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July 06, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-06

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___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I

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The Michigan Daily
Published every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
onI and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
r republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
ot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
ublished herein. All rights of republication of special
ispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
nond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
bird Assistant Postmaster General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
L50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
tail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
nn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
.irty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street,
oston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Office Hours: 2-12 P?.M.
,ditorial Director..... . .r..........Beach Conger, Jr.
ity Editor....... ......................Carl S. Forsythe
tate Editor .......... ............David M. Nichol
ews Editor..........................Denton Kunze
'elegraph Editor...................Thomas Connellan
ssistant City Editor................Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
siness Manager.. ...........Charles T. Kline
ssistant Business Manager....JU.....Norr P. Johnson
WY+ DNESD i77JAY, JULY 6, 1932,

i i


'Put Not Your Trust
In Princes'...

A listless Republican convention has been fol- r
lowed by at least equal listlessness on the part r
of most of the Republican leaders throughout the
country. The nation's interest has, for the mostP
part, been centered upon the recent Democratic
convention. In typical Dmocratic style, theyf
found little to agree upon until Mr. McAdoo
brought about the release of the California and
Texas delegations. Now the entire party, with1
the possible exception of Al Smith whose fre-1
qunt statements about "sportsmanship" seem to1
have little connection with the post-convention
actions, have joined in their support of a plat-
form and a man.
In the face of these circumstances, there have
been definite waverings in the Republican lines.'
Most prominent has been the attitude of Senator
Norris and his openly declared bolt for the
Roosevelt forces. Senator Borah has refused, al-
though many competent observers. put little faith
in his statements, to support the Hoover program
with its plank for resubmission and has been
urged to run as a strictly dry candidate himself.
Most recent of the defections has been that of
Senator Hiram Johnson of California. While he
has not definitely asserted that he will support
the Roosevelt ticket, he is actively anti-Hoover,
and has been passing his time by issuing lauda-
tory statements about the New York governor
and his actions.
All three of these men, who have deserted the
Republican cause at a time when it most needed
help, have been elected to the Senate as Repub-
licans. For varying, but purely personal, reasons
they have subverted the judgment of the ruling
body of their party. Such cases raise a nice ques-
tion as to the actual meaning of "representa-
tion." It is not difficult to reconcile with this
word a man's refusal, though it seldom occurs to
be purely sectional in his judgment about such
questions as tariff and internal improvements in
the light of the common good of the country.
Much more difficult, however, is the problem of
bringing into line the fact that he was elected
as a member of a party and once firmly seated
in the congressional halls has turned traitor.
The so-called Independent Republicans to
which category all of these men belong have been
responsible for many of the progressive measures
which have been passed by the Congress in re-
cent years. In many cases, their individual judg-
ment has resulted in much good. No one will
deny this. But now we find them turning upon
their party and upon the man who has been
named by the party to carry out its program.
President Hoover has weathered four extreme-
ly trying years. In this time, he has attempted
to bring about constructive and progressive legis-
lation in connection with many of the country's
major problems. He has been forced to bow low
on several occasions before an adamant Senate
and House. Each time he has done it with a cer-
tain dignity, refusing to allow personality to en-
ter into his considerations of the general good.
But these men have turned upon him.
We do not wish to be misunderstood nor do
we wish to take a definite pro or con stand for
either of the parties. We do, however, object to
the ruthless subversion of party judgment by its
leaders and to the treacherous actions of its elec-
tively pledged partisans. As Republicans, the
presidential choice of the convention is the sole
man to carry through their program
President Hoover might well join with the Earl
of- Strafford, under only slightly different cir-
cumstances, in saying:
"Put not your trust in Princes!"
Four noted authorities on sex say that roman-
tic love is a thing of the past. They are, without
exception, middle-aged and married.
About all you can say for these long golf
knickers is that they're merciful.
Nice people are those who break the law only
for pleasure.
A professor in Paris teaches his pupils seven

languages at once. We suppose they all become
subway guards in New York.

Editorial Comment
(Oregon Emerald)i
Turn back the pages. Five, ten, fifteen yearsi
go. And the scene of April, 1917, portrays thea
niversity campus in the throes of hysteria.f
imerica had declared war! "Enlist" was on every t
van's lips. Impassioned addresses rang throughe
he classrooms; pep rallies were staged on everyh
orner; the very air was charged with the elec-
ric spirit of combat. Self-sacrifice filled the
eart, and patriotism play on the heart strings.n
he bugles sounded, and the women cheered.
lalf the college youth marched forth to die-t
for country and for God."
Are these less hectic days? No martial bugle
ounds the call to battle; no pretty women wavec
heir kerchiefs at passing files of khaki. But all '
ver the nation there is hunger and suffering and
want. There is a bigger enemy to battle, a more
)owerful foe to subdue. If ever there was a time
when we needed the spirit of altruism and self-
acrifice, that time is now. Oh, for the courage
)f 1917! Then youth was brave enough to die
for its ideals. Is youth of 1932 brave enough to
ight for them?
Something is wrong. Babies weep, women sob,
and men curse. What is it? Our mills are idle;
our ships are empty. Some blame the govern-
nent, some blame industry; some blame the war.
But on all sides there is evasion, there is shrink-
ng from responsibility. There are none hardy
enough to find the truth and brave enough to tell
t. We have confidence in our form of govern-{
nent: we know it is essentially sound.. But we
gravely question whether the government has not
been perverted to private interest. So we need
men who will fight the battle for honest govern-
meent, as bravely as did the lads of 1917.
In yesterday's issue of the Emerald, Brian
Mimnaugh, president of the student body, made
a plea for qualified students to register for vot-
ing. What a contrast between the typical stu-
dent of 1917 and 1932. What a change fifteen
years have wrought! The ardor and patriotism
of the early date have cooled, supplanted by the
lethargy of modern times. This year the oppor-
tunity is again offered for students to take up
the gauntlet of political leadership. Once more
the decision is to be made whether our college
men and women will retire from the field and
leave the ballot to the ignorant and the unedu-
cated. If our collegiate institutions are to merit
their existence they cannot much longer evade
the sacred duty of leadership that must develop
upon them. The approach of election again of-
fers a challenge to the citizenry of higher educa-
But there is a prerequisite to vot ing not a
legal one, but a moral one. Intelligent exercise
of the ballot requires an understanding of our
economic and, political system. It requires a
knowledge of current affairs and a sincere in-
terest in the welfare of our democracy. For that
very reason the Emerald is daily publishing news
of moment drawn from the four corners of the
globe. Read it, weight it, consider it. In educat-
ed leadership rests the fate of the nation. Not
by the smooth tongues of politicians or the elec-
toral power of the masses will the issues of the
future be decided; in the hands of our educated
men and women lie the destiny of our people.
What shall we do? Let us choose, and choose
(Daily Illini)
It is with the greatest of preasue that we note
the Democrats are Improving in co-operation.
There are those that will claim they had only
one logical choice and took it. There are others
that will just as logically hold that the thing
was railroaded. For both of these factions we
give one full grown Bronx cheer with embellish-
ments, and pause to see just how the Democrats
broke all former precedents in getting finished
with the convention, almost coming up to the
Republican speed in nomination.
A platform that first startled the political'
world with its brevity and coherence was turned
out by the convention in a little over record time.
Will Rogers came to the rescue and ad libel for
time enough to get things going again. While
we think of it, it was with the greatest sorrow
that on the third ballot Will lost what strength
he seemed to be gaining on the second. The Ok-
lahoma delegation that voted for the irrepres-
sible Rogers certainly cast twenty-two votes that
were right down our alley. If it was mere faceti-
ous action on their part we hold that it was more
justifiable than the splitting oif hairs in balloting
on Roosevelt and Byrd by the South Carolina
delegation. That organization came forward with
their vote split into 25.4 for Roosevelt and .96

for Byrd on one ballot merely rcminding u of
our childhood tactics or possibly an advertise-
ment for Ivory soap.
Perhaps we are getting too finicky on the
point, but that is just how we feel about the mat-
ter. The acclamation that thrust the vice-presi-
dential nomination upon John Nance Garner of
Texas was heartening to those who expected the
convention to drag out almost unendingly. This
unanimous approval of the fiery speaker of the
House of Representatives certainly was un-Dem-
ocratic in precedent and came as a complete
reversal of form on the part of that party. The
acceptance of thenomination by the nominee at
the convention was very commendable on the
port of the Democrats and Governor Roosevelt
as it will save about $160,000 for the party, ac-
cording to estimates. This sum would have been
necessary had a formal acceptance been neces-
sary as has been the custom in former years.
For these innovations in practice by the party
we compliment them and settle back comfortably
to watch the real sweepstakes that will be run
off after a long period of training by both parties
and the other minor factions. The mud-slinging
and sarcastic battles of something or other will
take up the time of those interested in politics
between now and November. We look forward
to the greatest interest in determining just which
party makes the most and breaks the largest
percentage of promises during this campaign.

nainstay text for the first year was Plato's "Re-
ublic," and the "Education of Henry Adams"
as used for the second year. The reliance was
pon books, classmeetings, discussions, and in-
ividual conferences between student and pro-
essor. Science and art were pushed more or less
nto the background.
The difficulties which were encountered were
many. Because of the novelty of the course the
dvisers, as the instructors were called, were
orced to do huge amounts of work. At the same
ime, the regular university faculty viewed the
xperiment, in some cases, with distrust and even
hostility. The cleavage between the experimental
tudents and the regular students was intensi-
ied because of the extra privileges of the experi-
mental college.
The result of the first five years-and possibly
the last five years--is not conclusive and Dr.
Meikeljohn concedes "that the procedure of the -
Experimental college is still in the making." No
one can doubt the sincerity and earnestness of
his teaching and his belief that undergraduate
teaching needs overhauling and repair.
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson-
WASHINGTON--(AP)-As events of the Dem-
ocratic convention produced a long procession of
past and present party stalwarts through Can-
didate Row in Chicago's Congress hotel, the By-
stander was impressed with the thought that the
fruit of any national political convention is very
largely a disappointment.
Where two men emerge from these quadren-
nial national party caucuses as party standard
bearers and maybe a dozen others are elevated
to key positions in the party organization for at
least four years, scores of others turn away from
the conventions with the fondest ambitions balk-
Their dreams of greatness, of power, of a spe-
cial niche in American, perhaps in world his-
tory, to honor their memories long after they
have trooped away into eternity, are but ashes.
Destiny has passed them by.
Only the hope that springs eternal, it seems,
in the breasts of politicians, buoys them to await
another four-year turn of the wheel of fortune.
Among The Vanquished
A casual roll-call of the democrats who walked
in and out of the convention news picture in
Chicago day by day serves to illustrate. There
never was a greater mobiliza-
Lion of the disappointed. Call
them over:
Three defeated Democratic
1 presidential candidates, Jim-
t'; mie Cox, John Davis, Al Smith,
headed the list.
Cox of 1920 and Davis of
; 1924 seemed almost forgotten
figures. Smith alone, because
of his status as focal point of
the Roosevelt nomination op-
position as well as because of
his own skill at the business
h 7 of political warfare, n e v e r
lacked a queue of fpllowers.
Ritchie of Maryland, his perennial presidential
nomination boom in fuller blossom than ever,
could stand talking on a street corner with hard-
ly an eye to single him out for who he was.
McAdoo, once so near a nomination in his
party's most dramatic hour of modern times,
went and came almost unknown about commit-
tee business save for the old timers and official
and semi-official set.
Part of The Crowd
Away from his hand-shaking headquarters,
picturesque, roaring "Alfalfa Bill' Murray was
just another unit of the crowd. Jim Reed, his
glaring eye stilling an incipient revolt among the
Missourians who hailed him as favorite son,
walked the corridors relatively un-noted.
And there is none of these, or many, many more
whose names stir political memories, but must
harbor in his heart bitter moments of casting up
the balance of what might have been.


Campus Sac



" oO 4


In the Middle of Our Summer Shoe Season
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Think of it! Jacqueline Deluxe
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fv - - -

After the-Fourth C


of Summer Dresses


Screen Reflections


KFN0: Inside dope on screen star's life.
STARRING: Constance Bennett.
FEATURING: Lowell Sherman, Neil Hamilton.
REMARKS: For once Connie Bennett is in a
show with a good plot, excellent cast, and some
action. Lowell Sherman is almost too good for
our heroine as the dissolute director of her pic-
tures. Neil Hamilton does well in an average
man role. And we're sorry this review didn't
get in sooner, but the Fourth of July would come
RATING: Excellent; good entertainment.
OTHER FEATURES: Charley Chase comedy
of life with the marines (good); news.
YOUR REVIEWER has another tip for the
movie boys to handle. Why is it that immediate-
ly after every suicide or killing or other bit of
sensationalism is projected on the screen we are
transported to the composing room of a news-
paper to watch the press pouring out sheet after
sheet of lurid headlines concerning the murder,
suicide or whatnot? It's being overworked.
ANOTHLER WAY that considerable time is
gained by the screen moguls is by the simple ex-
pedient of the "column." Instead of using up
a few thousand feet of film concerning events
that are important only episodically, we are
shown an inside dope column of some mythical
newspaper which shows what has transpired,
O. O. McIntyre fashion.
A review of last night's faculty concert will
appear in tomorrow morning's Daily.
The sat plight of some of the unsuccessful
candidales reminds one of a quip of Abe Mar--
tin's: "When a feller gits to a place where he
has to count on his friends, it usually don't take
him long to count 'em."
If one will only let rhubarb take its course,


' '
' Jr. "i J'i
\ai ' i r i t:
[ f.":
{ r


An attractive group of late Spring and
Summer dresses reduced for Clearance.
Popular fabrics - chalky and crinkly
crepes, triple sheers - in styles for the
college girl.
at, $3.98
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A group of our better dresses, Trig
little jackets . . cool cape sleeves ...
smart button trims . frosty-looking
triple sheers . . . and, of course, wash



Of profound interest to circles of education is
the report on the Experimental college at the
University of Wisconsin by its president, Dr.
Alexander Meikeljohn. The discussion is in the
form of a report to tie faculty of the university
on the first- five years of that institution's at-
tempt to conduct a laboratory demonstration in
undergraduate teaching.
The experimental college was first conceived
by Dr. Meikeljohn in an article in the Century


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