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July 19, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-19

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Unsettled Tuesday, probably
with local thunder showers;
warmer, with shiftingt winds.





Buy A Tag Tomorrow.

-.1 , , i I

Official Publication of The Summer Session


Accident Toll
Reaches 14:
Three Killed
Seven Injured Students In-
volved; Three Are Criti-
cally- Hurt
Ypsilanti Girl
'Died Last Night
Police Unable to Pla c e
Blame for Two' Fatal
YPSILANTI, JuLy 18.-(Spe-
cial)-Today's toll of injured
Michigan students mounted to
seven late last night when a car
driven by C. K. Lee, G r a'd.,
crashed into another car at an
intrsection on the Pottowatto-
mie Trail near here. An., 11-
year old girl, one of the occu-
pants of the other car, is dead.
The girl, Hazel Graham, route
3, Ypsilanti, was Instantly killed
in the crash. Her brother Ever-
ett Graham, 14, and Ronald
Dyrson, 17, route 3, were only
slightly injured.
T. J. Yan, 336 E. Washington,
Ann Arbor, a student at the
University, was seriously injured
and was taken to the Beyer hos-
pital, Ypsilanti. Lee, C. H.
Wang, Grad., and Chu Dang,
Grad., all of 520 Packard street,
Ann Arbor, were less seriously
hurt and were sent home- last
Patrolman Paul Fredericks, of
the Mtate Police station here told
The Daily last night that it
could not be ascertained as to
who was ,at fault. Both cars
were travellng "right along," he
said. r,'
Two Michigan students are still in
a critical condition and a third is
only slightly improved after an au
tomobile accident Sunday night on
the Van Born road in 'which a young
man and girl from Detroit lost their
lives. One other Detroit girl is ser-.
i'ously injured and another Detroit
youth is only slightly hnrt.
Margaret Pulfrey, '35SM, Ann Ar-
bor, and Albert G. Baker, '33, of,
Toledo, are in Eloise hospital. Al-
though hospital ' autorities were re-
luctant about infdrmation as to their
condition, It is understood that both1
have fractures of the skull. Pulfrey1
suffered a' broken collar bone and1
leg and body cuts. Baker, whose
condition is the most critical of thel
three, is badly bruised and probablyE
suffering from internal injuries. He
was delirious last night X-rays,
taken yesterday are ,expected todayi
to show more about his condition.
Wrecks on Telegraph goad
John P. Cole, 4, the driver of the
car in which the Michigan students)
were riding, was in Wayne hospi-
tal. His cond ion was less serious,j
but he suffere bad cuts about the
head and 'an injured arm and leg.
Cole's memory, from the time the
studdnth left Ann Arbor early Sun-
day evening, has failed. He is the
least hurt of the three, and is the
son of H. N. Cole, instructor in ana-
lytical chemisty.
Cole's car m head-on with a car'
driven by Sam Maddick, 18, 1082t
Dragdon street, Detroit, ' about a1
mile west of Telegraph road on the)
Van \Born road. Patrolman Paul_
FredericIs, of the Ypsilanti state1
police station, said the cars met in1
the middle of the road. There were1

no witnesses but residents along the
road heard the crash and rushed to
the scene.
The three students had taken1
Harriet C. Olexiuch, '35, of Cleve-1
land, to meet the boat in Detroit,
and were on their way home when,
the accident occurred. Maddick, the
driver of the other car died in the1
Wayne hospital shortly after his ad-
Clarissa. MacQueen, 16, 1570 Mili-
tary, Detroit, was also dead as a re-
sult of the crash. With two others,
she had been riding with Maddick.
Of the others, Charlotte Watrous,
16, 1545 McKinstry, 'Detroit, was in
the Eloise hospital with serious in-
juries, and Thomas Reeden, 20, 6244
Cadet, Detroit, was only slightly
hurt. Reeden, the only one of the
persons involved, whose condition
would admit questioning, claimed
that he was asleep in the back seat
of Maddick's car at the time of the
fatal crash.
Christian to Present
Organ Recital Tonight

Uniformed German Hitlerites Salute Their Leader

'rpniformed German fascists are shown here saluting their leader, Adolf Hitler, when they mobilized for
a recent meeting at Munich. (Associated Press Photo.)

Special Rates
Oan Plane Ride
At Ford Field
Excursion Students May
Get 50 Per Cent Rebate
On Trip Tomorrow
Students will "take to the air"
Wednesday during the seventh' Uni-
versity excursion to the various Ford
enterprises at Dearborn.
Special rates have been secured
for a 15-mile airplane tour in one of
Ford's tri-motor passenger planes.
Although the regular price for such
a ride is $2, the Summer Session
students will be' given a 25 or 50 per
cent reduction.
From the plane the students will
view the Ford plant at River Rouge,
the city of Dearborn, Prod's private
'estate and the airport.
Further attractions of the trip will
be a complete inspection tour of the
Ford airport, a view of Ford's col
lection of famous airplanes which
have made aeronautical history, the
far-fa'med Greenfield village, and
Ford's collection of buildings and
equipment connected with the in-
ventions of Thomas Edison.
Reservations for this tour, which
is expected to be the best attended
of the session, must be made before
5 o'clock today iii the office of the
Summer Session. The round trip'
bus tickets are priced at $1. Stu-
dents driving cars will not need
Health Service Reort
Shows Gain for June
Work at the University health
service during the month of June
was marked by increased attention
on the part of the staff to ambula-
tory conditions, a report issued yes-
terday by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
director, states. This growing at-
tention to defects, inefficiencies and
less apparent sickness has charac-
terized the entire program for the
year, according to official figures.
The increase in mental hygiene
service, X-ray examination o lungs,
tonsil operations and infirmaiw pa-
tients, represents preventive work
done by the entire staff. Dr. For-
sythe said- yesterday that the de-
crease 'in 'hospital cases and con-
tagious diseases has been gratifying,
although he stressed the importance
attached to the increase in acute ap-
pendicitis and tuberculosis.
Stephenson to Address
4 o'Clock Conference
Prof. 0. W. Stephenson, of the
School of Education, will address the
regular 4 o'clock conference in the
University High school auditorium
today on "Questions That Europeans
Ask Regarding American Education."
Professor Stephenson is associate
professor of the teaching of history
and head of the department of social
studies in the University high school.
Prior to 1924 he was high school,
principal at Evart and Holland,

MIll Spring Camp
Students to Leave
Soon For Capitol
MILLS SPRINGS, Ky., July 18.-
(Special)--Extreme heat during the
past week has not put a stop to the
activities of the geological and geo-
graphical field stations here. Dean
Edward H. Kraus, of the Summer
Session, and Mrs. Kraus, visitors
last Friday, found the work in full
Prof. A. C. McFarlan, state geolo-
gist and professor of geology at the
University of Kentucky, visited the
camp and gave an illustrated lecture'
on the geology of the region about
the camp.
Meanwhile, the station's baseball
team has rolled up one victory and'
one defeat for the season's record.
Monticello, whose annual Independ-
ence day game with the camp had
to be postponed this year, took the
measure of the station's team, 9 to
8. The victory came when the' sta-
tion defeated Steubenville, 10 to 3.
All the groups of th-e station will
leave for trips dui'ing the coming
week and will conclude them about.
July 30, in Washington, D. C., and
Vniontown, Pa.
Tickets Now on Sale
Vor 'Berkeley Square'
Tickets for "Berkeley Square," the
comedy by John Balderston which
in New York created a smashing hit
when it was staged by the Theatre
Guild, went on sale yesterday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre box office
Advance indications point to a
in the League.
record turnout, with the demand for
seats being especially heavy. The
fourth production of the current
summer season, it is being staged by
Valenitine B. Windt, director of Play
The Repertory Players will give
t h e first performance tomorrow
night, concluding with Saturday
In the cast are such members of
the Players as Harry Allen, who
played in "Mr. Pim Passes By;" Alan
Handley, wh played the role of
"Paolo" in "Paolo and +rancesca,"
and Martha Ellen Scott.
Hilligan Makes an Ace
On University Course
James C. Hilligan, '33D, shot the
fifth hole-in-one to be made on the
University golf course yesterday af-
The ace was made on the 150-
yard b;ole with a number 5, mashie.
Members of the foursome playing
with Hilligan were Warren R. Staeb-
ler, Calvin B. Talhelm, and A. H.
Goldberg. All of them are students
in the Summer Session.
Hilligan's score for the round was
Indiana Dean outlines
Chief Teacher Projects
Solution of the employment ques-
tion and the study of national and
international problems are the chief
project for women teachers in the
opinion of Dean Agnes Wells, of the
University of Indiana. She was the
guest of honor last night at a meet-

Alumni Clubs
Renew Thirty
23 Literary Sophomores,
7 Engineers Honored,
for Achievement
(See Story on Page 3.)
Thirty sophomores, 23 in the lit-
erary college and seven in the engi-
neering college, will come back to
Michigan in the fall through renew-
als of the Michigan Alumni Under-
graduate scholarships. All of them
held the scholarships during their
first year here.
The literary students are : Lucille
Alm, Galesburg; P a u1 Babcock,
Grand Haven; Jessie' Barton, Man-
istique; John Bollock, Ann Arbor;
Mary L. Burgess, Battle Creek; Isa-
bella Currie, Detroit; Elizabeth Dav-
is, St. Joseph; Jack Healey, Battle
Creek; Charles Hedetniemi, Cham-
pion; Morris Higgins, Battle Creek;
Victor Kayser, Ann Arbor; Elizabeth
Kitchen, Kalamazoo.
Elizabeth Lawry, Ishpeming; Rob-
ert McKeever, Detroit; Walter Mor-
rison, Manistique; Barbara Owens,,
Owosso; Evelyn Robertson, Dowa-
giac; Emina Jane Ross, Battle
Creek; Erna Schmidt, Saginaw;
Truman Smith, Lansing; Sidney So-
bin, Detroit; Harriet Spiess, Owosso;
and Wheaton Strom, Escanaba.
The engineering students who will
hold renewed scholarships are: Ken-
neth Emery, Dearborn; Tage Jacob-
son, Detroit; Allen Knuusi, Huron
Mountain; Alfred Kresse, Meiom-
inee; John C. Moore, Lansing; John
F. Schmidt, Ann Arbor, and John
Stein, Midland.
McClusky Will Address
Socialist Club Meeting
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
School of Education, will speak at
7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the
League building on "What a Social-
ist State Could Do for Education."
The discussion, sponsored by the
Michigan Socialist club, will be open
to the general public.

Officials to
Talk of Laws
On Education
Educational Legislation
Conference to Convene
Here for 3 Days
Michener to Talk
At Annual Dinner
Sessions to Be Held at
9:30, 2 and 8 Today;
Dean First Speaker
Educators from all over the state
will convene in Ann Arbor for a
three-day conference on Educational
Legislation, which will open at 9:30
o'clock today. The conference, spon-
.ored by the school of education, hgs
as its purpose the development of
a better understanding of the pres-
ent educational legislation of the
state and a consideration of needed
changes. All sessions will be held
at the Union.
ah dmonson to Speak
J. B. Edmonson, dean of the school
of education, will open the 9:30
o'clock meeting today with an ex-
planation of the purpose of the con-
ference. Otto W. Haisley, president
of the Michigan Education associa-
tion, will preside. Lent D. Upson,
director of the state ,inquiry com-
mission into county, township and
school district government,, will be
the second speaker, discussing "The
State Survey of Local Government."
'Governmental Costs and the
Economy League of Michigan" will
be the topic of L. D. Woodworth,
secretary of the league. Discussion
will then be led by Chairman Hais-
The afternoon session at 2 o'clock
will open with an address on "Esti-
mating State School Efficiency" by
Frank Iubbard, associate director
of the research division of the Na-
tional Education association. D. B.
Waldo, president of Western State
Teachers college, will be chairman of
the meeting.
C. L. Goodrich, deputy superin-,
tendent of public instruction, will
give the next paper on "A Critical
Appraisal of Some Recent Trends in
Educational Legislation in Michi-
gan." The discussion will then be
led by Chairman Waldo.
Plan Round Table Discussion
Fred Jeffers, president of the
state board of education, will at as
chairman of the concluding meeting
today at 8 o'clock at which a round
table discussion on "How May Our'
Professional Organizations Co-op-
erate More Effectively?" will take
place. E. T. Cameron, secretary of
the Michigan Education association,
will talk on "A Review of the Pro-
gram of Activities of the Legislative
Committee of the M. E. A. for 191
and the Special Session of 1932." He
will be followed by Prof. George E.
6arrothers, of the education school,
Superintendent Haisley, President
Ross, of the state federation of
teachers' clubs, Dr. Hubbard, and
others who will give brief talks.
Tomorrow's sessions will be fea-
tured by the banquet at 6:30 o'clock.
Dean EdwardH. Kraus, of the Sum
mer Session, will act as toastmaster.
Earl Michener, member of Congress
from this district, will give an ad-
dress on "Recent Proposals for Edu-
cation That Have Been Considered
by Congress." This meeting will
take the place of the 8 o'clock

PARIS, July 18.-(AP)---Jules J.<
Jusserand, former French ambassa-
dor to the United States, died at 8t
o'clock this morning.t
He was 77 last February. For
some time he had been suffering<
from a kidney ailment, but although
his health was delicate his death
was not expected.
Death came peacefully as he lay
ill in his Paris home. It was learn-c
ed he had been under the constantI
care of a physician for te past
eight days because of a constitutionI
w'akened by a series of kidney oper-t
ations some years ago.t
open Drive to
Send 400 Poor
Boy7s to Camp
Students Contributionst
Provide Short Vacationt
For Slum Children
The campus wi41 be 'invaded to-c
morrow by a group of boys from the
University of Michigan Fresh Air1
camp on Lake Patterson. They willt
come in an attempt to raise funds
for the support of the project which,
each summer, gives a week or two
of vacation to more 'than 400 boys
from/ the slums of neighboring cities.
Under the direction of Lewis Le-
mak, '33, swimming director at the
camp, they will conduct their annual#
summer tag-day tomorrow to raise
these funds. Almost $3,000 was con-
tributed by Michigan students at
the Spring tag-day.
The camp; this year under the di-
'rection of George G. Alder, is aboit
seven miles from Pinkney and has
been in operation for twelve years,
ten of them at the present site. Dur-
ing this time more than 4,000 under-
privileged boys have been given this
opportunity to play and swim, an
opportunity which they would very
probably never get in any other way,
through the generosity of Michigan
students during the summer and
during the regular session.
DeantDana Will Visit
Summer Forestry Camp
(Special)-Dean Samuel T. Dana,
cif the forestry and conservation
school, will arrive here this week to
attend the eleventh district meeting
of University alumni at Ishpeming
on July 23.
Dean Dana will also confer with
Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., camp direc-
tor, concerning suggested sites for
the camp.
Students at the camp will leave
soon on a trip to the Lake States
Forest Experiment station's substa-
tion at Dukes landing.
MacLcish V *ins 25-Yard
Breast Stroke Event
R. P. MacLeish won the 25 yard
breast stroke yesterde.y afternoon in
the Intramural pool. His time was
14: second-.

Watkins Opposes
Currency Inflation
As Business Cure

Former Envoy Dead


It Is Liable to Get Out
Of Control and Create
New Evils, He Asserts;
Cites Other Paths

Points to Relief
As Best Way Out
Mleasures Have Not Gone
Far Enough, He Claims;
Favors Reconstruction
Loaqs to Individual
Declaring his opposition to infla-
tion as a cure for the present eco-
nomic situation, Prof. Leonard Wat-
kins of the economics department
yesterday pointed to proper, relief
measures as the road to betterbus-
There are three possible routes
out of the present situation, he said:
the bankruptcy route, the inflation
route, and an intermediary course,
which he termed the "relief route."
Radical action by the government
would be necessary, in the opinion
of Professor Watkins, to drive prices
up towards the level of 1929, and he
expressed the fear that such infia-
ti n would become uncontrollable
ard lead t new evils. He pointed
out that earlier inflation was in con7
siderable measure responsible for the
present situation.
Measures Inadequate ,
While approving relief measures
designed to help us through the de-
pression, Professor Watkins expres-
sed the view that these measures
had not gone far enough. The money
that has been put into circulatio by
Congressional bills has not reached
the spenders but has been short-
circuited on the way, he said. Since
the spring the Federal Reserve banks
have bought nearly one billion dol-
lars worth of United States securi-
ties, but most of this potential credit
has been allowed to stagnate in the
hands of the banks and loans have
increased very little.
Most of the funds-advanced by
the Reconstruction Finance corpor-
ation, he stated, have likewise failed
to reach the general public or to give
relief to the unmployed.
Favors Direct Relief
Professor Watkins approved the
contention of Speaker John N. Gar-
ner that the new relief bill should
have provided direct chinnels for
funds to reach private business and
individuals. Although this measure
was defeated, the Federal Reserve
banks have been givey power to
make direct loans to business in spe-
cial cases.
Public works, in the opinion of
Professor Watkis, represent t h e
best means of , g'ming relief to' the
unemployed. Relief should not be
confined to any one group of indiv-
iduals, he concluded, but should go
where it is most needed and where
it will be turned back into circula-
tion.' The War Veterans, for in
stance, have received as much as
soldiers of other countries and to
further them would be an unwise
move at this time.
Federals Start Drive
Against Capone Gang
CHICAGO, July 1.-(AP)-The
Herald and Examiner says the fed-
eral government has started a far-
reaching campaign to drive the rem
nants of Al Capone's syndicate out
of business.
At least 200 Chicago gangsters, in-
cluding Al and Ralph Capone both
now in federal prison for income tax
evasion, probably will both be pro-
secuted, the newspaper said. New
indictments were predicted by the,
paper to supersede 68 returned a
year ago against Capone's gangsters.
Michigan Man at Helm
Of Roosevelt's Yacht
Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dem-
ocratic presidential nominee, is be-
ing guided through his vacational
yachting; trip by a Michigan man,
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the
Alumni association, said yesterday.

George K. Briggs, of Marblehead
and Boston, is the man* at the helm
of the Roosevelt yacht. Briggs is one
of the well-known amateur yachts-
man of the east coast.

Long Preparation Necessary to
Production of Finished Play

Little do people-especially those
who are not ardent theatregoers-
know the complex and varied func-
tions which take place backstage.
If one could go behind the scenes
at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
in the League, where the Michigan
Repertory Players are in the fourth
summer season, it would be possible
to see dozens of students, all busily
engaged in some kind of work.
The finished play-as the public
sees it-is the climax of long prepar-
ation. It represents hard work and
long hours.
First, there are 125 students-un-
dergraduates and graduates-who
comprise the Players. They are
headed by a staff of 10-the direc-
tors and business managers-who. do
the highly technical work involved
in the production of a play.
But this is only the beginning.

part will be centered on "Berkeley
Square," the comedy by John Bald-
erston, but at the same time, rehear-
sals are being held for the "Chalk
Circle," the play which opens next
week, and the satirical comedy on
Hollywood, "Once in a Lifetime,"
Which opens a four-day run August
Let's stay in the theatre after the
audience at the final performance-
on Saturday night - has _d r i f t e d
away. Immediately there is a bustle.
The scenery you just saw is being
whisked away, down into the base-
ment. Up comes the scenery for the
next play, which, for a week or more,
has been in the process of prepara-
Sunday, while you go for a drive
or swim or walk, dress rehearsal for
the play that week gets under way.
And there is thei properties room,

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