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August 05, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-05

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890

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.MLO'K4 ~cUHT t RR( ON L u r(t %1&S et' iW) AN O + c. -'one..-"
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
thin ahd the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for sublication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not ptherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. Al rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special r te of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster Ge eral.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mUi, *4.50.
ifices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Stree ,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
Thirt -fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Stret,
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editiriai Director .......... ..Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor... ...... ....Carl S. Forsythe
StaUe Editor .............................David M. Nichol
NXwaEditor............A.....................Denton Kune
Telegaph dito... .............. Thomas Connellan
Teep s Ed itor ......................T m sHa
Spalt Editor .. ......................C. H. Beukema
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Ou"iness Manager..................Charles T. Kline
Assistant Business Manager... ...Norris P. Johnson
Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger
FRIDAY, AUG. 5, 1932
Police Start Another Raid
Against The Students...
We do not know whether the City of Ann Ar-
bor's finances are in such shape that the police
department must collect more fines than pre-
viously; nor do we know whether complaints have
been received that cars parked without lights
constitute such a menace to public safety that
a drive in this field has become necessary.
Nevertheless, according to complaints which have
been received by The Daily, it would appear that
student cars have been, tagged during the last
week for parking without lights at night where
it has not been customary to tag them before.
One example is the tagging in lots of cars
around Mosher-Jordan, Betsy Barbour and Helen
Newberry residences. The students all allege that
they have parked their cars there since the Sum-
mer Sesion started five weeks ago, and not
until this week did the police take action. The
police cannot plead ignorance of the fact that all
these cars were parked without lights. The crui-
ser, which covers the entire town during the night
time, certainly would have noticed this fact over
a period of five weeks. The only answer to the
situation is that te police have been fully aware
off the fact that cars were parked in and near
the campus without lights, but chose not to en-
force the ordinance in question because it had
not been customary to do so before,
Residents of Moslier-Jordan parked their cars
at times in a vacant lot opposite the building.
When thefts occurred there, lacking adequate
protection, the cars were moved to the street
where street lights would, in a measure, prevent
such thefts, inasmuch as no other agency seemed
able to prevent this.
The situation should be cleared up immediately.
While police claim that their drive. has been en-
tirely impartial, students allege that'the drive has%
been against them. Unfortunately no police rec-
ords that include only tags since the 1st of July
or thereabouts are available. But we are inclined
to agree with Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, who criti-
cized the police for tagging some cars and permit-
ting others to go untagged. Should they get them
all they would have a thousand or more each

costume was decidedly out of character. Martha
Clare and Dorothy Fritz make the most of their
amusing scene in the first actin which Leonard
Stocker also does a very fine bit. Miss Fritz has
distinguished herself this summer in both PAOLO
and in each case has stolen the all-feminine
honors in the sho*.
Mildred Burleson's performance as Susan Wal-
ker was gobd. She too achieved an expression of
inconnu that was unforced and genuine. Harry
Allen's role of the disgusted playwright was en-
acted with all of his usual competence. His per-
formances, too, always lend an atmosphere of
finish and smoothness to those productions in
which he appears. Fred Crandall's bit as the
Bishop and Frances Johnson as the office girl in
the Glogauer studios were both excellently done,
and Miss Johnson's scene with Harry Allen is one
of the largest laugh scenes in the show. Miss
Traphagen's interpretation of the movie critic
was overdone as was Katherine Pfohl's Mrs.
The settings-there are seven changes in all-
were" adequtely done although the play affords
limitless possibilities, particularly in the studio
reception room and the actual movie set.
The third scene in the first act is tremendously
funny, but the second act is by far the best sub-
stance of the play largely throug'h the fine work
of Milliken, Allen, Miss Johnson, and the riot-
ously humorous situations.
The play is vastly amusing and a good summer
sho. The audience entered into the spirit of it
at the rise of the curtain and the cast for the
most part seemed to enjoy every minute of it.
Editoria Commen t
(Washington Student)
Democracy without the entire co-operation of
the nation can never be successful. It has long
been the cry of students of political science that
too few people take advantage of the orportun-
ity given them to vote-and consequently the gov-
ernment is not as representative as it should be.
Authorities have come to regard an election at
which more than fifty per cent of the citizens
exercise their franchise as unusual. And undoub-
tedly this fii-st half of the population, the voters,
is undoubtedly the uneducated portion of the
citizenry, those easily swung one way or the other
by political bosses to the detrinment of public wel-
Essayists blame government errors and difficul-
ties on the disinterest of the intelligentsia in the
operation of our government. The failure of the
educated to investigate candidates and select from
their point of view, the most capable for office is
undoubtedly one of the fundamenfal causes for
our modern gangster rule. Thing were not al-
ways thus, the transition from democracy to the
wrong kind of bureaucracy having ben brought
about by the increasing laissezfaire attitude
anong the upper classes who fail to realize that
by participation they could have the gbvern-
ment as they desire, granting, of course, Jhat de-
riocracy is fundamentally sound and that changes
would come in practice and not in principle.
* History proves that administrative officials can
go so far-then public opinion rises against them
and quickly overthrows the corrupt policies which
have been followed. It is heartening to learn that
two student groups have been organized here on
the campus, each backing one of the major par-
ties. Students of today become the intelligentsia
of tomorrow, and if they become interested in the
proper functioning of their government while in
school they will go out into the world with a sen-
sible attitude towards their obligations, as an
educated person, to society and politics.
(Daily Illini)
Boy what a racket!
Schemes for picking up money here and there
used by erstwhile college students have nothing
on the latest from good old Rome, the alleged
seat of a great of our knowledge. The Italian
state railways have reduced the rates for honey-
mooners who wish to spend their two weeks of
bliss within the shadows of the ancient ruins-
probably in preparation, for the ruination of
something else.
Anyway, the whole idea is to promote a little
more marriage business and consequently a fur-
ther increase in population, which has been fall-
ing off a little in the past few weeks. Of course
there is a limit to endurance. Il Duce should
realize that a man gets tired sometimes.
If the local cabs hadn't one up to their present
two bits last fall we would be somewhat tempted
this bright morning to take an ocean taxi over,
and try-and cash in on the ten per cent. Of
course, getting hooked up just for a train -ride has
its drawbacks, but then it would be some com-

fort to see where the Christians were saprificed
to the lions at a slight reduction before being
sacrificed yourself at full price-and a govern-
ment tax. &.-;
On the whole, the state railways should make
a success of the whole scheme. This will be a
good talking for gome of the Italian babes when
they go out swimming to pick up a beach-comber
on the canal banks. However, the Italian gov-
ernment could hire people to get married if they
would collect a marriage license, but this is held
to be a sort of discouragement to the burning/
swains, so the license fee was abolished.
While we thought the doctrine originated in
other localities, if the Duce keeps up, Italy will
soon be recognized as the home of real free love.
(Toledo News Bee)
For days now the newspaper- and the air will
be filled with news of the prowess and skill of
2000 or so participants in the "Tenth Olympiad
of the Modern Era" now being held in Los
Angeles. Win or lose the news will all be good,
for in that great "man-made crater" on the Paci-
fic the finest traditions of civilized young man-
hood and womanhood will rule as they did in the
first of the Pan-Hellenic festivals 27 centuries
We would have liked to watch Saturday's open-
ing along with the 100,000 who did, to have seen
the loosing of herald pigeons and heard the great
bands and choirs, to have applauded Charlie Cur-
tis' 16-word speech, to have watched-the march
of magnificent bodies with -their browned, muscled
limbs glistening in the California sun, to have
thrilled at the ancient pageantry.
The United States will welcome this interlude.
of super-sport for several reasons. For one, we
need relief from the .kind of shameful news the
Washington government has been producing dur-

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining then-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.


To The Editor:
Now that our publicity-seeking graduate stu-
dents and faculty members have decided for us
the relatity of a liberal education to our con-
temporary problems, allow us to suggest the con-
sideration of a less serious topic. Every Friday
evening, summer school students gather at the
League in an effort to become acquainted with
one another and to enjoy a few dances. This
struggle has been accentuated by the heat and
by the efforts of several hostesses, working under
the direction of our charming Dean of Women
and her debonair assistant. As a result of this in-
troductory and admittance system, we, and sev-
eral other girls, have never glimpsed the interior
of the League ballroom this summer. Many of tle
men have been similarly affected, mainly be
cause of reluctance to entrust their social destin-
ies to the questionable choice of the hostesses. It
is our suggestion that the hostess system be aban-
doned and that women be granted the same priv-
ileges as men in the matter of choosing partners.
A subdued lighting effect, such as that used in the
ballroom during the regular term dances, would
create a more friendly and romantic atmosphere,
and would make people feel less conspicious.
A shortening of the dances to three numbers
of moderate length would also be helpful, as it
would shorten the agony for those who had made
unfortunate choices.
It seems to us that informality should be the
keynote of these affairs, ind an occasional prom-
enade and circle dance would help to develop that
spirit. In this connection, we might suggest that
the sponsors of these affairs, as well as attend-
ing faculty members, do less flitting about in an
effort to make other people feel uncomfortable,
and allow themselves to more thoroughly enjoy
the party.
It is sincerely hoped that the foregoing remarks
will be construed as helpful suggestions rather
than as criticisms. We fully appreciate the diffi-
culty of promoting such affairs, a d commend
the generous efforts of those responsible for them.
Three "Ladies-in-Waiting"
To The Editor:
The "Political Symposium" meeting tonight in
the Science auditorium was excellent from the
standpoint of speakers, speeches, /management,
and responses from the audience. As a timely dis-
cussion, it was ideal. I have gone to most of the
informal meetings on this campus this summer
(where I am a student for the first time) but this
is really the first time that I have found it worth-
while to "tear" myself away from my ever-present
The only complaint that I can offer is that the
open forum discussion, after the speeches, was
cut too short; and, I believe that I speak for the
majority of those present: Another "pet peeve"-
every time that I have attended meetings at the
Science auditorium, many of the people around
me, and including myseslf, have been Idisturbed
by the noise that seems to be inevitabe when
people go to their seats. Cannot this be eliminat-
ed somewhat? Is there no other small place of
assembly on the campus that can be utilized?
Cordially, Harry Farkas.
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson -
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-(AP)-Congressional
onlookers were not greatly surprised at word
from Little Rock that Senator Hattie Caraway
of Arkansas and Senator Huey P. Long of Louisi-
ana were to stump the state in a joint speaking
campaign for her re-election to the seat she "in-
herited" from her late husband.
That was foreshadowed when the Louisiana
"kingfish" broke into rhetorical flights in the
senate over Mrs. Caraway's record.
Yet, even granting that Senator- Long was
greatly impressed by the need the 'senate had
"for this lady for the benefit of the 95 hard-
boiled politicians who sit here," there was one
part of his speech commending Mrs. Caraway
which attracted special attention.
It had to do with Long's vehement denial that
she had been as a senator just "Senator Robin-
son's other vote," as some commentator put it.
A Mind of Her Own
"I have often watched Mrs. Caraway, with un-
erring view, voting contrary to the advice of her
own party leader, who comes from 'her state," he
And while disclaiming the intention "at this

time" of criticizing "anyone's record,",Long added
that hindsight proved Mrs. Caraway's votes in
those cases where she went counter to Robinson
leadership "were far more wise and worthy" and
stamped her "as a courageous person, the kind
of person long needed here."
In view of that and of the headlong assault
on Robinson leadership in which Senator Long
indulged at various times during the session, press
gallery onlookers could have no doubts that his
excursion into Arkansas' senatorial primary free-
for-all to aid Mrs. Caraway's cause is to regarded
as another lively chapter of the Long-Robinson
That the Louisiana stormy petrel proposes to
use the opportunity presented by campaigning
for Mrs. Caraway to elaborate to Robinson's Ar-
kansas constituents on the attack he made
against the Democratic leader's record and politi-
cal philosophy is hardly to be doubted.
A Matter of Aim
"We have had in this body entirely too much
representation from some of the southern states
that has not been in accord with the will and
the varied interests of the people," Long said
in the senate.
At whom was that aimed?
Mrs. Caraway has yet to make her first senate
speech. Yet it is reasonably deducible that her
primary fight for renomination, the equivalent
of election in Arkansas, has become a battle
ground of the Long-Robinson war.

Campus Opinion



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Music and Drama
A Review By
Lewis Stevens
The Broadway success, "Once In A Lifetime"
by- Moss Hart and George Kaufman, was present-
ed to one of this season's largest first night houses
by the Repertory Players Wednesday under the
direction of 'alentine B. Windt. The authors (it
is rumored that neither of them has ever been
to Hollywood) have written this extravagantly
funny satire on tihe movie industry, the people
who run pit, and the people who are out there
trying to crash the films. The plot is built around
the advent of the- vitaphone and the experiences
of three small time vaudeville actors who set out
for Hollywood to make their fortunes.
The show has an enormous cast and five sets
and depends for its success on the manner in
which the various bits are executed. Each act is
full of cleverly written lines most of which, for-,.
'tunately, are funny, too often in spite of their
Herbert Milliken, who is to be remembered for
his work this season in "Mr. Pim Passes By" and,
"At Mrs. Beams" achieves another remarkably
fine characterization as Herman Glogauer. His
execution of this part reflects a study of the
character he portrays, with a great deal of effec-
tiveness and he contributes most of the much
needed smoothness to the production.

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