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August 14, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-14

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air Sunday and probably
niday. Somewhat warmer in
theast portions.

£Uftr igan


Our Football Card Answers
All Set-up' Complaints.

Official Publication of The Summer Session

XIII No. 42



a a a

Two Speakers
On Oratorical
Slate Named
Dr. Raymond Ditmars of
New York Zoological
.Gardens to Speak
Will Durant Also
Booked For Talk
Philosopher to Lecture on
'Democracy at the Cross-
Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator
of the New uorkZoological gardens,
and Dr. Will Durant, author of the
"Story of Philosophy," and other
books, will appear in Ann Arbor next
year on the Oratorical association's
winter series of lectures, according
to an announcement made late yes-
terday afternoon.
Dr. Ditmars, author of many na-
ture books, will take as his topic
"Snakes and Reptiles," and Dr. Du-
rant will discuss "Democracy at the
Others Announced
Previously the association an-
nounced that Lowell Thomas, famous
radio announcer and newspaper man,
Carveth Wells, noted lecturer and ex-
plorer, and William Butler Yeats,
Irish poet and playwright, will ap-
pear during the winter. There re-
mains but one more speaker to fill
out the list of speakers.
Thomas will speak on the topic
"From Singapore to Madalay." Fa-1
mous for his biographies of Col. Law-i
rence of Arbaia, and of Count Felix.
von Luckner, the German "sea devil,"4
Thomas has travelled the world over
in search of odd stories and high
adventure. The lecture which he will'
give in Ann Arbor is an account of
his most recent tour.
Wells to Talk
Wells is to speak on "Noah's Home
Town." He is best known for his ex-
plorations through some portions of
the Orient and for his book, "Six
Years in the Malay Jungle." At the
present time, Wells is travelling
through Palestine gathering material
and taking motion pictures for his
series of lectures during the winter
Yeats, well known for his poems
and plays, will speak on the "Growth
of the Irish Theatre."
Negotiationsshave been started to
obtain the last speaker who will
complete the program, it was stated"
yesterday, and it was indicated that
a man who is widely known in con-
temporary governmental circles may
be obtained.
G. 0. P. Leaders
Plan Reform
On Prohibition

Spanish Prince

Special Cast
Will Present
Greek Drama
Performance of 'Trojan
Women' by Euripides to
Be Given on Tuesday
Carnegie Student
To Play Lead Role
T. W Stevens to Direct
Production of Tragedy;
Has Strong Cast

Final Church
Services for
Session Today
Dr. Fisher Will Conclude

Nazi Makes Bid for Chancellorship

Hitler Derm

Series on

Living in the

Prof. Carrothers
Will Lead Class
The Rev. Klaer to Preach
At Presbyterian Church
For Merle Anderson

For Complete
Reich Control
Wins Rebuke
Von Hindenburg Refuses
Request of Strong Nazi
Chief; Blocks Meteoric
Rise to Power
Offer of Cabinet
Positions Rejected
Vice- Chancellorship Also
Refused; Von Papen Is
Assurred Full Support
From President
BERLIN, Aug. 13._-P)-The tower-
ing figure of Germany's "Grand Old
Man," President von Hindenburg,
again blocked today a seizure of
power attempted by the meteorically
rising chieftan of the National So-
cialists, Adolph Hitler.
To the self-confident demand of
I Hitler, Austrian-born former corporal
and paperhanger, for all or none of
the country's governing authority,
the venerable field marshal president
firmly and with dignity posed his

Political observers expressed the
belief that the object of the mon-
archist revolt against the Spanish
republic was to enthrone Prince Juan
Carlos (above), Alfonso's third son,
who is now a cadet in the British
Death Pen alty
Will Be Asked
For Sanjurjo
Attorney General Says He
Will Demand Sentence
Of Military Code
MADRID, Aug. 13.-(P)-AttorneyE
General Martinez Aragon said today]
the penalty he will ask for Gen. Jose
Sanjurjo and those arrested with
him in connection with last Wednes-7
day's revolt will be that demanded
by the military code for officers and
men who rebel against the state.
Although he refused to use the
death penalty, this is the punishment
the code provides in such cases.
The trial of Gen. Sanjurjo and
those arrested with him at Huelva
will be held separately, he said, and
he hoped to complete it speedily, per-
haps by the end of August.
The general expectation was, how-
ever, that if the death penalty were
meted out to Gen. Sanjurjo, the Gov-
ernment would commute it because
of his fame as a soldier.
Cannon Silent on Dry
Proposal of Hoover
GENVEA, Switzerland, Aug. 13.
(iP-Bishop James Cannon, Jr., who
is here on a visit, declined today to
comment on President Hoover's
speech accepting the Presidential
"I have no statement to make
now," he said. "After I have read
Mr. Hoover's speech in full I may
make a statement here or I may
defer comment until my return to
Washington late this month."
Hoover Family Holds
Its Reunion in Canada
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., Aug. 13.
-(1P)-The eighth annual reunion of
the Hoover family, which includes
President Hoover, was held in Queen
Victoria Park today with members
present from Toronto, Ridgeway,
Dunnville and points in the United
States. The family came originally
from Holland. The Canadian branch
came here with the United Empire
To Ask $800,000,000
Cut in Federal Budget
WATTTTON Aiir 13-UP)-At1

"Trojan Women,'" the classic Greek Concluding a series of sermons
tragedy of Euripides, will be present- on "Living in the Twentieth Cen-
ed at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre tury," Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, of the
on Tuesday evening, August 16, as a First Methodist Episcopal church,
special performance of the Michigan f will preach this morning on "Find-
Repertory Players. The production is' ing Personal Victory."
under the direction of Thomas Wood Following today's service, Doctor
Stevens. Fisher and Mrs. Fisher leave for New
Heading the cast, in the role of York where they will sail for Europe
Hecuba, Queen of Troy, is Miss on the President Roosevelt for a two
Frances Davis. The Repertory Play- months' study of the European situa-
ers are frank in the statement that tino and its partciular German con-
they would not have attempted the nections.
play were it not for the presence of Join with Community
Miss Davis on the campus this sum- At the Wesley foundation today,
mer.R. Prof. George E. Carrothers, of the
Miss Davis played the part of Heschool of education, will conduct his
cuba inMr.Stevenst'hproductiono-regular Bible class in the morning
"The Trojan Women" at the Carne- and at 6:30 o'clock the Student Guild
gie Institute of Technology drama will join with the community service
school. She has since directed this m Burns park.
classic Greek tragedy. An excellent The Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer,asso-
and finished .performance of this dif- ciated minister of the First Presby-
ficult part is assured. The support- terian church, in the absence of the
ing cast is exceptionally strong and Rev. Merle H. Anderson, will speak
includes such well-known members on "The Elder Brother." In the eve-
of the summer company as Frances ning, the student group will meet at
Johnson, Lauren Gilbert, Wayne the Presbyterian church house on
Smith; Dorothy Crane and Virginia I Washtenaw for a social hour andI
Reilly. discussion meeting.
Great art has no limits of locality Bernhart in Charge
or time. "The Trojan Women" was At the First Baptist church this
first performed in 415 B.C., from a morning, the Rev. L. Earl Jackson is
story of the siege of Troy which even to speak on "Melting Frozen Assets."
then was ancient history. At noon the students group will meet
Spirit is Modern with Mrs. Dorrance and in the eve-I
The pathos of it is as modern to ning there is to be a social hour andI
us as it was to the Athenians. The discussion meeting at the Guild
terrors of war have not changed in house on Huron street. Arthur Bern-
3,000 years. Euripides had that to hart, grad., will be in charge.
say of war which we have to say of At the Bethlehem Evangelical
it today. In this play the great con- church this morning, the Rev. Theo-
quest "seems to be a great joy and dore R. Schmale will speak on "Rec-
is in truth a great misery." ognizing Our Brothers." At 11 o'clock
Euripides shows, as the centre of there will be the regular service in
his drama, women battered and German.
broken by inconceivable torture-
the widowed Hecuba., Andromache
with her child dashed to deathmCas- Ruth Chatterton Weds
sandra ravished and made mad-yet Shortly After Divorce
he shows that their spirits are un-
conquerable. HARRISON, N. Y., Aug. 13.-( P)-
The play will be presented for one Ruth Chatterton, actress, who was
night only. divorced y e s t e r d a y from Ralph

ing place in Munich after casting

his ballot in the recent German

Marconi Bends
Short Waves
In New Radio
Perfects Communication
System Capable of Long
Distance Transmission
ROME, Aug. 13.-(P/)-Guglielmo4
Marconi announced today he had fl-
nally succeeded in "bending" ultra
short radio waves so that he will be
able to utilze his newest means of
communication at longer distance
than previously was possible because
heretofore he was unable to trans-
mit through obstacles.
His latest perfection has enabled
him to overcome the earth's curva-
ture, which is proof, he said, that
ultra short waves are not definitely
limited by all obstacles.
Marconi announced his discovery
in a radiogram from his yacht Elec-
tra in the Gulf of Aranci at the
northern tip of Sardinia. He said
he had used an ultra short wave ap-
paratus of low power utilizing 57
centimeter waves and pqrtable re-
flectors, communicating clearly both
by radio telegraph and radio tele-
phone from Rocca Di Papa to Capo
Figari, a distance of 270 kilometers.
U.of C.Crew
Defeats Italy
By1-5 Second

Hoover Drops
His Campaign
F or BusinessF
President Confers withr
Cabinet on Coming Eco-
nomic Conferences
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. -(P) -
Dropping for the time being the poli-
tical activities which have engrossedt
him for several days, President Hoo-
ver today directed his activities to-
ward Governmental affairs and ther
Economic Conference he is planning
in an effort to stimulate business.
Several Cabinet officers were call-
ed in, one after another, by the
Chief Executive for discussions cen-
tering about these two topics.E
Roy D. Chapin, the new Secretaryj
of Commerce, said he had discussed
plans for the General Business Con-
ference with Mr. Hoover, but saidj
the White House itself would have
to be the only source of informa-
tion concerning it.
"All I can say," Chapin added, "is
that the President has a very definite
and a very fine plan, and I think
the business men of the Country are
going to like it."
.Chapin said he assured Mr. Hoo-
ver that he found the Commerce
Department in excellent condition,
with "the personnel about as effi-
cient as one could imagine."
In order to be more closely in
touch with affairs, the President
abandoned his customary week-end
vacation at his Rapidan Mountain
Camp. Tomorrow he is scheduled to
dedicate a statue here to the late
Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore.

Refuses Special Post
Hitler had been offered the post
of vice-chancellor, a post which
would be created especially for him
and would include the office of pre-
mier of Prussia, which has been va-
cant since the national government
imposed a virtual dictatorship in
Hitler rejected that. Chancellor
Franoz von Papen next offered cabi-
net posts to some of Hitler's lieuten-
ants. Hitler refused that.
To Hitler's claim that his party's
size entitled him to exclusive power
-in other words, the right to erect
a Fascist dictatorship-President von
Hindenburg then imposed his duty
to his conscience and to the Father-
land to goven Germany impartially
and not in the interests of one move-
ment, however large and formidable.
Returns to Summer Home
Having failed in a plea to Hitler
to make good pre-election promises
to support the presidential govern-
ment, the aging von Hindenburg
ended his historic audience with the
fatherly words of admonition and
lost no time in assuring Chancellor
von Papen that he backed him to the
full in the days ahead, during which
most important tasks await the cab-
To a nation excited over reports
from abroad that Hitler's storm
troops would attempt to seize power
by force, the president then gave an
example of undaunted confidence by
taking a night train to his summer
home at Neudeck, East Prussia.
W alker to Get
$100,000 Job
if He is Ousted
Blumenthal Offers Mayor
Legal Post; Hearing to
Be Resumed Monday

Following a shift in the political situation in Germany, Adolf Hit-
ler, leader of the nowerful national socialist party, made his supreme
bid for the chancellorship. Yesterday, he declined to accept the position
of vice-chancellor. The fiery little Nazi leader is shown leaving a poll-

Tolan Starts Home-
With Some Assistance
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 13.--()-
It took an architect, a chamber
of commerce secretary and rail-
road official to get Eddie Tolan,
newly crowned 100-meter and 200-
meter Olympic champion, out of
town today..
While preparing to leave for De-
troit, the Negro athlete packed
his railroad ticket in his trunk
and did not discover it until the
trunk was well on its way east.
He appealed to P. R. Williams,
Negro architect,twho in turn asked
the advice of A. G. Arnoll, cham-
ber of Commerce secretary. Arnoll
took the case higher and appealed
to railroad officials.
They gave Tolan another ticket
on his promise he would mail the
other back on his arrival home.

Forbes, was married shortly after
noon today to George Brent, movie
actor, at Harrison, N. Y.
Frances Starr, actress, and Vir-
ginia Hammond, were witnesses. The
bride was dressed in a light silk
frock and small hat. She wore no
Brent, who has been appearing on
the stage in St. Louis, registered to-
day at the same hotel in which Miss
Chatterton took an apartment on
her arrival this week from abroad.
She gave her age as 34; he, 28.
$5,000,000 Fire Ruins
Three Blocks of Manila
MANILA, Aug. 13.-(/P)-Fire swept
through three blocks of the old wall-
ed city of Manila tonight destroy-
ing the building of the Insular Bur-
eau of Public Works, two colleges,
the Ateneo museum and other struc-
tures antedating the American reg-
ime. The loss was estimated as high
as $5,000,000.

Republican Heads1
President's Plan
Vote in December


WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. - (1P))
Spurred by President Hoover's call
for prohibition reform, leaders of the
Senate Republican majority intended
to go to work on the eighteenth
amendment at the coming December
session. ..
Senator Monary, of Oregon, the
assistant Republican leader, says the
order of business when the Senate
reconvenes is a vote on taking up
prohibition repeal.
The pending motion and proposal
is one advanced by Senator Glass,
Virginia Democrat, who asserted last
night that Mr. Hoover's prohibition
recommendation "is identical with
the proposal offered by me." He
facetiously denied writing this sec-
tion of the President's address.
Republicans, now intent on set-
tling the congressional end of the
prohibition controversy before the
inauguration next March 4, previous-
ly have contended that Glass offered
their party platform proposal.
President Hoover is fully expected
by capitol leaders to recommend to
the Congress in December immediate
action on his idea for state liquor
control with a Federal guarantee
against the saloons and protection
of dry states.

Dr. Creaser's Specimens Look
Like Frogs, Quack Like Ducks
Scientists no longer need yearn for catfish who scorned such a diet evi-
a duck billed frog, Dr. Edwin P. dently starved to death thousands of
Creaser announced upon his return years ago.
here today from Yucatan. The Uni- With William C. Steere, of the bot-
versity of Michigan scientist and his any department of the University,
three companions brought back 25 and Dr. A. S. Pease and Dr. R. G.
of these queer specimens, which look Hall, of Duke university, Dr. Creaser
like a frog, have a duck's bill and went, to Yucatan late in May and
quack like a duck. That is more than collected about 500 frogs, reptiles and
the total number of such specimens snakes; 25 gallons of fish, 500 vials
possessed by scientists prior to this of insects, 800 dragon flies, 200
expedition, pinned insects, more than 1,000 crus-
Blind shrimp are also included in taceans, including crayfish, shrimps
the collection made by the expedition and amphipods (scuds) and other
sponsored by the University of Mich- fauna and flora.
igan and the Carnegie Institution at The duck-billed frogs were collect-
Washington. These shrimp, which ed one rainy evening at a hacienda
come from the cenotes in Yucatan, in Chichen-itza. Unseen before, it

Californians Come from I
Behind in Great Race I
For Olympic Crown
LONG BEACH, Calif., Aug. 13.-(/P):
-In a nerve tingling finish that left'
the crowd of 60,000 spectators gasp-
ing with excitement, the UniversityI
of California's unbeaten crew came;
from behind with a closing surge to]
whip Italy's powerful boatload to-
day by just 15 inches, one fifth of a
second, and win the crowning eventi
of the Olympic regatta for the United
It was a battle every sweep of the
way down the 2,000-meter Olympic
straightway packed with roaring'
Bow to bow in the last few strokes,
it was so close as both crews swept
the line that it was not until the offi-
cial decision came over the loud-
speakers that the crowd let loose its
evation for the triumphant Califor-
'he official times were 6:37.6 for
the United States; 6:37.8 for Italy.
It was the third victory in two days
and seven finals for the Americans.
It followed the decisive triumphs of
Garrett Gilmore and Kenneth Myers
of Philadelphia in the double sculls
and gave the United States the win-

Ask Contributions NEW YORK, Aug. 13.--(AP)-The
Mayor of New York will return on
Monday to the "Hall of Governors"
in Albany, there to enter on the final
Why not get rid of that old furni- phase of his bitter fight for what he
ture that has been cluttering your has termed his "past, present and fu-
attic and getting in your way so ture."
long? It can be put to good use. Joyously accorded by his friends
Michigan Socialist House, the new and political allies last night a re-
student co-operative residence, which ception such as is usually reserved
is now open for occupation, is in need for conquering heroes, Mayor James
of old beds, chairs, tables or what J. Walker rested this week-end at
have you, it was announced by Sher the home of his friend, A. C. Blum-
Quraishi, one of the founders. Per- enthal, in Westchester County.
sons contributing the furniture or in- Blumenthal has indicated willing-
terested in the project are requested ness to pay Walker a $100,000-a-year
to call O. Bridge at 6675. Students legal retainer fee, should he be re-
will call for any furniture that is do- moved from office.
nated. Mayor Walker has spent a day and
The house, which has been organ- a half so far answering questions
ized by a group of graduate and un- of Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, once
der-graduate students, has set a 'his associate in the Legislature.
weekly rate of one dollar a week for The Mayor has still to explain to
rent and one dollar a week for meals. Gov. Roosevelt what were his busi-
An expert dietician, possessing a doc- ness relations with the missing Rus-
tor's degree, has been secured to su- sell T. Sherwood, accountant of the
pervise the menu. The housing com- law firm with which he was asso-
mittee is headed by a doctor of phil- ciated before he became Mayor.
osophy in charge of furniture and Included in the many volumes of
accommodation. Holstadter Committee records, which

Campus Socialists

Vatican City Women

the Governor has admitted as e
dence in the hearing, is testimo
.indicating that in five and one-h

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