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July 17, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-17

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Yan Daily
ed 1890


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A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(JP)-But for the in-
tervention of William Gibbs McAdoo et al with
the Garner ticket in the California democratic
presidential primaries Governor Roosevelt prob-
ably would have had that state in his Chicago"
bandwagon fron) the start.

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Ished every morning except Monday during the
sity year and Summer Session by the Board in
of of Student Publications. .
nber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
end the Big' Tea News Servicc.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
herwise credited in this paper and the local news
;ed herein. All rights of republication of special
ches are reserved.
red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
i class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Assistant Postmaster General.
scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During regular school year by carrier, ,$4.00; by
es: Student Publications Buildin~g, Maynard Street,
rbor, Micelgan. Phone: 2-1214.
resentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street,
n, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,Ill.
Office Hours; 2-12 P.M.
ial Director.........:............Beach Conger, Jr.
ditor.........................Carl S. Forsythe
Editor........................David M. Nichol
Editor. ..................Denton Kunze
aph .E:ditor..................Thomas Connellan
Editor........................C. H. Beukema
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
ess Manager............Charles T. Kline
ant Business Manager............Norris P. Johnson
ation Manager ................Clinton B. Conger
SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1932"
e Summer
ctttre Series ..
e Summer School lecture series, thanks to
ngenuity of Mr. Carl Brandt, opened last
with one of the most original attractions
it has ever been the pleasure of an Ann
r audience to witness. We refer to the Fish-
khart debate on the recognition of Soviet
a. Regardless of the individual viewpoint
.e matter, the debate undoubtedly stimulated
ssion of the subject in the minds of all who
e lecture series is a new attraction for Sum-
Session students. Although the regular ses-
has been privileged to hear noted authorities
any fields for over twenty-five years under
;onsorship of the Oratorical association, this
first year the feature has been offered dur-
he summer months. As an experiment, from
esults of the first program, it seems to have
a success.
sincerely hope that/attendance at these lec-
will be such as to warrant making this
iment a 'permanent feature of the Summer
on. Hundreds of notables have stood on
platform in previous years ano, addressed
nt audiences, brought new problems to the
and told thrilling tales of exploration and
iture. Winston Churchill, Admiral Byrd,
,in Luckner, Gilbert Chesterton are but a
f these.
s summer's program, as an experiment, is
ly ambitious. Senator Brookhart and Rep-
tative Fish opened the series, and Com-
er MacMillan and Captain. Carl von Hoff-
will complete the, roster. We hope the series
e regular summer feature from now on.

There were several party factions in California
prior to development of the three-way Roosevelt-
Garner-Smith fight; but at one time all were
rated as Roosevelt groups.
With California in the Roosevelt bag, the whole
course of the convention that finally nominated
him under the impulse of California's switch,
would have been different. The "Roosevelt-on-
the-first-ballot" prediction of Jim Farley hinged
on that California primary, it now seems. Where-
fore it is fair enough t.hat California should ulti-
mately have put the New Yorker over anyhow.
* * * ,
But locally, out in California, events shaped
themselves between those two happenings that
must be causing "Sunny Sam" Shortridge, that
great senatorial expounder of the excellencies of
the golden state, profound concern.
For out of these democratic presidential nomi-
nation comings and goings, which made no ulti-
mate difference to Roosevelt's success, emerged
the tall figure of Mr. McAdoo as presumptive
challenger of Mr. Shortridge for his senatorial
And Mr. Shortridge had plenty of trouble six
years ago retaining that figurative garment
against the clutch of John B. Elliott, now a sort
of general manager of the McAdoo campaign. -
A good many factors enter into the confidence
with which Messrs. McAdoo and Elliott approach
the preliminary primary phase of the battle.
For one thing, the outcome at Chicago seems
to have cleared McAdoo's road to the nomination
in one respect. Justice Wardell of the northern
end of the state apparently has thought better of
making the ;ace.
The unprecedented California democratic regi-
stration of this year is a factor in McAdoo hopes,
so far as election is concerned.
The Secession Movement, by Dwight Dumond
In The Secession Movement, 1860-1861 (Mac-
Millan, 1931), Professor Dwight .L.. Dumond of
the Department of History, University of Michi-
gan, haswritten an important analysis of the
state of mind of the south at the moment of
the great attempted revolution in American his-
tory. It is a theme which has long called for an
historian unattached to the sectional northern,
specifically Republican, schobol which has led in
the writing of Civil war history. Professor
Dumond has produced an admirable book-objec-
tive, but sympathetic towards southern views-
which in many points of fact ,and of interpreta-
tion challenges'accustomed formulas. It will not
end controversy, but has redefined more afccurately
several of the vital issues. For instance, it has
cleared away a great deal of confusion regarding
the position of the southern "Unionists." The
union to which they were loyal was not, of
course, the consolidated union of Lincoln's pro-
gram, nor even the union as it then existed in
their minds, perhaps in fact, with its threats tq
the southern minority and to the safety of south-
ern institutions. Again, the author has effectively
disposed of the belief that the southern-rights
democrats conspired to disrupt the Democratic
party at Charleston in 1860. (In this revision
Stephen A. Douglas fares rather badly.) He has
also illuminated the story of the abortive efforts
at compromise in the last months of Buchanan's
administration. Here the onus of failure is
thrown upon the Republicans; but it is candidly
admitted that the proposed amendments to the
constitution were also unacceptable to a large
body of southern opinion. These episodes served
(along with the affair of the southern forts, here
reduced to its true significance) to advance the
cause -of secession in its several stages, each of
which is carefully defined.
Nowhere else can one find in such compass so
clear a definition of the competing political prin-
ciples of this epoch regarding slavery and the
constitution. Professor Dumond has no difficulty
in demonstrating the superior logic and intel-
lectual integrity of southern theory, once its
premises were accepted. No doubt he would be
the first to admit that behind the doctrines cur-
rent in 1860 lies a whole long history of diverging
social and economic development, north and
south, and of sectional antagonisms on an emo-
tional plane. But of necessity he begins his ac-
count with a time when ideas were fast crystalliz-
ing into irreconcilable dogmas; when, as in an
earlier American revolution, ideas which had been
in origin the rationalization of positions assumed
for reasons of material interest and social policy,
but now strongly colored by passion and rhetoric,
became in themselves the instruments of revolu-
tion. Indeed one appreciative reader has been so
much impr'essed by the stress upon the clash of
ideas in 1860-1861 that he finds it somewhat
difficult to follow the author in rejecting "the

tradition that the Civil war was irrepressible."
One group of sources used in this scholarly
study consists of editorials published in the
southern newspapers during that period of high
debate. Professor Dumond has performed an-
other important service to ,Civil war scholarship
in bringing together a large and judicious selec-
tion of these documents in his Southern Edi-
torials on Secession (Century, 1931), a volume
issued under the auspices of the American His-
torical association on the Albert J. Beveridge fund.

Jury Ford .Riot, Finding taken from the Detroit
Free Press, was very prejudiced, and .. ." Could
anything be plainer. It was your comment upon
the article you had taken from the Free Press.
(For Mr. Bridge's edification, all matter reprinted
unler the heading editorial comment is printed
verbatim from the newspaper to which 'it is cred-
ited, and does not in any manner represent the
opinion of The Daily.-The Editors.) And my en-
tire letter' had nothing in it about the Grand
Jury Finding. I had nothing to say about that.
What I said was directed to one point only: Com-
munists are not cowards, but stand-patters are.
- If it would appease your vanity in any way I
do admire you as an editor more than I do the
editor of the Free Press, although I've said noth-
ing about the latter's intelligence or intrepidity.
If you feel you print news which accords with
what I would wish a newspaper to print you may
I assure yourself you are a radical newspaper, yet
I am sure you do not feel you are such, nor do I.
Of course primary and secondary schools are
peremptorily under the influence of money bar-
ons, while Universities diverge from this absolute
control according to the locality and the form of
institution. Now mid-western state universities
are nearer the helpless condition of primary and
secondary schools than are other universities
throughout the country; witness the case of for-
mer President Little and Dean Cbot of the
medical school in our 'wn backyard, as well as
Professor Miller at Ohio State. At the same time
read Ludwig Lewisohn's Upstream and learn
something more about academic freedom in our
mid-western state universities. (We have read
I will grant you the anamoly which radicals
possess of dragging into any question they are
discussing other questions along the same line.
In order to emphasize the injustice done Tom
Mooney it does not hurt to bring in -as many
other cases of injustice as possible. If Mooney
was the only case there would be less reason to
inquire into the injustice done him, but there
are myriads of other cases, and the Scottsboro
case is indubiously a paragon of injustice which
must be used to help Tom Mooney. Perhaps only
one-fourth of the meeting was devoted to direct
Tom Mooney facts, yet the tenor of the entire
meeting was injustice, and to depict, as I have
said above, how prevalent injustice is in the
United States, is to help Tom Mooney. *
0. H. Bridge
To The. Editor:
It-was withra mind practically barren of in-
formation concerning Mooney, Scottsborough, or
the Socialist Club that I attended the Mooney
case meeting Tuesday night. The mind is now
in the same state as to information. Consequent-
ly it was quite interesting to read the letters
of Messers. Bridge, and Spencer in this morn-
ing's Daily in which they repetitiously urged The
Facing of Facts.
It is true that Professor Carr did give quite
some enlightenment as to why the Mooney case
is controverted. But he failed utterly to elaborate
on two very important matters: (1) the exact
motive behnd such allegedly unfair prosecution
of Mooney, (2) What Mooney testified to. I list-
ened, in vain for those Facts.
Then we come to Mr. Moore's oration, which,
I am frank to say, was interesting and well given.
I was one of the capacity audience. But I won-
der if the possibility ever occurred to 'r. Bridge
or Mr. Spencer that the audience didnot neces-
sarily stay because it Believed. Haveii't we seen
time and again capacity houses watching Thurs-
ton the magician pull rabbits from a hat,
Personally I was interested in Mr. Moore's
speech because it was promising to break a
world's record for Loose Talk. - Such phrases as
"Santa Claus" yarns and "Legal Lynching," while
clever and enormously funny, were meaningless.
That is, to the intellect. They have, no doubt,
a full emotional value.
That is why I think the Socialist Club made a
mistake in picking the locale of their meeting.
To expect a University audience to be taken in by
Mr. Moore's puerile propaganda is exhibiting an
optimism which, frankly, I admire. But how Mr.
Bridge and Mr. Spencer can talk about Facing
the Facts after sponsoring Mr. Moore's rampage
is something which, frankly, I marvel at.
Overlooking the details of the principal ad-
dress, I could have been moved had Mr. More
offered a reasonable means of protecting Mooney
and the Scottsborough boys from the verdicts
of our inexorable legal "inquisitions." The only
conclusion Ican draw from the program offered
Tuesday night is that the Mass Mind is to de-
termine the guilt or innocence of the Downtrod-
den. That is, the Mass Mind inflamed by scratch-
pan statements tossed out indiscriminately by the
Mr. Mores. Supported, of course, by a'little lady
in black who has nothing to say and whose ap-
pearance is supposed to cause weeping and the
wringing of hands. I submit that such an offer
makes no ease for the substitution of the Mass

Mind in place of our present courts.
In conclusion I might suggest that it was more
than impoliteness for Mr. Birdge to mention what
the editor should read for his edification. I feel
sure that 'the editor is finely enough educated to
face any Facts that Mr. Bridge has to present,
But I go the full way with him' in condemning
last Tuesday evening's Radical Rumpus.
To The Editor:
The discussion which has taken place in your
Campus Opinion column following upon your
editorial on the recent Mooney meeting has been
of great interest to me. I am glad to see that
there are students on this campus who take this
controversy seriously enough to write for the
column. A liberal attitude on the part of The
Daily calls for comment from persons of all
shades of opinion. In a word, I wish to commend
the view taken by The Daily of fostering an
increased interest in discussion of problems which
are in immediate need of solution.
Several of your correspondents have deplored
the fact that errors have been made in the word-
ing of advertising material on recent talks spon-
sored by the Socialist club and as a result were
dissatisfied with what took place at these meet-
ings. There is just ground for such criticism
and I assure you that a serious attempt will be
made for future meetings to avoid any errors
of this nature.
However. I do want to call the attention of
your readers to the fact that the Socialist club
is the only organization on the campus that is
sponsoring a series of talks for the purpose of
giving out information and providing for open
discussion on subjects broad in scope and con-
troversial in nature. Notice that the discussion
of Economic Planning was given by a progressive
Republican. This certainly would draw no fire
from some ;of the liberal and conservative fellow-












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Oresidrnt Hoover and His
,abinet Set an Example...
Painless philanthropy is one thing but it is a'
nsiderably different matter to cut one's salary
ien there is no force in the world which can
mpel this cut.
Yet this is exactly what has been done by
esident Hoover in turning back to the treasury
partment $.15,000 of his annual salary of
5,000. At the same time, it was announced
at the cabinet officers wotild accept salary re-
etions of approximately 15 per cent, almost
e maximum cut to be given under the recent
deral legislation and considerably more than
e amount which will be cut by compulsory fur-
ighs for government employees.
Although the salary of the President may seem
'ge at first thought, it must be remembered
at his obligations, social and otherwise, require
e expenditure of almost the entire amount of
yea ly stipend. The reduction of this amount
$15,000 will probably mean some considerable
kite House economies.
The cut is even more interesting when it is
nembered that no power on the earth can cut
salary of the President. Congress has been
cifically prohibited this use of its legislative
wers and there is no administrative officer who
empowered to do this. As a matter of fact,
cut can only be accomplished by the volun-
y contribution of the President to the treasury
the United States.
Phis is, indeed, more than "painless" philan-
opy and the action of the cabinet officers in
enting to their salary reductions is of the same

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Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.

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