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July 19, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-19

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Tich igan Daily
Estabished 1$90'


Mk NRNN va. r ..w.rrv.-.,umn :. .m. wr+

1Puished every morning except Monday durii~ the
Unierstyyear and Summxer Session biy the '$o rd in
~Control cof Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
don~ and the Big Ten News Service.
VThe Associated Press is exclulsively entitled to the use
fo~r republication of all n~ews dispatches credited io r
not otherwise credited in this pap~er and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatc~hes are reserved.
'Enteredt at the Post Office at Ann Arbior, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage grante by
Trhird Assistant Postmaster General.
Subscription duiring summ~er by carrier, $1.00; b~maij,
°.$1During regular school year by carriEr, ~4.U by
Offices: Student Publications Bi11ing, Maynati4ret,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Repteseatatives: Littell-M4urray -Rutsky,In.40Es
Thirty-fourth Street,lNew York ity;B80 Boydnsret
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chict11111.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial Director /.. ......... ........B~acb C tg'erZr.
StateEdtor~ ........ .DavidM. Nco
New tditor........................ .... nntoii p*ze
Telegraph. Editor.... ..............ThmsConla
SprsEditor ..... .............. ... .,. C. H. $eukerna
BuiesOffice Hours: 9-12; 2-5 exccept Studas
BusiessManager........ ......esT.Kln
'Asitat isiness Manager.....Norris P. Jhnso
Circulation Manager Cl... ..Qinton B. Coger
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1932
Buy A lTagoo r o
Michigan has an opporttinity for real service.
Hlere are the facts:
More than 400 underprivileged boys from the
slums O~ f Detroit are giveni an annlual vacation -of a
week or two by the contributions of University of
Two weeks of sunshine and real food breaks the
terribly mionotonous year of sm'oky air andl slimg ra-
The younsters who see only crowded streets and
dirty alleys for most of the ybeAf can play "Indian,
learn woodcraft and nature lore, and Swim twice a
The University of Michigan Fresh Air 6am1p it is
called and is situated On the shores of the beautiful
Lake Patterson, seven miles from 1Piinkney.
o~ne hundred eighty acres *of woods, fields and
swimiminig beach ,are inclulded in the gift, onie half of
which was provided by M~. A. Ides. For two seasoft'
peviously the, canip had been slightly mhigratbry,. be
ilp fist at Lake Huron and then fifteen miles Borth

w -acknowledged the extedif~htfr f altering the details
of the progra.m, but this proved of little avail. We cer-
tain ly oide 'h&'dthat f sddkkt does need medicine it
is hot a'virtue - ont our prt to nake the dose unneces-
saffly bitter. Ujpon tee courage of the individual pat-
iett ^dd ,nd~ what potdh he Iay take, on whether
in the throes of suffering he will take the glass at hand
or wait until another generation of science has made
all medicine tasteless-and therefore as distasteful as
the bitters he rfused. Personlaly, I have ho apology to
offer for - any t~ing which was said from the front of
the room that night. it represented a phase of lie
which no one in all this world can justly refuse to con-
t ifhpiat.tThe audience 1wis what we knew it would
be, polite. Anid this in spite of the fact that Mr. Moore
said Safie thfrfgs of which I did hot 'myself approve.
But I repeat, your editorial also said things I did not
approve. Does that constitute suffcient grounds to
supply a new editor? Of course rnot. And many things
which Mr. Moore said I would rather have heard ex-
pressed ini a rfiore reasonable vein. 'But I shall not
condemn Mr. Moore. I 'know that I can choose from
out of all he said ;just that which is important to me.
And every intelligent member of that audience might
have alone the same. We do not need to worship all
we fieir, nor all we read. For what are our minds for?
And why should w fear or codenmn what another
thin"Ks? I do not direct epithets at an editor who
#ftrnd himself impelled to write in rather emotional
terms of something he objeted 40o. I only regret "he
naiuhrot gain a more adequdte and tolerant view of the
etP)idtions anti sufferings ot'others. It's no euse
unit iiy react just as hi does.
ftttg =the group who say no such meeting should
h~e he06 n the campers because o the highly develop-
ed .ifttA1l6tt}which any 'Audience therein is bun'd to
diktd*y there Are some who sh~ow a consistent attitude
Vi utide±'st dhing and appreciation. And it is niot
enough for 'the remainder to lay claim to such inteli-
gencde uriless they 'bring with them the ability to es-
timnate and appropriate for thfemselves the Od in
what "they hear presented. Ad it is the test of fi-
telret tat uhleSs there is soul great 'Wrong -being per-
petrAtid or natter o oniscentious principle involved
it is 'b~t -to dtisard the trival onernis which serve to
alrouse out~ anger. But I emphasize the point that if
a 'wrong is being done then a protest, a vigorous pro-
t'est Is in order and MUST be made if we are to pro-
tect oureelires from obliteration and unimprtance as
an intellectual group.s
My friensds, and here I 'group All who wat to be
just .in tis 'matter, wi.hether critical editors, ditulbed
professors, 'or tudetts and workers, it is a pity that
sb tmnr d iii ts =refuse to feel the touch of humanity
that -iiks its-ail together. And so we start these argu-
-:ents. it iiust be done. Only by vigorous action may
the drowned man return to life. Only by superhuman
endeavor may the -people who comprise the highly edu-
dated group u~pon this campus be made to stop in the
round of bridges Anid can'oe parties t 'gve thought
to the matters of ecbiie fijustice, social mialadjust-
menits and editorial edge ussions.
To "Professor earr, *fhb publicly announbes his
ilsgufst at the meeting into wliloh lhe injected an ele-
meft I feel certain everyone who heard him apprecat-
dd, I offte ihS' persnal apology. if he were deceived
and displeaed regarding the character of the meeting
I believe we as a -group owe him sympathy and sincere
redress. Such things are personal and a -matter to be
considered between individuals while in the greater is-
sues upon which this discussion hinges the Individual
counts not at all. In this I firmly believe and if Prof.
Car still feels he was deluded by an intended misrep-
resentation I -wish him to know that I am as sorry as
hie that it happened that way. I'm sory, too, that he
does feel hurt for to me there is no need for that. But
again that is a persoiadl matter to be consderd in any
future relations "Beween himself and the Socialist
Club. Meadnwhile. we acknowledge with thanks hiis
presenitatlofi of the facts so clearly on Tuesday night.
To the editor of the Daily °I wish to direct just one
comment: No legs a man than 'the head of the Phil-
osophy Depar~tinnt at Swarthmore College contends
that the only way to really learn about beliefs cf other
men' is to let thefm speak whether we intend to agree
with them or not. If y ou would learn what Comu-
ism is then get the ablest Communist to tell you about
it; it~ you flare to learn about Socialism listen to the
leaders of the Socialist gous. And I plead to add, if
you care to live in a tolerant world temper your words
so as not to arouse the same antagonism to your beliefs
which you deplore in the speeches of those with whom
you do not completely sympathize. And in pure jus-%
tice, refrain from adding your own title, your last word
to these letters which express what their authors wish
to say in their own words. Anid in addition, as a lovei
of free speech, I Wish to thank you for continuing thi .
discussion °so far. , It hqs done mnore good than the
mieeting tself. It would have done mnore good if the

criticism of personalities eight have been left out.
Thomas M.Brown, 1'25E&Grad. 32
Tb The Editor:
f'or the editorial pages of the Michigan Daily to
carry aii editorial on idly 14 on Cankerous Radicalismh
following the Carr-Mvfbney'-Mbor progr~,Iii after it had
failed- to carry one on Cankerous Cohservatismi follow-
ing the Fish-Brookhart program (widely advertised as
a debate) seems inconisistenit to those liberals wkho at-
tenided both capacity meetings and found that each
departed widely from the announced theme and pur-
For the editorial of July 17, The Sumnmer Lecture
Series, to commend the Fish-Brookhart fiasco even
in suich guarded phraseologymas "ofie of the most org..
final attractions that -it has ever been the pleasure of
an Ann 'Arbor audience to witness," and this on the
same page where the, battle over the socialist program
still rages, brings an ironical smile to those who paid
a fair admiission price and who could not inconspicu-.
ously withdlraw, froini the Hill auditorium when it be-
came ev~ident that time was being worse than wasted
'y the statesmen, but have expected softe public apol-
ogy or explana~tion fronm those who sponsored, in good
faith, a public event which "undoubtedly stimulated
discussion" on the part of the intelligent audience as-
sembled, but not exactly "4of the subject in the minds
of all who attended," as our editor avers.
Graduate Student
A brave man with $Ie mere ability to say No could
earn 50 thousand a year in Hollywood, says an obser-
ver. Yet for the same service an ungrateful republic
pays Boiah only 10.
Sicethe p frr cneivn f loans fromn Govern-

B 'A.
vE 4



Sport ad r (s-ys

Pfloin colors, and prints, tub silks in pa tels,*
and knitted suits - VOlues to $16 75.

georg' ttes


$ 9

Smcw t modlels in better dresses, With and Without jackets --
-- prints - plain; colors. Values to 125.00.

Trigplo heer-

Selected from our smartest frocks. Every number a
for early fall. Sheer -- prints - chkiffon and crepes.
Values to $29.75.

very werarabl'e dressy
All desircbl~e shddc#s.

Sport and tweed coats. Some furi trim,
desirable style and colors.
$19.75 and $25.00 values , .
Small Lot of Mixtures
and Light Shades......... .. ..
Raincoats ... One group Rubberized Tweed
and Plain Colors. Values up to $15.
Special at . . . . . . . . .



of Ann 'Arbor.


Much of the eqiuipmenlt has been furnished as special
gifts -by persons who believed the caffip andl the pur-.
poses for which it was rounded worthy of their suipport.
The camp is supported, each year by the contribu-
tiohs of Michigan students.
The regul~ar session raised almost $3,000 last spring
at the ann~ual tag-day but these fundes have dwiindled
ani'd more mnust be raised if the rest of the boys are to
,have their vacation this summer. I
S8ummer Session students have little opportunity to
contribute to work as worthy as 'this =is.
Tomorrow you can buy a tag bhi the bampus fi oln
one of the boys who has been enjoying his sutnmerr at
the camp.
You have the opportunity to be of real service to
Michigan and to the boys from the nearby citibs.

Dressy'and tweed mixtures, novy,' abak re.
~Soie fur trim.-fabak$rn
Values to $49.75$93
Cotton Dresses
Voile Dresses t'rinftdc. AllSis, 1
Oane Group Voiles, Do tted Swiss, Eyeet gdtist~
One- and two-piece Linens

Three Pair Riding Breeches'
$6.00 Values.. . . . .
One Lot Corsets, American Lady
and Nuform, All New Models.
One Lot Corset and Brassieres,
Reduced to. . . . .
One Lot Cotton and Lace
Depression Blouses.
One Lot Sweaters, Light Shades.
Models. $1.95 Values .
One Lot Brassieres, Scarfs, P'urses,
Belts, Costume Jewelry .
One Lot Full Fashioned Silk Hose
Values to $}?5 . . ....

.1-2 Price
* .59c

at $.95
at $4.95-

-~ ~ 4 2E$.95
- --+ -fdf$.99


Letters published in this column shoudntb
construed a~s expressing the edtoril1oininoTh
Daily. Anonyinous com!munlications Will be disrO-
garded. The names of conmmunicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining theuI-
selves to less than 300" Words if possible.
To The Editor:
A lot of words, some good, some distinctly bad and
only designed to reveal the secret workings 'of minds
distorted by resentment have filled the editorial and
-calnpus opinion columns since the Mooney meeting of
last Tuesday evlening. When I read the report in the
news section the day following I felt that the report
was rather fair. It stated what happened. But upon
.seeing the heading of the -editorial colun'zti the follor-
ing Thursday I was as mnuch incensed as any editor
could possibly be upon being forced to attend a mieet-
ing for the defense of Tom Mooney and finding it
turned into something°, to him distasteful. I like ap-
propriate words. For damnable things similar terms
alone suiffi~e. But there is a word of difference wheth-
er- such things are expressed in }public and in our pap-
ers or between friends.2 My anger upbni reading your
editorial has cooled and now I feel more competent
to point out not only the character of the Mooney
meetinig but also the character of your own writing.
The socialist Club recognizes xas definitely as any-
one else the type of- audience we may expect to assexzi-
ble in Natural Science Auditorium. It will be an inteili-
gerit audience as everyone seems anxious to contend.
Perhaps you did not notice that certain leading memf-
bers of this Club left the room at one time. This .was

* .95c
7 9c

Two-piece Knitted Suits i n high shbde§. $6.C5 vafUo,
Now $395

Summher F ootwear


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\- I td$.4


All Summit
M teritlIihcudod
White Kid 6 Suvai Cloth
Linen 0 blonde
Patent SBuckskin

Hat Specials
Stradws in a'll the desiraible shades -- good seIiedih
of headsies. Softies in white and colors.
f -49C
Large vreyo iesrw.l hsgopyn
will-cilsotf ind k exllent v.Intis alues in White hags Y
Final cledarnce of French models - values beyond
your expectations -- Bally's, Bakus, Vicas and
fancy straws. White and Pastel shrdes included.
This is a true .Jacobson Sale.

If I


I ( I

a I

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