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August 06, 1932 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-06

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Publication in the Bulletin i constructive notice to all members of the
UTniver ity. Cody reeved at the onee of the bea o the summer Session
util 3::1Q. excepting Sundays. 11:30 a, m. Saturday.
Summer Plays: "Once in a Lifetime," the sixth play of the summer
eason, is being presented at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre tonight for
the last timp. There are still tickets available.
Summer Lectures: Captain Cahl von Hoffman will appear in Hill aud'i-
rium next Monday evening, August 8,'at 8:15 p. m. The title of the lec-
ture is "Head-Hunters oft.Formosa." It is illustrated with unusual motion
plotures. Tickets are available at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre box-
Afternoon Lectures: The revised program of 5o'clock lectures for next
week, August 8 to )Oth inclusive,' is as follows: Monday, August 8, The
Changing Status of the Negro, Assistant Professor Lowell J. Carr; Tes-
:iay, August 9, Carrillons and Bell Music, Illustrated, Professor Earl V.
oore; Wednesday, August 10, An Interpretation of. Soviet Russia, Illus-
i ated, Assistant Professor Howard Y. McClusky. /
Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect to com-
-ete their work for a degree at the close of the present Summed Session
, ould call at the office of the Graduate School, 101.4 Angef Hall, to check
heir records and to secure the proper blank, to be used in paying the dip-
:ama fee. The fee should be paid before today, August 6.
G. Carl Hubr, Dean
Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: The Bureau
as been notified of a vacancy for a woman teacher of elementary sub-
ects, public school music, and art. Any one interested please call at the
dIllce, 201 Mason Hall. Life Certificate required,
Education Banquet: The 'annual banquet of the Men's and Women's
n"ducation Clubs will be held at the Michigan Union 'Monday, August 8,
6:30 p. mn. Tie address will be given by Dr. Charles Hubbard Judd, Dean
the Schoor of Education of the University of Chicago. -
John L. Fuess will give th following program in graduation recital,
vlonday, August $, in Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 o'clock: Bach, Toccata in
Bligham, Suite, "Harmonies of Florence" (Florentine Chimes; Prima-
Ta; Savonarola; Twilight at Fiesole; March of the Medici): Bossi, Medi-
lion in a Cathedral: Boellmann, Prayer; Toccata (Suite Gothique).
Charles A. Sink
Louise 'Florea, Soprano, Helen McClalin, Mezzo-soprano and Samuel
K Fhueckiger, Tenor, students of James Hanilton, will give the following
rogram in the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard Street, Monday
ckning, August 8, at 8:15 o'clock. The geneal public is invited: Haydon,
Recitative "And God Created Man"; Air "In Native Worth" (Mr. Flueki-
)g: Delibes, Les Filles de Cadix; Handel, Care Selve; Mozart, Alleluja
( ss Florea): MAscagni, Aria, "Voi Lo Sapete" from "Cavalleria Rusti-
an " (Miss McClaflin): Schumann, Im Wunderschonen; Aus Meinen
Tr Aten Spriessen; Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube; -Wenin Ich in Deine
Augen Seh; Ich Grolle Nicht (Mr. Flueckiger): Charpentier,.Aria, "Depuis
Le lJour" from "Louise (Miss Flora): Darling, Dear, Have you' heard the
ews?; My Love, the Beauty of the Moon is Thine; Wind of the East; Love,
i for Nothing Else (Miss McClaflin) Accompaniments by Mrs. Grace
Snyder. Charles A. Sink
Orchestra boncert: Professor David E. Mattern will lead the Summer
Shool Orhestra in the following progtams, Tuesday evening, August 9,
4 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. Wolfe-Ferrari, Overture to "The Secret
[i Susanne": Goldmark, Symphony No. 1 (The Rustic Wedding) (In the.
>rden-Dance): Vieuxtemps, Concerto No. 4 for Violin (Andante-Adagio
vligioso--Finale marciale) (Karl Kuersteiner): Humperdnck, "The Little
:nidman" and "Evening Prayer" from "Hansel and Gretel": Beethoven,
mnce'to No. 5 for Piano (First movement) (Helen Bentley): Wagner,
enusberg Scene from "Tannhauser." The public is invited.
Chales A. Sink
Special Lecture: Mr. Earl D. Bruner, Superintendent of the George:
ounior -Republic Association of,.Eastern Pennsylvania, will speak in the
kuditorium of the University High School at ten o'clock on Tuesday, August
. His theme will be "Corrective Education Based on the Behavior of Some
?ifteen Hundred Different Wards of the Court Over a Period of Twenty-
one Years." Tlie public is cordially invited to this address.
C. O. Davis ,
Book Exhibit: There will be an exhibit of school books during the re-
uninder of the .week in the lobby of the University High School, from 9
Sni. 'o 5 p. m. -
Signing-Out Slips: All signing-out slipsup to date for all undergradu-
0 ,houses on campus should be sent to the Undergraduate Office of the
'omen's League before Augut 10. Further slips signed after date should
e in the office before August 19.
University Symphony Orchestra: Important' full rehearsal Sunday
norning at 9 o'clock. Morris Hall.
Mixed Tennis Tournament: The draw has been posted on Palmer
cld Courts. The 'first round .must be completed by this evening.
formation concerning the names of partners and opponents together
ith their telephone numbers will be supplied by calling University Exten-

on 2197.
Fresh Air Camp: Visitors are invited to visit the camp this week.
:e picnic grounds are open for the use of our guests.
First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher will preach at 10;45 a. m. on
Ion 'I miss
The Laugh Hit of the $eason!
eeOnce in a Lifetime"

Fire Destroys
Elevator ,nd
Paeking Plant
Three Are iurt Fighting
$6,000,000 Blaze Near
Chicago Front
CHICAGO, A u g. 5.-(P)--The
flames of a six-million-dollar fire
challenged 60 companies of firemen
and the crews of three fire boats
early today to put them ,out.
The fire, breaking out Thursday
afternoon in the Quincy grain ele-
vator, spread to the Omaha Pack-
ing Co. plant, where it destroyed
four buildings.
Three firemen were injured and
thirty firemen and employes of the
two companies were overcome by
Perishing in the flames were 800
hogs, 60 head of cattle, and 200
sheep. Destroyed also were 985,000
bushels of grain, 2,500,000 pounds of
hams and bacons, 300 tons of fertili-
zers, and 2,500 hog carcasses. Three
boats, tied up in the Chicago river
nearly were burned at a loss of $75,-
The flames and dense clouds of1
stroke attracted thousands of spec-
tators to "the yards." Police esti-'
mated more than 30,000 persons
were packed into nearby streets.
As the wind quickened later in the
evening the fire spread to a neigh-
boring coal and lumber yard but
firemen, fighting desperately, over-
came the new menace and again
confined the blaze to the packing
plant and elevator.
An explosion of dust in the stor-
ed grain supposedly was the cause
of the fire. Dense clouds of red
flames and smoke burst from. the tall
structure, scattering showers of em-
bers down on the wooden pens of the
packing plant,
There were readily ignited. ,The
wind drove the fire4 on eastward,
leaving in its wake first one build-
ing and then another. *Four city
blocks were occupied by the concerns
The Quincy grain elevator was
owned by the Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy railroad.
LANSING, Aug. 5.-A meeting of
the Executive Committee of the Cru-
saders, scheduled here today, was
postponed. It will be held later in
the month. The committee is to
prepare a slate of candidates' for
the various State and Congressional
offices who meet the organization's'
anti-prohibition requirements.

$6,000,000 Loss in Chicago River Front Fire


tssociated cress Phoo)
Fire which swept a section of the Chicago river front Friday morning caused loss estimated at $6,000,-
000, destroying! the Omaha packing plant, a grain elevator, and a lumber yard. Thousands of tons of Coal
also burned. This picture shows the flames at their height.

Confusion Grips Camp of Bonus
Marchers; Veterans Evacuating

JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Aug. 5.-,P4)-
Confusion gripped the tottering su-
burban camp of the Bonus Expedi-
tionary Force again today, as its
leaders and city officials hurried the
tattered army from the city.
Quiet-a grim, sullen quiet-rules
the camp after minor disturbances
broke in the glare of campfires
where disgrunled groups refused to
Liquor was smuggled ipto the field
Thursday night. There was some
wrangling and a few fist fights but
officers quickly put down the trouble
and tightened precautionary meas-
ures. Officers said persons not mem-
lers of the IB. E. F. started the argu-
News that the California conting-
ent, first to leave by special trains
after the evacuation order, had been
halted in Chicago without definite
promise of going on, reached the
camp and added to the confusion
as veterans demanded assurance that
they would, not meet a similar fate.
- Mayor Eddie McCloskey announced
that the last train' will leave with

eastern contingents about noon to-
day. Highway trucks will carry the
remainder, mostly eastern Pennsyl-
vanians, to their home towns.
All afternoon and late Thursday
night heavy trucks rumbled % over
country roads with their bedraggled,
Hundreds of men, women and
children, waiting in dilapidated au-
tomobiles for Fa supply of gasoline,
huddled for hours or tramped to City
hall to demnand "service."
Camp officials s id fewer than 900
were ii camp today and McCloskey
said they will b moved if possible
before nightfall.
Field leaders said the office here
would be abandoned as soon as the
troops are moved. No indication
was given as to where it would be
802 Packard Street
TODAY 11:30 to 1;30
Bacon, Eggs, Toast
Chop Suey with Rice
Veal Salad with- Tomatoes
Potato Chips
Roast(Beef, Spinach and
Friled Potatoes
Chocolate Pudcling, Ice Cream, Cake
Milk - Cof ee - Puneh
* 30Cj

"Standards of Behavior." This is one of the sermons i the series "Living
in the Twentieth Century." '
Wesley Hall: At 5-6, p. m. an informal reception for Dr. Frederick C.
Eiselen,'of the Board of Education of the Methodist Church. At 6 p. in.
Dr. Eiselen will speak on some phase of Religion and -Education.
Reformed Students:' Mr. B. Kruithof will conduct the service Sunday
torning at the Phi Alpha Kappa fraternity on 1000 East Ann St. Service
will begin at 10:00.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services Sunday, 8:00 a. m. The Holy
Communion, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a. m. The Holy Communion
and sermon by the Reverend Edward M. Duff.
Harris Hall: Tea for summer school students from four to six, Sunday

5:30 to 7:30
Cubed Beef Steaks
Lamb Chop, Grilled with
Sausage, Bacon and Tomato
Pork Chops
Roats Beef or Pork
Tomatoes, Spinach, Cole Saw
Pie, Ice Cream, Cake
Coffee - Tea - Milk

t'""." ' " .
l2 '.'" ie_ .Y
.j f.'~.

he pause that
gives poise



Delicious and Refreshin,




the P
that refreshes
Comes a time (as they say) every day when
it's good to drop things-relax-and, caln,
collected, cool, seek the hidden meaning
of life.
Sign off for just a minute, now and then, and.



I~ I I




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