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August 03, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-03

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38 U. S. Offiaers
Hkre for Study
Of Ammunitions
Col. A. H. White I Head
Of Two-WeekOrdnance
Reserve 'raining School
Course Is Intensive
Special Classes in Two
Divisions of Topic Are
Formed; Staff Named
Thirty-eigh officers of the United
States Ordnance reserve have opened
their work in Ann Arbor for two
weeks and will remain here until
Aug. 13, receiving special training
under the direction of an adminis-
trative staff headed by Col. A. H.
Whit, professor of chemical en-
The local training center is intend-
ed for reserve officers who are in-
terested either in explosives or metal
components, and for those who de-.
s4re to obtain further knowledge of
artillery ammunition and the prob-
lems connected with the manufac-
ture and inspection of components
and the loading of ammunition.
Study All Branches
The instructional work consists o'f
lMctures, laboratory and field exer-
cfses. Instruction in contracts, mo-
brlzation, and the administration of
ditrict offices will be given to all
officers. The group interested in ex-
posives will, receive class instruction
i that subject and will study ac-
ceptance tests in the laboratory.
The group interested in metals will
receive laboratory instuction in the
use of gauges, and theoretical in-
struction on the properties of metals.
This group will be divided according
to their knowledge of metallurgy
and an advanced class will be formej
f6ir those who have already con-
sIderable attainments in this subject.
Opportunityq will be given for pistol
ad rifle practice.
The following officers comprise the
administrative staff:.
White Heads Staff
Col. A. H. White, commading offi-
cer; Maj. R. N. Bodine, executive
officert Capt. A. B. Custis, adjutant
and property officer; and Capt. C. B.
Peirce, medical officer.
The instructional staff consists of
the following officers:
Col. A. H. White, professor of
chemical engineering; Lt. Col. Albert
E, White, professor of metallurgical
ehgineering; Lt. Col. P. J. 'Shaugh-
nessy, of the ordnance department;
Maj. R. N. Bodine, of the ordnance
department; Maj. Frank A., Mickle,
associate professor of mechanical
eigineering; Maj. John C. Brier,
professor of chemical engineering;
Maj. Clair Upthegrove, professor of
metallurgical engineering, and Capt.
Arthur B. Gustis, assistant professor
of military science and tactics.
Four Publishing Firms
To Exhibit Text Books
A book exhibit of texts for high
school students, sponsored by four
national publishing companies, will
be on display in the front hall on the
first floor of the University High
school building on East University
avenue for the remainder of this
week. Summer Session students in-
terested in this field are invited to
inspect the books.
American League
New York-Detroit, wet grounds.
Washington 4, Chicago 1.

St. Louis 6, Boston 4.
Only games scheduled.
National League
Philadelphia 11, Pittsburgh 6.
New York 3, Cincinnati 2..
Brooklyn 4, Chicago 2.
Boston 4, St. Louis 3.


Where Biologists Take Summetr Studies
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The above map shows the location of the University Lijological
Station on Douglas lake and is printed here for the benefit of Summer
Session students who wish to visit the camp on Sunday, the annual
Visitor's day. Roads from Pellston, Brutus, Cheboygan, Mullet take,
and Topinabee will be posted with Biological Station signs, and motor-
ists need only follow the arrows.
I- -, Rais 1$10
America is 'Mudding Thro Ih'
With Education, Bachmani Sas

Sees Upheaval
In Educational
Methods Soon
I le( kiisky Claims Movies
W ill Create Revolution
i School Technique
The development of talking pic-
urer and television will create noth-
iL: short of a revolution in the tech-
"i"" 1 teaching in the next two
-, is i the opinion of Prof. How-
a Id . McCl;ky, who spoke yester-
<ua on "A Prophecy of the New
Tc acher."
The modes of teaching and the
a >f the tcher," he declared,
t cerLun to undergo change
1(.widtespread usage of de-
lready in the process of ex-
i i 'on, e. g. visual education, mo-
un pitare films, still picture slides,
:optican materials, photographs
ai t;reO dimensional relief mps.
Radio Used Now
"The development of talking mo-
io pictures will soon reach the
iojnt alrady reached by the silent
pic 1r1. aidio is already extensive-
ly\s d in both elementary and sec-
oniary school. The development of
tclevision is in the offing. Already
television programs are being broad-
case," he said.
Professor McClusky asserted that
it is not too speculative to contem-
plate the probable collection of whole
courses of study, curricula, and li-
braries of visual aid materials, mo-
Ln pi-ture, talking and silent, cov-
:;ng:evry detail and cranny of the
chool pilogram. He said that he
had information to the effect that
powerful financial interests connect-
ed with the motion picture industry
,re already at work on a series of
educational devices, with the col-
laboration of various experts, which
will create nothing short of a revolu-
tion n the technique of teaching.
These developments are certain to
affect the work of the school and the
function of the teacher, he believes.
Opens Creative Field
"Do all of these developments
mean that the ,school will turn out
to 'be an elaborately equipped fac-"
ory with a few master technicians
to turn out the essential and basic
materials, while a few specialized
filing clerks keep it in order between
classes, while the teacher as we now
know him will be quietly shuffled off
the scene?
"The inevitable technical advances
outside of the classroom, when adapt-
ed to the work of the school, and
the new devices recently developed
within the present system will not
supplant the teacher and will not
make his work unnecessary," he

Dr. Frank Bachman, of the Pea-.
body Teachers college, told joint
meeting of the Women's Education
club and Pi Lambda Theta, educa-
tional sorority, that "in America we
are not experimenting with educa-
Baker to Stage
Marionette Play
Wisconsin Man to Offer
Puppet Presentation of
"Tom Sawyer'
Everett B. Baker, University of
Wisconsin student, will present his
marionette show at 11 o'clock today
in the University High School audi-
toribm. The performance is being
sponsored by the Summer Session.
"Tom Sawyer," a five-act play
adapted for puppets, will be shown
this morning.
Baker's marionettes have been held
by Prof. Varnum, in charge of the
applied arts course at the University
of Wisconsin, to equal those of Tony
Sarg. A. H. Edgerton, director. of
vocational guidance at Wisconsin,
said: "Mr. Baker, who possesses an
unusual combination of artistic and
mechanical ability, has developed a
puppet show technique about which
students and adults are decidedly
enthusiastic. Those of us who have
seen one or more of his masterful
achievements believe that his uitir-
ing efforts have caused him to ap-
proach the Tony Sarg standard of
production. Both in the nature of
the plays selected, and in the quality
of the details executed, Mr. Bak.
has attained sufficiently high quality
so that any agency may be assured
of the enthusiastic acclaim of the
Baker, an undergraduate at Wis-
consin, has worked his way through
school in part by means of his pup-

tion. We are muddling through,"
he said.
The fallacy of "a curriculum bui'-
around the interests of the child"
was pointed out by Dr. Bachman
who also stressed the fact that the
child must have certain things im-
pressed upon him for the .sake of
the social or'der such as right of,
property. Homogeneous grouping was
attacked by the educator.
The system of departmentalized
education and the all-year school
were also clasped in the category of
the fads. A survey, he said, wasl
made in Arkansas in which it was
found that children did not learn
any more by the departmentalized
method and the knowledge was not
related to other knowledge.
In conclusion, Dr. Bachman said
that it is not true that American
education is an experiment because
"that involves setting up objectives
4nd checking results, that is, a
scientific procedure."

Nfew Shrine Chief

(Associated Press Photo)
Earl C. Mills (above) of Des Meines,
Iowa, in accordance, with custon was
selected for elevation from deputy
imperial potentate of the Shrine 's to
imperial potentate at the San Fran-
cisco convention.
Am erica Faces,
Busi ness Loss
In* Trade- Pact
PARIS, Aug. 2. --(P)-American
business interests face the loss of
millions of dollars worth of trade
with France as a result of a treaty
just signed by France and Belgium.
The new Franco-Belgian pact,
which was signed Monday and be-
comes effective next Monday, waives
for Belgium the import tax of 4 per
cent on semi-finished goods on cer-
tain classes and the 6 per cent tax
on finished goods. These classifica-
tions include copper, lead, zinc, hides,
skins, office equipment and many
other articles.
Protests were made not only by
Americans, but by German, British,
Japanese, Mexican and Chilean in-
terests, but there seemed to be noth-
ing that could be done, for the treaty
is to last for eight months.
Even French producers,nespecially
of the metals included in the list,
protested against the new arrange-
PHONE 7419





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thatiEXTRAs mething ...



C'.. f t~tf y Mgf
- 1s 'r'r l'' iiss r " U r " ft.
"- _ ;- ...fiS1" rrlri .'(tr'I/"" '"1. ,t "r 1'/

has it!



ZESTFUL and tingling,
jhis fine'old American ginger
ale is a mellower, smoother
blend. Drink it for that EXTRA
something that only Clicquot
has. Blends delightfully be-
cause it is a perfect blend
f. 'flr ti 4

A sudden cold snap might seriously inter-
fere with long distance telephone service were
it not for the studies made by Bell System
They found that temperature variations
within 24 hours may make a ten-thousandfold
difference in the amount of electrical energy
transmitted over a New York-Chicago cable

is normally maintained by repeaters or ampli-
fiers, installed at regular intervals. So the
engineers devised a regulator-operated by
weather conditions-which automatically con-
trols these repeaters, keeping current always
at exactly the right strength for proper voice
This example is typical of the interesting


conversation must not freeze


Ire At


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