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July 17, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-17

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y Sunday with
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The Summer Lecture Sc
President Hoover and his(
net Set an Example.

Official Publication of The Summer Session

No. 18




. _....... .

ter Names
eball Men

Where 400 Slum Children Find Happiness


e August
tion Tour


ore Will Be
n This Month
and Bride Will
Wedding Tour of
Benjamin to Go
of the baseball squad
epresent Michigan and
States in the interria-
all series in Japan dur-
summer was announced
y Coach Ray L. Fisher.
yers will make up the
of the group that is to
ip, leaving here Aug. 6
rom San Francisco Aug.
re will be named later.-
cNeal to Pitch
ect Michael Difiley and
ss will supply the back-
,nd Harley McNeal, Jack
rthur Patchin and Sid-
will do the pitching.
nuel will be at first base;
iels, second base; Stan-
shortstop; Arthur Su-
base; Jack Teitelbaum,
der; Eugene Braendle,
anley Ferguson, center
kvon Artz, right field.
.d Daniels will alternate
d with Braendle, Fergu-,
giving Teitelbaum, nor-
tstop, an opportuntiy to
res around second base.
the party will be Coach
rs. 'Fisher and a daugh-
man Daniels, and;Harry
udent baseball manager
Mrs. Daniels, the former
imie of Detroit, and Mr.
e the tour partly as a

Students will be asked to buy tags Wednesday for the benefit of
the 400 underprivileged children who annually enjoy a camp-
ing period at the University's Fresh Air camp at Patterson lake.
Above is shown a group from Detroit which' has been enjoying a
weeks' absenlce from the heat and conigestion of Detroit's slums.
Student Gifts Buy Two Weeks
'f 4 C
Of Fun or 400 Big City T OLs

The team will spend a day in Los
Angeles before' sailing from San
Francisco Aug. 11 on the N. Y. K.
steamer Asama. It will stop off at
Honolulu and may play a game there.
Second Trip in Four Years
Arriving in Japan it will play six
games with commercial college
teams in northern Nippon, then will
return to Tokyo to play nine games
with Meiji, Keio and Rikkio (St.
Paul's), members of the Tokyo
league. The schedule, providing for.
three games with each team, may
be reduced, as only two contests will
be played where either team wins
the first two booked.
This series will be the second that
Michigan has played in -Japan in the
last four years, the 1929 team having
made the trip also. The 1929 outfit
won 11 games out of 13.
The series will be the year's big
international attraction for Japan-
ese baseball fans and is expected to
draw capacity crowds, particularly in
the contests to be played at Tokyo.
The Tokyo games will be played at'
Meiji Shrine, a stadium having a
capacity of 65,000. Several games in
1929, also played there, drew capacity
Students Get
Speed Thrills
On Sixth Tour
Take Trip Around Testing
Embankment at General
Motors Proving Ground
Rounding right angle curves at 45
miles an hour in coaches was just
one of the thrills to which the stu-
dents of the Summer Session were
treated on the annual excursion to
the General Motors proving grounds
As if to make the program of
thrills complete, the party mounted
the rim of the embankment at the
curve of the saucer-like speed bowl
as Cadillac sixteens pounded around
at the rate of 90 miles per hour on
trial runs.
Upon their arrival the University
party was first shown motion pic-
tures of all the tests to which the
cars are submitted, and were then
escorted by company officials in
coaches over the testing roads and
the speed trace.
Tested for everything from pickup
to the beauty of the body color

Along the wooded shore ,of Patter-
son lake 400 underprivileged chil-
dren from the slums of Detroit haveI
annually enjoyed a week or two dur-
ing the summer at the University of
Michigan Freh Air camp. ThisE
year again the University is playing
"father" to such a group.
Rather than throwing bricks atc
empty houses and playing Go-Shee-c
pie-Go down dirty alleys, these kids
are out at the camp now taking twot
dips daily in the cool waters of Pat-t
terson lake, playing Indian and
learning th nature lore, handicraft,
and woodcraft of the early Ameri-
It is only a brief vacation, but an
effective one. Three square meals
Six Churches f
Offer Services
'Civilization and Revolt'
To Be Fisher's Subject;
Heaps Will Speakl
Varied religious programs appeal,-E
ing to Summer Session students willg
be offered today in six Ann Arbor
Continuing his series of talks on
"Living in the Twentieth Century,"
Dr.. Frederick B. Fisher will speakJ
at 10:45 o'clock on "Civilization and
At the Wesley foundation, Prof. W.
Carl Rufus, of the astronomy de-
partment, will lead t h e evening
meeting with a talk on "Observa-
tions of Christians in the Orient and
in America." The evening class will
be conducted by Prof. George E'.
Carrothers of the education school.1
Offer Musical .Program
A special musical program will be
offered at the First Congregational
church, presenting Miss Ruth Phol,
harpist; Miss Gwendolyn Zoller, so-
loist; and J. Christian Phol, organ-
ist. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will
speak at the usual hour on the topic,
"Creative Living."
"Back to Sanity" is the arresting
subject chosen by the Rev. Merle H.
A n d e r s o n,, of the Presbyterian
church, for the morning service at.
10:45 o'clock. The talk is the fourth
in a series on "The Best Story in
the World." The social- hour and
fellowship meeting will be held at 6
Morning worship will be conduct-
ed at 10:45 o'clock at St. Paul's Lu-
theran church, kollowing the bible
school service in German at 9:30
Talks on 'True Worship'
At the Bethlehem Evangelical
church, the Rev. Theodore R.. Sch-
male will take for his topic, "True
Worship." He will speak at 10
o'clock, following the bible school at
9 o'clock. Worship will be conducted
in German at 1 o'clock.
TherRev. R. Edward Sayles, at the
First Baptist church, will talk on
"Recovering Realities." The sermon,
at 10:45 o'clock, will follow the
church school at 9:30. Summer
Session students will meet at noon
in the west alcove of the church au-
ditorium for the weekly student
group discussions, led by Walter
Rauschenbusch.' All students of the
Session will be invited to attend the
social hour and discussion meeting
at 6:30 o'clock in the Guild house.
Arthur Bernhart, Grad., will be in

each day and the warm sun bring
new life to the groups, and as a re-
sult each year letters come in great
numbers from the youthful band of:
would-be Indians' telling of the en-
joyment of living at a camp support-
ed by the contributions of University
of Michigan Students.
Early Wednesday morning a group
of Camp boys, under the direction
of Lewis Lemak, '33, one of the di-,
rectors, will conduct a tag-day drive
on the campus. Approximately $3,-
000 was the amount asked to be
r.ised \last spring when subscrip-
tions were first taken. But now
funds have dwindled and if the kids
are to continue to enjoy this new
and novel life which in the past has
been opened to them, the Summer
Session students will be the bene-
Only boys between the ages of 10
and 16 years are admitted to the
camp which is located seven miles
southwest of Pinckney. Nine cabins
accomodate the campers, and the
grounds include more t h a n 180
acres. Eleven boats, including two
large life-boats, provide sufficient
opportunity for boating on the lake.
The camp is being directed by
George 0. Alder, assistant principal.
of the Jones school, Ann Arbor.
Plans are 'now being considered for
the building of a new dining hall
and a recreation center when funds
are available. The proposed project
would include also a council ring,
and a stage for the presentations of
the campers.
Lord Plumer, Noted
British Commander,
Is dead at London
LONDON, July 16.-(AP)-Field
Marshal Lord Plumer, one of the
Army during the World War, died
today after a long illness. Few Bri-
tish commanders won such renown
as he during the war. He was made
a baron after the conflict.
He =will be buried Wednesday in
Westminster Abbey. Lord Plumer
was 74 years old.
He was first commander of the
Fifth Army Corps and then of the
Second Army of the British Expedi-
tionary Force in France. Later he
commanded the Expeditionary Force
in Italy.
From 1919 to 1924 he was Gover-
nor and commander-in-chief at
Samuel, now, homie secretary, as
high commissioner of Palestine.
Christian Will Offer
Organ Recital Monday
Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, will give a recital in the series
of complimentary concerts being pro-
vided by the School of Music during
the Summer Session at 8 o'clock
Tuesday night in Hill auditorium.

Tolan Second
In 100, 200
Meter Trials
Turner Comes in Third
In 200-Meter Tryouts;
Wins Place on Team
Metcalfe Is First
To Equal Record
Simpson Captures Thirds
w In Two Events; Ward Is
Eighth in Broad Jump
PALO ALTO, Cal., July 16.-(AP)
--Ralph Metcalfe, Marquette univer-
sity negro, and Eddie Tolan, recent-
ly "the midnight express of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, ran one, two in
the 100-meter and 200-meter finals
of the American Olympic track and
field tryouts today.
Edwin T. Turner, University of
Michigan, qualified for the 200-met-
er Olympic team, running third.
Willis Ward, also of Michigan, was
eliminated when he tied for eighth
place in the broad jump.
In the 100-meter event Metcalfe
lead the dusky Detroiter by ascant
yard to chalk up a time of 10.6,
equalling the Olympic record, and in
the 100-meter he finished four feet,
ahead of Tolan. His time in this
event was 21.5 seconds, a tenth of
a second better than that of the
Olympic record.
Simpson is Third
The third place on the American
team in each event went to George
Simpson, Ohio State star, and the
result left favorites out of the two
events. '
In the 100-meter dash Frank Wy-
koff, Emmett Toppino, and James
Johnson finished in the order nam-
ed behind, Metcalfe and Tolan. In
the 200-meter Bob Kiesel, Hec Dyer,
and Johnson also ran in the order
Toppino and Johnson, however,
were assured places. on the Olympic
400-meter team.
Jean Venzke, of the New York
A.C., eastern favorite and world in-
door mile holder, failed to make the
Olympic team as he finished fourth
in the 1500-meter final captured by
"Ten" Hallowell of Harvard in the
American record time of 3 min., 1.2
Venzke Fails to Qualify
Venzke faded badly in the last
stretch after having taken the lead
on the back stretch of the bell lap.
Frank Crowelly of the New York
A.C. and Glen Cummings of Kansas
took second and third places respec-

Research Student
Gives 15 Century
Old Fabrics a Bath
Wasting fabrics! 1,500 years old is
all in a day's work for Dr. Lillian
M, Wilson, who is doing research
work here this summer in Greek and
Roman costumes and textiles. Miss
Wilson recently undertook to clean,
up some of the fabrics excavated by
the University of Michigan expedi-
tion to Egypt in 1924.
"These fabrics," explained Miss
Wilson, "were found at Karanis, one
of the Roman colonies at the time
the empire included Egypt. Those
fabrics were, so to speak, rags which
had been thrown away, and whtch
therefore were not taken by natives
who looted the place before the ex-
pedition arrived."
This collection of textiles, owned
by the University, is the only one
which cai accurately be dated from
the coins and papyri found at the
same time, something which is true
of no other similar collection, ac-
cording to Miss Wilson. She recent-
ly translated an old Greek papyrus
which told how the fabrics were
dyed. "In the main," she said, "veg-
etable dyes were used, but the in-
habitants sometimes utilized by-pro-
ducts from their copper smelting to
make green colors, as well as iron
rust for red."'
Miss Wilson then showed two
handbags, one of blue and yellow,
and another of red, which had been
beautifully embroidered. "They did
wonderful needlework," s h e said,
"although their plain sewing was
rather crude."
In addition to the handbags, there
were several specimens of tapestry
weaving and wool loop-weaving inl
brown, blue, yellow, orange, grey,l
and red.
Excursionists C
To See Byrd's
Famous Plane
Ford Airport, -Greenfield
Village Are Points to Be
Visited Wednesday
An exhibit of famous airplanes,
including the one in which Com-
mander Richard E. Byrd made his
epochal flight over the North Pole,]
will be viewed by students who make1
the seventh University excursion, on
Wednesday, to the Ford airport and
Greenfield village.
Adjacent to the airport, Henry'
Ford has constructed a typical cen-
tral Michigan town of four score
years ago. Here the students will
see the village green so dear to their
forefathers. The typical white stee-
pled church, the colonial-style town
hall, the red-brick school house, the
tavern, the country store, the tin-
type gallery, and even the black-
smith shop of years ago .will be seen.
Mr. Ford has also transferred
buildings and equipment to this
miniature community which are
connected with the inventions of
Thomas A. E d is o n-his original
Menlo Park laboratory, his library,
and his first Menlo Park factory.
The Ford airport is one of the
largest and most completely equip-
ped airports in America, according
to University engineers who have
highly recommended that Summer
Session students make the trip. It
includes two conrete runways, as
well as a complete field for landing
and taking off,, a dirigible mooring
mast, shops ahd service equipment,
hangars, and the plant for the as-
sembling of the Ford tri-motor, all
metal airplane.
Reservations for the tour must be
made before 5 o'clock Tuesday af-
ternoon in the office of the Summer

Session. Buses will leave at 1 o'clock
'Wednesday from in front of Angell,
hall, and the party will return about
5:45 o'clock. The bus fare will be
$1. Students driving their own cars
need no tickets.

Two Billion Relie
Bl tPasses Hous

Drops Inflation




Near Close; HoOv4
tends; Garner L
Before Adjournme

Representative Snell, told the1
House he would accept the rider for
his bill.
Republicans to
Take Campaign1
Into Southeast,
To Make Intensive Drive
In Strong Democratic
States This Year
ATLANTA, July 16.-(AP)--Or-
ganizing for an intensive campaign
in the South this year, the Repub-
licans plan to carry their fight into
the hitherto rock-ribbed D~emocratic
States of Georgia, Mississippi and
South Carolina.
These States have been Demo-
cratic since reconstruction days
and the general elections in Novem-
ber have merely ratified Democratic
nominees for office. Even four years
ago, when Hoover broke the solid
South for the first time in many
years, Georgia, South Carolina and
Mississippi followed their traditional
Democratic tendencies. Mississi:pi
and South Carolina increased their
'Democratic majorities.
Democrats say the entire South
and the border states will give big;
majorities for Roosevelt and Garner'
in November, but the Republicans
dispute this and saythey not only
expect to hold the four, States of
Florida, North Carolina, Virginia
and Texas, which they captured in
1928, but hopeito add others to the
Hoover and Curtis column.
Thecampaign for the Republican
National ticket will be backed by
fights for Senatorial and Congres-
sional seats throughout the South
and, in many instances, for County
and State offices.
Mississippi and South Carolina
will have Republican candidates for
Congress in each district to oppose
the Democratic nominees. This will
be the first time in nearly half a
century that the 'Republican Party
in Mississippi has entered a candi-
date in each district.
Camp Davis Sends
Three Men to Civil


.- ..

A long deadlock over currency
pansion was broken tonight and
seventy-second congress moved
ward adjournment of its sev
month session.
The break came after the Ho
twice today had refused to ace
the $1,000,000,000 currency incre
as a rider to the administra'
home loan bank bill, and the Sen
had refused to take it out. Fin
the House gave in by a vote of
to 114 after Representative Si
the Republican leader, had annou;
ed that he would rather accept
rider than have the bill killed.
The bill was the last of the
ministration measures before C
gress, .but the final agreement fo'
the Senate debating for the f
time to repeal the 18th amendm
Sent to White House
The $2,100,000,000 relief meal
was despatched in late afternoon
the White House, were it was
nounced President Hoover wo
sign it in a few days.
The President himself went ui
the Capitol shortly after 8 o'c]
to be on hand at the close anc
sign the final bill that might be
through. This is not required
law-he had ten days to do the si
ing-but tradition calls for presid
tial attendance at adjournment.
The Senate took up the Glass :
olution proposing to repeal the 1
amendment and substituted one o
lawing the saloon and giving fed
al help to states electing to be
Garner Leaves Early
Speaker Garner did not wait
the session to end. He had reser
tions on a train bound. for Te
and he went, leaving the gavel
the concluding formalities to J
McDuffie of Alabama.
The relief bill carried with it
provision for publicity on all 1o
to be made by the Reconstruc
Finance corporation. For a time
had threatened deadlock for the
also, but finally Senate leaders
they were convinced the langu
of the clause did not require pi
cation of the loans, and an ag
ment was reached and the bill
House leaders insisted that
report which the corporation r
rmake to Congress is public p
Inflation Plan
To Be Watkins
Merritt Will Discuss Nh

Deadloek Over Curr
Expansion Is Brok<
Snell Gives In to Sei
Vote Is 120-114
Senators Debate
Repeal Prop

Another favorite
Henry Brocksmith
set a burning pace
and a half laps,
and finished fifth,
hind Renwick.

lost out when
of Indiana, who
for the first two
ran himself out
a few yards be-

Wykoff and Toppino had . been
prime favorites to be .among the first
three, at least, the Southern boy
having come up to the finals with
one of the best sprinting records in
the United States.


Bell Will Address
Educators Tomorrow

Dr. Margaret Bell, professor of
physical education, will address the
4 o'clock conference of the educa-
tion school in the University high
school auditorium tomorrow after-
noon on the subject of "Periodic
Health Examinations."
Dr. Bell will quote statistics from
.a series of examinations and discuss
the essentials of a good, thorough
medical examination, particularly
how to judge an examination from
the layman's point of view.
Both the men's and women's Edu-
cation clubs will meet tomorrow at
7:30 o'clock, the men at the Union
and the women at the League.

Carr Assails Mooney Meeting
As Front for 'Red' Propaganda



"I was disgusted."
This, briefly, was the reaction of7
Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the depart-i
ment of sociology, to the so-called
"Mooney" meeting, held last Tues-
day night under the direction of
the Student Socialist club.
Professor Carr said that he had
been under the impression that the
meeting was to concern the case of
Tom Mooney, convicted San Fran-
cisco bomber, but he added "it had

sion which resulted in the minds
of many people to the effect that the
Mooney case is connected with Com-
munism. "It is not connected in any
way with such movements," he said.
Richard More, colored national
committeeman of the International
Labor defense, who, it developed af-
ter the meeting was well under way,
was the principle speaker of the eve-
ning advertised as an appearance
of "Mother Mooney," bitterly attack-
ed the entire modern society on

BELGRADE, July 16.- (AP) -
Beer consumption in Jugoslavia in
1932 will be about 100,000 gallons,
only half that of 1928.
YOU WISH ... but
You can't reach as many
people as The Daily reaches
every clay of the week (ex-

JACKSON, WYO., July 16.-(Spe-z
cial)--Activities at Camp Davis, out-
side of the regular work, have had
chiefly to do with the summer meet-
ing of the American Society of Civil
Engineers at Yellowstone park.
H. S. Crocker, '88E, of Denver,
drove to the camp on his way to the
meeting. He is president of the so-
ciety. Prof. H. W. King, Prof. C. O.
Carey, and Prof. Clarence T. John-;
son, of the engineering department,,
went to the meeting with the presi-
Dr. Elwood Mead, chief engineer
of the United States Reclamation
service, welcomed the nembers of
the society in the name of the Sec-
,rd...., ,of theint:rinrA .d Pnf~

Athens Excavations
Tuesday's Lecture
A discussion of the proposc
bring about an inflation of cur:
as a means of restoring busines
tality will be discussed at 5 o
Monday in Natural Science au
rium by Prof. Leonard L. Wat
of the economics department.
topic is "The Proposal for Infl
in the United States."
Prof. Benjamin D. Merritt, o
creative arts department, will b
Tuesday lecturer. He will d
"New Excavations in Athens.'
talk will be illustrated. Wedn
Prof. Ellsworth Faris, of the Ui
sity of Chicago, will.talk on
chology Versus Behaviorism."
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of the
tory department, will give the 'I
day lecture on the topic "Jos
San Martin and the Winnir
South American Independence
WT R In '6 - -"".-*7-7

cept Monday).

Save your

vocal cords and seek a posi-
tion, a lost article or com-


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