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August 06, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-06

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National Guard Rescues 65 Besieged Indiana Miners

Will Depend on
Empire Piuyers


Canadian Consumer
Prove Obstacle to
Commerce Shifts


$100,000,$ uinvoved
An Io-American Rumored
Conferenee Denied by
OTTAWA, Ont.,'Aug. 5.-(P)-The
Canadian consumer was pointed out
today as likely to prove the greatest
difficulty in the way of the proposed
shift of between $100,000,000 and
$200,000,000 worth of Canadian trade
fromr the United Sates to Great
(A report published by the Toronto
Mail and Empire saying the United
States and Great Britain agreed to
hold a trade conference following
the Ottawa parley was denied by the
state department at Washington.)
The Canadian trade proposal was
announced Thursday in an official
communique of the imperial trade
conference which said the Canadian
government had made specific free
trade and additional preferential
tariff offers to the British delegation,
asking equal advantages for Cana-
dialn trade in Great Britain.
Can't Control Demand
The statement was amended later,
however, to modify the sums stipu-
lated by bringing out the fact that,
while trade agreements involving
such sums might be negotiated, the
conshmer demand could not be leg-
islated into line.
The amended statement empha-
sized that the conference does not
claim the government could pick up
any amount of business from one
place and arbitrarily set it down in
another. All il can do, it pointed out,
is recommend.
If the consumer demand reacts to
the cheaper commodity, empire pro-
ducers might expec to increase their
business at the expense of foreign
omnpetiors, provided they are
equipped to supply the market.
U. S. Is Big Trader
In that respect commercial data
on the si mindustrial groups mn-
tioned in gonnection with the Ca-
dian offer were considered illuminat-
The United States sold Canada
$81,000,000 of the $99,000,000 worth
of iron and iron products imported
during the 12 months ending March,
1932, compared with $13,000,000 by
Great Britain.
rn thatocategory were imports of
American iron ore valued at $1,200,-
000 against total purchases worth
$1,600,000; castings and fittings, $1,-
600;000; tubes, pipes and fittings,
$1,200,000 against $1,600,000; en-
gines and boilers, $6,700,OOQ against
$7,200,000; farm implements and
machinery $3,000,000 against $3,300,-
000; hardware and cutlery, $1,300,-
000 against $2,400,000; machinery
other than agricultural, $21,000,000
against $24,000,000; .vehicles, $18,-
500,000 against $19,200,000; and
stamped and coated products, $1,-
200,000 against $1,500,000.-
Coal Important Item
During the same period Canada
iiported $35,000,000 worth of coal
of which the United States supplied
$30,000,000 and Great Britain $5,-
000,000. American industry supplied
$3,000,000 'worth of glass and glass-
ware, valued at $6,000,000, compared
with $670,139 by British; $20,000,000
worth of chemicals and allied prod-
ucts valued at $31,000,000 against
$4,000,000; and $12,000,000 worth of
electrical apparatus valued at $14,-
000,000, compared with $1,000,000 by
the United Kingdom.
Because of the possible effect on
current imports it was said informa-
tion on the British decisions probably
would be vague until the government
of each country begins shaping its
budget for the next fiscal year. Cus-
toms collections are a ve y important
item in the national finances of most
of them.

Newptr Beach
Portage Lake
From Freshman
or Prexy-
no one can tell-if the letter is
written on Old Hampshire station-
ery-for it gives an almost presi-
dential d' nity to the message it
carries. Whether your letter is to
-.-the family at home, to some ofyour
tradesmen or purveyors -or to
your very best girl, Old Hampshire
adds a distinct tone, for it is rich,
substantial, smart-it has the rich
texture, the crisp crackle of the
truly aristocratic paper.

(Associated Press Ph6td)
Sixty-five non-union miners who had been besieged by union pickets in the Dixie Bee coal mine near
Terre Hautp, Ind., for nearly 48 hours were freed when Indiana national guardsmen marched to the mine.
This picture shows a detachment of troops guarding the mine against further trouble.

(Police Start

Huge Flying
To Start

Boat Ready
Atlantic fop

Drive on Auto
Law Offenders
Stop-Street Violations AreI
First Objectives in Their
(Continued from Page 1)
license plates. As a state institu-
tion, it should see that the faculty
members buy Michigan license plates.
The city police, however, can do
nothing about it since that field is
a fnatter for state authorities."
Wikel Makes Statement
Leslie Wikel, chairman of the exe-
cutive board of the local branch of
the Automobile Club of Eastern
Michigan, was of the opinion that
out-of-town motorists who do not
know of the city ordinance against
parking without lights should, as a
matter of courtesy, be released with-
out payment of any fine, upon their
first offense.
Wikel stated in. an interview yes-
terday that he believed no criticism
of the police department shouldbe
made until the matter has been dis-
cussed with Police Chief Thomas M.
O'Brien, who is at present out of the
city. O'Brien, Wikel declared, has al-
-ways been very fair and lenient in
dealings with students, in the past
and would, in all probability, be will-
ing to come halfway in \the parking
matter about which he ';robably
knows nothing.
"The ordinance should be enforced
strictily," Wikel said, "or it should be
removed from the books. However, it
would be unwise to repeal t for cars
parked without lights on dark streets
especially near the city limits. In
case of an accident, the police would
bea' the brunt of the blame. The
Automobile Club has succeeded in
reducing the fine from $5.55 to $1
with a graduated upward scale for
repeated offenses. I am willing to
bring before the club the matter of
courtesy cards for out of town first
A. town resident, who paid a fine
yesterday, voiced the same opinion
as regards the action of the police
towards summer students leaving the
city a bad reputation. He deared
the tagging to be harmful to the city.

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 5.-(A')-An-
other trans-Atlantic flight was in
the offing today with assurances a
large flying boat , will be ready to
leave Lake Minnetonka, near here,
Aug. 24, for London by way of Lab-
Capt. P. J. McCarty, one of the
sponsors of the trip, was en route
east today to ineet Capt. Bernt Bal-
chen and accompany him to Bridge-
port, Conn., where they will super-
vise calibration of instruments and
installation of radio equipment. Capt.
Balchen piloted- Read Admiral Byrd
on a flight to the South Pole in No-
vember, 1929.
Wailys Believes
Confidence Putting
.End to Depression
TOLEDO; Aug. 5.-(AP)-The fear
that gripped the nation for several
years is giving way to confidence and
America is now slowly pulling out
of the depression, John N. Willys,
chairman of the board of the Willys-
Overland company and former am-
bassador to Poland, said in an inter-
national broadgast Thursday night.
One of the economic readjustments
that will be rhade as the result of
the business slump will be the five-
day week, Willys predicted. He
pledged his aid in bringing this
"Economists now are generally
agreed that before this country can
expect to swing back to normal busi-
ness, confidence of the buying public
must be restored," he'said.

Mine Area Is
Quiet; Troops
Leave Region

Warns Hitler
German Riots
Menace Nai:
Hindenburg to Strike at
Once Unless loodshIed
Is Stopped
BERLIN, Aug. 5.-(P)-The soldier
fist of Germany's octogenarian presi-
dent, Field Maishal Paul von Hin-
denburg, poised today over Adolf
Hitler's National Socialist storm
troops and other organizations which
have participated in the last six
weeks of bloody riots.
Newspapers said the aged presi-
dent, after a long cabinet session
Thursday, was prepared to strike
with the full force unless the riots
stopped immediately.
m Hitler's Nazi circles issued a half
warning, half threat, against such
action, declaring discipline was now
being maintained but that if heavy-
handed measures were taken it would
be impossible to make guarantees.
Meantime Hitler's political adviser,
Capt. Hermann Wilhelm Goering,
had a long conference with Foreign
Minister Baron Konstantin von Neu-
rath, possibly to discuss the question
of how much of a hand the Hitlerites
were to be given in any new cabinet
which is formed.
The death total in the rioting,
which has grown almost to civil war
since the present government took
office two months ago, stood tody at
130, and more than 1,000 have been
Penalties for rioting, as fixed in
the new decree, it was understood,
would include the death penalty for
extreme ats of violence.
The ministry of justice was in-
structed to go carefully over all
phases of the decree to insure its
efficacy for a legal standpoint.
By many persons Foreign Minis-
ter von Neurath's conference with
Herr Goering was interpreted as
arising from the foreign minister's
desire to impress upon Hitler's right-
hand man how harmful to Ger-
many's prestige abroad the daily re-
ports of violence have been.
The interview was surprising in
itself, for Baron von Neurath here-
tofore has kept aloof from all inside
political negotiations.
Riotijg continued at many points
in east Prussia today in spite of
reports that President von Hinden-
burg was ready to take severe steps
to put it down.
Believe Chaco Dispute
Is Nearing Arbitration
BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 5.-(!P)-A
belief that a truce petween Paraguay
and Bolivia in the quarrel over the
Gran Chaco is near was expressed
semi-officially today.
The truce, it was said, would be
pending new negotiations for acom-
plete settlement of the controversy
which already has beenthe subject
of intervention by the League of Na-
tions and a group of 19 western hem-
isphere nations, including the U. S.
RENTS CARS for Business or
Pleasure. Low Rates.

Sen. Felix Herbert of Rhode Island
is the Republican campaign leader
in the east. He recent4y opened his
headquarters in New York.

C. 0. P.-Canaiger

Scene of Two-Day
Deserted; One
Eight Wounded


TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Aug. 5.-(AP)
-The Dixie Bee coal mine, scene of
a two-day siege by union pickets dur-
ing which one man was killed nd
eight wounded, was quiet and almost
deserted today.
The more than 800 members of
the Indiana National Guard- whose
mobilization at the state teachers
college here caused the pickets to
release 65 non-union workmen im-
prisoned at the mine, were gone,
most of them returned to their
A provisional battalion-four com-
panies-was sent to barracks at
Shakamak State park in ' Sullivan
county, the heart of the mine region
where it will be readily available
should further disorder occur.
'Two weeksado a similar force as-
sembled at the park for action
against.pickets besieging the Hoosier
co-operative vorked mine near Dug-
ger, Ind.
How long the Dixie Bee will re-
main idle was unjiecided. Operators
of the shaft said work would be re-
sumed as soon as the miners had re-
covered from effects of the siege. The
mine had operated under a federal
order restraining the union mine
workers from interference with it.

$500,000 Blaze Turned
Away from Sagola as
Destruction Loomed
SAGOLA, Aug. 5.-(P)-Fire break-
ing out shortly before midnight in
the yards of the Sawyer-Goodman
Lumnber Co., destroyed 20,000,000 feet
of lumber, valued at $500,000 and
for seveyal hours threatened de-
struction of this Dickinson county
Just as destruction of the town,
which has a population of 360 per-
sons, seemed inevitable a shift of the
wind toward the north checked the
spread of the flames toward the resi-
dential district of 60 homes. Two
storage tanks, containing 5,000 gal-
lons of gasoline, and two sawmills
lay in the path of the blaze. The
fire was checked within a hundred
feet of the tanks.
Fire departments from Iron Mvoun-
tain, Crystal Falls and Republic
still were fighting the flames today,
but unless the wind changes again
they expected to have the fire under
While the fire was at its height
residents placed their belongings on
trucks and in automobiles and fled.
Furniture, clothing and other per-
sonal belongings still were scattered
today along the three highways lead-
ing from the town.


2-5c to 2 P.M.
Starting Today

. I

-Extra Add-d


The cereal that's so crisp

Statc and Washington Streets3
Frederick B. iher
Meter IF. Sta ir
11J :45i-Alorning Wo rship
Dr. Fiheir
lit a - i ll "T in 'ix i,~ in h l
CEiltU!'ry !.' ' I 1r('11'Jli~ d Augutt
withi a 11rm ,jUn"F-iniii g "r r>:v-al

you can hear it!
iEl's a breakfast treat to match the crispest
spring day that ever brightened the campus.
Just try the new Kellogg cereal-Rice Krispies.
Bubbles of toasted rice. Rich with flavor. And
so crisp they actually crackle in milk or cream!


4 ;.



South Fourth AvenueoEa-ti1uro,,elow Ataet
Theodore R. Schmalc, Pastor ar¢l.na. R. Edad nayiesitr
9.00 A.M.-Bible School. 9:30 - Church School. Dr. Logan,
oChurch Superintendent
10:45-worship and Sermon
10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Dr. Judson C. Kind will speakc
Sermo n topic: "S d{2°ps Tto-9P-', x tonthe[ i iga Congo,"


The most popular ready-to-eat

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