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July 16, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-16

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Europe Rejects a Real A
Cut; Scientific Ad Absurd

Offwial Publication of The Summer Session




- , h-,

.te in
Claims of
uav and Bo.

Veterans Sleep on CapitolGrounds

ig Issues
aek to 1500
cientist Sees
of Ultimate
t, However
a nor Paraguay can
itorial title to the
e apply modern in-.
tated Prof. Jesse S.
the political science
night in a lecture
Codntroversy between
s that we apply in-
today whereas the
g the claims date
500 when there were
ds of complete ~ ti-
e e v e s continued.
eighteenth century
a statute. That is
mmon Title
culty is that both
raguay trace back
common title from
z they were both
.n no measure des-
r, about getting the
;ether and ultimate-
t the usual method
al controversies was
etween two extreme
Reeves stated that
r country has a sea-.
aims the whole of
in order to obtain
hae Paraguay river.
itire territory thus
ise difficult. Since
been a continuous
rt of outside coun-
r the United States,
and Paraguay to a
mnerable conferences
in Washington. But
is still an unfinish-
,rly History
es then went on to
history of the re-
illustrating, his lec-
uctions of early and

Dry Meeting
Refises to
0. K. Hoover
Endorsement of Nominee
Balked by Cannon Bloc
And C. T. Wilson
Policy Statement.
Text is Withheld
Will Outline Prohibition'
Record of Candidates
For Public Office
WASHINGTON, July 15.-(AP)-
A declaration of principles to guide
campaign was adopted today by the
National Prohibition Board of Stra-
tegy, after it had rejected a proposal
that President Hoover be immedi-
ately indorsed for re-election.
The text of the policy statement
was withheld for the time being,
but it was clearly indicated its
principal recommendation was for
submitting statements outlining the
prohibition records of the candidates
to member organizations and to all
interested persons.
This was intended to apply to
candidates for the Senate House and
State Legislatures, as well as to the
Republican and Democratic Presi-
dential nominees..
Board Submits Platform
The text was submitted this after-
noon to the National Conference of
Organizations Supporting the Eigh-
teenth Amendment,. for which the
Board serves as an Executive Com-
mittee. No action by the larger
group was intended, however, as the
Board acts for it.
A group led by Bishop James Can-
non, Jr., of the Methodist Episco-
pal Church, South; and Dr. Clar-
ence True Wilson, secretary of the
Board of Temperance, Prohibition
and Public Morals of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, that opposed any
immediate declaration for Mr. Hoo-
ver, holding that such action should
be deferred until the Chief Execu-
tive makes a personal statement of

Diamond Captures
First Place in 25
Yard Back-stroke
"Lou" Diamond won first place in
the 25 yard back-stroke swimming
contest held at t h e Intramural
swimming pool yesterday. The time
was 14:1.
Pulling in behind Diamond were
J. V. Wehausen, W. W. Williams,
and A. J. Broggini in that order.
The next race will' be held at 3
o'clock on Monday,J uly 18, and will
be the breast stroke.
Swimming instruction is now be-
ing given at the Intramural pool by
Johnstone from 5 to 6 -o'clock every
Friday and Saturday, and from 1
to 5 o'clock on Saturdays.
All interested in joining the course
are invited to attend these classes
during the next two weeks.
Coalition, ,on
Debts Aoainst
U. S. Unlikel
French Government Says
Europe Does Not Want
To Unite Forces
PARIS, July 15.-(AP)-French
governmental circles today empha-
sized that it was far from the inten-
tion of European powers to form a
united front against the United
States on the matter of war debts.
Any assertion, it was added, that
Great Britain, under the recent
Franco-British consultative p a c t,
would be restricted in dealing with
the British debts to the United
States, was totally absurd.
Such a statement-that G' r e a t
Britain could not settle their Amer-
ican debts without consulting France
-was attributed to Premier Edouard
Herriot on Wednesday by the Havas
(French new agency) and was con-
sidered semi-official at the time.
The French government did not
issue a denial that the Premier had
made such an assertion in reporting
the accord to the finance commit-
tee of the Chamber of Deputies.
But it was officially stated that
considerable embarrassment h a d
been caused by the importance given.
by the press to "an apparently
false version" of what the Premier
had .said.

Equals Own World Mark

Eddie Tola
Equals 01
Dash Ree
Former Wolverine
Frank WykofE iI
Events at Tryouts
Runs 100 Mete
In 10.4 Se<
Ed Russell Is Elini
In 400-Meter TI
Led by Fuqua
PALO ALTO, Calif., July 1
-Despite a brisk headwir
Tolan, of Detroit, sped d
straightaway today to wh
Wykoff, of Southern Califo
equal his own world recorc
seconds for the 100-meter
the first sprint tests of
American Olympic track
Tolan showed a surprisi
of speed to equal the worl
well as surpass the Olymp:
He was away like a streak
a margin of a yard over V
the finish. James Johnson
Negro star from Illinois St
mal, beat Don Bennett,
State, for the third qualify
Carr, Eastman Wir
The former Big Ten c1
performance was especially
able after Emmett Toppin
Orleans, had been clockec
10.9 seconds to beat George
of Columbus, and Ralph
the Marquette Negro in

Hoover Cuts .
w .Salary,
C abinet Pay

Police orders barring them from sleeping on the capitol grounds
melted before the determination of several hundred "bonus marchers"
from California, who with a night-long march, sought to impress upon
congress the necessity for immediate payment of the soldiers bonus.
Veterans are shown here resting on capitol grass. (Associated Press

President is First
So in History of

to Do

Brock Scores
Relief Policies
Progressive Republican
Tells Socialists Five Bil-
lions Needed.

Explorer Will
Give Lecture

Here July


Donald B. MacMillan Is
. Second Speaker on Spe-
cial, Summer Series.

WASHINGTON, July 15.-(AP)-
For the first time in history .a Presi-
dent of the United States today or-
dered his own pay cut,' arranging
to send back to the Treasury $15,-
000 of his $75,000 annual stipend.
Nobody else could cut it for him,
the Constitution itself preventing,
but Congress in the #National Eco-
nomy Act, which prescribed pay re-'
ductions for almost everyone - else
in the Government service, gave
specific sanction to President Hoo-
ver's voluntary r e t u r n of any
In taking his own cut President
Hoover also sliced the pay of his.
cabinet officers by 15 per cent or
about $2,500 a year.
Mr. Hoover had told his friends
during the battle on Capitol Hill
over pay cuts for Government work-
ers that he would be glad if neces-
sary to turn back his entire salary
and become literally a "dollar a year

if Spaniards, driven out'
the natives, went North]
founded Asuncion, now
Paraguay. So this city
Spanish-American city;
Andes.- In about the
e century an expedition
n cut across the upper,
,rea now disputed, to La
this voyage, and upon
Asuncion was the orig-
if the province and cen-
Spanish administration
ite-royalty of Lima, rest
ps Favor Paraguay
same time, however, a
ent of the vice-royal'ty
er Bolivia, was created.
her claim upon the
zis sub-department ex-
1e way to the Paraguay
astern boundary of the
ct. Maps of 1733 have
Bolivian authority over
t rather have the word'
ending over both banks
quay river.
Chaco, literally, means
'he southern Chaco now
krgentine and has been
ut within 30 years there
ild Indians in the Chaco
ncion. The territory has
ed to some extent for
in making dye stuffs.
as made several land
argest of which was one
if Canadian Mennonites.
constitutes one of the
of Bolivia against her

Assailing the administration for its
previous handling of the question oft
unemployment, Eugene Brock, De-t
troit writer and admitted progres-z
sive Republican, yet recommended
most of the provisions of the pres-
ent relief legislation, administration
sponsored, which is now before Con-1
gress, at a meeting sponsored by the
student socialist club of the Univer-t
,"Their theory has been," he said,
"that the way to help the poor is to
help the rich. The remedy must be,
instead, jobs."
For immediate relief he suggested
a program of public works to be car-a
ried out under the direction of the
federal government. Currency ex-
pansion, rather than a bond issue,
should be the method employed in
paying for this construction, he as-
serted, although, he admitted, the{
federal government is the only agen-
cy in the country with sufficient
credit and public confidence to carry
through a loan for such a project.
Brock, however, set the figure for
e x p a n s i o n at $5,000,000,000, fivej
times the amount stipulated in the,
Congressional bills now under dis-
cussion. "We do not need to worry,"
he said further, "about the govern-
ment being unable to pull the switch
on the printing press when the de-
sired amount has been printed." .
For permanent relief, Brock point-
ed out that when normal business
conditions have been reached as a
result of inflation and consequent-
price level rises, the government
must exert greater control over in-
dustrial production than has been
exerted in the past. He recalled the
war tinme conditions when the gov-
ernment took over the virtual direc-
tion of most of the major industries
in the country and said that "the
present condition is much more ser-
ious than war."
"The f e d e r a 1 government," he
continued, "alone has the power to
cope with this situation at the risk
of a possible constitutional infringe-
ment. Factors which must be. We
must have the laying off of hours
rather than the laying off of men."
Although Brock's announced topic
was the "Unemployment Situation
from the Viewpoint of a Socialist,"
he pronounced his afflication with
Republican progressivism and spoke
on the "Viewpoint of a Progressive."

The second of the summer lec-,
tures--a lecture illustrated with mo-
tion pictures-will be helc Monday
night, July 25, in Hill auditorium,
with Commander Donald B. Mac-
Millan, -dean of Arctic explorers,
speaking on "My 24 Years of Arctic
A brilliant speaker, MacMillan is
the third explorer within the past
year to appear in Ann Arbor. Pre-
ceding him were Commander Rich-
ard Evelyn Byrd and Sir Hubert
The lectures, which, in addition to
MacMillan, already have presented
Sen. Smith W. Brookhart and Rep.
Hamilton Fish, Jr., in a debate, and
which will present on August 8 a
lecture by an adventurer, Capt. Carl
von Hoffman, were arranged by
those in charge of the 'Summer Ses-
sion in order to bring before stu-
dents not enrolled in the regularj
academic. sessions the outstanding
platform talent of the United States
and Europe.
Commander MacMillan has made,
in 24 years eight trips into the Arc-
tic regions. His first was as an as-.
sistant in the Peary north polar ex-
pedition in 1908-09. Since then he
has risen from a member of an ex-
pedition to the leader of one, his
last being the Labrador-Baffin Land
aerial expedition in 1931.
Not only is he an explorer and lec-
turer, but an educator and author
as well. He -is a professor of ethno-
graphy at, Bowdoin College, where'
he obtained thedegrees of A.B.,
M.A., and Sc.D. He has also done
graduate work at Harvard and suc-
cessively has been principal of a
high school in Maine and of the
classical department' at the Swarth-
more (Pa.) preparatory school. His
books. have included those of "Four
Years in the White North," "Etah
and Beyond," and "Kahda."
In 1927 CommanderdMacMillan
was awarded the Elisha Kent Kane
gold medal "for daring exploration
and scientific research."
Comstock Injured as
Car Rolls Over Twice

Michigan Men
Probably Safe

I Tt wqine, nlni nnA 4that n 1-+1-arnrei

.LLwooas x ainea nac z e accora
In 'Greenlan does not attempt any restriction
L±14b is 'a .UIJ~eUiib4LgVn IJ4L LIeiUnI

Radiogram to Prof esgor
Hobbs Indicates Party
Should Be at Base


The University of Michigan Green-
land expedition may have arrived at
its base by now, according to Prof.
William H. Hobbs, head of the geol-
ogy department, who recently re-
ceived a radiogram from the S. S.
Morrisey stating that all was well
but that they were having bad
However, it is only two of the five
of the expedition who may by now
have landed on the upper Nugssuak
peninsula in Northwest Greenland,,
about latitude 74 degrees north.
They are Evans S. Schmeling, assist-
ant in geology at the university, and
Herbert S. 'Gardner, a junior in the
They are going up on the S. S.
Morrisey with Captain R. A. (Bob)
Bartlett together with the Peary
Memorial expedition who plan to set
up a monument to Peary. Dr. Ralph
L. Belknap, director of the expedi-
tion and professor geology here, will
accompany them as engineer and
will not return to the base till about
the first of September. Max H.
Demorest, sepior in the University,
who is now in the geological camp
in Kentucky, will leave New -York
after the camp session is over on
board the S. S. St. Louis of the
Hamburg American line to Copen-
hagen. There he will probably be
joined by Karl V. Hansen; the radio
operator. They will go on to Uper-
nivik about 140 miles from the base.
From Upernivik they will go to the
base, the upper Nugssuak peninsula
by motor boat.
The main purpose of the expedi-
tion is to establish a weather station
similar to those established by Pro-
fessor Hobbs on earlier expeditions
but it will be much farther north
than any of the former expeditions.
Prof. Belknap will make a dog-sled
trip to the center of the ice cap, an
almost unexplored region in early
spring making observations for the
Pan American Airways who plan to

his views on repeal.

treat is a -consuitative pact nder
which both governments agreed to
confer on matters of mutual inter-
The war debt issue would fall into
this category, official circles said,
and presumably the pact envisioned
consultation by France and Great
Beukema Beats Kocsis
At Grand Rapids Meet
-Two Grand Rapids golfers, Ken
Beukema and Jim Barfield, will bat-
tle tomorrow for the Michigan Ama-
teur championship over the Blythe-
fields Country Club course.
Beukema proved the giant killer
of the day, putting out Detroit's
two young stars-Chuck Kocsis by
5 and 4 in the morning, and Frank
Connolly by one up' in the afternoon.
Barfield won from a pair of fel-
low townsmen, beating Hermie Mil-
ler, 2 and 1, in the morning, and
going to the final green before he
disposed of sixteen-year-old B o b
Kosten, 1 up in the afternoon.

As his aides .announced today,
however,, he ruled for himself the
maximum reduction-20 per cent-
given under the Economy Bill, which
draws the bulk of its savings from
compulsory furloughs to F e d e r a 1
In a statement issued at tihe White
House it was pointed out the reduc-,
tion in the salaries of Mr. Hoover's
official family - also were consider-
ably higher than the furlough pro-
"The president has received the
unanimous request from members.
of the Cabinet," the statement said,
"that they. should be subjected to
the maximum reduction of salaries
possible under the Economy Bill."
This word was given out while
the Chief Executive was sitting in
the semi-weekly meeting . with his'
11 cabinet advisors.
- Vice President Curtis, the first to
leave, put on his glasses to read the
first line of the statement handed
him by newspapermen, but quickly
handed it back with a smile and the
"Yes, I signed the orders yester-

Dr. )Fisher Defends Ann Arbor
Against 'Irreligion' Charges


Tolan bucked a hind mea
2.3 miles an hour, whereas T
sprinted into a 3-mile breeze.
Bill Carr, the Pennsylvania
came through brilliantly to w
first 400-meter trial in 47.6 se
equalling the Olympic recort
led Karl Warner, of Yale, b
Ben Eastman, the Stanfor
who was beaten by Carr two
ago in the Intercollegiates,
gled to win the second heat
comparatively poor time of 48
onds. Eastman led James C
of the Los Angeles A. C., by a
yard, but the big surprise w
failure of Pete Bowen, of th
York A. -C. Bowen wag never
tender after reaching the tur
ishing sixth and was elimina
Russell Is Fourth
Ivan Fuqua, of Indiana, ga
place in the finals by beir
faster fourth man in the tw
meter heats. His time was 49
onds, as compared with 49.4
Russell, of Michigan, who was
in the second heat.
Nearly10,000 spectators turi
for the afternoon in the big
ford horseshoe. A brisk breezE
the straightaway, into the fE
runners coming out of the chu
reduced the chances of much
breaking on the track in toda:
liminaries. The wind favor
javelin and discus tossers.
Shirtsleeves Marl
First Friday Pai
As Great Suc

Despite Miss McCormick's r
that coats were not obligator:
last night's League dance, mar
the stronger sex came in full a
It was not long, however,- b
the coats were removed and
shirtsleeves rolled up. The part:
into full swing as soon as son
the bolder members of the masc
group led the way by removing
Last night's party was the
regular Friday night dance t
sponsored by the League. Dar
began at 9 o'clock and lasted

o a group,
This grant

Final Performance
-Of At Mrs. beam's'
Is Offered Tonight
The final performance of "At Mrs.
Beam's" which Wednesday opened
for four days at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre in the League, will be
given at 8:30 o'clock tonight by the
Repertory Players.
The third play of the summer

ALPENA, Mich., July 15.-When
his car turned over "at least twice,'.'1
William A. Comstock, candidate for;
the Democratic nomination for Gov-
ernor, was bruised and ,cut about the
face today. Two stitches were re-
quired to close a cut over the right
eye. William, Jr., 12 years old,' who
was riding with his father, escaped
without a scratch.
The accident happened when a

Ann Arbor is church conscious. ]
That is the opinion of Dr. Fred-
erick B. Fisher, pastor of First
Methodist Episcopal 'church here. In
an interview yesterday afternoon'
Dr. Fisher said that, although he has
travelled widely, he has never lived.
anywhere where there was such a
deep-seated respectful attitude to-
ward those who attend church serv-
ices. When a church is crowded on
Sunday, he said, that fact -does not
arouse opposition as in other places.
"A majority of the people of Ann,
Arbor go to church somewhere at
sometime," Dr. Fisher said. "You
take all the church services through-
out the year and you will find that
a majority of the people including
the students attend church services
atlst oAnce duiring the Year. Many

haven't been brought up in religion.
Life is a matter of habit. But we
within the church must be as toler-
ant as those outside. Because a man;
does not go to church we cannot say;
that he is no good. In the Western
world we have built up a great scien-
tific era of prosperity. People found
money, home and social position suf-
ficient. They got on without re-
ligion. The depression has brought
a return to the church. A true re-
ligion enables a man to stand any-
thing that happens to him."
In discussing the 'religion of those
persons who do not attend church,
Dr. Fisher said that many find their.
religion in a humanist attitude to-
ward life, others in social realtion-
ships and others in some form of
social reconstruction such as com-
mnnkm, 1 nf1 i'tV i'ft1#1im l T1,uv make

Prof. J. B. Sharmon and
Sharmon, and Prof. John Jol
and Mrs. Johnston were the
and hostesses.
Members of the reception
mittee were Gilbert Bursley, I
ley Shaw, Richard Stratemier,
Beebe, Vern Bishop, Charles
Ann Jane Chamberlin, Ros
Moulin, Gretchen Todd, Louis(
ler, Helen Stuart, Jean Cowder
bert Hindman, H e 1 e n Sw
Thelma Evans, Sally Parker,
Reynolds, M a r y Minnick,
Gibson, Marvyll Harmon, Jean
ford, Sherman Hatch, Barbara
ker; Wade Nesbitt, Margaret I
and Ty Felker.

Blast, Fire on Ship
Kill Seaman, Hurt 6
NEW ORLEANS, July 15.-(AP)-


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