- ., _______________________________________________________________________________
The M1ichigan Daily
Establishedl1890 .
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Assistant Business Manager..........Norris P. Johnson
FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932
Bo rah Sde-Steps A
Presidential Boom -.-.
Although the Prohibitionist party had hopes
of persuading Senator Borah to run for presi-
dent on its ticket, by adopting planks in a plat-
form which would be repugnant to Borahs prin-
ciples, it gave up any chances it might have had
of heading the ,ticket with a well-known man.
One faction of the party, in)maintaining that
the party should adopt only one plank, aid that
on prohibition, had the proper attitude. Although
the members can hardly expect to poll more votes
thah. the socialists or progressives have in past
presidential elections, if prohibition is the sole
reason for the existence of the group, that alone
should be the basis of its platform.
Senator Borah, however, if loyal to his own
ideals, could not have accepted any nomination
from this faction. The insurgent Republican
from Idaho has always thought and said that
the right of the people to express their feelings
on public questions was a part of the democracy
for which he stood. And since the prohibition
party opposes even resubmissign of the question
to the people, such a stand would be counter to
Borah's principles.
Senator Borah, however, likes the position he
enjoys at Washington. As chairman of the com-
mittee on foreign affairs, he is one of the most
important figures on Capitol Hill. Once, when
he opposed the administration on an important
matter, his name was omitted from the White
House invitations list. In no time at all, the Sen-
ator had called on the President to talk the mat-
ter over. The one place Borah wants to be, if he
is to be in Washington at, all, is the Senate. As
candidate fol president on the prohibition ticket,
he would certainly be defeated.
As long as Borah wishes to run for the Senate,
the voters of Idaho will re-elect him. And he
knows that. No Borah-for-President b om will
ever be started unless it is sure to end in the
White House.
-Smith Takes His
Only Course .
Alfred E. Smith has finally declared himself
and will support the Democratic party in the
November elections. He has even committed
himself further and stated that he will turn his
support to Roosevelt and Garner, the nominees
of the party,
Although he was the object of much criticism
following his rather uncerimonous departure
fr'om the Chicago convention immediately after
the nomination of Roosevelt, he is now receiving
the plaudits of a great many people for his ac-
tion. But his statement is exactly what we should
That a defeat such as Mr. Smith suffered
should be a crushing blow indeed, no one will
deny. We can even forgive some rather peculiar
actions under such circumstances. But our ad-
miration would be greater had he stood his
ground even in defeat and remained the true
"happy warrior."
But his stand is not based on pure "sports-
manship." He himself gives as the apparent rea-
son for his decision to stand behind his one-time
friend but now bitter enemy, Rdosevelt, the fact
that the formation of a third party would not be
practical "at this time." For what other reason
could he refuse to support the nominees of the
Perhaps he might turn to the Republicans. But
on what possible basis could he justify his deci-
sion? Walter Lippman'has pointed out that there
is no reason for which Smith could bolt. Princi-
ple is the one possibility, but the Democratic
platform, and especially the prohibition plank,
is a "suit cut to the measure of Alfred E. Smith,"
as one delegate rat the convention expressed it.
A bolt by Mr. Smith on the sole basis that he
should have been the choice of' the party would
show the worst type of sportsmanship.
What, then, remains? Only one course is open
and Mr. Smith has wisely taken it.
The Rocky Mountain News pictures the Repub-
lUcan elephant "stewing in his own juice." Some
Music and Drama
A Review1
"'Paolo and Francesca," the second offering ofb
the Michigan Repertory Players, came as a re-t
freshing surprise after the rather light plays that
have so constantly flooded the Lydia Mendel-.
ssohn stage of recent weeks.I
This work of Stephen Phillips is amazing when
one stops to consider that he died only ten years
ago. A play of heavy moralistic tendencies andt
an age old plot has been written by him in a1
serious, earnest manner. In fact, it is difficult to
believe that a man of our century could have so,
thoroughly absorbed the moral attitude of long
ago as to present it. this convincingly. Yet this
is what Stephen Phillips does. This play has been
attacked in one respect, however, by a contem-
porary mind. For neither the heart nor the char-
acter is the major point of interest so much as,
the mind. The mental moods are reflected in it
not sormuch by action as by living thoughts
which leap through to the audience softly and{
forcefully. It is Phillips' speech that makes these
thoughts real. He is a subtle writer and a grace-
ful one. He does not portray a jumbled, impres-
sionistic mass of varying thoughts in order to
create the. feeling he wishes. Rather is he com-
posed enough to think of phrasing, of rhythm, of
tonal effects, and, in the end, of reality. For, al-
though he is orderly, he does not err in the ex-
treme by becoming unreal. The one' objectionable
point was the feeling of anti-climax. The play
should have ended after Giovanni's hysterical
speech following the murder. The parts that
came immediately after were unnecessary and
ugly. This is one of the most compelling con-
temporary plays I have seen. Its power lies in
turning old ways to new by sheer force of writing.
Mr. Frederic Crandall, as Giovanni, was clearly
the star of the production. One sensed that he
meant every word he uttered and, what is more
important, believed it. He ws sincere in his ef-
forts and showed a real appreciation for this
work of Phillips. He was ably supported by Miss
Mildred Todd and Mr. Allan Handley, both farnil-
iar figures to Ann Arbor audiences. Miss Todd
was a charming Francesca. She was an entirely
different Miss Todd than she has been before--
a fail, fragile, young innocent fresh from the
convent. Her Francesca was sweet, intelligently
so. Mr. Handley, as Paolo, rendered his lines
beautifully but neglected interpretive sincerity
too often. It was true Handley and not Paolo
speaking in a number of instances. However, he
had some really fine moments in Act III, scenes
one and two, and in Act IV. Alice Calhoun was a
delightful Costanza, extracting what humour she
could from the play. Miss Qrane, as Lucrezia
was effective, as was Miss Fritz Nita.
The whole cast seems to have acquired a pro-
fessional attitude to be admired. This was riot
a little due to Mr. Stevens' directing. ";
The costuming was rich and colorful, and the
sets were well thought out. Act I, and Act II,
scene two, were the most artistic setting. Pulci's
shop was bommendable.
Thoroughly to enjoy this play one's mind and
mood must be pliable and sympathetic. It might
otherwise prove to be heavy. M. S.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of comm'unicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upo a request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, coniinil;them--
selves to less'than 300 %ords if possible.
Obects To Riot Editorial
To The Editor:
The editorial comment made in
your columns Sunday, July 3rd, concerning the
Grand Jury Ford Riot Finding, taken from the
Detroit Free Press, was very prejudiced and not
only that, it shwed how unintelligent editors
are apt to be, being too lazy to gather facts from
the divers sources before they generalize and
If there had not been a meeting in the Ann
Arbor auditorium on May 10th sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Branch of the Detroit Civil Liberties,
where everyone concerned in the riot had been
invited to place their opinion before a public
audience, and where such statements as "Red
agents never get into hot places themselves if
they can help it" was thoroughly disproven, the
worthy editor's comment would have been much
easier to swallow.
It was there called to the attention of the
people that the four men in the march who were
killed were Communists, two of them outstand-
ing leadeis of the party. It was also shown that
Foster, whom Detroit papers gave out as hiding,
and who gave a speech in Detroit the night be-
fore the massicre, had on Monday night given
a speech in Milwaukee, and that Schmies, an-
other leader, gave a speech in Detroit the night
after the trouble.
And lastly, if the learned editor will only rb-
flect a moment, perhaps he will be able to see
that every outstanding Communist leader is at
all times subject to death, for when a crisis
arises they are the marked men for the opposi-
tion. And these leaders know this, Mr. Editor,
they know that the ideals for. which they are
working will not be realized while they are still
alive, that they will die in the attempt of mater-
ializing their ideals. But cowards are those who
stand pat, afraid to protest against corruption,
gangsters, starvation, unemployment and war,
afraid that they may be killed in the protest be-
fore all this could be changed, and that they
would not be able to enjoy the benefits them-
selves. So selfishly and cowardly they perlmit the
evils to exist, hoipng to enjoy them even.
0. If. Bridgpe
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 7.-he twin conventions
at Chicago, both of which turned on the common
axis of prohibition; will go down in political his-
the convention staff nor the police had any
trouble with individuals who had lingered too
long over the cup that cheers.
They Stayed Sober
Through both conventions The Bystander sat
in a front row seat commanding the tunnel-like
passageway from the floor, giving access to the
platform and the 'committee, rooms which were
the convention nerve centers during sessions.
Every leader or near leader, every manager for
various candidates, every figure in either con-
vention of any importance at all, passed back and
forth time after time within arm's reach.
Besides these big guns, a .swarm of delegates,
alternates and specially favored friends surged
to and fro through that entrance all day and
night every day and night.
And during it all the Bystander saw only two
men escorted from the floor under suspicion of
imbibed hilarity.
He saw another, swaying gently on his feet,
denied admittance to the convention floor and
finally led away by a large and fatherly blue-
coat to the benefits of the open air. And that
was absolutely all in the convention hall itself.
Between sessions at the hotels where the dele-
gations were barracked there was more evidence
of liquid relaxation. In one large hotel, some of
the delegates enjoyed themselves it impromptu
extra sessions.
They made speeches, recalled memories of con-
vention cries, and, being democrats, ironically
hurrahed for Hoover now and then at all times
of night. Their sleep-losing neighbors suspected
liquid inspiration.
A Curious -pectacle
But whatever happened at the hotels, the con-
ventions themselves might have been gatherings
of drys, although in fact anti-dry sentiment
dominated both. It was a curious spectacle to
an onlooker.
KIND: Romance in the tropics.
STARRING: Tallulah Bankhead.
FEATURING: Charles Bickford, Paul Lukas,
Leslie Fenton, Eugene Pallette
REMARKS: This picture concern' a married
couple (Tallulah Bankhead and Charles Bick-
ford) who live somewhere in South America, un-
happily. Paul Lukas is in love with Tallulah, and
she returns it. Bickford goes blind, and the main
theme, his attempt to hold his wife's love and
her struggle to remain faithful, ensue. In addi-
tion to the principals, Eugene gives his usual fine
performance as Horner, a member of the oil ex-
pedition party.
There is a well-done and totally unexpected
denouement which you won't guess.
BEST SHOT: Probably the best scene is the
one in which Tallulah remains mute, standing
to one side, while her blind husband ad the
younger lover are unknowingly at odds.
ADDED ATTRACTIONS: Hooray! Not a horse
race in the newsreel!
And a laughable comedy, parodying the "see the
next chapter at this theatre next week" type of
serial. Edgar Kennedy is back again as a crook
who has stolen a Rajah's ten-carat diamond
watch, or something like that. And if you can't
get a laugh out of the distraught serialist pound-
ing his typewriter, you're made of rock.
Also--a Betty Boop cartoon and a "singie"
which is a shining example of what we don't
want in movies.
(Daily Illini)
We are now only approximately $2,00,000,000
in debt as citizens of the United States of Amer-
ica. As we sit here musing- over this and that
we can but loosen the vest buttons and swell our
manly chest with pride to think that we are
members of this great commonwealth. There is
no doubt about it. We can think of nothing
more invigorating upon awakening than to real-
ize how this huge amount of indebtedness has
Credit has been defined as a person's opinion
of someone else. If that definition is applicable
here someone must have an exalted opinion of
the good old U. S. The opinion in the afore-
mentioned definition of credit is usually con-
strued to apply to ability to pay on the art of the
person judged.
Co-operation and team lay on the part of our
auspicious legislators has resulted in the appro-
'priation bills not being passed at the beginning
of a new fiscal year for the first time in the
memory of even the older Congressmen. If for
nothing else, the Congress should see that we
could save money by cutting down the cost of
red ink necessitated by this delay. Anyone knows
that a good quality red ink costs more than or-
dinary blue-black ink.
The Congressional leaders are reported to be
undismayed by the failure to pass the appropria-
tion bills. Why should they be dismayed? They
have passed the bills providing for their own sal-
aries. It is someone else's worry now. A man
can't gain weight on worry anyway.
While this slightly thorny thought enters our
mind upon a review of the federal financial sit-
uation, we may attribute part of it to the wrong
attitude and the results of having Scotch par-
ents, but there is a great deal left to attack in
the way of inefficiency in Congressional work in
balancing the budget, a feat that never is ac-
complished, and bringing the country to a point
where the financial position is at least definite
if no[, stable.
, Detroit Free Press)
The recent "revolution" that put Siam on the
front page for a day or two recalls the fact that
it was Siam that the United States had its first
treaty relations in the Far East. The first treaty
concluded by the United States and China was
signed in 1844. A decade before that a conven-
ti no amity and comnmerce had been negotiated
with "His Majesty the Sovereign and Magnifi-
(ent King in the City of Sia-Yuthia (Bangkok).
OUr relations with Japan began in the 50's ad
with Corea in the 80's.
What is more, Siam's relations with this Coun-
try have been consistently pleasant. One reason
for that is the native amiability of the Siamese.
Another possible reason is that America advisers
have played an -important part in the recent his-
May. Be Purehased
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