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July 08, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-08

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The Weather
Generally fair Friday, little
change in temperature, fresh
southwest to west winds.


it iait


Borah Side-Steps A Presi-
dential Boom; Smith Takes
His Only (Course.

Official Publication of The Summer Session


VOL. XII, No. 10





Final jSunr er
Enrollment Is
3,791, 12 Per
Cent Decrease
2,444 Men, 1,347 Women
Registered for Term ;
Students in Ann Arbor
Total About 3,624
Forty-Four States
Are Uepresented

May Be Lost on 'Round-World Flight

Social Season
Opens Tonirht
At Reception
Deans to Greet Summer
Students at Party in
League Building
Blomquist's Band
To Play for Dance
Receiving Line Begins at
8:30 o'Clock; More than
3,000 Guests Expected

Balks at Navy Cut

French Submarine
Plunges To Bottom;
/66 Men Entombed


Associated Press Photo

368 C Ie from College
Facm4jes;- 1,978 Hold
Educatioal Positions;
2,402 Hold.Degrees
Figures compiled yesterday after-
noon by Dean E<;ward He Kraus of
the Summer Session reveal that the
enrollment in all schools, colleges
and camnps of the University has
now reached a total ; f 3,791. Of
this number 2,444 are men and 1,347
are women. The enrollment shows
a 12 per cent decrease as compared
to the'1931 Summer Session figures.
Approximately 3,624 students are
actually studying in the city, while
90f are enrolled at the Biological
station, 30 at Cap Davis in Wyom-
ing, 27 at the Geology and Geog-
raphy camp, 28 at Camp Filibert
Roth, and 42 have been enrolled in
the sport session for women which
4 closed recently. The total enroll-
ment figure does not include those
here for the physics symposia or the
public health institutes. i
2,106 from Michigan
Forty-four states and the District
of. Columbia are represented on the
campus,this summer. Michigan
claims 2,106 of the students, Ohio,
Illinois, New York, Indiana and
Penr sylvania rank next, each having
more than 125. Twenty-eight for-
eign countries are represented with
China claiming 27, Canada 19, Ha-
awaii 8, India and the Philippine
Islands 6 each.,
The University this term has en-
rolled 168 members from faculties
of other olleges and universities;
107 city and, county superintendents;
101 high school principals; 889 high
school teacl7ers; 233 grade schob\
teachers; 47 nurses, and 46 li-
1,178 ip Regular Session
Students in the Summer Session
who - are in the feld of education
during the regular school year num-
ber 1,978, and there are 1,178 here
who were enrolled in the University
during tfie last academic season.
One hundred twenty-six have ma-
triculated here this summer from
other institutions. Seventeen are
from state universities, 36 from other
universities, and 50 from colleges.
Despite the slight decrease in en-
rollment the University has received
a larger percentage of students this
summer with higher degrees-indi-
cating that the "University at pres-
ent is appealing to the highly
trained. The largest decrease has
comeamong the liergraduates.
A special chart worked out in the
dean's office shows that 2,402 of the
students here this summer possess
2,917 degrees. Of this number 1,857
have one degree, 508 have two de-
grees, 36 have three degrees, and one
has, four degrees.
1,515 Hold A.B. Degree
The degrees held are as follows:
Bachelor of arts, 1,515; bachelor
of science, 507; master of arts, 321;
bachelor of science in engineering,
79; bachelor of music, 45; bachelor
of philosophy, 28; doctor of philos-
ophy, 15; bachelor of law, 10;
pharmaceutical chemists, 9, and doc-
tor of medicine, 6.
The distribution of the degrees ac-
cording to schools and colleges is as
Graduate school, 2,374; Medical
school, 140; Law school, 137; School
of Music, 73; College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, 71; School of
Education, 67; School of Business
Administration, 23; College of En-
gineering, Y6; College of Pharmacy,
9; College of Architecture, 6, and
School of Dentistry, 1.
Falls Excursion List


Associated Press Ph"'""
James Mattern and. Bennett Griffin, 'round-the-world fliers, are
unreported 24 hours after leaving Berlin.

W orld Flyers
Unreported, 2
Hours Overdue
Mattern and Bennett Last
Seen Near Polish Border
MOSCOW, July 8. - (Friday)-
(AP)-James Mattern and Bennett
Griffin, the American round-the-
world fliersr sho started out so
bravelĀ§ by crossing the Atlantic in
record time, were unreported and
more than 24 hours overdue here
this morning...
They had disappeared completely
as their red, white and blue mono-
plane had gone sailing off into space.
The last heard of them was at
6:0,5 p. m. (Ann Arbor time) Wed-
nesday, when they were sighted over
Lake Wysztyt, near Hegelinge, on
the German-Polishborder.ninat .
was three hours and five minutes
after they took off from Berlin,
with high hopes of greatly extend-
ing their margin over Wiley Post
and Harold Gatty, the round-the-
world airmen whose record they set
out to better.
Now they have fallen far behind
Post and Gatty. Thursday mid-
night, Moscow time, they had been
out of New York60 hours and 59
minutes. Post and Gatty reached
Moscow 54 hours and 24 minutes af-
ter leaving New York.
Sovietnair offitials did their ut-
most to locate the missing fliers.
Inquiries were made along the line
to Koenigsberg, Germany, but not
a word of news resulted.
House Passes
Garner Relief
Bill to Senate
35 Republicans Support
$3,800,000 Measure De-
spite Certain Veto
Aided by 35 Republicans, the Dem-
ocratic House today approved the
conference report on the Garner-
Wagner relief measure in the face
of definite veto threats by President
By a 202 to 157 vote, the report
was adopted and sent to the Senate,
where quick approval was expected.
Then it will go to the White House
to climax a heated controversy be-
tween the Chief Executive and
Speaker Garner.
Undoubtedly the relief measure
will be an issue in the coming Pres-
idential campaign, when the Demo-
cratic Vice Presidential nominee
takes the stump against the Hoover-
Curtis ticket.
The President had sought restric-
tions on loans to be made by the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. under
its increased capital of $3,800,000,-

Card for 'Year
Is Announced
Wolverine Team to Play
One Home Game, Four
On Road Before Rest
The Michigan basketball team will
be forced to play four games on the
road while having only one at home
during the first half of the 1932-33
season, the revised schedule receiv-
ed Thursday by Franklin C. Cappon,
assistant athletic director and bask-
etball coach, shows. After the lay-
off for final examinations during
late January and early February,
the team will meet five Conference
opponents here and two away.
Purdue, and Indiana, and Chicago
will be back on the card next season,
while Northwestern, Wisconsin, and
Ohio State will be dropped for the
year. Five non-conference games
will precede the opening of the Big
Ten season,
The complete schedule follows:
Dec. . 5-Western State Teachers
Dec. 12-Michigan State.
Dec. 15-Mt. Union.
Dec. 17-Western State at Kala-
Jan. 2-Syracuse.
Jan. 7-Iowa at Iowa City.
Jan. 9-Illinois at Champaign.
Jan. 14-Illinois.
Jan. 21-Chicago at Chicago.
Jan. 23-Minnesota at Minneapo-
Feb. 11-Michigan State at East
Feb. 13-Indiana at Bloomington.
Feb. 18-Iowa.
Feb. 20-Chicago.
Feb. 25-Purdue at Lafayette.
Feb. 27-Minnesota.
Mar. 4-Indiana.
Mar. 6-Purdue.
Rockefeller, 93, Says
Prosperity Will Return
TARRYTOWN, N. J., July 7.-
(AP)-From the sheltered seclusion
of his rolling estate, John D. Rocke-
feller, who will be 93 years old to-
morrow, issued today the prediction,
"Prosperity has always retirned,
and will again."

Social life on the campus goes
into full swing tonight with the
deans' reception which will lie held
in the Women's Leagues'building.
The party is one of the landmarks
of the Summer Session. More than
3,000 students attended the affair
last year and Miss: Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick, dean of' women, estimated
that the crowd will be larger this
The League social committee,
headed by Miss Jane Cowden, presi-
dent of the league, has taken charge
of the arrangements, and cards,
dancing and refreshments are in
order for the evening's entertain-
Vagabons to Play
The U. of M. Vagabonds under
the direction of Pete Blomquist, will
furnish the music for the dance. It.
is a student orchestra and will play
at all League functions this Summe -.
Deans of the various schools will
be present to meet the Summer Ses-
sion students. The receiving line
will begin at 8:30 o'clock in the
Grand Rapids room, the dining
room and the concourse.
All students on the campus are
invited to attend the reception, Miss
McCormick said.
A ruling has been made that no
one without a partner will be per-
mitted on the 'dance floor. It 'has
been necessary to makesuch a reg-
ulation because of the congestion
that arose last year from non-danc-
ers' gathering on the floor.
To Introduce Students
A reception committee consisting
of faculty members' and students
will be present, however, to make
introductions so that there will be
no difficulty in obtaining par ners
for the dances.;
There will also be a compmittee to
conduct those who are interested in
inspecting the League throughout
the building.
Faculty members acting on the re-
ception committee are Prof. and
Mrs. Jackson Sharmon, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Webster, Dr. and Mrs.
Willard C. Olsen, Prof. and Mrs. Roy
W. Cowden, Dr. and Mrs. Donald
King, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Daily Offices to Open
For Inspection Tonight
The Daily offices will be open for,
inspection by Summer Session stu-
dents and their friends from 3 to 6
o'clock this afternoon and from 8 to
10 o'clock tonight. Only the regular
work of editing and publishing an
issue of The Daily will be in prog-
ress. Time allowing, staff members'
will answer any questions about the
The Daily. is now being printed in
the new $180,000 home of the Stu-
dent Publications on Maynard street
between William and Jefferson.

Hoover Naval

Pro ram Bars
Arms Accord
Britain in Agreement on
Remainder of U. S. Dis-
armanment Proposal
LONDON, July 7.-(AP)-Great
Britain officially today defined her
attitude toward President Hoover's
proposals to cut arms one-third. She
declared herself in general accord
but drew the line at his naval pro-
In a white paper read before the
House of Commons by Stanley Bald-
win, acting prime minister, the Gov-
ernment asserted Britain's farfiung
interests made it impracticable for
her to reduce the number of her
naval units beyond a certain point.
"But if there is a limit to numer-
ical reduction, it is still possible,
and highly desirable, to secure by
other means a large diminution in
naval armaments," Mr. Baldwin
The Government lined up with
Mr. Hoover by opposing air bomb-
ing, with reservations, and by point-
ing out that the British standards
of land disarmament already more
than cover the American aims The
Army has been cut from 259,000 in
1913 to 207,000, Mr. Baldwin said.
Reich Drops Demand
For Revision of Treaty
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, -4ly 7.
-(AP)-The most stubborn ob-
stacle in the way of a reparations
agreement was cleared away tonight
when the German delegation to the
Lausanne Conference announced
they had relinquished all political
The Germans declared that, f9r-
getting political aspirations, they
would Confine the negotiations here
to the settlement of the reparations
problem itself-that is, to its finan-
cial phases.
The German about-face was re-
garded as making sure the success
of the Conference.
The German delegation was said
to be prepared to reach a settle-
ment on the anuunt of the Ger-
man bond issue which will take the'
place of reparations.
Repertory Players
Will Give Matinee
Performance Today
A matinee performance of "Paolo
and Francesca," to take the place of
the regular evening performance,
will be given at 3:15 o'clock this
afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre by the Michigan Repertory
Playing before a packed house last
night, the romantic dramatization
of Dante's immortal love story by
Stephen Phillips, directed by Thomas
Wood Stevens, will be given again
Saturday night.
The matinee was scheduled today
to avoid a conflict with a reeption
planned by the University for Sum-
mer School studepts. Special prices
have been made for the matinee.
"Paolo and Francesca" will be fol-
lowed next week by the comedy, "At
Mrs. Beam's."
Hewitt Wins First Two
Olympic Trial Matches
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 7-(AP)
-Twenty-four grapplers took third

1,000 scape Summer
Automobile Restrictions
Many interesting facts may be
brought to light by a brief study
of the automobile registration
cards in the office of the Dean of
For example, unofficial esti-
mates state that more than 1,000
Summer Sessign students are
driving cars, exempt from the
provisions of the University auto .
regulations. Only about 250 have
obtained the recreational permits
which are issued to those not ex-
empted from the restrictions.
The oldest of the exempted
"students" driving a car this
summer is about 60 years of age
while a large number have pass-
ed the half-century mark. The
average age, according to an un-
official estimate, of the students
driving exempted cars is well over
30 years.
Walter B. Rea, assistant to the
Dean of Students, in charge of
the auto restrictions, said that
the depression has also had some-
thing to do with the lesser num-
ber of cars.
Expect Senate
Vote on Beer
Drys Threaten to Rule Out
3.2 Per Cent Plan on
Point of Order
WASHINGTON, July 7.--(AP)-
A bill to legalize beer containing 3.2
per cent alcohol by weight was
brought before the Senate 'just be-
fore adjournment tonight, and a
vote is expected tomorrow on a dry
attempt to rule it out of order *or
send it back to committees.
The beer "rider" to the home loan
bank bill was called up by its spon-
sor, Senator Bingham (R. Con.) at
the end of a day enlivened Eby a
spirited Prohibition debate. Senate
Prohibition supporters plan to make
a point or order against the Bing-
ham proposal on the ground that
it is unconstitutional, or to seek to
recommit it.
Advocates were not optimistic to-
night. In addition to those opposed
to legalizing the brew, several sen-
a'tors believes- that the proposal
should not come up as a "rider" on
the home loan bank bill.
From two Democratic Senators-
Glass, of Virginia, and Ashurst, of
Arizona-came the reiterated con-
tention that beer which is intoxi-
cating is fact would violate the Con-
stitution and that more evidence
than is now available will be needed
to convince them that a brew of 3.2
per cent alcohol is not intoxicating.
Vice President Curtis joined in
the 'laughter once, when Senator
Gore, Oklahoma Democrat, describ-
ed President Hoover is "now doing
a cake walk with a pitcher of ice
water on one shoulder and a little
brown jug on the dther."

'Proinethee' Sinks With-
out Warning; Seven of
Crew Swim to Safety;
Salvage Attempt Begun
Violent Currents
Baffle Searchers
Marine Experts Say Crew
Might Have Had Time
To Close The Watertight
Hatches, Save Lives
CHERBOURG, France, July 7.-
(AP) - The French submarine
Promethee plunged without wayh-
ing under the waves of Cherbourg
Harbor while on a trial maneuver
today, taking down at least 66 men
in 150 feet of water, seven miles
north of Cape Levi.
Seven members of the crew, in-
cluding Lieut. Dumesnil, command-
er, were saved when they were
hurled from the deck into the sea
by the lurch of the vessel in its
unexpected dive. 'They swam until
they were picket up' by a fishing
Effort to locate and salvage the
craft with its imprisoned occupants
begun immediately, but were imped-
ed by violent currents prevailing
at the spot.
Needed Adjustment
Search for the sunken craft by
planes was handicapped by poor fly-
ing conditions. The submarine, in
service only two years, was endeav-
oring to- correct mechanical faults
when it sett out particularly for div-
ing trials.
The Ministry of Marine at Paris
said the Promethee had not been
in perfect working ordedr. Various
adjustments had been found neces-
sary before it could be deemed fit
for a long voyage. It was in an
effort to bring the machinery to
perfection that today's disastrous
trials had been arranged.
Officials Pessimistic
It. was estimated that 49 members
of the crew and 17 other meh, in-
chiding engineers and workmen,
went down with the ship. The cor-
respondent of the Paris newspaper
Le Matin estimated the victims at
Marine experts offered hope to-
night that the inen inside the sub-
marine might have found' time to
close the watertight hatches before
there was a fatal rush of the seas.
Student Jobs
Scarce; Many
Hunt Positions
Employment Office Says
More than 200 Appli-
cations Are In




Griffin Sees Need for Greater
Flexibility inMonetary System


Social disorganization and unbal-
anced production, rather than over-
production and war-time waste, are
the chief causes contributing to the
present business depression, Prof.
Clare E. Griffin, dean of the business
administration school, said in a lec-
ture on the "Business Depression
and Some of Its Lessons" yesterday
Looking to the future, Professor
Griffin stressed the need for more
flexibility in the management of the
price system and pointed out that
this may be achieved by controlling

a general rise in prices. The release
of the Federal bonds for internal
improvements would bring about this
result, he said.
"We cannot sit back and let eco-
nomic forces alone take their way,"
he declared. "While inflation is ac-
companied with very definite dan-
gers, there are also very definite
dangers if we allow the present de-
flated condition to continue."
The present depression is peculiar
in that it effects more people be-
cause of the greater interweaving of
economic society. "We have learned
that the old virtues of thrift and

New York........
Detroit ....... ,... .
Athletics ..........
Cleveland .........
St. Louis..........
Chicago .........
Boston ............




More than 200 applications have
been received ; from students in
search of part-time employment,
Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, in charge
of the student employment division
of the office of the dean of students,
said yesterday. Less than one-tenth
of them have been placed.
Fewer board jobs have been avail-
able than during the regular session,
she stated, and the odd jobs which
normally come to the office have
been almost entirely lacking this
summer. "Only three have been re-
ported this week," she said. Very
little clerical work has been sent to
the office.
Miss Smith called attention to the
change in the employment rates for
student help. Wages are now 40
cents an hour for anything less than
three hours, and 35 cents an hour
for three hours or more.
Dickinson To Speak\
At Law Teachers'
j"nnfi 'a',i-ia a i- - am-:in-I

Thursday's Results
Detroit 8, New York 5 (10 in-
Athletics 3-9, Chicago 13-3.
St. Louis 8,:Boston 2.
Cleveland 3-4, Washington 2-3:


Chic o . . .




39 34

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