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August 05, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-05

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The Weather
Partly cloudy, showers follow-
ed by cooler weather. Sitrrday.
generally fair.


Air\ m
ML a
t r t


Police Start Another Raid
Aganust the Students.

Official Publiation of The Summer Session

VOL. XIII No. 34




aian 1s Wils"
1500 Meters
In Fast Race
T. S. Entry Finishes in
Fourth Place; Phil Ed-
wards Is Beaten
inn Breaks World
Mark, for Javelin

Scene from Repertory Players' Satirical Comedy

Report Heavy
Guns Start
In Bohiv ia
Bombardment Directed to
Pilconiayo Sector of
Gran Chaco District.
Will Ship Troops
To Disputed Area

s Sets Record
Feet, 7 Inches
nd Trial


.Military Officials Deny
ports of Bombing
Mennonite Colony


4.--()-With a dazzling spurt
the home stretch, Luigi Bec-
of Italy, the fsavorite, rushed
behind today to capture the
i 1500-meter run from- an all-



Glen Cunningham mad the strong-
est American bid, leading the pack of
.2 starters until the back stretch of
the last lap, where he was overhaul-
ed by the Canadian negroPhil Ed-
wards. Both were passed, however,
by Beccalli as the Italian uncorked
an unbieatable "kick" in the last 100-
meters to win by a good three yards,
with Jerry Cornes and Edwards in
a ilose rush for the place.
Beccali was timed in 3 min. 51.2
sees., breaking the former Olympic
record of 3:53.2, set by Harry Larva
of Finland in 1928. Larva was un-
placed today.
The final quarter to finish was:
first, Luigi Beccali of Italy; second,
Jerry Cornes G. B.; third, Phil Ed-
wards, Canada; 'fourth, Glen Cun-
ningham, United States; fifth, E. Ny,
Sweden.; sixth, N. T. Hallowell,
United States..
Beats Larva's Time
Beccali's time was short of the
world record of 3:49.2, held by Jules
Ladoumegue of France. -
The Italian laid off the pace en-
tirely, "'never gunning better tl'an
fourth until the critical stages of the
last lap He had entirely too much
"kick" then for the rest of the field
and left all of his rivals staggering.3
The biggest surprises were the
failures of "PeA" Hllowell, Harvard
star, John Lovelock, of New Zealand,
'nd any of the Finns 'inclbding the1
champion, Larva, to make even aj
serious jesture.'
Matti Arvines, of Finland, the '
Finnish holder of the world's javelin
record, didn't find it necessary even3
to takeoff his trousers to surpass the
Olympic record for the second time
with a heave of 238 feet, 7 inches.
This pt him well out in front, al-
though'the form'er Olympic mark of
218 feet, 6% inches was taking a1
terrific beating.
Tapping Says Coaches
Aided Tolan's Success
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 4.-(Special)
-Eddie Tolan, former University ofj
Michigan star, and double Olympic
victor, owes much of his success in
the 100 and 200 meter sprints to the,
coaching and advice of Steve Far-
rell and Charles Hoyt, University
track coaches, in the opinion of T.
Hawley , Tapping, secretary of the
University Alumni association.
"A fine tribute," Tapping said.,
"Tolan has handled himself perfect-
ly. In spite of the lapdation and
hero worship of thousands, he ex-
tremely popular."
Ned Tuirner, who placed fifth in
the 800 meter run, tured in the best
time of his competitive car er, Far-
rell said, iand ran a 'magnificant
Expect 200 at Dinner
Tapping said that more than 200
were expected at the Michigan Olym-
pi6 dinner tomorrow, night here at
which Hoyt, Farrell, Dean J. A. Bur -
ley, Prof. Ralph Aigler, of the Law
. school, and Tapping will speak.
Tolan's double victory makes him
not only the third Michigan man to
win a double crown in Olympic dash
competition but the third Ameican.
Only four times since the games we
revived in 1896 has this feat been
accomplished-once by Archie Hahn,
of Michigan, who won three titles,
once by Ralph Craig, of Michigan,
who won a doublevictory, again by
Percy Williams, of Canada, who re-
peated Craig's performance, and
now, lastly, by Eddie To an.
Hahn's victories6at t. Louis in
1904 cameo' in the 60 meters, the' 100
meters, and the 200 meters. The 60
metersrace was subsequently drop-
ped. In 1912, Craig made his start-
ling record at Stockholm. Williams
dazJed the world again in 1928 at

"Once inr a Lifetime," the satirical comedy on Hollywood by Moss
Hart and George S. Kaufman, last night played to another~eapacity
audience at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The play, which Wednes-
day night opened a four-night run, has a cast of 60, with Herbert Milli-
ken, harry Allen, William Butler, Elizabeth Keller and Mildred
Burleson providing most of the "4digs" which authors Hart and Kauf-
man take at the talkies. Advance sales for tonight and tomorrow night
indicate a4diences larger than those of the opening night and last

Hussey Calls
But Beautiful
Geologist Terms It BothI
Goddess and Monster to
Those Who Know It
The desert is at once a cruel mon-
ster and a beautiful goddess. She ist
fierce and defiant but, withal, she is1
more gorgeous taan the prettiest pic-t
ture that the human hand can paint.
this was the picture painted yes-t
terday in a lecture by Prof. RussellI
C. Hussey of the geology department,
who' has made extensive explorations{
in the southwest in search of geologic
data. Professor Hussey shattered
mtny of the public illusions regard-
ing the desert. It is true, he said,t
that people die in the desert, but
they die also in hospitals. The des-
ert, he asserted, is dazzling to thek
eye Out so are snowfields. He knowst
of no desert, Yee claimed, which ist
entirely composed of sand, but they
all have plenty of dust, he said. i
"The typical desert," Hussey said,
"is a basin-like depression bordered
on at least one side, the windward1
side, by mountains. It doesn't takel
long to produce a desert. The east-<
ern part of the United States oncet
had its deserts and so did Michigan.
The Great Lakes region, in fact,t
boasted two deserts. The southwest-1
ern part of the United States has<
been a desert for millions of years,.
But some day that part of the coun-
try will cease to be arid and will1
bloom like a rose.".
Professor Hussey conducted his
audience on an imaginary tour oft
the Sothwest with the aid of a set
of slides which he had collected.
M~ichigan Nine
Gathers -Today
For Japan Ti
14 Players to Meet Here
ForFinal Workout; Will
Go West Saturday
Michigan's baseball team will as-
semble here this morning, run
through a brief ,practice session then
make final pre}iarations for the de-
parture on Saturday afternoon on
toie first leg of the trip to Japan.
Coach Ray Fisher will have his full
crew of 14 men on hand today.
The train bearing the party of 18
will leave here at 5:15 o'clock Sat-
urday afternoon and the group will
sq i from San Francisco August 11.
Those who wl fmake the trip, in
adition to Fisher and the players,
are Mrs. Fisher and their daughter,
Janet, and Mrs. Norman Daniels.
Mrs. Daniels became the bride of the
Wolverines' star second baseman
yesterday in Detroit.
Players who will make the trip are
Mike Diffleye and Leslie Douglass,
catchers; Harley McNeal, J a c k
Tompkins, Sid McKay and Art Pat-
chin, pitchers; Ken Manuel, first

Finds Teacher
Training Aims
Lack, in Unity
Bachmaq Tells of Types
Now in Vogue; Explains
Absence of Uniformity
After studying teacher training
throughout the United States, Dr.
Frank P. Bachman, who spoke yes-
terday on "Preparation of Element-
ary School Teachers," reported that
there seems to be a lack 'of unifor-
mity in 'the opinions of educators or
institutions as to what should be,
done in this field.
The reasons br. Bachman advanc-
ed for this lack of uniformity were
the pressure of small state communi-
ties on the schools, the lack of pro-
fessional clientele in teaching, the
struggle for respectability among
schools, and the enormous increase
of the 4cademic preparation of the
Two distinct types of teacher train-
ing were presented in the lecture.
The apprentice type, Dr. Bachman
said, is found mostly in the New Eng-
land schpols; here the emphasis is
placed on the skills and knowledges
of elementary teaching and the cul-
tural training is left out. The aca-
demic type is found mainly west of
the Appalachian mountains. The
best example is in California where
a general college course is given, in-'
to which the- teacher-training is
dove-tailed. The idea is to give a
liberal dollege education. European
schools have a more definite idea of
accomplishment in regard to this
than we do, he indicated.
First of all the elementary' teacher
should consider her profession as a
vocation; her work should be clearly
dened. At the present time there
are, limitations as to the time spent
in training. Most institutions require
at least two years, which is not suffi-
cient, Dr. Bachman pointed out.
There should be a training commen-
surate with the training of college
and university teachers. Th'ere must
be both a technical pnd professional
training, together with a broad cul-
tural training.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, Aug.
4.-(P)-A field correspondent of the
newspaper La Nacion telegraphed his
paper an official Bolivian bulletin to-
day saying that "Division Comman-
der Col. Pena advises that a heavy
artillery bombardment has com-
menced in the Pilcomayo sector of
the Gran Chaco region."
This would seem to indicate that,
action was starting on a larger scale
in the conflict between Paraguay
and Bolivia.
6,000E roops in Area
PERICO, Argentii a,, Aug. 4.-(A')--
Bolivia plans to have 11,000 troops
in the Chaco region in a few days,
Gen. Mariaca Pando, commander of
the Fourth Division, said today oh
his arrival at Yacuiba, near this bor-
der town.
There are now 6,000 well-trained
men in the trouble area, he said,
and henpassed 166 trucks filled with
equipment and materials oh their
way to the "war" zone.
Bolivian military officials denied
that airplanes had bombed the for-
eign Mennonite colony in the Chaco,
and scoffed at Paraguayan reports
that Bolivian troops were deserting
and crossing the border. °A troop
movement was delayed six hours,
they said, when a bridge between
Villazon and Villamontes was burned
by incendiaries.
Risks of Explorers
OUvrdrawn, States
Capt. von Hoffman
Does the explorer, after all, have a
perilous time? Tradition and the ad-
venturer's colorful reports tend to
move one to shudder at the very fan-
cy of his risky enterprises but, Capt.
Carl von Hoffman says, much of it
is overdrawn.
Capt. von Hoffman, who for 18
years has been an explorer, ethnolo-
gist and adventurer, and has tra-
versed virgin areas never b e f o r e
trekked by a white man, acknowl-
edges the dangers that confront the
explorer. But he takes occasion, too,
to insist that the perils are more
those of nature than of man.
The famous scientist lectures here
on the night of Aug. 8 in Hill audi-
tbrium. His particular subject will be
the "Head Takers of Formosa," an"
island from whence he recently re-
turned after an adventure made pos-
sible by a special grant of exploration
from the Japanese government.
He brings m~otion pictures and
sound records never before obtained
and comes with the highest approval
of scientific bodies.
Capt. von lhoff man, author of
"Jungle Gods," found that nature
provided the real perils, - jungles
thick with entangled growth, torren-
(Continued on Page 4)

Police Investigate
Rmiors oJ. Latest
Ann Arbor aciket
Ann Arbor, the proving ground for
rackets of all varieties, has for years
placed its stamp of approval on one
of the most lucrative of these schemes
but suspicious police are now watch-
ing for an attempt to renew opera-
Quantities of lace, purported to be
of the homespun Irish variety, have
been sold throughout the city by
women masquerading as Irish immi-
grants, it was learned, The lace is
a c t u a 11 y machine-made material,
most of which comes from some Cin-
cinnati mills, investigators discovered.
The articles sold have been of a
various nature. Counter panes, table
cqvers, and attractive shails have
1lred unsuspecting faculty wives and
Ann Arbor residents to pay high, but
varying, prices. One of the women,
selling the material, admitted to po-
lice that the shawl, for which she
asked and often obtained $35, had an
actual value of about six dollars at
the mill.
A thick Irish brogue and foreign
clothing are the chief methods of de-
ception employed. The story is al-
ways that only one or two articles are
left and that they mut be disposed
of to raise money. The price finally
agreed upon is represented as a sac-
croups of women, selling this ma-
tefial, reach Ann Arbor about two or
three times a year. Their last visit
in June was cut short when police
escorted them from the city for sell-
ing without a license.
Suspicious faculty membegs, who
had been asked to buy some of the
lace, sought police assistance in in-
vestigating the sales. Two women,
taken to the police office for ques-
tioning, freely admitted to Detective
Clifford West that the materil came
from Cincinnati, was iflachinb made,
and cost about a dollar and a half a
Teachiers Get
Revene; Beatt
' Faculty, 4to 3
Overcome Lea in Fourth .
And Win with Tying Run
On Fist Base
The Teachers in the EducationI
League gained ample revenge from
Monday's set-back at 'the hands of
the Faculty by defeating them, 4-3,
in the extra-session yesterday. Thet
Principals and the Superintendentst
did not show up for their game,
which' was scheduled for yesterdayF
afternoon. .
The Teachers-Faculty game was a
tight affair all the way, but the de-6
ciding runs were unearned. The Fac-
ulty took an early lead iii the second
inning on doubles by Schriber and
Hanks. But the Teachers overcame
the lead with two in the fourth on
a walk, a double and a pass ball.
In the first of the seventh the
Teachers pushed over two unearned
runs. The Faculty' came back in
their half of the seventh, scoring two
runs, but Scut, batting for Snow,
struck out thus leaving the tying run

Storm of Protest
Follows Campaign
On Parking Lightsu
Newkirk Criticizes Police for Tagging Only
a1Few Violators; Officers Attempt o
Conceal Records; Students Assail De-
partinent forDiscourtesy
Tagging of students' cars by the Ann Arbor police department for
parking without lights has necessitated a general warning to Summer Ses-
sion students to avoid leaving their1 cars in front of dormitories, rooming
and fraternity houses. A notice posted recently in the office of Chief
O'Brien stated that the force should also watch for stop-street violators.
Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk criticized the method used by the department,
and stated that he did not feel that it was just to tag some and pernit
others to go. "If they would get them all," he said, "they would have Nl
thousand every day."
He intimated that the police have zoned the city, and are picking up
"a few cars each night to keep the ordinance alive."
Judging, however, from thpe number of complaints which have been
>made to The Daily the police are
more than "picking up a few each
Schwab Will night."
Alice Rost of Mosher-Jordan dor-
mitory, one of the victims, after tell-
ing the police yesterday that she was
unable to meet the payment at once
B R Lainontwas summarily served with a war-
.Y rant and sent to the office of Justice
Jay H. Payne where she was fined
Retin -$5.55. Justice Payne, however, allow-
Retiring Secretary of Colr-ed her some time to meet the fine.
merce to Be Head of She told The Daily last night that
"I had the feeling that.I was fined
Iron, Steel Institute for contempt of court, but I am not
* sure. I just pleaded guilty, and said
NEW YORK, Aug. 4.-(/P)-The I couldn't pay," she said.
first important step toward the re, Fohey in Charge
organization and rejuevenation of Sergeant.Louis W. Fohey, who told
the American Iron and Steel insti- The Daily yesterday morning that he
tute was taken today as word that was acting for Chief O'Brien, refused
Robert P. Lamont, retiring secretary to permit the files giving the list of
of commerce, had been selected1 as violators to be seen. However, last
its next president. night they were opened -for inspec-
News of Lkamont's forthcoming tion. Pohey told The ,Daily that he
election was given out by Charles M. had no intention f opening the files.
Schwab, chairman of the board of When informed that the, files were,
the Bethlehem steel corporation, who "privileged" he stated it made ro
has been the institute's president difference to him, and that he was
apd chairman. The new president not bound to show them. ,
will be formally elected at a meet- Women at Mosher-Jordan dormi-
ing of the institute, directors on Aug. tory stated that they had been leav-
18. Schwab will continue as chair- ing their cars out all summer, and
man. that they had never, been warned or
In steel trade circles Lamont's ac- tagged before. Two women, Miss

on first base.
Principals ..........5 3
Teachers ...........5 4'


Superintendents ... 4
Faculty ............4


Change in Final Summer Play
Brings UpElephant Problem

The fact has leaked out that the
Michigan Repertory Players are
changing /their last bill. Feeling that c
some explanations were due the pub-
lic, we demanded it of Mr. Windt.
He intimated that the published pro-y
gram had been adhered to for six
out of seven productions, and that
in a similar case this was five more
than the custom among the Broad-
way managers, and that a more
slavish adherence to the original an-
nouncement would take all the ad-
venture ott of subscribing to a dra-
matic season. We still felt some ex-
planation was due.
We approached Thomas Wood
Stevens, who is reported to be re-
hearsing Alan Handley, Paul Show-

said, to study the elephants. The
new play requires an elephant, and,
in order to make a good synthetic
one, she felt that first-hand obser-
vations should be made.
She had protested, she said, that
an elephant, life-size, ought to be
scenery, and so outside her depart-I
ment; but that Russell McCracken,'
the stage manager, had ruled that
since the animal was to be ridden,
by Mr.. Handley and Miss Fritz, it
was a vehicle, And so fell under
"props." A further protest that since
the animal was of cloth, and had
persons inside to work the legs, it
was costume. She got nowhere with
this. She had no time, under the
circumstances, to go into the matter
of the change in program.
We investigated on our own ac-

Dr. Eiselen, Education
Leader, to Talk Here
Dr. Frederick Carl Eiselen, newlyt
elected head of the board of educa-
tion which correlates the 50 colleges,
several universities and Wesley foun-
dations of the Methodist-Episcopal
church, is to visit Ann Arbor and the
University Sunday and Monday for a
conference with the trustees of Wes-
ley foundation at the >University.
The director of the local institution'
announced yesterday that Summer'
Session students and faculty mem-
bers are being invited to meet him
informally from 5 to 7 o'clock Sun-
day at Wesley hall. Dr. Eiselen will
make a short talk at this time.
He has been associated with.North-
western university and its Garrett
Biblical institute since 1902 as pro-
fessor and dean. His new duties will
take him from coast to coast advis-
ing the college faculties, deans of
seminaries, and directors of Wesley
foundations at state universities.
Carr Lecture Changed
To Mnndiav Afternnnn

ceptance of the organization's presi-
dency was regarded as a move to-
ward fulfillment of a long planned
reorganization designed to make the.
institute a more agressive and vital
element in the steel industry. At the
semi-annual4 meeting of institute
members, in May, Schwab gave some
general plans for outlining the scope
of its activities, and since that time
reports have been heard that definite
steps were under way to achieve the
new aims.
Detroit Gets
R.F.C. Loan for
R elie f Work
$1,800,000 Lent on Re.
quest of Governor to
Absorb City Bonds
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.--U)-e
troit today was granted a Recon-
struction Finance Corporation loan
of $1,800,000 for destitution relief.
(The money is to be used for 're-
lief during the next two months.
The loan was made at the 'request
of the Governor of Michigan.
"The amount is made available to
the city of Detroit at this ti e," the
corporation said, "to enable the city
to meetthe immediatenemergencies
and to give- time for the development
of further state and municipal relief
The statement said supporting
data accompanying the applicatioh
indicated the city was unable to dis-
pose of $1,800,000 of a $10,000,000
bond issue and that it would be im-
possible for the state to act in time
to meet the emergency.
The public welfare department was
described as operating on credit since
last March and having $2,650,000 of
unpaid bills. N
American League
Washington 14, Detroit 11 (10 in-

Police 'Get 'Em All,'
But Release Big Ones
Investigators for The Daily, go-
ing through files of traffic viola-
tions last night, found one marked
Albert Rapp. "Yes," explainedl the
policeman, "it doesn't m a t t e r
whether he's prosecuting attorney
or not. We get 'em all."
'Further investigation, however,
revealed that 'Released" had been
marked across the card. After
,first stating he did not ksnow what
the inscription meant, the police-
man admitted it meant just that,
hurridly grabbed it and thrust it
in another file.
0 'tempora! 9 Mores!
Bernice Francis of Stapdish and Mrs.
Sally M. Brown of Saginaw, who live
in Betsy Barbour dormitory, received
tags last night for "nq lights." "We
had understood," Mrs. Brown said,
"that no garages would be necessary
and that we could leave our autos
unmolested in front of the dormi-
Officers at the department stated
last night that they saw no reason
why special courtesy should be shown
out-of-state and out-of-town viola-
Offer Copies of Rules
In the morning . Sergeant Fohey
had' told The Daily that the students
should acquaint themselves with the
ordinances when they reach Ann Ar-
bor, and that there should be no
necessity for warning them. "We will
be glad to give them all copies of our
regulations," he said.
Police last nightmaintained that
there is no drive on at present to tag
violators. It is a thing that goes on
all year long they said.
One summer student voiced the
general opinion when he stated that
since the visitors in the extra ses-
sion are a great boon to the city
with their thousands of dollars ex-
pended during the two-month visit,
the police should show some courtesy.
"It leaves the city with a black eye,"
he said.



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