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July 09, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-09

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890


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was absolutely disrupted by the use of these new
instruments of destruction. Visitation and search
before seizure became a thing of the past and
any vessel was apt to be blown suddenly to pieces
by a torpedo from .an unseen foe.
Yet the abolition of these terrible weapons has
been one of the obstacles to the conclusion of an
agreement on naval disarmament. Particular ob-
jection has come from some of the smaller na-
tions. France ahd Japan, alone, of the larger
powers have insisted that the submarine is neces-
sary to insure them adequate protection.
Protection from what, we ask? Nothing, cer-
tainly, that w~ould not be fully guaranteed by a
general accord on natal disarmament. President
Hoover has offered a plan for the complete abol-
ition of such undersea craft. Great Britain has
heartily agreed. Germany will agree to any kind
of disarmament. France has remained the prin-
cOpalobjector. Were we just a bit more super-
stitious, we might even be inclined to believe that
the "Promethee" was more than an accident. It
may still serve as an invaluable lesson.

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Published every morning except Monday during the
'iversity year and summer Se§siQn by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications.
Memberof the Western Conference Edtorial Associa-
on and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
r republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
o othervise credited in this paper dnd the local news
spiches aere s.Arv id.ghts of -repu icaton of special
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
cond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
'ird Assistant Postmaster General.

n during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
g regular school year by carrier; $4.00; by

*0bmce: Studenttubicatins Bpilding, Maynard Street,
-Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2124.
Representatives: Littell-Mu ray-Rutsky, Inc.,' 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street, Nw 1'0 city; 80 Boylstrn 'Sre,
Boston, .;t $ No rtl Michi an Avenue, cutag o l.
Editorial Director..................Beach Coger, Jr.
City Editor. ........................Car5 s. Forythe
State Editor ............................Davjd 41.1hol
News Editor...............................DentonKInze
Telegraph Editor..................Thoms Conne~lan
Cit City Editor...........GUy M. Wippp JV.
Spri .ditor c. H. iema
Office Hours: 942; 2-5 x ept ,turay
Business Manager........ .....Charles .Kine
,Assistant Business 1k nager.........Norri P. ohnson
CSrculation Manager C.................C1ntn ". Conger
Pobtage Rate . ..
Qne of ,the recent revenue-raising measures
p ,sed as an emergency bill seems destined to
stay Qn as a permanent increae. This paticu-
lar item is the three cent postage rate for first
class ail matter.
The post office, as a public service department,
ha long bpen riun at a dficit in order to give the
people communication transportation at a cost
lower than the cost of production. Last pcem-
ber, in his anuail report, PostmasTer-General
Brown recommended a three cent rate, raising
his previous recomiendation by half a cent.
And the post office will certainly try to keep the
new rate in order to put the department on more
of a pying basis.
The actual post offce deficit last year amount-
ed to almost $100,00,000. This was an increase
of $49,OQO,QOO over the previous deficit corre-
sonding to a similar decrease in revenue. Even
the m ails are affected ly them depression. Post-
ma ter-General rown estimated that with a 2 /
cent rate, there would be an increase of $50,QO,-
00Q in revenue, so that one might assume a $100,-
OO9,QQ increase in revenue under the three cent
r . This figure, howeve9r, probably does not
allow for a decrease in the use of facilities of the
department due to increased costs. But it is ap-
paront that the new rate should almost balance
the post office budget.
The old argument that the post office, 'as an
instrumentality of the government offering real
service to the citizens, should do so at less than
cpst does not hold water any more. Somebody
has to pay the difference between revenue and
expenditures, and the money eventually, through
the Treasury department, comes out of the tax-
payer's pocket. And while he may object stren-
uusly to paying taxes, he usually does not think
of ptage as a tax, but as something represent-
ing a commodity. And Mr. Taxpayer regards
the mail service as more of a commodity than
he does the "promotion of justice, protection and
gepral welfare" for which he pays taxes.
The principle of payment for service rendered
should be applied to the post office department.
Considering the already overtaxed condition of
the Treasury, and the fact that one-sixth of its
defoift of the previous year was attributed to the
loss in post office operations, it would be better
to pay the three cent rate than continue $10qQ
QQ,9O0 deficits.
A Lesson
To Frace..
Another submarine has gone to the bottom.
This time it is one of $ie newest and largest of
the French fleet, the "Promethee" with sixty-six
qficers and men on board. A}lnmpst two hundred
fifty feet of swirling, green water separates the
imprisoned men from the surface, and Frenci
naval officials have confessed that France owns
no apparatus of sufficient strength and weight
ro raisd the huge crft. The fate of the men re-
mains uncertain, but even were they able to close
the hatches before the submarirfe began her swift
rush to the bgttom, there can be little hope that
they will he rescued.
And this is not the only instance of this kind.

-Submarine sinkings have occurred with great
regularity ever since the undersea craft was first
invented. Occassionally, a sunken craft is
brought to the surfae. Even more rarely, the
men are saved from almost certain death. But

Screen Reflections
Only $960,000 was tle sum expended to make
"Grand Hotel," we are told! This picture is com-
ing to the Majestic theatre on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of next week.
For those who have read the book, or seen the
play, we list the roles the various stars in the
production, and tIley are many, are going to have.
Leading the cast are Greta Garbo as Grusin-
-kaya, the dancer, and Joan Crawford as Flaem-
inchen the stenographer. Kringelein, the man
who has not long to live; is played by Lionel Barry-
more, while'Wallace Beery is cast as Preysing, the
manufacturer. Lewis Stone as the shell-shocked
doctor, John Barryipore as the Baron, and Jean
Hersholt as the porter, complete the list.
* * *
The producers started shooting "Grand Hotel"
at the end. Reason: several of the stars were
already cast for other pictures. To start with, a
cosmopolitan crowd, including a Dane, Swedes, a
Lithuanian, Japanese, a Russian, an Austrian, a
Czecho-Slovakian, Englishmen, Frenchmen, an
Armenian, a Spaniard, Italians, a Finlander, two
Argentines and several Americans run around the
hotel lobby for "atmosphere."
As usual, rivalry among the stars featured the
production off-stage. In one scene with Greta
Garbo and John Barrymore, one of them had to
be taken with his or her back to the camera. The
director tactfully told Garbo he wanted Jack's
face in the picture. He expected her to explode.
"What does it matter?" she said. "Perhaps my
back will please an audience as much as Mr.
]arrymore's face."
betters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon requet.
Contributors"are asked to be brief, confiningthem-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
In his recent letter to The Daily, Mr. O. H.
Bridge charges with cowardice those who stand
pat, afraid to protest against the sordid idiocy of
the prlsent order. Mr. Bridge, who condoles the
one-sidedness and the lack of intelligent reflec-
tion displayed among the unenlightened, should
do a little reflecting himself, damaging as such a
procedure may prove to his communistic predi-
lections. In the first place editorials and journals
are full of protests against the injustice of the
present order, although such protests do not
usually take the guise of communistic propa-
ganda. Mr. Bridge cannot be unaware of this, but
like most propagandists he chooses to ignore those
stiff-necked disbelievers who, although opposed
to the present order, refuse to accept communism
as the panacea for our ills. As to people's unwill-
ingness (Mr. Bridge calls it 'selfishness') to be
killed for the cause, it should not be necessary to
remind the unselfish Mt. Bridge that vast num-
bers were killed in our last "war to end wars,"
and that the reflecting part of the world's popu-
lation, those not a subject to messianic delusions,
disbelieves in repeating such an altruistic slaugh-
ter. Experience ind reflection have shown us
that war no more ends war than terrorism does
terrorism, or one type of injustice another, but
experience and reflection appear to play as negli-
gible a role among the communists as they do
among the babbits.
Wolff von Wernsdorff

Roosevelt followers as twin (pilots of a stop-
Roosevelt organization, stay to see Roosevelt
From the hour of Hoover's victory in 1928,
Raskob as national democratic chairman, and
Shouse as executive director have been driving
for a straight-out prohibition repeal declaration
by the party.
Whether that could have been obtained with-
oft Smith's intervention in a candidate role, is
As he was rushed eastward in that bitter flight
from the scene where he had been the darling of
the thronged but voteless gaeries, Smith might
have found solace in that thought.
For all his victory, Roosevelt must stand on a
prohibition platform largely dictated by the Un-
happy Warrior.
Editorial Comment
(From Barron's Financial Weekly)
It took the best part of a hundred years to
make Great Britain a great creditor country.
When the war broke out 18 years ago she owned
not less than $20,000,000,000 in investnents in
countries beyond her own borders. She had for
more than two generations opened her ports to
the merchandise of the world, and she had devel-
oped a system of finance such that a large part
of the trade of the world cleared through London.
Her people were habituated to the lending and
investment of money abroad, and, in a word, she
handled herself as a creditor nation should.
Wehn the war broke out the United States was
still a debtor nation, but in much lesser degree
than formerly. In a few years she became a
creditor nation in a net amount of some $15,000,-
000,000. Since that time she has been sedulously
striving to accomplish the ambitions which Sir
Arthur Salter has listed as impossible of simul-
taneous achievement, namely, to force exports,
stop imports, cease foreign lending and foreign
investment, and collect debts. In a word, she has
handled herself precisely as a creditor nation
should not. And this is precisely one of the main
sources of trouble in the world today.
An American banker, Mr. Maurice Wertheim,
recently returned from Europe, has contributed to
the New York Tumes the impressions derived from
two months' intercourse with European bankers,
and these may be summed up in the statement
that these men regard us as incapable of manag-
ing ourselves in our capacity as creditor of the
world. Ignorant as may be much foreign criti-
cism of things Amrican, who can say that this
particular allegation is not true? Not so many
months ago a New York banker and a Philadel-
phia merchant were on a train together and the
banker was explaining to the merchant some of
the difficulties of "collecting" foreign debts. Fin-
ally, the merchant said: "I think I see it now.
We don't want their goods and we don't want
their gold. That's all right, but why can't we get
their money?"
The present tendency for all contries to seek
a selfsuportjng isolation, financial and commer-
cial, while the result of a political disease-
hypertrophied "nationalism"-has been accentu-
ated by our attitude in this matter. We seem to
think that we of all countries are able to retire
upon ourselves. On this Mr. Wertheim remarks:
"Of course we are, but ,that means visualizing a
situation where our large agricultural surpluses
and manufactured articles, now sold to the rest
of the world, will find no market, and will mean
the return to a state of restricted industrial or-
ganization which will spell bankruptcy not aone
to most of our railroads but to many of our larg-
est corporate enterprises as well." We can live; of
course, and live in a style which our grandfathers
would call good, but not so would this generation
characterize it! In these matters relativity is
(Indiana Daily Student)
Opposed to the stand both major parties have
taken on prohibition, powerful church and "dry"
organizations of this country are binding them-
selves together to prevent the repeal of the 18th
The Prohibition party, which almost dropped
from sight when national prohibition was adopt-
ed, seems to have taken on new like in view of
the Democratic repeal stand and the submission
plank of the Republicans.
Dr. Leigh Colvin, national ^prohibition chair-
man, said in part:
"Voters opposed to the return of the liquor
power must abandon the liquor-logged hulks of
the old parties and form a party with a moral
motive and objective, united devotion to the pub-
'lic welfare and not subservient to liquor and its

"American politics has suffered from absence
of moral objectives. We must not expect any-
thing from the two major parties, now com-
mitted to some form of repeal of our Eighteenth
amendment. The major parties have been carry-
ing elections by mobile voters. The two major
parties have catered to the wet votes of the
country, but finally came to make alliances with
them. Prohibition needs the support of the ad-
ministration, for it has the power to enforce it,
as well as any other laws of the nation. Each
major party has continued half wet and half dry.
Public officers have not enforced our Prohibition
The influence of third parties has been mo.
mentous in the history of the United States.
Lincoln's election was made certain by the sup-
porters of slavery who would not adhere to the
regular Democratic stand, while the election of
Woodrow Wilson was virtually a reality when the
Progressives bolted the Republicans in 1912.
All voters obviously cannot be satisfied in their
wants, but it seems that representatives of every
angle of the prohibition questions will at least
get to express their views outright in the coining
(Penn State Collegian)
During the twelve years of its existence the
Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing association has
made great strides toward placing the fistic sport
on a firm footing in Eastern colleges. Two dras-
tic changes in the association rules, however,
both put into effect during the last two years,
have met with opposition serious enough in its
character to threaten the progress of college box-
ing in the East.
The new rule changes did away with the
judges, placing the entire responsibility of deci-
sion on the, referee, and eliminating the heavy-

___ r r ..__s ,;

TIhere rue a few remaining copies








May e Ptrhs



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A Washingto
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July $.-As the plane which
bore Franklin D Roosevelt from Albany to Chi-
cago to taste the sweet fruits of his victory for
the presidential nomination neared its- destina-
tion, somewhere below on a train speeding east
was his former political friend and associate, Al-
fred E./Smith.-
It symbolized a strange end to that friendship
that has played a vital part in American political
history over a period of years. Yet it was inevita-
ble in the judgment of men who have known
them both intimately for years in New York
state politics.
There was not room for two democractic fav-
orite sons from the state, despite its huge popula-
tion, the power in any national convention its
more than 90 votes give.
When their ambitions finally croised each
other, one or the other had to go down. Youth
was served again, and A] Smith, the veteran,
walked off the stage before the last curtain.
Yet, as he sped eastward, planning, so it was
said, to go abroad and keep himself completely


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