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July 15, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-15

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The Weather
Generally fair today, some-
what it'armier..


Mfr igau


Alumni as Our Best Advo-


Official Publication of The Summer Session



Christy Makes
U. S.Olympics;
iFinishes Third
MichigaSwimmer Quali-
fies,, Although Led by
Crabbe and Flanagan
Stages Great Fight
To Defeat Medica
Swartz, Thom son, Kalili
Qualified in 100-Meter
Free Style Event
CINCINNATI, July 14.-(AP)-
Clarence ("Buster") Crabbe .of Los
Angeles, pulled in ahead in the 1500
meter free stye of the Olympic team
trials at Cony Island pool this siz-
zling afternon, but a freckled face
youngster from Florida was right on
his heels all the way.
Finishing s e c o n d, 14-year-old
Ralph Flanagan, of Miami beach,
qualified for t h e United States1
Olympic team along' with Crabber
and James C. Christy, jr., of the
University of Michigan, who finish-
ed third.-
Will Take Squad of 21 j
These three,: with Swartz of thec
Illinois A.C., Ray Thompson of the
Naval academy, and Manuella Kali-9
li of Los Angeles, today definitely
became members of the swimming
squad of 21 that Uncle Sam willt
,take to the coming Olympics. Swartz,
Thompson and Kalili finished in or-.
der in the 100 meter free style. j
Flanagan was off after Crabbe .
with the gun in the 1500 meter. The -
"'record buster" pulled out in front :
on the first lap and about half way
had lengthened his lead to 12 yards.
He expanded it little thereafter.
But it was the fight between Jack1
Medica of Seattle, Wash., and Chris-,
ty,. for third place, that helped the;
limp spectators to forget the heat.t
Choose Others Todayr
Medica was far behind, but a greatj
closing spurt over the last 400 meters
brought him near enough to make a
real bid for the third place on the
Tomorrow, Olympic representa-
tives in the breast stroke and 200
yard free styl will be selected.
No record was ever in danger to-
day. Swartz finished in 50 1-5 sec.
in the 100. Crabbe consumed 20:19
1-5 in his third lap pull to first place
in the 1500 meters.
Johnny Schmieler, University of
Michigami, placed fourth in the first
heat of the 100 meter doing the dis-
tance in 53 245.
Ogden Dalrymple, .also of Michi-
gan, was fifth in the second hat
.vith a time of 54 2-5.
. ol Is Named'
anager for'
Sik Campaion
Lieutenant Governorship
Candidate Opens Office
For i is Headquarters
Martin M/ol, president of the Uni-
versity Republican club and vice-
president of Edwards' Brothers Pub-
lishing c o m p a n y, was yesterday
n a m e d campaign manager for
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University music school and candi-
date for the lieutenant governship
of the state.
Campaign offices were opened yes-
terday 6n the second floor of the

Ann Arbor Press building on May-
nard street and will serve as head-
quarters for the Sink forces.
MVol has just returned from a four
day trip through the western part
of the state and reports that Ile
found considerable support among
publishers and political leaders in
the district.

Simpson Memorial Ends
Fifth Year Qf Research

A widow's memorial to her hus-
band has proved of inestimable value
to hundreds of patients suffering
from a long dreaded disease, for
which satisfactory treatments have
only recently been developed.
The memorial is the Thomas
Henry Si{pson Institute for Medical
Research,\ which has just completed
its fifth year in operation. It was
five years ago today that Dr. Cyrus
C. gturgis assumed his duties as di-
rector of the organization.
An attack on pernicious anem-ia
is the basic purpose of the Memorial
and, since its operation was begun,
one method of treatment has been
greatly refined and an entirely new
preparation for. the cure ofr the dis-
ease has been formulated. Further
improvement of the two treatments
is the chief project at the present
time. More than 500 patients with
pernicious anemia have been stud-
Thp new treatmnent cor sists in the
administration of a powder formed
from dessicated, defatted hog's sto-
mach. An attempt is being made
to concentrate and study the vital
elements of this preparation which
is manufactured, under the trade
name of "Ventriculin," by P a r k e,
.Davis and company of Detroit. Each
batch of the product is inspected and
certified by the staff of the Institute.
Liver extracts form the principle
item in the other form of treatment.
This has been greatly concentrated
and is now administered intraven-
ously with greatly improvedresults.
The discovery that some of the liver
ingredients were of assistance in the
treatment of the disease was first
made about 1926 by a group of Har-
vard doctors but has since been
greatly refined and perfected.
The project began, in the mind
of the Detroit iron manufactUrer, as
a children's hospital. bften, before
his death from pernicious anemia in
1923, he had discussed this plan
with his wife, but shortly before his
death, he determined to leave this
entirely to the judgment of Mrs.
Simpson. It was she who determin-'
ed the ultimate character of the In-
stitute' for which she gave to the
MacDonald to
Cofer with
Irish President

University a fund of more than $40,-
The site chosen, near the ,hospi-
tal, was the gift of Robert P. L-
mont, '91, and was originally plan-
ned for an addition to the Univer-
sity observatory. But the donor con-
sented that the land should be turn-
ed over to the new Institute.
The final offer of the funds and
the site was made to the Board of
Regents of the University on Nov.
20, 1924.
By the terms of the agreement,
"the activities of the Institute are
to be devoted, primarily, to the study
of pernicious anemia, the alleviation
of the suffering of persons afflicted
with that disease, and thediscovery
of a cure for the same." An addi-
tional clause provided that, should
a permanent cure for anemia be
found, the Institute would be turned
to an investigation of some other
disease, to be designated by a spe-
cial committee of the Medical school.
A constantly increasing reputa-
tion has come to the Institute since
it first began its project.,During the
first year of operation, 213 return
visits were recorded. In the fscal
year just concluded, more than 1,000
patients returned for treatment and
Hoover Denies
America Made
Pact 'on Debts
U. S. Will Not Be Driven
Into Any Acton by Lau-
sanne-Treaty, He Says
WASHINGTON, July 14.(AP)-=
President Hoover, in a letter to Sen-
ator Borah, of Idaho, said today
he, did not assume N the agreement
recently reached between European
nations was for the purpose of
affecting "combined action of our
debtors," but stated that if this
was the case, he did "not propose
that the American people shall be
pressed into any line of action."'
The President's letter discloaed
that Senator Borah had inquired of
the President through Secretary
Stimson, as to the effect on the Uni-
ted States of recent agreements in
In reply, Mr.- Hoover affirmed that
the United States had not been con-
sulted regarding any of the agree-
ments reached at the Lausanne Con-
ference. ',
'U. S. Not Committed'
He said the United States was not
"in any way committed to any such
agreements" as were reached con-
cerning either debts or reparations.-
The letter follows in full:
"My dear Mr. Senator:
"I have your inquiry this morn-
ing, through Secretary Stimson, as
to the effect on the United States
of recent agreements in Europe.
"Our people are, of course, grati-
fied at the settlement of the strict-
ly European problem of reparations
or any of the other political or eco-
nomic questions that have impeded
European recovery. Such action, to-
gether with the real progress in dis-
armament, will contribute greatly to
world stability.
U. S. Not Influenced

Marines Out
As Veterans
Picket Capitol
Cqmpany Is immediately
Withdrawn as Bingham
Takes Marchers' Part
IIadeqL1ate Police
Force Is Blamed
Vice-Presidnt Curtis IsT
Called Into Conference
With Local Official
WASHINGTON, July 14.-(AP)-
A series of. mind changing Acts byr
Congressional and police authori-c
ties this evening resulted in a com-i
pany of marines being dispatchedI
to keep order on the capitol grounds, i
where hundreds of bonus-seeking
veterans trudged wearily back andc
forth, but in the end the ex-soldiersr
were left as before.f
The marines were withdrawn al-t
most immediately and their pres,
ence was called a misunderstanding.
Vice-Rresident Curtis, Speaker Gar-
ner, Rear-Admiral Henry V. Butler,t
commandant of the local n a v yt
ards, and police superintendentG
Glassford then conferred at length.
The upshot was that Glassford or-
dered the capitol grounds cleared.E
Demonstrators Continue k
Before he could get reinforcements
to put the order in effect, Senatorr
Bingham (R., Conn.), interceded,c
Glgssford reversed the orderi and
permitted the long, weary trudging
of the demonstrators to continue asc
it had for two nights and two daysa
past. The men were not allowed tot
lie down but were kept on the movec
by blue coats.i
They sang and chatted as they
walked, a .group of them at intervals
slipping off to rest a while just offI
the capitol premises.
Hoover Word Intimated
There was a fairly strong intima-I
tion that Senator Bingham had beenr
in touch with President Hoover be-I
fore he approached Glassford. Thef
police heads' statement to Vice-Pres-t
ident Curtis that he had not enoughr
police to keep up the strong guardI
around the nation's legislative tem-
ple had led to the call of the mar-I
Deciding Stand
On Candidates
WASHINGTON, July 14.-(AP)-
The national prohibition board of
stragety today placed upon a com-
migtte the task of drafting a state-7
ment 6f policy upon which its mem-
ber organizations may unite in vig-
orous defense of the 18th amend-
ment during the coming political
The foremost question to decide
was whether the board would en-
dorse Herbert Hoover for re-election,
or await a statement of the chief
executive's personal views on repeal
before taking such action or refrain
from any endorsement and simply
provide those interested with a
statement of the candidates' atti-
tudes and recordson the prohibition
Duplicity Charged to
Hitlerites, Nationalists
BERLIN, July 14.-(AP)-Charg-

ing the Hitlerites and the National-
ists with duplicity for permitting
the Von Pape Cabinet to carry on
a foreign polity of international rec-
onciliation which these parties once
opposed violently, the Social- Dem-
ocratic Party is appealing to the
voters to fight to the finish "for
Democracy and Socialism" in the
Reichstag election on July 31.
The Socialist Party, which rep-
resents the bulk of Germany's la-
boring class, was surpassed by Hit-
ler's Nationalists as Germany's larg-
est political party in the Diet elec-
tions of May. In Berlin, however,
it nosed out the Communists for
first place.
While it never had a followingas
large as Hitler's, the party took the
reins of Government in hand after
the evolution, assuming the task of
making Germany a democracy.
'Round-World Flyers
Return Thrnah Rerlin

Says Alfonso
Tried to Keep
Helmin Spain
Monarch Did Not Submit
To Overthrow Willingly,
Solalinde Declares
Attempted to Hold
Throne With Army
Manuel Azana Is Termed
Great Man of Present
Contrary to the reports of foreign
newspapers, King Alfonso of Spain
did not submit willingly to the man-
ifestation F a g a i n s t the Monarchy,
Prof. Antionie G. Solalinde declaed
in a lecture yesterday.
Professor Solalinde was closely
connected w i t h the Republican
movement in Spain, and was exiled
from his native country for partici-
pation in anti-monarchist work.
Continues Efforts
Alfonso did everything within his
power to arouse the army to his sup-
port, continued Professor Solalinde,
ven after he had embarked on his
warship on his way into exile.
The popular sentiment was too
strongly against him, however, and
even though the generals were still
behind the king, it was thought dan-
gerous to his safety to attempt any1
resistance while he remained in theL
"The really 'great man of the pre-l
sent -Republic is Manuel Azana," de-r
clared Professor Solalide. Azana is
a writer of second rank, but before1
the change in government he wast
comparatively unknown. He came
into the limelight when h took pos-
session of the ministry of war on theY
same night in which the Republicj
was proclaimied.t
Retains Army Officers t
More than 23,000 army officerst
had been retained by Alfonso-
mostly for political purposes and
without any duties-and Azana's1
first step was to reduce this number1
to 7,000 . Although criticized for his
violence, he is respected because het
had thought deeply about all the<
problems of present-day Spain and
has a fitting solution fo them. 1
Public offices today are filled by
the intellectual men of the country,
Professor Solalinde said. Foreign1
embassies have been filled with these1
men as well as home offies.
One of the first great Accomplish-
ments of the new regime was 'the
creation of 7,000 schools during the
first .year. Under, the old regime
only 11,128 schools were established
during the years between 1908 and
1930. Other. advancements along
educational lines have also been go-
ing along at a rapid pace.
The Republic has declared itself
not in favor of any particular reli-
gion, but is giving every individual.
the opportunity to worship as he
sees fit, Professor Solalinde conclud-


To Trace Dispute


Chaco Dispute
Topic of Tale
By J S. Reeves



Jobless Relief
Bill Is Held Up
As Conoress
Hits Deadlocqk
$2,122,000,000 Measure
Ensnared in Dispute on
Provision for Publicity
On R. F. C. Loans
Adjournment Again
Blocked Indefinitely
Meetings on Home Loan
Discount Bitl, Sponsored
By Administration, Near
Final Agreement
WASHINGTON, July 14.-(AP)-
The modified unemployment bill was
jeopardized by a new conflict be,
tween the two branches of Congress
Which threatened to prolong the ses-
The $2,122,000,000,bill became en-
snarled 'in a dispute between the
house and the Senate out of which
some of the Congressional leaders
were fearful would emerge a com-
promise which President Hoover
might veto, preventing Congress
from adjourning this week.
House Stands Fast
Conferees on the bill broke up in
a disagreement over the House pro-
vision requiring publicity for future
loans by the Reconstruction Finance
Corp., and the deadlock was tight-
ened when the House, by a vote of
172 to 150, instructed its represen-
tatives to hold fast in the face of
Senatorial refusal to accept the
Leaders on both sides were hope-
ful the tangle could be straightened
out in time to send the $2,122',00,-
000 measure to the White House to-
morrow, and that Congress be ad-
journed Saturday.
Meanwhile, conferees wofking on
the -Administration-sponsored home
loan discouht bill, carrying a billion
dollar currency expansion rider,
neared a'i agreement. ,
An unprecedented tangle on pro-
cedure added to the confusion in
the relief situation, sending House
and Senate leaders scurrying to
their parliamentary experts for ad-
vice on how the bill was to be finally
Conferees went to work on the
bill early in the day, hopeful of
reachinghan agreement within an
hour. Three and a half hours later
they emerged from a Senate con-
ference room with word that little
progress had been made.
Senate Fears Publicity '


Compromise with
State; De Valera

Accepts Invitation

LONDON, July 14.-(AP)-Prime
minister R a m s a y MacDonald of
Great Britain has offered President
Eamon De Valera of the Irish Free
State an invitation to come to Lon-
don to discuss differences between
the two countries. It was understood
that Mr. De Valera had accepted the
ipvitation and would come to Lon-
don today.
The invitation to the' Republican
president resulted from a conference
at No. 10 Downing street last night,
when the Prime minister, lower
chancellor and the attorney-gener-
al discussed with William Norton,
chairman of the Free State party
and English labor leader.
Mr. MacDonald authorized Mr.
Norton to tell President De Valera
that if the latter wished to discuss
the situation the Prime Minister
would be happy to meet him iii Lon-
don. The Irish labor leader immed-
iately communicated with De Valera
who accepted the invitation.
Norton said after the conference
that he explained the "terms of a
suggested compromise" with Mac-
Donald but he declined to disclose
its details to the press.
Maximilian Passes
10 0 th A nniversary;
Tomb Is Unhonored
VIENNA, July 14.-(AP)-While
the coffin of the Duke of Reichstadt
in the crypt of Capuchin Church,
where 200 members bf the Hapsburg
family are buried, still bears the
wreaths, flowers and French colors
deposited on it on the occasion
of l'Aiglon's 100th birthday, the im-
posing metal sarcophagus of Em-
peror Maximilian of Mexico remain-
ed unhonored a fortnight later, ex-
actly 100 years after Franz Joseph's
unfortunate brother was born in
Schoenbrunn Castle a few rooms
--"fnm«rhnn.n-r fP- l-

Will Give an Illustrated
Lecture Tonightr
Tracing the cause of the difficulty
and describing the methods which
have been used, unsuccessfully, toE
solve the dispute between -Bolivia
and Paraguay, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,'
head of the political science depart-
ment, will speak on the "Chaco Cn-
troversy" at 8 o'clock tonight in the
Natural. Science auditorium. The lec-t
ture will be illustrated. .-
The disputed area in the case is
about the size of the state of Cso-
rado and the contest has come upf
four times in recent years. It is
the largest area in the world todayt
that is disputed between two coun-
This lecture will be the sixth in
a series of public lectures sponsoredt
by the Conference for Teachers of1
International Law.
Professor Reeves, an authority in
the field of international law, has
done a great deal of work in South
America. In 1925 he was appointed1
by President'Coolidge as the United
States member of the Pan-American
Commission of Jurists for the Codi-
fication of International Law, and
traveled more than 16,000 miles on
this South American trip.
Al Smith May
Take Stump
For Lehman,
Former New York Gover-
nor Expected to Back
State Candidate
NEW YORK, July 4.-(AP)-"Al"
Smith' is likely to jump into his old
role of campaign spellbinder this
fall, but on behalf of the Democratie
gubernatorial candidate, rather than
the Roosevelt-Garner ticket.
Since ,his last public announce-
ment, "I shall support the Demo-
cratic party," there' has been much
speculation about what part, if any,
he will take in the campaign.
His omission of the names of Gov.
Roosevelt and Speaker Garner from
his statement of party loyalty led
to the supposition he would be more
a spectator than an actor in the
next act of the 1932 political drama.
But one of his close associates said
today that Smith has an active in-
terest in seeing Lieut. Gov. Herbert
H. Lehman nominated for the post
he himself held for four terms, and
then relinquished to Roosevelt.
If Lehman is nominated, it was
further stated, Democracy's 1928
standard bearer very possibly might
do some active campaigning for him.
Detroit Writer to Talk
On Socialist Viewpoint
J. Eugene Brock, Detroit writer,
1will give the next lecture in the ser-
ies sponsored by the Student Social-
ist club during the Summer Session
' this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the
Natural Science auditorium. Brock's
subject will be "The Economic Situ-
ation from a Socialist Viewpoint."
No admission will be charged.




Mr. Sink, whose candidacy was
announced about a week ago, has
been prominent in state and local
politics. For some time, he was floor
leader in the statecSenate.
The primary elections will be Sep-
tember 8, and the elections on Nov.
Club to Honor Visiting
Faculty Women Monday
Miss Agnes Wells and other visit-
ing faculty women will be honored
by the Women's Education club'
Monday at an evening party in the
garden of the League.

"I wish to make it absolutely'
clear, however, that the United
States has not been consulted re-
garding any of the agreements re-t
ported by the press to have been
concluded recently at Lausanne and
that of course it is not a party to
nor in any way committed to any
such agreements."
"While I do not assume it to be
the purpose of any of these agree-
ments to effect combined action of
our debtors, if it shall be so inter-
preted, then I do not propose that
the American people shall be press-
ed into any line of action or that
our politicies shall be in any way
influenced by such a combination
either open or implied."
Miss Noble Will Take
Position at Columbia
Miss Katherine Noble, assistant to
the dean of women, will become so-
cial director in the new college of
the Teachers college at Columbia
university on Sept. 15, it was learned
yesterday. She will also be an in-
structor in education.
The new college is an under-grad-
uate school for training teachers,
and is under the direction of Dr.
Th9mas Alexander, professor of
ur .e -i ,

Tolan, Toppino
Will Compete
In Trial Race
Michigan Star Will Face
Hec Dyer in 200-Meter
Dash Tryouts
PALO ALTO, Calif., July 14.-
(AP)-The draw for heats in seven
feature events of the final Ameri-
can Olympic track and field tryouts,
made public unexpectedly today,
forecast a series of spectacular con-
tests in the preliminaries-tomor-
The official attitude toward the
sprint favorites was indicated by,
the top "seeding" of Emmett Top-.
pino, of New Orleans, Frank Wy-
koff of Southern California, and
Ralph Metcalfe, Negro of Marquette,
in separate trials of the 100-meter
Toppino's leading foe in his first
test will be the former Michigan
Negro ace and present world rec-
ord holder at 100 yards-Eddie To-
lan. Wykoff's first trial spits him
against George Simpson, former
Ohio State star.
Metcalfe, - Tolan and Bob Kiesel
of California, are ,'seeded" in sep-
arate heats of the 200-meter dash
Tolan faces perhaps the keenest
opposition, with Hec Dyer, of the
Los Angeles Athletic Club, and Wy:
lrff drauma ainst him.



Holds to

Fifth Clause;

After a brief recess for lunch, they
went back to work again, but within
an hour broke up in a fast depd-
lock over the publicity clause.
Democratic leaders then w-e n t
back to the House and were sus-
tained.; The Senate conferees want-
ed publicity only on loans made un-
der the relief act, contending that
it might be dangerous to make pub-
lic loans made by the reconstruction
unit to bnks.
After the House action, Senate
leaders took the question back to
their chamber.
Then the House messagede over
to the Senate a second relief bill
exactly the same as the tone that
it sent to conference hyesterday.
The House action in standing up-
on its:-own bill wipedout the results
of a partial agreement reached by
the conferees.
France Bares
Debt Accord

PARIS, July 14.-- (AP) -The
Foreign Office today made public
the much-discussed "gentlemen's
agreement" in which the European
creditor Powers declared their leni-
ency toward Germany on the score
of teparations would not be effec-
tive until they obtained "satisfac-
tory settlement" of their own debts
to the. United States. .
. Meanwhile, there was no indica-
tion that the Government had re-
ceded from Premier Edourd Her-
riot's interpretation of the new
Franon-Rritish nacnrd .uhich he haso

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