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August 03, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-03

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890
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ied every morning except Monday during the
y yea P and Summer Session by the Board in
of Student Publications.

it's the wrong picture. It was filmed in 1910, So
George is fired and the picture is shunted off to
the small towns. However, it creats a sensation,
because a hit overnight, and George is recalled
and given full control. What he does with that
control is something to behold.
In the cast are Herbert Milliken, who. is Her-
man Glogauer, the big producer; William Butler,
as Jerry Hyland; Elizabeth Keller, who plays the
part of May Daniels; Mildred Burleson, the girl
who tries to "crash" the talkies; Frederick Cran-
dall, as the bishop; Harry Allen, the writer who
has been waiting months for assignments, and
many others.
You'll enjoy "Once in a Lifetime." The lines
are funny to the point of being convulsing, but
through it all the authors take many a good slap.
at Hollywood. But the whole thing is good na-
tured fun poked at a community the world ad-
mires and loves. So don't miss an opportunity
that is given only "Once in a Lifetine."
The University summer .band will give its sec-
ond concert Wednesday evening, on the steps in
front of the main library, Nicholas D. Falcone,
director, announces. The concert will open at
7:15 instead of 7:30, the hour of the first enter-
The following program will be conducted by
several members of the band:
1. March, "Them Basses".............. Huffine
Conducted by Harland G. Bond.
2. Overture to Barber of Sevile ......... Rossini
Conducted by Kenneth W. Hunbert.
3. In A Monastery Garden .............Ketelbey
Conducted by Philip W. Polley.
4. Vocal Solo "Without A Song" . .... . Youmans
Charles B. Ruegnitz
5. Concertino for Clarinet.............Weber
Winchester Richard, Soloist
Z. Selection from "The Fortune
Teller" ..... , ............Victor Herbert
Conducted by Frederick W. Ernst.
7. Spanish Serenade . ...............Carlos
Conducted by Paul D. Simpson.
8. Finlandia, Tone Poem.. ..........Sibelius
Conducted by Samuel L. Flueckiger.
9. Yellow and Blue.

changes made in the University's organization
during the past two weeks, there can be little dis-
pute as to the advantages of the most recent
move, the division of the term into semesters.
The division of the school year into four quar-
ters is distracting and unsatisfactory to the con-
scientious student. It is probably even more dis-
tracting to those who are supposed to'benefit
most from it --the intermittent students.
It is possible under almost any system of edu-
cation to obtain a University degree without hav-
ing learned anything in particular. The division
of an education into ten-week courses simplifies
this accompishment. It cannot be denied that
the system enables an inferior type of student,
by a judicious selectin of miniature courses, to
Not every branch of human learning can be
completely comprehended in ten weeks, or even
divided logically into ten-week rations. Under
the quarter system padding or crowding must
always be done for the benefit of the student who
"can't get back next quarter." The semester sys-
tem will end a great deal of this dissecting of
No announcement has yet been made of inten-
tions for the summer school. Five-week courses
are interesting as a device to enable us to glance,
in passing, at a field of knowledge, but they have
no place as complete courses in a true educational
A Washington
By Kirke Si mpson





r of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
the Big Ten News Service.

Lost y


Tire Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Offices: Student Publications Bullding, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street,
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial Director......................Beach Cpnger, Jr.
Cit~y Eii~tr............................ Carl S. Forsythe
Stat eEdi'or ...'........................DavidM. Nichol
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Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger.


110, 0


Politics and War

In South America.. .
rnce more war threatens to break out in South
America. This time, the dispute revolves around
the Chaco territory, long claimed by both Paa-
guay and Bolivia.
With all the international machinery set up for
the peaceful settlement of such arguments, it
seems most unfortunate that these two nations
cannot get together on their overlapping claims.
The dispute has resulted in flare-ups several times
during the past decade, and although the govern-
ment at Washington has sponsored several at-
tempts at arbitration, no results have been forth-
coming as yet.
In South America, however, war is not so na-
tionalistic in its aims as in the rest of the world.
Politicdl stability in the southern half of our
hemisphere is almost non-existent, and revolu-
tions ccur with such frequency that they have
beconie the subject of one-line jokes. The wars
sometimes come about for the same reasons
Lincoln's secretary of state wanted him .to de-
clare war on Russia, France, and several other
: tropean countries in 161-to unite the entire
Btion behind one cause and thus wipe out, for
the time being, the discontent between the two
sections of the country. So in South America,
when the' "in's' see danger approaching in the
form of a revolution by the "out's," the best
thing is to create some danger to the nation as a
whole, some insult to the national honor, and
group all factions under one standard.
- It i impossible to tell who is responsible for the
action which is starting another war in South
America. The League of Nations has beell asked
to intervene, Paraguay alleging that Bolivia has
breached several articles of the League Conven-
tion. The claims of both nations run back to the
Sixteenth century.
To unravel the whole tangle in a short time is
impossible. But the 1' nited States has been trying
to bring about a settlement which will preserve
peace in this part of the world. Perhaps after
several more years of negotiations, our southern
neighbors will see the futility of continual strife,
and listen to reason.
* r
Music and Drama
_i lot of fun.
That is the description that can be given to
"once in a Lifetime," which, beginning tonight,
opens a four-day run at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. The sixth production of the current
dramatic season of the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers, it combines wit and humor, ably given to the
play by authors Moss Hart and George S. Kauf-1
But it is even more than a lot of fun. The cast
is the largest of any play produced so far this
season-there, are 60 on the list-and the direct-1
ing again is in the hands of Valentine Windt.
Then, too, Alexader Wyckoff, assisted by Fredi
Rebman" Russell McCracken and Oren Parker,t
has designed scenery which, it is said, is the most
elaborate of any play given this year. ,
The presentation here of "Once in a Lifetime"
will be the first in this section and certainly one
of" the few times it has been produced in the mid-1
dle west. Its run on Broadway was a highlight fort
several seasons. Since then Kaufman's pen hast
produced "Of Thee I Sing," the latet piece ofi
drama to be awarded the Pulitzer prize.,
"Once in a Lifetime" is THE satire on the1
movies. It combines the latest in Hollywood "inso
and outs'; it exposes the greatest of industries;
and, in addition, the authors take many a goodt
slap at the movie colony. Humorous and the lastv
in funny wisecracking, the play attempts to por-1

Editorial Comment
(Toledo News Bee)
A British journalist, visiting Washington, re-
marked, "I observe that while the senate had
adjourned, Senator Borah remains in session."
The remark aptly pictured an important fact
in American politics. Other senators scatter to
their states, to attend to their re-election if it is
a campaign year or to help colleagues face the
voters; some take thetbetweenmonths fo vaca-
tion; some go junketing abroad. But Borah de-
lays his departure. There is something that has
to be done and after that, something else. Pres-
ently congress convenes again and, like as not,
finds Borah right where it left him.
He has not' been idle. He has been -concerning
himself with one problem or another and offering
his views thereon. He has been holding regular
press 'conferenqes, after the manner of the White
House occupant', save that they have been a. little
oftener and he has spoken a little more freely.
Also, they have been much less formal; the cor-
respondents do not stand in a respectful semi-
circle, but take all the chairs that are available
and feel frees to sit on any desk space not other-
wise used. And they don't hand in written ques-
tions, to be answered or not as the great man may
choose. They say, "Hey, Senator, what do you,
think about this?" Note they don't say, "Hey,
Bill." Most of them have known him many years
and in Washington people use your first name the
second time they meet you; but the correspond-
ents, even with their feet on his table, call Idaho's
lone political ranger, Senator, not Bill. They may
go away muttering to one another, "Oh, Bill isn't
going to do anything about it," but they are likely
to be back next day saying, "Well, Senator, why
don't you issue a statement?"
It's an interesting role that Borah plays. Fre-
quently his power is attributed to his. chairman-
ship of the important committee on foreign rela-
tions. But he swung the same weight before he
took that chair. It is, rather, a personal thing.
And the biggest element in it is uncertainty. The
other party leaders never know what Borah is go-
ing to say or do. Some assert .cynically that he
never does anything-that he just talks; but
these same critics are always anxious to he'ar
what he says when he talks.
So the campaign is upon us, with three out-
standing figures in it. Of course, there will be
Garner and Curtis and even Dolly Gann. But
the three figures that excite public interest are
Hoover, Roosevelt-and Borah. Hoover carrying
on a cautious defense. Roosevelt making a slash-
ing attack. And Borah just happening to be
where the boys can find him in case he has some
views to express on prohibition, power or what-
ever it may be that cries out for enlightenment.
(Indiana Daily Studednt)
Speaking before the National Education asso-
ciation recently at Ayiantic City, Warden Lewis
E. Lawes of Sing Sing prison made the statement
thast education is not doing its share in molding
character. It is his contention that people do not
go to prison because they are educated but be-
cause they are not educated properly. ,
"Our splendid and costly educational pro-
gram," he told the convention, "has done nothing
-and I say nothing to mold the character of our
people." Warden Lawes conceded that education
had reduced illiteracy, but at the same time it
had created a "fertile and evergrowing circula-
tion for tabloids and sensational literature."
Formerly, according to the warden, inmates of
Sing Sing were seldom graduates of the public
schools. Such is not the case today,' he says, and
the average prisoner boasts of a complete ele-
mentary school training. Even high school gradu-
ates are constantly inceasing in the number and
percentage of lav breakers. In 1931 high school
graduates composed 19.5 per cent of the new ad-
missions to Sing Sing, while the ratio rose to
25.2 in the first four months of 1932.
Lawes does not blame the individual teachers
but rather the narrowness of our educational sys-
tem.' The lack of a proper system of vocational
training is to blame, he says. Of all the prisoners
in Sing Sing less than five per cent have had vo-
cational training, and trade schools contribute a
lower percentage of prisoners than do colleges
and universities.
It seems that the erudite warden is expecting
too much from our school systems. To be sure,
we accept the figures on the literate prison popu-
lation, but at the same time are the schools

WASINGTON, Aug. 2.-(U)-The political
world, both domestic and international, has had
many glimpses of Senator William E. Borah in
action. He is a many-sided man.
Yet is was a' somehow different Borah who sent
out over the air Saturday night that demand for
a new deal in world economics that not only stir-
red every European foreign office; but must -have
caused grave ponderings in the election war coun-
cils of President Hoover and Governor Roosevelt.
For the Borah of that address turned on ora-
torical resources not usually associated with him.
He has long been. among the most effective sena-
torial speakers in debate.
Yet therehe has always relied, as in his cam-
paign addresses of the past, upon logical argu-
ment and factual presentation./
The Bystander cannotrecall such a Speech by
the Idaho senator embroidered as was his radio
address with poetical trimmings.
A New 'Borahism'
This new "Borahism" is filled with strong emo-
tional appeal throughout. Take such phrases as
that he used in voicing his contemptuous declara-
tion against "experts" when he said they had been
"detrimental to every conferene they have dom-
"They (the experts) would sterilize the human-
itarian impulses of angels."
Or again, in the same connection, the senator's
declaration that the problems to be solved have
passed beyond "the refined theories of experts"
and "call for the breadth, the vision, the courage
and the humanitarianism of Lausanne."
And these are only samples of an emotional
quality to that speech rare with Borah.
As For The Others
It so happened that Governor Roosevelt about
the time Borah spoke was pondering the interna-
tional economic situation in conference at his
Hyde Park home with Owen D. Young, framer of
the Young plan,
Nothing was told of that conference, yet it is
reasonable to assume that every subject Borah
discussed was touched upon in one way or an-
other as the governor laid the groundwork of a
speech of his own.
President Hoover, presumably, was thinking
much of his own forthcoming acceptance speech
when. the text of the Borah address came under
his eye. To what extent the furore of comment
arotsed by the Borah reference to that tabooed
matter, the war debts, may influence the way in
which Mr. Hoover discusses the, international as-
pects of depression economics it would be hard
to estimate.
Decidedly, however, the Idaho lone wolf, aloof
as yet from both presidential camps, his part in
the coming campaign still undisclosed, has thrown
a challenge to both nominees.
"If leaders fail, the people point the way," he
Capital's 'Bonus Battle'
It would be difficult to forecast, writing as the
ashes of troop-destroyed shacks of the "bonus
army" have scarcely cooled and the reek of tear
gas lingers faintly still, what the political reper-
cussions of "The Battle of Washington" will be.
Not within The jBystander's memory has any
such incident been thrust into a presidential cam-
paign. That it will play sonie part in that cam-
paign could be doubted by no one who heard
or rea'd of the shouted comments from bonus
payment-seekers themselyes or the throng of on-
lookers at the spectacle of that last resource of
governmental authority, its regular soldiery, evict-
ing the bonus squatters.
Well Disciplined Move
,As an army police function it was carried
through in a way that speaks for the discipline
of the regulars and the care taken to obey in-
structions from War Secretary Hurley to use "all
humanity" consistent with carrying out the as-
signed mission. The casualty' list shows little
evidence of more than gas-reddened eyes trace-
able to the military forces.
With upward of 10,000 of the evicted bonus-
seekers trailing away from Washington in all di-
rections, what stories of the brief conflict will be
passed along by word of mouth?
What will be the impression of it all formed in
this wise, or the reaction politically of the folk
who hear and believe these narratives obtained
direct from the routed participants?
Examination of a number of the detailed press
accounts of the struggle indicates that the story
read in their morning papers by millions of Amer-
icans was a remarkable piece of reporting.
Scores of Washington reporters whose usual
grist is the wordy business of politics were in the
midst of it from start to finish-and had gas-
irritated eyes to show for it.
There is no important variation in their stories.
They are as complete and detailed as it is ever
possible for such rapid-fire accounts to be.
Yet that an utterly different tale, faught with
political significances in a presidential campaign

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