary in
the war department and the central figure of tpe
campaign to bring the Clevelander into the run-
ning at Chicago as the "dark horse" of the con-
vention, was at Chicago, .heading the modest
Baker headquarters. And when the decisive fourth
ballot had been taken, he received the only mes-
sage from Baker of the convention period.
"I wish you could be as contented as I am,"
Baker wired Hayes.
Later Hayes visited Baker in Cleveland.
"His serenity and relief would seem unbeliev-
able to anyone who does not know him," Hayes-
reported. "He is immeasurably gratified that the
convention has not laid any personal responsibil-
ity upon him."
Ending The Augument
To cap that, Hayes disclosed that some of
Baker's ardent supporters wanted him to come
and address the convention, believing it would
be, swept to his standard. But Baker had said
that if he did go to Chicago "he would irrevocably
eliminate himself" in his address.
"For me, that ended the argument," Hayes add-
And having long known Newton Baker, The By-
stander agrees with Hayes.
In view of the fight at the Democratic conven-
tion over the two-thirds rule there are Democrats









APai --Statement
of Fac-ts concern-'
IngTe "C MIcga
t r c l a a t s-T e circu lati on of Th y M~ ichigan Daily in1
Anin Arbor by carriers is in ixcess of 4000
at the presen timHe. This does not include
subscriptions outside the city. Th is over
three times as large a circulation as any pre-
vious Michigan Daily of the Stmmer Session
has had. It covers every student and faculty
member attending the University of Michigan

who do not want
sFX~~x? R a

to see the matter dropped now,
only to be resumed at the same
point four years hence.
Their argument is, of course,
that now-when nobody's poli-
tical fortunes would be involv-
ed-is the time when some-
thing should be done about it.
Memory fails to recall any
Democratic stalwart at C h i-
cago who had a word to say
in favor of the rule, on it own
merits;- unless it ,was ex-Sena-
tor Jim Reed of Missouri. Near-
ly everybody else seemed agreed
the rule ought to be done away
with-at some other time.


and residing in Ann Arbor. Consequently,
there is every ju tificatiQn for raising display
advertising rates, yet, this has not been done.
We are n owoffering you triple the circula-



Martial law is declared in Berlin with a dic-
tatorship being set up under force. The political
riots in whiph the members of the many parties
have been killing each other off are responsible
for this sweeping change. The virtual dictator-
ship covers the whole state of Prusia, with Chan-
cellor Franz-von Papen at the head of this organ-
ization. The military rule extends only to the
City of Berlin and the province of Brandenburg.
This move is the first of a series of shakeups
that will without doubt be made in that part of
the globe. The German political situation is and
has been in such a state that only such a system
can be called upon to handle the situation with
the proper control. The political situation has
been most grave since the national elections that
hurled the whole nation into uproar. Before that
time the whole aspect of the organized govern-
ment and those out o power was one most
To add a little variety to the whole thing there
are 'the 'umblings of a return of the monarchy.
This hardly seem possible for a nation that has
so many people who have endured such hardships
through the past few years to ever \countenance
any bind of monarchy that would tend in any way
to oppress them even more. Of course, there aye
those monarchists that claim this is the only way
to save the German people from further oppres-
sion and harm from the outside world.
The ultimate tendency in Germany may be to-
ward communism. This movement is seen in the
continued uprisings of the people in political
fights. President ton .Hindenburg won the na-
tional elections over Adolph Hitler, the young and
«., a m -a s . e i" rtrhl h a inrj - xr

Preparing for. 1936
That being true, what could the Democrats do
now to make sure the two-thirds bug-bear was
not back to plague them again in 1936?
If they elect a President, of course, it would
have no bearing, renomination of incumbent-Pres-
idents being the accepted order for both parties.
But if they should not win in November, there
will be the rule to deal with again in four years,
the 1932 platform gesture about it to the contrary
Would it not be possible to hold a party refer-
endum on that rule in state primaries between
now and 1936? Could Governor Roosevelt, as tit-
ular head of the party for the next four years,
regardless of the election outcome, advocate such
a scheme without creating an impression that he
is already driving a few claim stakes in the 1936
.Suppose th e national committee undertook
right now to induce every Democratic state or-
ganization tosubmit to the party fa ijful at the
next Democratic primaries the question of wheth-
er the rule should be abolished? There is ample
Difficult Otherwise
Unless something of the sort is done it is diffi-
cult to see how the Democrats ever are to escape
from the terrifying deadlock possibilities that rule
holds for them every four years., What is needed
is an emphatic declaration by the mass of Demo-
cratic voters over the country. If they express
themselves, either for or against the rule, the
next national convention will know where it is.
Yet election day in November will no sooner
have passed than the business of rival candidacies
for 1936 presidential honors will be working at
the same old two-thirds rule stand, merely defer-
red another four years if the Democrats elect a
If anything at all is to be done to avoid that,
right now seems to be the time.
With Michigan State, Northwestern and Ohio
State starting- off the Wolverine schedule, we
heard Harry Kipke say something about football
being over-emphasized.
Somebody said something about Ann Arbor be-
ing very quiet on Sunday. All of which reminds
us that Father Coughlin has discontinued his
Sunday sermons.
One of the campus socialists told us confiden-
tially that there was going to be a revolution in
this country. Somehow, it seems to us that things
are revolving in a rather peculiar way already.
The people who think Franklin D. Roosevelt is
none other than Teddy himself probably thought
Booker T. Washington was some relative ofI

tion at th~e same old rates ... as great a 1932
b argainas any.
Complete Coverg
The duty of The Michigan Daily to its adver-
tisers is to completely cover the students and
faculty of the University. rhis has been ac-
coniplished. It' is now pto- you to take
advantage of the facilities offered. If you are
interested in getting your share of the tre-
mendous amount of student and faculty
business, The Michigan Daily is the one logi-
Cal medium through which you can accomp-
fish this.


C.avn ada

---Ta~nsman I

erena e . ............ . . . .. ..... .... a..
Introduzione e Allegro
Mr. Besekirsky, Mr. Pick, and Mr. Brinkman
*Ava Comin Cas, Accmpanist.
* *Nicolette, having gone 'to the meadow to
gather flowers, was gaily tripping along when she
suddenly -met a growling, hairy old wolf who asks,
"Are vnn LaninQ Ano ve orandmother' hno'e'"

*Mic-higan i


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