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July 09, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-09

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*t ta
Official Publication of The Summer session




Keep The Three Cent Pos-
ta e Rate; A Lesson to France.




Debate Here on Soviet Recognition

Gay Social
Event Opens
Te rm Season
League Crowded as 3,000
Students Visit I)eans'
For Many Dancers

Pre'ident Ruithven
Special Trip ,to
Receiving Line


Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr. (left), of New York, will debate Sen. Smith
W. Brookhart, of Iowa, here Monday night on U. S. recognition of
Soviet Russia.,

May Fly Here
Brookhart, Fish to Come
By Plane for Debate Un-
less Session Adjourns
Sen.; Smith W. Brookhart and
Rep., Hamilton Fish, Jr., who on
Monday night will debate here in
Hill auditorium on Sovietrrecogni-
tion, will come to Ann Arbor from
Washington by airplane unless Con-
gress adjourns today.
This message was contained in a
communication received here yester-
day from both Senator Brookhart
and Representative Fish. Should
Congress adjourn today, the date
which tentatively had been set, Sen-
ator Brookhart will come by auto-
mobile. In the' latter case, he will
leave here Tuesday, accompanied by
two grandchildren, for his home in
Amplifiers which will permit clear
hearing from any part of the audi-
torium will be installed. They were
successfully used in this manner by
most 'of the lecturers last season in
the oratorical series.
The debate between- the Iowa and
New York Republicans will be the
second between the two congress-
men this year. In a debate last
spring in Chicago they were heard
by more than 5,000 persons in Or-
chestra Hall.
Senator Brookhart, a Progressive
Republican, will uphold the affirma-
Tickets for ttie debate for both
main floor and balcony, and tickets
for the second and third lectures of
the series, at special prices, are on
sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
tre box ofice in the League. Mon-
day, the tickets will be placed on
sale at the Hill auditorium box of-
Dr. John Huber Asks
Divorce Action Here
Dr. John F. Huber, anatomy in-
structor in the University Medical
school and son of Dr. G. Carl Huber,
dean of the Graduate school, has
filed suit for divorce in Circuit court
Court records show that Dr.
Huber charges his wife, Olive H.
Iuber, with infidelity.
The Hubers have been married five
years. They have no children.

. More than 3,000 Summer Session
students jammed the .League to ca-
pacity last night to attend one of
the most successful deans' recep-
tions ever seen on the campus. The
opening of the campus social season
for the term was a whirl of gaity
as a thousand couples danced in the
ballroom to the music of Pete Blom-
quist and his Michigan Vagabonds.
Members of the receiving line in
the concourse shook hands with
many new and old students, while
the reception committee, composed
of faculty members and students
made the introductions prerequisite
to gaining admission to the dance
floor. Variety was offered for the
evening by card games in the dining
room and the refreshments which
were in order for the evening.
Jean Cowden in Charge
Jean Cowden, president of the
League, was in charge of the social
committee for arrangements. She
was assisted inintroductions by
Helen Townsend, Adele Schukwit,
Barbara ScQtt, Virginia Haight, Vir-
ginia McManus, N. Mitchell, Mar-
garet Lewis, Audrey Bates, Mrs.
T. K. Tandy, Willard Shumate, Neil
Staebler, Clifford Gooding, Kent
Bowsher, Arnold Verdein, Van Whig.
Harriet White, Betty Bosworth,
Mary Birsley, Annette Cummings,
Betty Neal, Billy Johnson, Margaret
Brodks, Pauline Brooks, Harriet
Broenstetter, Agnes Graham, Jean
Carpenter, B e t t y McCall, Mary
Elizabeth Wagner, Dorothy Dunlap,
Mary Lou Cummings, Margaret Fer-
rin, Katherine Ferrin, Walter Rea,
Dwight lp.mmond and T. K. 'Tandy.
President Ruthven Attends
President and Mrs. Ruthven head:
ed the receiving line, which included
also Regent ari Mrs. Beal, Dean and
Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Mr. and Mrs.
Shirley Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Yoakum, Dr. and Mrs. James Bruce,
Dean and Mrs. Humphries, Dean
and Mrs. Herbert Sadler, Dr. and
Mrs. Frederick Novy, Dean and Mrs.
Henry Bates, Dean and Mrs. Clare
E. Griffin, Dean and Mrs. Samuel T.
Dana, Dr. and Mrs! Charles A. Sink,.
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley,
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wells and
Miss McCormick.
The committee for the receiving
line was composed of Dorothy Og-
born, chairman; Margaret Lutes,
Salina Conrad, Edith Smith, Ruth
Rouse, Marion McLellan, Elizabeth
Clark, Elizabeth Hall, Ann Zauer,
Hilda Burr, Helen Bradley, Eleanor
Smith, Edna Geiger, E m m e t h
Schultz, .Mary Alice Thoms, Helen
Hall, Horatia Corbin, Elizabeth
Lawrie, Marion Williams, Kathleen
Hamm, Elsie Hauswald, Marie Hart-
wig, Rose Starusser, Jean Hall,
Jeanette Saurborn, Eunice Van
Camp, Frances McKinnon, Lucille
Streator, Eileen Yeo, Wave Culver,
Teresa Lemmers, Helen Travis, Mir-
iam Carey, Bertha Ashby and Edna

Local Bootlegger
'MUscles' In, Out
Ann Arbor has been at least
secondarily affected by Chicago's
gangland tactics.
One of the local purveyors of
the forbidden liquids, it is un-
derstood, found his trade mater-
ially decreased during the Sum-
mer Session and turned his at-
tention to new fields. Knowing
a large number of students in
Chicago, he left for the Cook
county metropolis and, began to
"muscle in" in a small way.
But it was just a few days un-
til the former Ann Arbor "mer-
chant" found himself in a corner,
staring down the muzzle of an
ominous-looking gun. His hands
were reaching for the ceiling.
"You're leaving for Detroit by
noon, tomorrow," he was inform-
ed by a large man who looked as
if he meant it.
"And I left," he explained.
He is now in the less lucrative
but much more healthy environs
of Michigan.
U. S. Prepared
To Hear Debt
Cut Proposals
Europe Wants to Reduce
Eleven Billions Owed to
Ainerica .
The United States stands ready to
'hear appeals from European powers
for a reduction of the eleven bil-
lion dollars they owe this Country
on loans during and immediately
after the World War.
Since Europe has finally agreed
at Lausanne to cut Germany's
reparations to $750,000,000, the State
Department said today that the
United States is willing to consider
individual proposals for a revision
of debts for the 15 nations which
owe this Country.
No promises have been made by
the United States. But this Gov-
ernment has stated repeatedly in.
recent months that it would grant
a rehearing to European debtorsj
individually after they have agreed
among themselves to settle repara-
The United States has insisted
that it had no interest in repara
tions as it refused to take any from
Until the Lausanne Conference
works out its agreement in detail
and the full text is available to the
State Department, Secretary Stim-
son will not be able to arrange plans
for hearing appeals.
Any change in the amount of war
debt payments would have to be ap-
proved by Congress, which is on
record against further reduction or
cancellation. Both the House and
Senate took this position in approv-
ing the Hoover one-year morator-
ium on intergovernmental debts.
Russia Keeps
Workers Busy
In Production
Hultine States Tractor
Factories: Putting Out
150 Units Per Day
Russian tractor factories are put-
ting out 150 units per day even dur-
ing these times of depression.
The. authority for this statement

is Jacob Hultine of the local prole-
tarian party who worked for several
months in the Russian plants and
for several years in the factories of
the United States. Hultine compar-
ed the lot of the worker in Russia
with that of the laborer in this
country in a lecture yesterday after-
noon in Natural Science auditorium.
/ "In Russia," Hultine said, "every-
one is busy. The workers put en-
thusiasm in their work because they
know that there is a purpose be-
hind it. They know that the factor-
ies are theirs. They work seven
hours a day. They are not driven
like slaves as they are in this coun-
try. They can stop to smoke a cig-
arette if they want to. The work-
men pick their own foremen. If
they are not satisfied with them
they can have them removed."
45 Students Start Out

Stems Beer Tide


Sen. William E. Borah, Idaho Re-
publican, outmaneuvered S e n a t es
wets yesterday to prevent consider-s
ation on the Bingham beer proposal.
Senator Borah was mentioned forf
the Prohibition party's presidentialt
Borah Blocks 1
Bingham Plan
On Beer Vote'
Speaker Garner Receives
Petition Asking Ballotz
Before Adjournment t
The whirling prohibition controversy1
swirled about both sides of the cap-
itol today in extended debate, butt
there was no final decision on pro-
posals to repeal the Eighteenthi
Amendment and to legalize beer. 1
In the Senate, a move by Senator1
Bingham, Connecticut Republican,'
to obtain a vote on his bill to legal-
ize beer, was thwarted temporarilyE
through a parliamentary maneuver
by Senator Borah, Idaho Republi-
A little earlier, the Senate debat-
ed vigorously but reached no agree-
ment on 'a motion by Senator Bar-
bour, New Jersey Republican, to
bring up for consideration his legis-
lation for repeal of' the Eighteentht
The motion remained on the cal-
endar, however, and that will per-
mit a decision before adjournment.I
Barbour said he would press for an
early vote.
On the House side a petition
signed by 77 Republicans asking for1
an opportunity to vote on the legal-
ization of beer before adjournment
was presented to Speaker Garner.
After Borah had displaced the
Bingham proposal with other legis-
lation, the Connecticut Republican
charged that Drys were attempting
to save the "timid souls in the Dem-
ocratic Party" from having to vote
on prohibition.
Borah, a prohibitionist, contended
a currency expansion bill he. intro-
duced as a substitute for the beer
"rider" on the home loan bank
measure "is of more concern than
either beer or red liquor."
The Borah proposal thus became
the pending question before the
Senate and Bingham late in the day
withdrew his beer amendment, but
he promptly informed newspaper-
men he intended to offer it again.
German. -hysicist
Coming Monday to
Assist Symposium
Prof. Wdrner Heisenberg, of the
University of Leipsic, Germany, will
arrive in Ann Arbor Monday to take
part in the symposium of theoreti-
cal physics which is being conduct-
ed on the campus this summer.
Professor Heisenberg had b e e n
scheduled to take part in the. work
from the beginning of the Summer
Session, but he has been unable to
arrive here until this week. How-
ever. he will give an extra lecture

House Threatens
Probe Of Federal
Reserve, Treasury

McFadden, Hoover Foe on
Moratorium, Presents a
Resolution for Sweeping
Michener, Garner
Promise Support
Spea1er Will Request Fa-
vorable Action by Rules
Committee to Bring Mat-
ter Out
sweeping investigation of the treas-
ury and federal reserve system im-
pended tonight after a house floor
exchange during which Speaker
Garner pledged his, support for the
"The Rules committee meets at 11
o'clock tomorrow morning," Garner
said in the midst of the debate.
'Speaking as I may for the major-
ity, I will request them to bring out
the resolution ofs the gentlemai
from Pennsylvania, Mr. McFadden,'
put it on passage and make this in,
Representative M i c h e n e r (R.,
Mich.,) was acting as Republican
loor leader in the absence of Rep-
resentative Snell. Garner asked him
if he would help to pass the resolu-
tion for the inquiry
"Yes," replied Michener. "I think
E will."
Includes (lederal Reserve
Garner later told newspaper men
that if an inquiry is ordered the
resolution will b drafted to include
the treasury, the comptroller of the
currency .and federal reserve .board.
The 'discussion was started by Mc-
Fadden (R., Penn.), who in a speech
urging action on his 'resolution for
an inquiry reminded Garner that
the. letter has said he favored an
The Speaker was sitting on the
Democratic side listening to the de-
bate. For the first time this session
he interrupted another member.
"I still have the same opinion I
expressed at that time," Garner said.
"The reason I .have not rushed t
rules committee investigation
manded by the gentleman fr
Pennsylvania are two:
"For the last six months the
country has been very much dis-
turbed in economic matters. I did
not want to investigate the treasury
department with a view to having
the people of the country lose con-
fidence in it.
"The only thing they seem to have
left is confidence in the govern-
ment of the. United States in its fis-
cal matters. To make an investiga-
tion at this time and discover such
things as the gentleman from Penn-
sylvania and I believe would be dis-
covered in that department would
certainly unsettle that confidence
and would, not be beneficial to the
American people.
"Certainly, I thought that if we
undertook to do it at this time with
an election immediately in front of
us, it would be charged during the
campaign that we attempted to use
the investigation for partisan pur-
poses. These are the two reasons
why we did not ask 'for it to be
Argues With Michener
"The Speaker has said that he
does not want this investigation for
the simple reason that he believes,
in substance, that it would develop
corruption ad fraud in the treas-
ury department," Michener inter-
"In other words, this man in this
high position tells the country that
in his judgment there is fraud and
corruption in the treasury depart-
ment and he says that if the coun-
try were to 'learn at this time, it
might have a bad effect on the

"I did not say 'fraud and corrup-
tion,'" Garner retorted.
Only a handful of members were
present during that discussion which
came a few minutes before adjourn-
- -
Students, Townspeople
See Presses in Action
About 100 people visited the Stu-

CHERBOURG, France, July 8.-j
(AP)-Strong currents and a rising
tide halted efforts to salvage the
sunken French submarine Promethee
today and small harbor craft, un-
equipped for their heavy task, sought,
shelter in the harbor.
Early tomorrow they will load
chains and cables and heavy lines
and steam out again to the spot,
seven miles off Cape Levi, where the
Promethee lies in 40 fathoms.
It is hoped that the Italian sal-
vage ship Artiglio II and her sister
ship, the Rosto, will be there to help.
The Naval authorities asked for
their assistance today and they
headed for Cherbourg.
A scout ship, moving back and
forth in the area where the sub-
marine sank, spotted the hull this
morning and dropped a buoy there.
A few minutes later the Promethee's'
small telephone buoy was discov-
ered and for a time it was hoped it
might still be possible to talk with
some of the more than 60 men who
went down with the ship.
This hope proved groundless, for
there was no sound from the other
end of the telephone wire. There
were bubbles on the surface, but

Dean Wells Says Capone Had
Part in Campus Bootleg circles

Pollock Will Observe
July Reich Elections
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the po-
litical science department, sailed last
night from New York for Germany
on the Bremen. He is making the
trip especially to observe the Ger-
man Reichstag elections, July 31,
and will not return until the re-
sumption of school in September.

Charges that Alphonse CaponeJ
"ran" bootlegging activities on the
Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota. and Wis-
consin campuses were made in a
statemenmt to The Daily yesterday by
Miss Agnes Wells, present Dean of
Women at Indiana university and
former social director of Helen New-
berry dormitory. Miss Wells added,'
however, that she believes the
younger generation drinks a great
deal less than their forefathers.
She based her charge against Ca-
pone on a New York Times article
of July 2, 1931, and contacts made
with students on the Michigan

held her present post, Dean Wells
has had what amounts to personal
supervision of 13 sororities and 3
dormitories, housing well over 600
women students. Important steps in
student self government have been
taken in this time, among them be-
ing and organizations of "house
groups" which rule on violations of
"The houses at Indiana control
all matters commonly relegated to
faculty bodies," Miss Wells said,
"and we have found this arrange-
ment satisfactory. The girls bring
their problems to the Committee on
Student Affairs on their own hook
if they find them too knotty."

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