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July 21, 1932 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-21

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PIt cation iithe Bulletin oI construtive nothe to all membei o th
I iior y. Copy receved dl ti V ofie of the e rn of 'tr e Sun n mi
Excursion No. 8: Schools of the Cranbrook Foundation. Three notable
private schools--the Cranbrook for boys, the Kingswood School for hirls,
and the Brookside School for younger boys and girls below the seventh
grade-will be visited Saturday morning, July 23. The party will leave
from Angell Hall at 7:45 a. m., returning to Ann Arbor shortly after 12:00
noon. Reservations, $1.00, must be made before Friday, July 22, 5:00 p. m.
Commander Donald B. MacMillan Lecture: Motion pictures of the
Arctic and the progress in exploration will be shown in Hill auditorium
,next Monday evening. The pictures will be accompanied by a vivid word-
picture by the dean of arctic explorers-Commander Donald B. MacMil-
lan. This is the second special feature to be presented in Hill auditorium
this summer. The rickets are priced to cover the actual cost of bringing
these attractions to Ann Arbor. Tickets may be secured at the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre box-office.
Exhibition of Paintings, Architecture Building: A collection of oil and
watev dolor paintings by Professors Barnes, Slusser, Chapin, Valero, and
Mr. Aldrich is on view in the ground floor corridor of the Architecture
Building. Open daily until further notice fron 9 a. M. to 6 p. m. excepting
Graduate School: Students enrolled in the Graduate School will not
be permitted to drop courses after Saturday, July 23. A course is not offi-
Scially dropped until it is reported1 in 'the office of the Graduate School,
1014 Angell Hall.
Students who have changed their elections since submitting election
cards should call this week at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell
hall: This involves the dropping and adding of courses, the substitution of
one course for another, as well as the change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
' hysiological Chemistry 120: The lectures in this course will begin
Friday, July 22, at 7:00 a. n., in the West Ampitheatre of the West Medi-
cal Building.
Liberal Students Union: Robert C. Angell, of the Department of Socio-
logy, will speak on "Marriage and Its Problems in Modern Life" to the
Liberal Students Union, Unitarian Church; corner State and Huron sts.,
at 7:30 Suiday evening. There will be refreshments and a social hour
after the discussion.
Wesley Hall: Dr. Fisher will speak today at Wesley Hall at four o'clock
on "Rabindranath Tagore, Cultural Exponent of Modern Oriental Ideal-
ism." This is the third forum in the series "Statesmen of the Living East."'
, Varsity Summer Band: There will be a special rehearsal tonight at
7:15 at Morris Hall. There, are still vacancies in'the Trombone, Drums,
and Saxaphone sections. The band will give weekly concerts for the rest
of the summer term beginning next Wednesday evening, July 27 in front
of the main Library steps, on the campus.
Nicholas D. Falcone
Students Invited to Faculty Tea: Students wishing to meet the pro-
fessors of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and their wives
are invited to attend the faculty tea at the Minhigan League today, from
4:00 to 5:30. Graduate students are especially urged to attend.
Summer Session Dance: University men and women are invited to
attend the next regular Summer Session dance in the ballroom of the;
Michigan League Friday night, July 22, dancing from 9:00 until 1:00. Hostr
and hostesses will see to it that men and women coming without partners
have the opportunity to -become acquainted. Cashier's receipts for Sum-
Smer Spssion or ientification cards for 1931-32 are necessary. Admission
25 cents for each person.
Men's and Women's Educational Clubs: A dance will be given Satur-
day evening at 8:30, July 23, in the University High School gymnasium
under the auspices of the Meh's and Women's Education Club. All men
and women on the campus are invited. Admission 25 cents.
J. W. Kelder

Olympic Swimmer Has Lunch-Native Style

Dickinson Sees Need of Change
In Present International Law


Newport each
P~ortage 1 ak[\e

Three factors Aere blamed by Prof.i
Edw in Dickinson, of the law school,+
for the retarding of the development+
on international law il a lecturel
Tuesday night. The rigidity of many1
of its rules, its incoinp eteness, and!
its inadaptibility to new or changing i
were cited as reasons for its inade-
"Internaitonal society," he de-
clared, has been a relatively unor-
ganized society-a primitive society.f
In such a society legal principles
tend to become rigid and unyielding.I
They tend to become the rulers rath-7
er than the servants of the men by
whom and for whom they are de-+
veloped. Although relatively unor-
ganized, international society has
been a growing society-a society of
swiftly changing conditions. The+
changes which have taken place
within nations have been reflected
in significant changes in the condi-
tions and problems of international
intercourse. It is imperative that
law should be adapted to these
changed conditions." ,,
Professor Dickinson, however, saw{

in several forces operating today :,
opportunity for further development
of international law along modern
lines. These forces are the interna-
tional administrative machinery, as
set up by the secretariat of the
League of Nations and the other
world organizations, conciliation, ar-
bitration and legislation by means of
international treaties and conven-
tionso covering social, political and
economic fields.
"But I would urge that for the
present and immediate future it is
not so much better law observance
that is needed as better law," he
concluded, "it is not so much new
sanctions that are required as the
improvement of the methods and in-
sfitutions of international inter-
course. Order and justice are not
to be found force, but in co-opera-
Communications in the Pacific
northwest timberlands will be facili-
tated this summer by the use of
small radio transmitters by forest
rangers on the lookout for fires.

802 Packard Street
Waldorf Salad with Cold Pork
vegetable Salad with Cod Meat
and Potato Chips
veal Croquettes
Swiss Steak
Ruait Pork, Potatoes, Splineh
Pru itl.essert-Ice Cream-C'z"ak
Colttee Punch , Milk
5,30 to 7:30
Liver and Bacon or
Hamburg Steak, Fried Ulons
Veal Roast-Jelly
sirloin a la creole
Stuffed Lamb Breas
Roast Pork
Roast Beef
Mashed or Parsley Potatoes
Peas. Carrots - Sliced tomatoes,
Applie Pie - bake - Ice Cream
Coffee - Tea -- Punch

T. Takemura, one of Japan's swimmers in the Olympic games, sees
no reason to depart from his customary dining habits. He's shown eat-
ing rice with chopsticks at a messhall in the Olympic village.


M - Ae l Y 7

Detroit Plans
Five-Day Week
For Employees
City Council Votes Six to
Two for Taxpayer' s
Five-Point Program
DETROIT, July 20.-(AP)-Deroit
city employees will 'work a five-day,
40-hour week during the 1932-33 fis-
cal year. And their pay, as. a result
of their shortened working hours,
will bereduced 14.5 per cent.
The new schedule is not the choice
of the employees, but is the result of
a 6 to 2 decision by the city council
Tuesday night to pave the way for
the city's co-operation in tloe five-
point program advanced by large
The action is expected to bring
pre-payment of taxes in .sufficient
volume to give city employes their
July 16 pay checks before the end of
the week.
No further reduction in employees'
salaries is anticipated during the-
coming year. Tax collections, how-
ever, must equal the estimated rev-
enue of $56,000,000, or about 75 per
cent of the levy, to maintain the
newly-voted level, Mayor Frank Mur-
phy said.
In furtherance of its financial pro-

gram, the city has applied to the
state for permission to refund $13,-
800,000 in debts maturing during the
year. These debts are exclusive of
obligations of the water board and
street railway.
The city also is asking bankers to
reduce the interest rate on the city's
short-term notes from 51/2 to 5 per
Isse wWarrants
For Thirteen in
Pi fsoner's Death
MINEOLA, N. Y., July 20.-(AP)
--Warrants were issued for 13
county policemen today in connec-
tion with the death of Hyman Stark,
a prisoner, after lengthy police
"questioning." Four of tle warrants
charged second degree murder.
All 13 policemen were charged
with conspiracy to obstruct justice
and seven of them were charged
with second degree assault. Deputy
Police thief Frank Tappen was
named in two warrants, once for
neglect of duty and again as hav-
ing been an dccessory to the third
degree beating of Stark which caus-
ed his death.
Bail was fixed by supreme court
justice Meier Steinbring, who pre-
sided at the hearing and signed the
warrants, at $10,000 each for the
officers charged with second degree

~- -



present 8
Br keleySqua re"
A twentieth century American walks into the past - he sees
eighteenth century England through the eyes of the present -
he knows the future a strange situation novel and in-
genius. iW
L Single Admissions 75c Phone 6300 -
W -
ho 'w " .. . "..~\ r~ \ \ r l 0' wr./R 'rrl \ .


A dish

Three Die When
Boat Explodes!
On Waterway'
20-AP-The tollBf the explosion
of the drill boat America in the St.
Lawrence River near here Tuesday
reached three known dead, four mi,
sing and eight men in hospitals t -
day with the death of Earl Russell,
17, years old, one of those previously
numbered among the injured. He
died this morning from cerebral
Nine other men were injured when
a ton and a half of dynamite plant-
edon the river bottom exploded un-
der the hull'of the 150-foot boat. A
second explosion occurred within
the boat immediately afterward.
The valley for miles around was
shaken. e
Two bodies were brought from the
wreckage of the boat Tuesday ight
before a diver found it necessary to
abandon his search.

Brazilian Troops Push
On Against Sao Paulo
RIO DE JANERl:, July 20.-(AP)
-Gen. Waldomiro Lima, commander
of the federal troops engaged in
stamping out the revolt in the state
of Sao Paulo, informed the govern-
memt today he was proceeding north-
ward from Itarare, southern city
captured from the rebels Tuesday
after a brief and bloody bayonet
A dispatch from Porto Alegro re-
ported Gen. Goes Mbnteiro, chief of
the federal command at Rezende, as
saying 'the rebels there raised the
white flag and then turned their ma-
chine guns on federal troops from
the state of Minsa Geraes.
Bishops Are Due in Port
' Today; Were in Europe
William W. BIshop, University li-
brarian, and Mrs. Bishop, who have
been in Europe for some time, sailed
from Liverpool on July 14 on the
"Duchess of Atholl," and are'sched-
uled to arrive in Monreal today.




E a



KELLOGG'S PEP Bran Flakes are a treat
you like and need. Because they're
just the kind of food that hlps to builds
and nourish you.
Whole wheat is a natural food for
active bodies. It contains iron and other
minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Kel-
logg's PEP Bran Flakes-the better bran
flakes -- are whole wheat -- plus the
healthful bulk of bran -plus the match-
less flavor of Pep.
They're good to eat and good for you.
Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Quality;


24 Years

-the food is very good-the
service eiellent-the sur-
surroundings ideal . .-
r -try a forty-cent Iuncheon
today at the hut or the den.




The most popular ready-to-eat cereals served in the
dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and
fraternities are made by Kellogg in, Battle Creek.
They include ALL-BRAN, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies,
Wheat Krumbles and Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT Bis-
cuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee -real coffee that lets

Explorer, Scientist, Humanitarian, and
Foremost Authority on the Arctic
- Exceptional Motion Pictures Make
This Lecture Doubly Attractive !
This is not "just another lecture." The man himself is
today considered to be the leading authority on the Arctic.
The authentic motion pictures which accompany make this

-grilled sirloin steak


grilled pork chops dinner-for

you sleep.



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