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August 18, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-18

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cloudy and coaler
Y; Friday fair' and


Official Publication of The Summer Session

Taking The Final Summer
Inlv en toriy,


. ....... . .. ............. .

[I No. 45



>nse Planned
>r 18 Co-Eds

On Way to New Endurance Flight Mark

Socialist Club Will Open
Living Quarters Soon
For Women Students
Expenses Placed
At 3 Per Week
Matron Will Be Secured
To Sipervise Project;
Many Request Rooms
Plans for a co-operative house for
women students, to -be opened here
soon by the Michigan Socialist club,
were announced last night.
Women students who are finding
their college plans blocked by finan-
cial difficulties will be given an op-
portunity to get their rooms at $2
per week and their board at a maxi-
mum of $1 a week. They will be
obliged to do their own cooking, but
this task will take up 'no more than
four hours a week if p r o p e r l y
planned, according to members of
the club.
Only.18 students can be accom-
modated by the club, it was an-
nounced, and women who intend to
take advantage of the reduced costs
provided by the plan were urged to
make reservations at once. Requests
for a women's house resulted in the
decision of the club after plans had
been completed for the men's co-op-
erative establishment also to be op-
erated by the Socialist club. Six
women have called the club request-
ing information about the women's
A matron will be secured to super-
vise the women's house, it was said.
All persons seeking information were
asked to call Sher Quraishi.
Men's Socialist House
Will Open on Saturday
The Michigan Socialist House for
men will be opened on Saturday, 18
students taking up residence at the
establishment at that time.
Officials of the club announced
yesterday that ample room for 12
more students remains at the house
and that if therequests for reserva-
tions exceed that number another
house will be procured. All persons
who wish to take advantage of the
reduced rates were asked to make
reservations with the club as soon
as possible.
Donations of furniture have been
coming in, it is said, but more is
needed and the club is continuing its
request for furniture, jars for can-
ning, and textbooks. The house was
inspected and approved yesterday by
Mrs. Karn, official inspector of houses
for the University, Dean Bursley's
approval by mail is expected soon.
The tenants of the co-operative
house include five holders of PhD.
degrees and six graduate students.
Out of the 18 members, three are
from foreign countries. An interest-
ing feature is the fact that the fur-
nace will be manned by a Ph.D.
Mrs. Ruth B. Buchanan, one of
the founders of the Starr Common-
wealth for boys, will have charge
of the house. She has lived in Ann
Arbor for 13 years and three of her
sonls have graduated from the Uni-
Cannon Turns
Upon Hoover's
Dry Law Stand
Declares President 'Has
Given In to Speakeasies
And Bootleggers
GENEVA, Aug. 17. -(P) - Bishop
James Cannon, Jr., who helped

Hoover in 1928, declared today that
in his acceptance speech the Presi-
dent "surrenders to the speakeasies,
bootleggers and nullifiers of the Con-
stitution without ever asking Con-
gress to furnish the Government suf-
ficient money and men to secure
average enforcement of the prohibi-
tign law."
The bishop asserted that advocates
of Federal prohibition "who believe
prohibition to be the outstanding
economic, social and moral issue of
the present campaign cannot logic-
ally support President Hoover. Can-
non said it is doubtless hundreds of
thousands will refuse to vote for

Crusaders to
Stay Neutral
In, Elections
State Organization Decides
Not to Support Either
Presidential Nominee
Plans to Endorse
Wet Congressmen
To Work with W.O.N.P.R.
In Drawing Up List of
Favored Candidates

Minister to Haiti


Is Closed

Roosevelt Rebukes
Walker as Five-Day




Tube Will

Sim iis i

Mrs. Frances Marshalis (left) a
the way last night to setting a new
Stream, N. Y. They passed the seve
are favored by continued good fyi
Piccard Ready
To Ascend Into
Brussels Professor Will1
Start on Second Perilous
Adventure at Dawn
DUBENDORF, Switzerland, Aug.
18.- (Thursday) -Prof. AugusteI
Piccard left the earth in his bal-
loon gondola at 5:06 a. m. (11:06
p. m. Eastern Standard Time) Y
Wednesday 'on his second ascent
into the stratosphere.t
ZURICH, Switz., Aug. 17.-(P)-Dr
Auguste Piccard will start at dawni
tomorrow on his second perilous as-t
cent into the stratosphere in thec
cause of science.r
The elderly Brussels professor an-
nounced today he would leave be-1
tween 4 and 5 o'clock in the morn-,
ing for another exploration of the
rarifled reaches above the earth. He[
may be accompanied by his assist-
ant, Max Cosyn, if the latter's healthI
is strong enough to stand the adven-1
Tonight Dr. Piccard refused to1
leave the field for dinner and re-l
mained to direct the workman in last
minute preparations. The wind wasf
blowing toward Germany and plans
were made for a landing in East Ger-,
many, Czechoslovaki or Poland.
Automobile loads of the curious ar-j
rived throughout the evening from
Germany, France and Switzerland,
and excursions were running in here
constantly. The hotels were prepar-j
ing to take care of the overflow and
refreshment stands were being built
along the road leading to the take-
off field. The city was ready for a
gala day.
Arrangements for the flight, post-
poned several times on account of
the weather, went forth rapidly. The
great balloon envelope was stretch-
ed out on the field for inflation and
the aluminum gondola in which the
men will ride was examined minutely
to guard against accidents.
Auto Ban Will Not Be
Changed in Fall Term
Summer exemptions from Univer-
sity auto regulations will not apply
in the fall term, Walter B. Rea, as-
sistant to the dean of students, said
yesterday. No major changes in the
rulings are contemplated.
Summer regulations will be lifted
at noon tomorrow. Law students and
others whose school continues in ses-
sion after tomorrow may operate
cars without any University restric-
Report Gain in Arrests
By Prohibition Bureau
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.--(P)-
The Federal Prohibition Bureau to-
day reported an increase in the num-
ber of arrests and of defendants held
by United States commissioners dur-
ing July as compared with June.
There were declines in the number
of cases placed on the docket, ver-
dicts of guilty, pleas of guilty, ac-
quittals and cases nolle prossed.
Federal arrests for July totaled
7,067 as compared with 6,576 for
June and 6,623 for July, 1931.

{... r< fNeither President Hoover nor Gov-
__________________ ernor Franklin D. Roosevelt will re-
(Associated Press Photo) ceive active support in Michigan from
nd Mrs. Louise Thaden were well on the Crusaders, it was decided by the
v endurance flight record at Valley state executive board of that body
nty-second hour in good spirits, and yesterday. The board endorsed the
ig weather. stand of the national board of trus-
g_________r._tees which commended both candi-
dates but endorsed neither.
Gov . Brucker Ann Arbor Represented
Gov B uc erNathan K. Potter, Washtenaw
county commander, and Beach Con-
Defends State ger, Jr., Ann Arbor commander, rep-
resented this district on the policy-
" deciding group.-
Police o ICy Michigan Crusaders will, however,
endorse a slate of Congressional can-
didates who favor repeal and will
Reiterates Belief in Old. present these names to the voters
Age Pensions in Speech for their choice. Questionnaires have
been submitted to all candidates on
At Ionia Fair the national repeal question and also
on the state prohibition r e p e a 1
IONIA, Aug. 17.-,(P)-Gov. Wilber amendment which will be presented
M. Brucker today outlined for the to the voters this fall, and all Con-
first time the complete platform upon gressional aspirants who answer all
which he will base his campaign for questions satisfactorily will probably
renomination, be endorsed.
In it he accepted the challenge It had been planned to have the
of his opponents on the question of names ready yesterday after the
the state police by defending the or- meeting. Several districts, however,
ganization. He reiterated his belief were not represented and it was de-
in old age pensions, pledged himself cided to hold a joint meeting with
to seek the installation of the five- the Women's Organization for Na-
day working week in state govern- tional Prohibition Reform in order
ment, opposed new taxes unless they to present a combined front against
specifically replace present revenues, the Allied Dry forces.
promised continued efforts to eco- To Oust Straddlers
nomize and advocated changes inthe Politicians who are attempting to
state securities commission's method hedge on the prohibition issue will
of passing upon securities, not even be considered by the organ-
As anticipated the governor dis- ization Conger stated. The ques-
missed prohibition by again stating tionnaires sent out asked for unqual-
that his personal views remain un- ified "yes" or no answers, and any
changed but that he subscribed to attempts to cloud the issues as far
the plank adopted by the national the rsdspretcnerndwill

(Associated Press Photo)
Norman Armour, of Princeton, N.
J., counselor at the American em-
bassy in Paris since 1928, was selected
by President Hoover as minister to
Democrat Plan
To Pay Raskob
Is Completed
Farley Announces Satis-

Atoms by Millions
BERLIN, Aug. 17.--P)-Success in
another great atom-smashing goal of
science-disintegration of masses of
atoms-was announced Tuesday by
the German General Electric Co.
The new accomplishment takes big
power-announced as the entire out-
put of the German plant-and con-
verts it into atom-smashing articles.
The Germans claim to have pul-
verized atoms by the millions, in-
stead of the f e w hit-and-miss
smashes achieved by previous scien-
tific methods. The importance of
theirbdevelopment is this increase in

Granted Right to Summon
Hofstadter Cominuttee's
Witnesses, Mayor Backs
Down on Demands
To Face Accusers
Today and Monday
Governor Denounces N. Y.
City Head for Attitude
Toward His Brother's
Fee Splitting Acts
ALBANY, Aug. 17. - (A') - Gov.
Roosevelt today completed a five-day
questioning of Mayor James J. Wal-
ker, of New York City, whose removal
is demanded, and granted the Mayor
the right to call all the witnesses
who appeared against him in the
Hofstadter investigation.
Samuel Seabury, counsel to the
investigators, who compiled eight
volumes of testimony and evidence
involving the Mayor, said, after the
session, there were "hundreds of wit-
- John J. Curtin, attorney for Wal-
ker, said after the hearing he would
subpena none of them. He will, how-


factory Arrangement
Liquidate Old Debt



Republican convention
dent Herbert Hoover's
ances on the question.

and to Presi-
recent utter-

The governor made his announce-
ment before a Governor's day crowd
at the Ionia County Free Fair. Since
former Gov. Fred W. Green chose the
fair to announce his candidacy in
1926 a tradition has grown up that
it is a place in which important poli-
tical pronouncements a r e made.
Green has said he is neutral in the
current Republican gubernatorial
campaign. He declared he is neither
for nor against Brucker, nor any of
the other candidates in the field.
Mayor William H. McKeighan of
Flint and George W. Welsh of Grand
Rapids, opposing Brucker for the Re-
publican nomination, have advocated
abolition of the state police. The
governor replied by saying:
"The unrest incident to unsettled
times has rendered imperative strict
maintenance of law and order. The
state police have been indispensable.
With its police radio, Michigan today
has the finest co-ordination of state
law enforcement in history."

result in a negative endorsement andj
active work against such candidates.
Joint headquarters of the W. O.
N. P. R. and the Crusaders have been
established at 35 Grand River Ave.
in Detroit, andd active work has be-
gun in support of the "Red White
and Blue" petitions which were cir-
culated last spring to repeal the state
prohibition amendment, according to
Lewis Bredin, state commander.
Wednesday's session was held be-
hind closed doors and newspaper-
men and other outsiders were barred
from the meeting. Past records and
qualifications of all of the candidates
for Congress were discussed, it is un-
derstood. Congressman R o b e r t
Clancy, of the 14th district, address-
ed the committee at luncheon.
With today's issue, The Daily
ends publication for the Summer
Session. The first issue of the
regular school year will appear on
Sept. 20.

NEW YORK, Aug. 17.-()-JamesF
A. Farley, Democratic national chair-;
rnan, emerged from a conference
with former Chairman John J. Ras-
kob today announced that satisfac-
tory arrangement hadebeen made to
iquidate the party's debt.
Others at the conference were
Robert Jackson and Frank C. Walker,
secretary and treasurer respectively
of the national committee.
"Many stories have appeared re-
cently which would indicate that the
Democratic National committee is at-
tempting to avoid or repudiate its
honest debts," Farley said after the
conference. "Such, of course, is not
the case, as these are legal obliga-
"Arrangements have been nade
with the holders of our obligations
covering their liquidation which are
satisfactory to all concerned.
Curtis Will Be
Of Nomination
Ponip to Be Omitted from
G. 0. P. Ceremony at
Kansas Capitol
TOPEKA, Aug. 17.--UP)-At a sim-
ple ceremony tomorrow Vice-Presi-
dent Charles Curtis will be notified
formally of his renomination by the
Republican party.
In keeping with the desire of Mr.
Curtis, the ceremony will be in sharp
contrast with the pomp which ac-
companied his notification four years
The Kansas Capitol will be the
scene again, but the ceremony has
been shifted from the south to the
north steps of the State House to
save the expense of building a canopy
to protect the dignitaries from the
Everett Sanders, chairman of the
Republican National committee will
L. J. Dickinson, of Iowa, keynoter
at the Republican National conven-
tion, will make the notification
speech. The Vice-President will re-
spond with his acceptance address.
Tolan Refuses to Run
In Detroit Police Meet
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-(/P)-Although
Ralph Metcalfe, Olympic runner, will
enter the police field meet here Sat-
urday, Eddie Tolan, who led Met-
calfe to the finish line in the dashes,
will not compete. Officials of the po-
lice department said they have re-
ceived a telegram saying that Tolan
is "retired from competition" and
they planned to make an effort to
change his mind
'Wild Bill' Donovan Will
Run for Governorship

It will be necessary to have appar-
atus capable of smashing atoms in
vast masses before scientists expect
to fathom the secrets--and the pos-
sible uses-that lie behind the atomic
The meager reports indicate the
Germans have made a long stride
along this road, but have not yet
reached the heights they wish, prob-
ably countless billions of smashed
atoms. They describe the tube which
breaks atoms by the millions, "a rate
at which the usual device no longer
suffice to measure the wreckage,"
and state that it has been dismantled
so that a still larger one may be set
Sees Debt Cut
Gaining Favor
With America
[arvard Professor Says
Taxpayers Are Realizing
Advantages of Reduction

Says Golf's Continual Challenge
To Players Makes It Popular



WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Aug. 17.
-(P)-Prof. John H. Williams, of
Harvard university, said at the Insti-
tute of Politics today that American
taxpayers are beginning to realize
that reduction of war debts would
be to their advantage for three rea-
sons. He said that these were:
1-Insistence upon full payment,
may bring default or repudiation.'
2-Certain compensations may be,
secured through reduction of the
debts which would more than com-
pensate the American people for loss
of debt payments.
3-The process of payment has
harmed our international trade.
Williams proposed that after the
elections in November the President
and Congress authorize the recrea-
tion of the Foreign Debt Funding
Commission to re-examine the debt
funding agreements and revise them
in accordance with the changed ca-
pacity of each debtor nation to pay.
As payments can be made ulti-
mately only in goods and services, he
said, our debtors must now sell half
as much again in commodities in
order to pay the annual debt charges
at a time when international trade
has declined to 60 per cent of its
1929 volume.
'Old Ironsides' Ready
To Celebrate Victory
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.--(P)-
The U. S. frigate Constitution will
fly the old 15-star Union Jack Fri-
day for the first time since 1812 in
celebration of the one hundred
twentieth anniversary of her victory
over the British man o'war, H. M. S.
It was in that famous battle off
the Grand Banks, in the war of 1812,
that the Constitution was given the
name "Old Ironsides." Shots from
the British vessel bounced off her
stout oak sides without causing the
slightest damage.
Two Women Drowned
In Oklahoma Floods
ENID, Okla., Aug. 17.-()-Two
women were drowned and half a
dozen persons reported missing to-
day in floods at Cherokee and in the
vicinity of Enid.

ever, summon 12, including Police
Commissioner Edward P. Mulrooney
and Edward M. Stanton, former sec-
retary to Walker.
Climax of Day
The climax of the testimony today
came when Gov. Roosevelt denounced
Walker's attitude toward his brother's
splitting city physician fees.
Curtin, after winning his conten-
tion before Roosevelt that all Hof-
stadter Committee witnesses should
face the Mayor, refused to call them
himself. He has argued through the
five days that Seabury should be re-
quired to produce them.
"You are asking me to produce
witnesses who want to hang my cli-
ent," Curtin told Roosevelt.
. "Counsel, you are giving the wrong
impression," t h e Governor said,
"You'll find most of the major wit-
nesses before the committee were the
Mayor's friends.
Roosevelt finally told the Mayor's
legal adviser:
"I'll give you all the subpenas you
want. We'll start at 9:30 tomorrow
and continue all day Friday and
convene again on Monday.'\
Says Governor is Prejudiced
Curtin, during a heated argument
with the Governor, said: "It seems,"
Mr. Roosevelt is "taking sides" in the
Curtin had declined to present wit-
nesses to support the Mayor's con-
tention that he is innocent of wrong-
doing until "the other side" pre-
sented all its witnesses.
"There are no sides in this case,"
observed Roosevelt, stressing the
Italy Will Cut
130,000 Tns
Of Battleships
Vessels Will Be Stripped
Of Crews Immediately
In Economy Move
ROME, Aug. 17.-(P)-Approxi-
mately 130,000 tons of Italy's fight-
ing ships will be retired beginning
Aug. 25 as a result of an 'economy
move and a sweeping reorganization
of the Italian fleet.
These will include two battleships,
three heavy cruisers, nine light cruis-
ers, 25 destroyers and a dozen sub-
marines, all reasonably old but still
within the age limit.
The ships will be stripped of their
crews but not immediately scrapped.
In this condition they will continue
to serve as a bartering point when
the World Disarmament Conference
I resumes its discussions at Geneva
this fall. Caretakers will be .left
aboard the ships to keep them from
The battleships are the Andrea
Doria, 22,700 tons, and her sister ship,

Golf is a very pop'Ular game forI
many reasons. The majority of peo-
ple play because of the companion-
ship it affords and for the fact that
it takes them out of doors. The peo-
ple who play golf in good form are
The game challenges an individual]
each time he plays. There is always
the possibility of chopping off a
stroke now and then and bringing
one's score closer to the coveted par
figures. Once in a while, one will
run across a person whose determin-
ation to get into par figures becomes
so great that all possible pleasure
disappears. The people who get angry
at a golf club are few and far be-
tween. A sense of humor generally
saves the day.
Courtesy is an outstanding factor
in golf. The opportunities to think
of the other fellow first are numer-

clearer understanding of the princi-
ples involved. After hours of prac-
ticing the desired result usually be-;
gins to come. Often a slice will de-
velop almost out of a clear sky and;
any amount of effort on the part of,
the individual to correct himself is
to no avail. Then is the time to go
back to the professional and have
him diagnose the case. There are
so many factors which may either
singly or collectively be the cause
of a slice that even a professional
will have to observe and work to de-
tect the cause.
Today every possible means have
been taken to perfect the golf equip-
ment. If blame is to be put anywhere
for a poor game, it usually falls on
the golfer himself. The first golf ball
was made of a smooth leather cover
stuffed with feathers. It used to soar
and dip in the air due to its smooth
surface, and was nicknamed "Pega-
sus" because of its half bird, half
horse characteristics.

President of Illinois
Mine Union Shot Dead

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