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August 14, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-14

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[ichigan Daily
Estabihed 1890

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily.' Anonymnous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors areeasked to be brief, conningthem-
selves to less than 300 words if poss4ble.


" NN AIhBRw . P . u -, u . r. , n

Published every morning except Monday during the
Tinii'ersity year and Summer Session by the Board In
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion snd the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.
Subseription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
enal, 1450.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
An. Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Litteli-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street. New York City; 80 Boylston Street,
os'ton, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, nil.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorfial Director.....................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor...............................Carl S. Forsythe
Mtate Editor ......................David M. Nichol
Rews tditor................................Denton Kunze
TeIegraph Editor.................Thomas Connellan
portA editor.......................0. H. Beukenra
Assistant City Editor........ .........Norman F. Kraft
Offide Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays.
'0zsInRgs Manager.......................Charles T. Kline
Asuitant Business Manager...........Norris P. Johnson
Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger
SUINDAY, AUCT. 14, 1932
Ou rFootball Card Answers
All 'Setai"p' Conplants ..4 4
Last year, about this time of year, The Daily
received many letters from alumni who complain-
ed of the lack of variety and attraction to the
Michigan football games of the season. Michigan
had scheduled easy gaIes, it was alleged; the
coaches were afraid to play colleges that had
really good football teams.
This fall's football schedule certainly answers
in full any complaints of this nature. Last year
who was to forsee that Princeton was to have a,
comparatively weak team? Who was to be able'
to pick colleges a year in advance and predict the
relative strength of the gridiron squads? Por con-.
tracts must be signed long before it is known what
stars will report or which ones will not be able
to return to school.
Beginning October 1, the Wolverines will have
one of the toughest cards they have had in a long
tihie. In the first place, there is no easy double-
header to open the season with, to try out the
new material under fire. Michigan State, a team
which has twice in the past years held Michigan
to a scoreless tie, is the first opponent. Who can
deny the attraction of such a football prospect?

To The Editor:
A 1930 issue of the Literary Digest contains the.
following remarkable statement, "In the United
States, the richest country in the world, 50 per
cent of the students who attend universities regu-
-larly do some sort of work," and makes that state-
nient still more remarkable through contrast with
educational economical conditions in one of the
poorest countries in the world, "whereas the num-
ber in Germany amounts to but 10 per cent!"
How is it such a paradox can be? The reason
for it seems to the writer to be the atmosphere in
which Americans are brought up. An atmosphere,
that is, which has been created, mostly, by the
ubiquity of the self-made man, and is, conse-
quently, one pervaded by ideals of self making. As
such a man is usually spoken of with reference
to his material success. These ideals are neces-
sarily materialistic. It is with such ideals that the
American youth comes to college. Despite he may
not need financial self-help, and indeed is often
in a position to be free from it for years, he never-
theless feels, in many cases, that he morally
should do something for himself and not depend
wholly upon the support of his father. For, as the
Daily Iowan said, "Being" on their own "for most
students means developing independence and
self-reliance" which are "virtues" and which are
principal among the ideals abovementioned. Those
many students, whether in need or not, help to
support themselves through college.
This is all very well and very commendable and
explains that "the richest country in the world"
is not so only because of its material resources,
but also because of its national character (its
ideals of hard work, its scorn of indolence). Yet
even in so rich a country, young men of intelli-
gence, ambition, and potential high usefulness
are denied higher education, which is the means
to capitalization of those possessions, merely be-
cause they lack money enough. This is a regret-
table and recognized fact, but little can be done
about it. tnt there is a little can be done. And
that little, in these times when more youths of
ability than usual are deprived of education,
should most certainly be done. The writer means
to say that the university authorities should more
conscientiously try to supply jobs to indigent stu-
The student employment bureau should have
complete supervision of all university employment.
This would result in the doing away with the giv-
ing of many jobs by department heads to favored
individuals. Furthermore, once that complete su-
pervision is with the bureau, it should try to dis-
scriminate among applicants according to their
respective real financial needs, and not as the
present bureau give the next job to the name
next on the list.
the necessity for such a reform is sharply ap-
parent to one who fortunately, (not through the
bureau), has "fallen into a university job." He
comes into contact with two workers in the
League who are sons of wealthy parents, another
in the Buildings and Grounds Department, two
more in the Union. Without any doubt there is
more such persons. He learns that these got their
jobs by pull or by luck. It would not have been
so with an omnipotent conscientious student em-
ployment bureau,-at least it could not have
been so much so. But the most astonishing fact
that fully fifty per cent of university employed
unskilled student workers do not at all virtually
need money, could, that is, live quite comfortably
without their jobs, who work solely for spending
money. And for spending money as the means
to weekly dances (a dollar during the semesters),
weekly shows, other dates, (all of them natural
enough wants), and white flannels and white
shoes! Which amounts to the old insatable whet
for keeping-up-with-the-Joneses! While quite as
and perhaps more worthy fellows, such as one
the writer knows in his own home town, are year-
ly discouraged by the university authorities from
entering the university with insufficient funds,
and others are forced to discontinue education
for the same reason. While, simultaneously, those
authorities, in the Saturday Evening Post and in
other publications, blandly assure trusting parents
they are doing their best by Johnny! Hamlet
might still set it down in his notes, "A man may
smile and smile, and still be a villain!"
On the whole the reforms proposed would bene-
fit not individuals alone but likewise the univer-
sity itself, for they would result in an increase of
attendance, however small that increase might

complimented upon the signing of the pact and
the utilization of their vested authority to the
advantage of the whole group of miners. These
two men have been quarrelling between them-
selves for a great many years, but throughout
the final negotiations that eventually brought
about the signing after a crisis that threatened
the whole structure of the mining organization
the two combatants have worked side by side,
pushing through work that was absolutely neces-
sary to the continuance of the Illinois mine in-
Por Hughes, vice-president, Walter Nesbit, sec-
retary, and John Moulin, chairman of the miners'
wage scale committee followed the lead of their
chiefs in signing this and adding the prestige of
their approval to the final agreement that will
mean the re-opening of many industries in Illin-
ois. The operators had previously signed the
agreement so the signatures affixed by their rep-
resentatives were merely formal approval of the
. We hope, with such leaders as the miners' un-
ion officials have shown themselves to be the Il-
linois mine industry may be steadily placed upon
its feet to the general improvement of the entire
economic and industrial organization in this and
surrounding states.
(Detroit News)
President Hoover is no orator. He has no gift
of mellifluous words, of resounding periods. His
speech of acceptance will never be recorded in a
Golden Treasury of the world's masterpieces of
eloquence. But it will live in the memory of those
who heard it, either in his immediate audience or
by radio, as a great public utterance; great
through no artifice known to the practiced public
speaker, but because of the tremendous sincerity
of the man who spoke.
It was in no sense the speech of a politician
clinging to public office by bidding for easy pop-
ular favor. It came from the heart of a man who
realizes to the depth of his being the tremendous
task of President of the United States, the awful
responsibility thereof; a man who has devoted
to the people and their government his best abili-
ties, and is confident that whatever the voters
'may say in November, he will be treated well by
the considered judgment of history.
President Hoover's story of the battle of his
Administration with economic depression both
here and abroad was an impressive record of
careful thought, skillful planning and decisive ac-
tion. He implied, rather than stated directly, the
fact that the United States has assumed world
leadership in two movements for a common end
-finance and peace, both aiming at universal
well-being and the happiness of mankind.
In some respects one may disagree with his re-
view of the Republican record and with the prom-
ises of the Republican platform, but it must be
evident to all that President Hoover has no mis-
givings about his own endeavors to do his best
in the biggest and hardest job in the world. Al-
most a Rooseveltian touch was heard when he
said: "These programs, unparalleled in the his-
tory of depressions in any country and in any
time .... are not in the past tense; they are in
action!" But the final sentence was his own-the
words of a man conscious of no selfish purpose,
wholly devoted to the task intrusted to him. "This
is my pledge to the Nation, and to Almighty
God!" The eighth day of November has no ter-
rors for Herbert Hoover. In defeat or in victory,
he will remain a man who served his country and
his people to the best of his ability.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer)
Another toy balloon of a resolution in Europe
blows up, and another royal family is relieved
of the necessity of studying time-tables for fast
trains back home. "Everybody abandoned me,"
complains Jos San Jurjo, leader of the Seville
rebels and now a prisoner at Madrid.
The young republic survives another childish
ailment. Alfonso, king in absentia-he still insists
he did not abdicate but merely "suspended the
exercise of my royal power" when he beat it for
the frontier-can keep right on hunting in Cze-
Eight inconspicuous citizens of Madrid are in
the morgue, victims of the latest rioting. There
are likely to be a few military executions. But
for the present at least the king can go on with
his hunt.
From the household of the ex-king it is re-
ported that he knew nothing of the Madrid ris-
ing; which is discreet since the attempt failed.
But even if it had succeeded it is unlikely that
Alfonso would have been able to resume "the
exercise of my royal power." For it is Prince Don
Carlos, his fourth son, and not the affable but
discarded Alfonso to whom the monarchists of
Spain are rallying these days. Even if the repub-
lic should fall Alfonso is out. The carefully cher-
ished legends of his personal populaity are now

believed by no one but himself.
Undeniably there is still a good dedl of royalist
sentiment in Spain. The Republican government
is far from being firmly established. in a nation'
with so little experience*in constitutional govern-
ment any republic is certain to have tough go-
ing. There have been many actions by the Za-
mora government which have not helped its posi-
tion. There is scarcely a month since the April
revolution of 1931 which has not seen some disor-
der. A rather harsh policy toward the church
has not helped the position of the Republican
leaders. And all the while the Catalonia radi-
cals have been demanding autonomy if not in-
It is hazardous to attempt to predict the fu-
ture of Spain. But it is tolerably safe to assure
M. de Bourbon that his old job is gone forever.
(Ka Leo O Hawaii)
It is unfortunate that the authors of derogatory
articles and stories do not find it possible to be
quite accurate about the subject of their sweep-
ing denunciations.
If corrections should be made about any mat-
ters whatsoever, constructive criticism is most
valuable. However, falsehoods and wild accusa-
tions are far from being constructive criticism.
They do no good, and much harm by stirring up
resentment in those who are thus unjustly criti-
cised, and spreading entirely erroneous ideas
among those who believe what they read, and
have no way of knowing its falsity.
Should it be necessary to make such criticisms,
the conditions should be carefully studied and an-
alyzed by someone who knows what he is talking
about, not by some hot-headed person going off
half-cocked, glancing superficially at statistics,
without knowing that statistics do not tell the
whole story.
Again, should such criticism be necessary. it

An F-xceiioa1Series
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Then, without a breathing spell, head coach
Kipke plans to tackle the Northwestern aggrega-
tion, co-winners of the Big Ten championship
last year and one of the strongest elevens in the
Conference. And the fans will certainly be out
in full strength to witness this struggle after hav-
ing wished to see a game between the two leaders
of the Conference last fall and having their hopes
vetoed by the schedule committee. Seldom does
a football team commence the season with two
such important games as will Michigan, especially
when one will have a direct bearing on the race
for middle western honors as the one with Coach
Hanley's wildcats.
The following week-end, Captain Williamson
and his cohorts meet Ohio State, the only team
to defeat Michigan last year. With Cramer, the
Ohio star who was largely responsible for his
team's victory, back again, the game will be any-
thing but a set-up. Then, too, the game is to be
played at Columbus, the first scheduled away from
With two conference games behind them, the
Wolverines then plan to meet Illinois, P1rinceton,
and Indiana on the next three week-ends. Illinois
was defeated by a large score last year, but Coach
Zul3pke's pupils are usually the ones to upset pre-
game dope and are liable to furnish stiff opposi-
tion this year. Indiana, too, was beaten last year.
But Ann Arbor fans remember only too well whent
the Hoosiers came up here four years ago, ratedj
as the underdogs for the contest, and beat Mich-
igan 6-0. The Princeton freshman squad of last
year is reputed to be One of the best in many
years, and should furnish new powerful material
for the 'Tiger machine.
The last two games are against Minnesota andI
Chicago. The former were defeated in one of lastI
year's closest struggles to the score of 6-0 in as
game replete with thrills and spectacular playing.f
And Michigan is to travel to Minneapolis for the
final game. Chicago will, perhaps, provide aa
h enf r _ ot _ , lt \xrsttrna-,..ra nn i

Editorial Comment
(Daily Illini)
Union leaders, showing themselves to be able
to meet emergencies that arise within the ranks,
signed the agreement that will give work to forty
thousand miners within the state. Someone is
frustrated in an attempt to throw the whole mine
situation into a confusion that would in continua-
tion of the terrorism and chaos that has charac-
terized it for the past few months. A robbery was
made of the returns in the wage scale referendum
about a half block from the mine headquarters.
The votes from about 200 locales were taken
from two official tellers by the robbers. Of course
the tellers may have known about the robbery in
advance, but, be that as it may, the votes are
gone. If for no otherareason, this robbery should
do the miners good as it demonstrated the au-
thority that can be weilded by the officials chosen
by the rank and file and vested with control under
the charter of the union.
Whether or not the majority of the rank and
file appreciates this move on the part of the offi-
cials, it is the only thing to do in this emergency.
The fact that the ballots were stolen indicates
almost conclusively that someone thought the new
scale was going to be supported by the member-
ship. If it had been otherwise and it was going.
to be rejected again there would have been no
point in stealing the ballots. Of course if the
Illinois mines did not work for the next year or
so the lack of activity would benefit competing;
fields, but from the viewpoint of our own miners
something had to be done.
About seventy-five per cent of the Illinois mines
are expected to be at work under the new $5 scale

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