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July 31, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-31

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890


-- 1,



blshed evert, morning.except Monday during the
ersity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ro of Student Publications.
mber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
and, the Big Ten News Service,"
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epublcation of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Publications Building, Maynard Street,
;an. Phone:; 2-1214.


Iepresentatives: LittellMurray-Autsky, Inc., 40 East
Thir.ty-fourth Str et, New' York City;' 80 Boylstp0 Street,
Boston, Mass.; 611 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Ofiice Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial Director.....................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor.................. .........Carl S. Forsythe
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Circulation Manager .................Clinton B. Conger
SUNDAY, JULY 34, 1932
Prohib itio-t
The recent mov9 of the prohibition forces to
attenpt to keep the question of repeal of the state
pohibition amendment from: the ballot this next
November is one which merits attention only as
an example of a group trying to withhold from
the citizen his right to vote on vital questions.
The amendment repgal petition, drawn up by
ab Detroit lawyers, contains nothing init con-
trary to the'>Federal Constitution. It is designed,
to test the' strength of prohibition in, the state of
MIchigan, and as such, regardless of the question
of whether or not we should: l eep prohibition, is.
no ,sore unconstitutional. than. petitions by which
prohibition measures have been \placed on the

laws of religious conformity, the necessary belief
in the ability of an economic structure to readjust
itself to all expected and unexpected, phenomena?
Such imply definite attitudes--assuming a belief
in education as salvation. In other words, would
it not be wiser that a college should teach so-
that it should be "practical" in a wide sense of
the word, (For one cannot do Mr. Akers the in-
justice 'of assuming that he believes there should
be a correlation between the liberal arts and con-
temporary conditions analagous to the correla-
tion between the problem of a profession and a
knowledge of show-window display.) lir. Akers
undoubtedly means that instruction shbuld give
practical aid towards the guidance of one's life
amidst the problems of life. He means also that
such education should change according to the
demands of exterior conditions. The first objec-
tive might certainly be the locus of instruction;
it is to be doubted if the secondicould be accom-
To sum up: a shaping process should be given
to the scholar's mind, the motive force of which
would be the energy derived from the teacl'er's
impact with conditions not fully compatible with
seclusion and stringent self-development. But
there are two ways in which this can be done,
as I have already intimated. There can be a stock
program of preceptual influence; there could be
an altogether different program of teaching act-
ed upon by contemporary conditions. The latter
is impossible. There could be no forthrightness,
no directness, no concreteness about any program
acted upon by the multiplicity of modern civili-
zation. The former undoubtedly would prove of
great value to the undergraduate student: he
would know what information to apply to what
incident or accident. There would be some dang-
er, of course, that his desire for constructing his
life in clarity would conflict with the turmoil and
fury of a world indisposed to deal amicably with
self-equanimity. "The world is too much with
us," might be his and his fellows' plaint when
they tried to apply Professor Eliot's true-and-firm
way of dealing with an economic equation. But
the remedial value of such a program of knowl-
edge could not wholly be impugned by a few such
difficulties. It would be a godsend to us bewilder-
ed students. We ,would know what education was
for. We"-could apply our education in a "practi-
cal" way.
I hope I have kept myself strictly to the field
of argpment arranged by MA Akers. I do admit
his suggestions are rather vague. I have merely
tried1 to, work-out iore clearly his points about
the connection of "life" and "education."
I know that there are still incorrigibles who
would fly intoa mighty unrest at the above sug-
gestions and analyses: who would say that edu-
cation has nothing to do with European war
debts, the grain market, sanitation in Sotth
Aearica, starving people in SantFrancisco; 2who
would say that the above discussion is but va-
pouring because education is a matter of the in-
dividual and not of the institution; that some-
thing is done to the mipd of the student rather
than merely put into the mind of the student;
that education creates a weapon and not- vic-
tory in questions of ethics and morality; that the
teacher need not make connection between what
he 'is teaching and w at is going on in the world,
because in most instances the only connection
that can be. made is one based on the fact that
the teacher is a human being as well 'as the starv-
ing Armenian; that in cases where a correlation
can be made it is made and must be made, and
that the courses involved partake more of the na-
ture of information than of education; that a
student who is worth' his salt is better prepared
with his cultural background (which adum-
brates a trained mind) to deal with world events
than the student who itches for .a lecture on
Communism in a Shakespeare class. But these
are incorrigibles.
J. W. McC.
Editorial Comment
(Daily Illini)

exclusion of cattle from other markets they were
running squarely up against a practical difficulty.
Ever since the World War Great Britain has
been assiduously cultivating Argentine trade, do-
ing so as a hot rival of the United States. And
one of the things that has enabled it to achieve
a considerable measure of success in its effort
has been the fact that it is a big purchaser of
Argentine beef.
Suppose Great Britain should now transfer a
materiql part of its meat import trade to Canada,
what would happen to its general business in Ar-
gentina? Probably a lot of it would come'to the
United States, which would be waiting with open
hands to receive it, and quite properly.
We advance this situation as a single indica-
tion of the sort of study, adjustmient and com-
promise that may be made in a large number of
instances before the Ottawa Conference can close
with a record of success, and also as an indica-
tion that in the end the British Commonwealth
may decide that a determination to live within
itself is not quite as practical as it seemed to be
during the early days of planning for the gather-
(Oregon State Barometer)
When the reader hastily scans the newspaper
noting first one item of interest theni another, he
seldom pauses to consider the time, expense and
thousands of hands merged in the writing and
publishing of one small news story. The recent
kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby illustrates vivid-
ly the specific the multiplicity of. activities
engaged in by the newspapers in meeting the un-
quenchable news thirst of the public.
To keep the world informed of the kidnapifig
metropolitan newspapers and pres ' associations
have sent more than 200 representatives to cover
the crime. Not only are. these men sent to report
daily new developments, but several large news-
paper syndicates have offered special investiga-
tors to assist in the capture of the kidnapers. For
this service to the police and'-the publ they re-
ceive no. monetary compensation.
Special wireless communications have been set
up in Hopewell, N. J., where live Cblone' and Mrs.
Lindbergh. The expenses of installing this' bit of
increased news-serving efficiency amounts to, sev-
eral thousands of dollars a day.
Although the newspaper is subject occasionally
to strong condemnation, it contributes neverthe-
less an indispensable service to the reading public
and the waiting world.
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 30.-A -It will be four
years, to the day, from his first nmination/ac-
ceptance speech when President Hoover again
makes his confession of political faith.
That first scene at' Palo Alto, with 75,000 peo-
ple gathered to hear him in Stanford stadium,
must still be registered indelibly on the tablets
of his memory.
That was on August 11, 1928. When Mr. Hoover
steps forward on the night of August 11 to ac-
knowledge the great honor done him by his party,
it will be in utterly different surroundings-Con-
stitution Hall, a large auditorium near the White
It took Mr. Hoover some six or eight columns
of close newspaper print in 1928 to draw the pic-
ture of what he planned to do if elected.
A Matter of Space
This year, with a four-year accounting to make
covering the most momentous peace-time emer-
gencies the nation has ever faced, it would not
be strange if he found even that space too limit-
Yet already there is evidence that again, as in
1928, one p'aragraph 6f all Mr. Hoover has to say
will focus national attention. That will be the
statement of his attitude on the prohibition plank
of his party.
Going back now over that Hoover 1928 accept-
ance, one finds ample evidence of the painstak-
ing cre the candidate lavished on every word
he u ed. Yet out of it all what has lived to be
quoted and requoted was this one paragraph:
"Our country has deliberately undertaken a great
and far-reaching in purpose. It must be worked
out constructively."
Two Important Matters
Two inportant political matterssynchronized
in such fashion in late July' that it was impos-
sible not to conclude that campaign strategists
for both presidential 'nominees were focussing at-
tentiorr on Ohio mighty early in the campaign.
President Hoover named ex-Senator Atlee
Pomerene, Ohio Democrat, chairman of the Re-

construction Finance corporation, vice General
Dawes, resigned.
A virtual decision wxs reached by Governor
Roosevelt's advisers on Ohio as the place for the
governor's first major campaign speech, to come
soon after President Hoover's acceptance speech
--and in answer to it, no doubt-in Washington,
August 11.
Likely Battle Ground
That is by io means all the political signifi-
cance promptly attached to the surprise selection
of Pomerene for the R. F. C. job. It serves to
draw sharp attention to the fact, however, that
Ohio is apt to. be a very special battle ground
this year.
Why not? Be is recalled that the victory. of
Senator Bulkley, "wet" Ohio Democrat, in the
home state of the main drive for constitutional
prohibition had a lot to do wkith starting the wave
of Democratic prognostications for a 1932 presi-
dential victory,
It also had a vital place in the happenings
that made possible the blunt repeal plank adopted
by the Democrats at Chicago.
More than that, the reference books will tell
you that Ohio's electoral vote has mothered i lot
morQ, Presidents than merely those numerous
Ohio-born or reared White House incumbents.
The last two Democratic presidential victories,
those of Wilson in 1912 and 1916, saw Ohio in the
Democratic column.
True, Cleveland'lid not carry the state either
time he was elected, but he did carry New York,'
vhich offset Ohio's importance as a presidentiak
election pivot.
Brand New Idea
The Pomerene appointment, aside from its spe-
cial Ohio slant, is an interesting thing. Even as-
suming, as many observers did, that President
Hoover hoped to put a Democrat on the job
Dawes started and thus still some. erhaps. of the


















s i


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statute books.
Should the proposed repeal measure pass th
state by the necessary vote, Michigan will be ir
the same position as several other states now are
There will be no state enforcement of prohibi-
tion, but federal officers will have complete charge
were the legislature to pass an act under the
amendment granting licenses for the manufac-
ture or sale of intoxicating liquors, such a meas-
ure would be, of course, unconstitutional. But
since the proposed amendment, merely gives the
state the power to create a control commission
should the 18th amendment l e repealed, there
certainly is nothing in the proposal. contrary to
the Constitution.
An advocate of prohibition who spoke in Ann
Arbor several years stated that prohibition could
be enforced much more efficiently were there only
one agency in charge.' The question is, of course,
debatable. ,Yet in this particular instance, the
charge that the petitions are unconstitutional ap-
pears to be nothing more than a subterfuge of
certain. prohibition forces to keep the question
from coming "to a vote before the people of the
state, a right all the citizens may have upon taj,-
ing. proper steps as tle Crusaders andd Women's
Organization for Prohibition Reform have done.
To, attempt such. a method as enjoining the sec-
retary of state from placing the question on the
ballot next November is sheer politics to confuse
the voter, Regardless of whether or not the state
prohibition amendment is repealed, the citizen


It 'ill skillvewothOne lrn1idredI
ce-1tts ".. true enough... * but he chanIces
i~e thatit won't buy asS rurch in mer-
chiandise in.t'6 antar fuure as it will
ri - inow . . . today. Some time soon
pr ices are going start climbing and
when that time comes we ar~e going to
Wish that we had laid in a good stock
of nearly evervthinr at thelow prices


has a right to vote on the question, a right which
the "board of strategy" of the, prohibition groups
is trying to withhold from him, and which action
therefore appears to be as unconstitutional as the
bpoard claims the other measure is. If these
groups believe Michigan still approves of prohi-
bition they could accomplish more by campaign-
ing openly against the proposal and defeat it in
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous commications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential 'upon request.
Contributors are ask~ed to be brief; conining them-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.

We make a motion, whether it is in order or
noti that Pelham D. Glassford, superintendent
Sof District of Columbia police, be given a medal
of one kind or another in recognition of his serv-
ices in handling the bonus-seeking veterans. Al-
though it is now clear that the lobbyist movement
is not supported by the majority of ex-service
men and steady moves are being made to clear
the capitol of the ragged army, Glassford is due
a great deal of credit.
He probably would not appreciate anyone ever
tendering the thought of such. recognition, but
here it is. He is sincere in his efforts to handle
the bonus-army to the best advantage of all. He
seems to be between his duty and his love of fel-
lowmenwho were in the great- war with him. This
puts him in a precariously difficult position, es-
pecially when both sides are being so quick to
push their advantages. This man, from his own
pocket, has paid for and donated a great deal of
food and supplies for the army. They should, if
for no other reason, recognize his position on
account of his lenient treatment.
Any other'man could and probably would have.
dispersed the entire bonus-army when it first
came to the capitol, and run the organization out
of town for disturbing, the peace. Any officer act-
.ing in such a way would have been entirely with-
in his legal rights as the boius-army has definite-
ly constituted a menace to the peace in Washing-
ton. Within sight of the capitol and upon the
grounds of the capitol this great multitude has
gathered, a source of constant worry to Glassford
and his men, y'et this magnanimous officer has
handled the whole situation as though he were
taking care of a bunch of spoiled infants.
Coercion has no place in the American system
of government. Although it has come to be the
almost universal idea that American government
is run by coercion of one kind or another, the
facts fail to bear this out in the national govern-
ment.\ The national government is probably the
most .efficient and free from graft of any gov-
ernment in the country. Pressure groups are now
recognized as essential parts of our government,'
but the bonus-army has gone too far and should
retreat gracefully now that it is plain that the
majority of ex-service men are not behind the

whtichprevail now.


. j






To The Editor: I
Mr. Akrs has come out indomitably with an
indictment against modern education secretly
cherished, I dare say,' by not a few connected
With university life. The world now is in the
throes of many crises-economic, political, relig-
ious. What are the satellites of our colleges doing
to amend conditions? Surely there must be a
better way of applying the words progress and
ameliogation to contemporary existende than the
way of the anchorite.
The fault, Mr. Akers apparently believes, is that
there is no direct connection between what we



, ,

(Detroit Free Press)
In making a forecast of what probably would
occur at the Imperial Economic Conference in
Ottawa a person who wrote with some authority
remarkid that there might be times when it
would look as though the gathering would end in

1 i1


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