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July 16, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-16

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A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 15-(k)-The Roosevelt-
Hoover correspondence over progress of Ameri-
can-Canadian diplomatic negotiations respecting
the St. Lawrence waterway development rather
suggested some of Mr. Coolidge's White House
press conferences.
When Mr. Coolidge did not wish to disclose his
'mind on a question asked, he would ramble off
into a detailed exposition of how the machinery
e of the federal government worked, explaining
n with care how bills originated in congress, while
_ his press audience politely strove to conceal
- yawns.
Governor Roosevelt made an unprecedented
suggestion in proposing that Mr. Hoover invite
r him to Washington for a cross-table conference
s to iron out differences between the federal and
3 state authorities; as to what should or should not
- go into the treaty.

.. ',die 9 ,
w Nxta . ,u na ao ro m. .., Ewa

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1ATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932
r .
irope Rejeets.
Reai Arms Cut *..e
yoys frin the United states were justly in-
ant last week at the Geneva Armament Con-
ice when they saw a Franco-British agree-
drawn up in an. effort to sidetrack the
ricn on-third cu proposal..
reffor to railroad through the newest reso-
n was, however, broken up by Ambassador
n, who soon rallied several of the smaller
tries, as well as Russia and Germany to his
cording to the American envoy, t4e new plan
a "ileaninless resolution," pcmposed of
s with no definite plan of action, Other
-French plans for adjournmerit had been
sere from th e American delegation, as had
tiations on the resolution.
seems that the foreign nations, loaled with
;and armaments alike, should welcome such
pportunity to redu e forces equally. Surely
," which hhas consistently advocated arms
ction and as inconsistently demanded securi..
buld lose no ground were Great Britain and
inited States to reduce their forces by one-
i. Prsident Hoover's proposal has been one
e soundest advanced to date, yet the Euro-
nations seem to wish something not so prac-
but a plan which 'will be easier to carry out,
to praise, and yet give them an advantage.
at reat Britain should concur in France's
Uling is astonishing when one considers the
amount it spends on army and navy, yet
aps not so strange in light of recent Anglo-
h disagreements. France's ministers have
s assured the world they advocated arma-
reduction as a step towards world peace.
ihey have usually proved a stumbling block
ternational negotiations. It was undoubtedly
this in mind that President Hoover invited
A Minister Laval to Washington. Unfortu-
y he is now out of ofie, and M. Herriot
ols the policies of the French delegation.
'haps what is needed more than armament
:tion is the abolition of the old secret diplo-
and its attendant intrigues, as witness both.
ments and reparations conferences now
.ng. The United States has always stood for
1 ss in international diplomacy, frankness
Qionesty. Perhaps that is one of the reasons
,a been attacked as having failed in this
To be sure, national welfare is the primary
for every foreign policy. But when one
Scan frankly concede something, why can-
tie rest concede to, especially when so very
is to be lost and so very much to be gained
the Hoover reduction proposal?

New York state's primary concern is obvious,
since the entire course of the project is on her
borders. Yet it is much to be doubted that the
governor really expected Mr. Hoover to take him
up on the conference idea.
Now, cooing to President Hoover's reply: , It
informs Mr. Roosevelt of a lot of things about
.the way treaties are negotiated and all that of
which he is no doubt fully aware. That's where
it recalls the Coolidge technique.
The thing that Governor Roosevelt and the
New York power authority have been irpsisting on
is that they be consulted while the ndgotiations
were in aprogress. Mr. Hoover, however, expresses
his hope that an agreement with Canada will be
reached and adds that he will be "glad to have
you advised when this occurs."
*\ * *
Where does one detect Candidate Hoover and
Candidate Roosevelt in all this, rather than Pres-
ident Hoover and Governor Roosevelt?
Well, Mr. Roosevelt has got aqross again his
concern over cheap power for the mass of .folks,
which will be one of the mainsprings of his presi-
dential campaign. Since he could not have ex-
pected 1\r. Hoover to call him into conference
anyhow, presumably that's what he was after.
And Mr. Hoover has had an equal opportunity
to stress the statement that he had "ardently ad-
vocated for ten years the great work of complet-
ing this shipway from Duluth and Chicago to the
sea." That is good political stuff in a number of
areas this year.
It looks like tit-for-tat between them in this
first personal exchange of the campaign.
Campus Opinion.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of I The
Daily. Anonymous communications Will be disre-
garded.Ay The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors areasked to be brief, confining them-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I wish to make a commen on the editorial
which appeared Thursday morning.
Let us look once more at Richard Moore's ap-
praisal of Abraham Lincoln. It seems to me that
he pointed out something of fundamental impor-
tance which was deliberately overlooked in your
editorial for the apparent reason of befuddling
the minds of the readers. In brief it was this:
All workers in America today are oppressed far
more ruthlessly by the owners of industry than
were the black slaves of the old south. The slave
had his' bed, plenty of food, a secure existence.
Today we have not only to maintain a leisure
class in great luxury while we live on the subsist-
ence wage, ($25 a week was the average industrial
wage before the depression!) 'but we find unem-
ployment and starvation (and if we don't like
that, guns) staring us in the face. To talk of any
emancipation having resulted from the civil war,
or of any great man having freed the slaves does
not ring true when millions of slaves today can
testify that they are not yet, free.
However sincere Lincoln may have been in try-
ing to end slavery it is plain that his emancipa-
tion proclamation did not do the job. That Lin-
coln himself realized that there were other forms
of exploita'tion than chattel slavery is born out
by his statement:
"To secure ,to every worker the full product of
his labor is a worthy object of any good govern-
We of the working class are beginning to real-
ize that this can be done only when the economic
and political power is in our hands. Furthermore
we are beginning to see that it is our inevitable
role in history to establish this working class
society; there is no other way for us. We hope to
do it peacefully, but the Mooney case, the cases
of the Centralia prisoners and the cases of the
Harlan County miners in Kentucky make us be-
lieve the upholders of the old order will under-
stand only the law of force.

the votes of some economic group. It is an inter-
esting speculation whether the pseudo-Socialistic
remarks of Governor Roosevelt in Chicago a fort-
night ago are any indication of his post-election
Moreover the application of newer methods of
historical research and of history teaching is giv-
ing the educated public a different perspective of
some of "these men who must remain . . . among
the greatest leaders this country and the world
has ever produced." We know much more about
the Civil War than we did in 1865 and much
more about the World War than we did in 1918.
We are discovering that, while individual differ-
ences undoubtedly existed among the ancients, a
large part of the worship of the so-called great
all the way from the Old Testament figures to
our contemporary movie stars and trans-Atlantic
fliers is due to what can properly be called Santa
Claus yarns. Probably most of them were above
the average ability of their group but they were
human beings even as you and I. To people who
are concerned with the determining of the truth
in all its fields, the presentation of such material
should not be "sordidly disgusting."
We agree, however, that there is one tendency
of radicals, which was not specifically mentioned
in your editorial but which, apparently was
everywhere implied to which that expression can
fittingly be applied. And that is the penchant
for allowing the emotions to cloud the reason,
which places the thinker in such a position that
part of the evidence rushes into the foreground
and the rest of it sinks into the background or
in many cases, fades out entirely. The building
up of a hypothetical society composed of the
masters or the ruling class opposed to what is
called the working class, together with a com-
plete submerging of the millions between them is
probably the most frequent instance of this prac-
tice. It is not a matter of fact; it is a matter of
definition which, in turn, is a matter of point of
view. The man standing behind a rock and Who
is just able, by rising to his tiptoes, to see the
upper edges of another rock far beyond, is not
in position to see the relatively large area of
rockless region which lies between. His own rock
is in the way. So it was with Karl Marx. One
Michael Bakunin, the founder of Anarchistic
Communism, who carried on a lifelong intellec-
tual battle with the Hoyle of most Socialists says
of him, "I sought eagerly his conversation, which
was always instructive and clever, when it was
not inspired by a paltry hate, which, alas! hap-
pened only too ofte.n."
There is a difference in opinion among mem-
bers of liberal groups as to whether Evolutionary
Socialists, Revolutionary Socialists, Communists,
Defenders of Labor, etc., should be organized and
conducted separately or if one .group, having as
its general aim merely the moderate program of
the social control of production and distribution,
should be established and then "allow itself to
be imposed upon" by Left-wingers having ex-
treme points of view and advocating extreme
measures. Probably there were many progressive
thinkers at the Tuesday evening meeting who
found some of the statements from the platform
too "frothy and sensational" to entirely please
them. Intelligent liberalism is a panacea as long
as it remains intelligent and liberal, Put there is
always great danger that it degenerate into some-
thing as malignant as the cankerous radicalism
which you fear. I speak of callous conservatism.
Gerad 'V. Baker, Lit '116, Grad. '82




L '-



, ; , 11, "1

C onservative s

Whatever yo ur beliefs and opinions
on subjects of current in~terest; you
nmay express them inu the Campu.s
typean ion~ Column of ThI~e 1 1ichig an


IDaily+.. 4


The.. Campus Opinion
Column Is Open to All

To The Editor:
May I express my agreement with your editor-
ial of July 14 and say that many, who attended
the meeting had the same opinion of the perfor-
The radicals conceive our present society to be
in a state' of war. Their concern is largely with
tactics. Such a state of mind easily explains the
ethics involved. Nor. do' I complain. -They had a
right, in a state of war, to deceive me into at-
tending a meeting advertised for one purpose
but planned for another. The only concern they
need have is the effect of the meeting. It is my
opinion that they lost much goodwill'and aroused
much resentment. Your; expressed criticism has
been voiced to me by many. Public opinion is not
favorably influenced by such ineptitude. The so-
cialist club would have been wiser to admit its
error and promise to do better next time.
Psychologists have found that there are some
seven hundred shades of grey. Why do radicals
in painting their pictures use only saturated
black and pure white?
F ioria om me n
(Indiana Daily Student)
At last European nations have accepted the in-
evitable and have agreed that no single nation
can be forced to pay for the World War. Shrewd
business men saw the futility of the Dawes plan
and freely predicted that the burden was much
too staggering. Later the Young plan was less
burdensome but coupled with a world-wide de-
pression, Germany has been able to meet her
obligations only through the floating of huge
bond issues. Most -of these bonds were sold in
The motive which prompted thi move was not
an altruistic one. Even adamant France had
finally recognized that Germany could not and
would not pay. Furthermore, this was an oppor-
tunity to toss the crux of the whole problem of
reparations onto the United States government
which has steadfastly maintained that there is
no relationship between the Allied debt obliga-
tions to America and reparations While no defi-

You, you, and; you are all entitled
to the use of this courn in. order
that your ideas may be set forth in
print. Any feature to which you
wish to call the attention of the
studlent body may be published

here. If you have

grevances to

redress, if you have blame or praise
to give, here is the proper place for

All letters sent to this column
should be of less than 300 words.
The Editors reserve the right to re-
ject objetin'bhecopy.

Stewart Way


To The Editor:

ido-science may be carried to absurd lengths
es. Professor J. G. H. Buck's "scientific"
g reform, in our opinion, comes under this
:essor Buck has arrived in Washington to
rgress to pass a spelling reform law at a
when it has plenty to worry about in the
:, armaments, and last but not least poli-
>rofessor Buck has established himself as a
of one, and to illustrate his method, told
apermen that "Ghoughphtheeightteaux"
his system the correct way to spell potato,
give our readers a clue, the "gh" in hic-
.being pronounced like a "p", he starts the
n the above fashion. But, rather incon-
hr. 4thk "nii~flyh a0 C'in Ailorh is 'noft' flt'

It is regrettable that some people had the im- nite plan has been decided upon at Lausanne,
pression that Mrs. Mary Mooney was to play the European nations, and especially France, have all
leading role in the discussion of her son's con- along contended that debts and reparations are
viction. The Michigan Daily of Tuesday, July 12, inseparable.
announces that "a plea for the release of Tom The details of the plan are that Germany shall
Mooney,... will be voiced at a o'clock in Natural issue bqnds to an equivalency of three billion gold
Science Auditorium by Mrs. Mary Mooney his marks, or $750,000,000. However, the bonds are
84-year-old mother." The same announcement not to be issued until Germany's credit will per-
goes on to state that Professor Lowell J. Carr of mit or at least not within the next three years.
the Sociology Department, will also speak and It is hoped by the Lausanne participants that
that Richard Moore, of the International Labor this agreement will mark the end of the repara-
Defense, will present the legal aspects of the case. tions dispute, the greatest financial puzzle of his-
An exhaustive and vigorous defense by the aged tory.
mother would have been "of distinct interest" Two courses seem to be open to the American
but i seems likely that few people expected that, people. The results in either case will be identi-
and hence, tho they were a little disappointed, cal. In the first place America can cancel the
they reconciled themselves with the thought that obligations and credit the ten billion dollars
they had received just what the Michigan Daily loaned in good faith to bad debts. In the second
had advertised viz "a plea for the release of Tom place a policy of refusing to cancel will result in
Mooney.- repudiation. One thing seems absolutely certain
Just now Republican attacks on President Wil- -we aren't going to get our money back. The
son and Democratic attacks on President Hoover American taxpayer, who is already in a sad plight
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