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July 31, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-31

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-< .

The Weather,
Generally fair, slightly war-
Offer. Monday partly, cloudy,
possibly showers.

Official Publication of The Summer Session

Prohibition Constitutionalism.



39 Countries
Prepared Fork
Games Today
2,000 Athletes to Start
Two Weeks of Action in
Sixteen poIrts l '
Officials Expect
Many New Records
Six Events Will Be Run
Of1001 Today; America Is
LOS ANGELES, July 30.-(P)-The
tumult and shouting, the oratory
and Paavo Nurmi, Finland's banish-
ed "martyr," will blend into the
background' of a record-smashing
battle for Olympic athletic honors
tomorrow. y
Gathered from the far corners of
the globe, the speed and brawn,
skill and endurance of close to 2,000
y athletes representing 39 nations will
compete in a kaleidoscsopic whirl of
sporting activity unprecedented in
°Olympic history%
Records i Danger
In their wake, over a stretch of
two unbroken weeks of action in 16
sports, it is confidently expected
that Father Time and Old Man Dis-
tance will be left dizzily contem-
plating a veritable wreckage of re-
The main attack on existing stand-
ards will b launched Sunday- after-
noon in track and field sports, long
the blue-ribbon feature of the Qlym-
Six of the grand total of 23 track
and field contests will furnish the
chief attraction for perhaps 100,000
onlookers in the huge Olympic Stad-
ium. Finals will take place i the
high jump, shot put and 1000-
meter- rdn, ,in addition to triam in
the 100-meter dash, 400-meter hur-
dles and 800-meter run.
The shotput world record should
be blasted loose by either of the out-
standing favorites, Leo Sexton, of
the United States, or Frantisek Dou-
da, of Czechoslovakia.
- Sprint to Show Chances
The two series of 100-meter elimi-
nations should indicate clearly just
how high America's hopes may be
raised in the attempt of Ralph Met
calfe, George Simpson and Edie
Tolan to restore sprinting pres ige
lost by this Country in the last two
The high jump should be a sweep
for the United States, with' either
Rob van Osdel or George Spitz the
victor, and the rugged young sons
of Findland, Iso-Hollo and Virtanen,
figure to lead the 10,000-meter pack
in the absence of their renowned
compatriot, Nurmi, barred fromthe
Games on charges of professionalism
two days ago-.
In both the hurdles and 800 .e-
ters, the American entries figure to
make a good showing, but they will
be up against the keenest sort of
competition to survive the prelim-
inaries. Uncle Sam's main hopes
may rest on the veteran Morgan
Taylor, holder of the 400-meter hur-
dles record, and Eddie Genung, the
slim National half--mie champion.
In fact the whole track and field
prospect, for eight consecutive days,
presents the most rugged sort of a
tussle for the Americans in their
fight to keep the team championship
they have held ever since the Olym-
pics were revived in 1896.
Von Gronau orced
To Land on Lake by

Broken Water Pipe
DETROIT, July 30.-Capt. Wolf-
gang von Gronau, the German flyer
who has three times crossed the At-
lantic by the northern route, arrived
in Detroit at the end of a tow rope
Saturday afternoon. He had been
forced down in Lake St. Clair.
A broken water pipe Was responsi-
ble for the forced landing of his big
flying boat, the Groenland-Wal-a
descent that was fortunately made
on water, 'the plane not being
equipped to alight on land.
Von Gronau and his three com-
panions, Lieut. Gheft von Roth, co-
pilot; Fritz Albrecht, radio operator
and Frank Hack, mechanic, will re-
main in Detroit for, at least a day
possibly longer. They had intended
to stop only an hour ou their flight
from Ottawa to Detroit.
, As soon as the big ship had been

First Olympic Races to be Held in This Stadium Today

Prison Tour
Is Scheduled
,For Saturday
Final Summer Excursion
To Visit State Prison at
Students To See
Both Buildings'

More than 500
Employed in
Make Fabrics


1w .. . . ... - . . _ . . . _ . . -
Here is a view from the air of the Olympic stadium in Los Angeles where the majority of the interna-
tional games will be held. The center stadium will seat 105,000 persons. In the left foreground is the

swimming stadium which will seat 20,000 persons.

(Associated Press Photo)

Socialists Plan
Symposium on
Fall Platforms
Speakers Will Represent;
Four Political Factions; I
Calderwood Is Chairman
A symposium of the party plat-1
'orms for the coming elections will
be given at 8 o'clock Wednesday eve-+
ning in the Natural Science audito-
rium. The meeting is spoisored by1
the Student Socialist club.
Speakers representing four parties+
will be permitted twenty minutes1
each to present the position or plat-
form of, their parties on the issues+
of the day. Prof. H. B. Calderwood,+
of the political science department,'
will act as chairman of the meeting.
James H. Baker, delegate to the]
bemocratic convention from Michi-
gan, will speak for his party. The
Communist group will be represented
by B. Reynolds, candidate for the
governorship of Michigan on that
ticket. Niel'Staebler, prominent Ann
Arbor business man and Socialist,
will speak on the Socialist platform
posiiton. The Republican speaker
will be Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk.
Roosevelt Opens
Drive With Plea
For Legal Beer
ALBANY, N. Y., July 30-()-
Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt launched
his drive for the presidency tonight
with a contention that the main is-
sue of the campaign is economic re-
lief and a declaration that he will
call on the next Congress, if he is
elected, to legalize the sale of beer.
The Democratic nominee, making
his first speech since the acceptance
address at Chicago on July 2, said:
"It is not enough to day that when
prosperity is restored we shall then
consider how to avoid repeating all
the old errors. Today we recognize
these errors. Today they should be
outlawed for all time to come."
The foreign debt situation, Mr.
R o o s e v e 1 t declared, "has been
brought, measurably near a solution
by the recent results at Lausanne."
Mr. Roosevelt made no reference
to linking the foreign debt situation
with a reduction of disrmament
which has been advocated by Presi-
dent Hoover and Senator Borah, Re-
publican chairman of the Senate
foreign relations committee.
Speaking over the radio and seat-
ed at the desk in his study, the Dem-
ocratic nominee quoted freely from
the party platform which he called
'"forthright and genuine-honest to
the core."
"Even the partisan press has found
it hard to criticize the Democratic
platform this year," he said.
Wolverine Star Signs
On Pro Football Team
BAY CITY, July 30.-The most
. valuable football player Coach Harry
Kipke had at Michigan last fall, bur-
ly Bill Hewitt, has turned profes-
t sional. Hewitt announced here to-
day that he had come to terms witl
i the Portsmouth (O.) Spartans, of th

Eddie Tolan Will Race
In First 100-Meter Heat
LOS ANGELES, Calif., July 30.-
(Special)-Michigan's midnight ex-
press, Eddie Tolan, Negro sprint
star, will have his chance to prove
his ability here Sunday afternoon in
the preliminary heat of the 100-
meter dash in the Olympics.
Teamed with Tolan in the first
heat are Almedia of Brazil, Ortiz of
Mexico, Reid of Great Britain,
'haciu H is-Titi d4iR .ii5LL of'

Sixth Summer"'
Production Is



)nee in a Lif'etime' t6
Open a Four-Day Run
Next Wednesday Night


ThneardoI ram ana roa rguez ot
Portugal. George Simpson, Ohio. Do you want to know how a shop-
State's hope, is in the second heat girl became the highest paid actress
of the 100-meter dash. Two men in Hollywood? Do you want to hear
will be picked from each of the seven of the floorwalker who directed the
preliminary heats, thus making nec- season's most successful talkie? Did
essary two semi-finals which Wyill you ever stop to, think how they "get;
qualify seven men for the finals to that way?"
be run off Monday. If you're talkie-mnided you must.
Engl of Czechoslo'vakia, Liu of have been, at some time or other,
China, Page of Great Britain, Sutton curious about such incidents.
of India, and Torriente of Cuba are Movie magazines and newspapers'
in the second heat with Simpson. contain sonie information of the'
Metcalf of Marquette is in the 'fifth "why" of sudden fame. But it's
heat with Pearson of Canada, Rem- meagre, and doesn't answer your
irez of Mexico, Sasaki of Japan and question.
Angelos of Greece. "Once in a Lifetime" will, however.
It is the sixth production of the
Michigan Repertory Players' dra-
Circus Com es matic season, which opens a four-
lay run next Wednesday nght at
* nathe LydiayMendelssohn theatre.
Y; The play, written by Moss Hart
and George S. Kaufman, the latter
Runs One the author of "Of Thee I Sing," re-
cently awarded the Pulitzer Prizer
in drama, is considered one of the
Big Tent Will Be Raised best plays produced on Broadway in
On Packard Street Lot; recent years.
Authors Kaufman and Moss know
Two Performanees their Hollywood and they set about.
to let you in on the information. The
They'll be steaming into the city shopgirl who became a star didn't
with the dawn-the long trains of work for it-it just happened. The
the Great Hagenbeck - W a 11 a c e floorwalker who directed the best
Trained Wild Animal circus, with 'talkie of the ye r did it quite by ac-
jurxgle beasts, clowns, bespangled cident, but the world doesn't know
folk and all the picturesque vheicles that-they think it was accomplished
of the big top aboard. by hard labor and much thought.
The huge show should be on the Suppose we tell you that the sound
lot at Packard street early Tuesday effect of thunder that you heard in
morning, and there will be much to a recent picture was not thunder at
see-gangs of canvasmen raising all, but the sound of the director
acres of tents; elephants and camels cracking nuts during the filming of
browsing about their tethers, in the the picture. That's the truth. They.
midst of hundreds of blooded steeds, fired the director, but a couple of
scores of wild animal dens and cages. weeks later they hired him back at
cages. an enormous increase in salary when
Close by, gangs of stake drivers they discovered that the sound
and groups of canvasmen will be busy passed for thunder.
erecting a low, oblong tent. This "Vision" they called it. "Nuts" he
will be the dining tent, and the first called them, but he took the raise
of the tops to go up, for the hun- in pay. And so, if you would learn
dreds of people with the big show of Hollywood, its illusions and dis-
must have breakfast. illusions, you can in "Once in a
Sightseers will also view the groom- Lifetime," the hilarious farce of the
ing and the bathing of the stock moving picture industry.

' A close-up ,on prisoners and prison
life will be afforded Summer Session
students next Saturday when the
final. University tour for the term
is conducted to the Michigan State
Prison at Jackson.
After -the party arrives at the
prison, officers will conduct the stu-
dents through the iron-barred trlple-
gate entrance and around a five-
deck cell block. The second build-
ing to be visited, the textile plant
lies across the prison yard, beyond
the athletic field.
500 Are Employed
More than 500 inmates are em-
ployed in the plant. Here the raw
cotton is variously processed to make
thread for fabrics, such as overall
material, sheeting, blankets and
shirting. Returning across the yard,
the party will inspect the auditorium
and motion picture theatre, the cafe-
teria dining hall, the kitchens and
bakery, and the Service building. In
this last building are housed the po,
bed hospital, the school, and the
prison offices.
During the hour and a half at the
prison there will be opportunity to
ask questions of Capt. S. Hatch,
the prison official in charge. At the
prison office a pamphlet may be se-
cured at a nominal price containing
the history of the prison and rele-
vant statistics concerning the char-
acter of the crimes committed, the
race and nativity of the prisoners,
the trades and occupations repre-
sented by the prison population, the
amount of ediucation possessed by
the inmates, and similar data.
Fare Is $1.00
Reservations for the trip must be
made before Friday in room 9, Uni-
versity Hall. The party leaves at
7:45 o'clock from in front of Angell
Hall, returning to Ann Arbor shortly
after 12 o'clock noon. The bus fare
will be $1.
Citizens Fear
Vets' Invasion
Of Johnstown

Finial Tea Dance
Wednesday; Card
Party on Tuesday
Winding up the Summer Session
tea dances, the League will honor the
Southern club from 4 to 5:30 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon.
"We expect it to be a big party,"
Miss Katherine Noble said, "as a
large percentage of the southerners
will come' in addition to the regu-
lar Wednesday afternoon tea, danc-
Mrs. T. K. Tandy is general chair-
man of the party. Mrs. Tandy has
spent the last two summers at the
University and is very active in the
Southern club.
"We hope a large crowd will come,"
Miss Noble said, "so that there will
be no doubt in anyone's mind that
the tea dances have been a huge suc-
cess. The attendance at these par-
ties has been excellent and we would
like to climax the summer program,
as far as tea dances are concerned,
with one big party."
As a finishing touch to the con-
tract bridge lessons sponsored by the
League, a card party will be held
at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday night in the
Grand Rapids room of the League.
There will be a first, second and boo-
by prize.
Everyone will change after four
hands and there 'will be three
changesduring the evening. Only
members of the bridge class are in-
vited to attend the party.
Turmoil Rules
Over Germany
On Elections
Republic's Fate at Stake
As Cry for Monarchy Is
Raised by Hugenberg
BERLIN, July 30.- (P) -With
bloodshed, and blistering oratory,
Germany today closed the campaign
for tomorrow's momentous electiqns,
which will result in an entirely new
Reichstag and may decide whether
the Nation will choose the paths of
dictatorship or monarchy or remain
in the way of Republicanism.
Durinig the, closing hours of the
campaign, five, persons were killed
in political brawls in the Provinces.
Here in Berlin, 250 persons were ar-
rested for taking part in street fights.
The army stood ready to act in
case of major disorders tomorrow
and the entire Berlin police force
of 20,000 was under mobilization or-
Broadcasting facilities were turn-
ed over tonight to. Kail Severing,
who was ousted as Prussian Minis-
ter of Interior when the Federal
Government established a dictator-
ship ove the Reich's most import-
ant State. His speech was a fervent
appeal for democracy. It came at
the conclusion of a bitterly contested
campaign in which Adolf Hitler,
chieftain of the Fascist National So-
cial Party, has declared exactly as
emphatically that democracy must
end with tomorrow's voting, and Dr.
Alfred Hugenberg, leader of the Na-
tiopalist Party, has asserted with
equal vehemence that Germany's
salvation lies in restoring the mon-
"Democracy is the, safest and
most worthy form of government
for a grownup people. We, Social
Democrats, naturally are not satis-
fied' with everything that has hap-
pened in our 'young democracy, bu
that is no reason for abandoning it.'
The fact that the entire world is
interested in the election was driven
home to Germans by an announce-
ment that the United §tates, Grea
Britain, France, Italy,. Russia,' Nor.
way, Sweden and Denmark hav
t applied for special arrangements un

gder which the results will be broad;
r cast tomorrow night.
t Miss Wortley to Give
e Organ Recital Monday
s Summer Session students are in
vited to attend the graduation reci
' tal of Miss Elinor Wortley, advance(
d organ student under Prof. $alme
t Christian, which will be given at 4:1
n o'clock tomorraw in Hill auditorium
n The program which she will pla
le n this occasion includes two out
y statiding pieces of. organ literature
d the Bach, Passacaglia, and Fugu
o and Franck, B. Minor Chorale.
The regular faculty concert b
e Joseph Brinkman, pianist, and Pal
o mer Christian, organist, will.be give
t- at 8:15 o'clock Tuesday night. Th
)r program will consist of America

TWo Ministers
Will Continue
Series Today
'Doing vs. Waiting' Will
Be ,Anderson's Subject;
Fisher Will Speak
'Wings of Morning'
To Be Heaps' Topic
National' Recreation Asso.
ciation Representative at
Wesley Hall
Two series of sermons by Ann Ar-
bor ministers will becontinued today
at the church services.
At the Presbyterian church, this
morning the Rev, Merle H. Anderson
is to preach on "Doing vs. Waiting."
This is the fifth sermon of a series
on "The Best Short Story in the
Worl." At 6 o'clock 'tonight, there
is to be a young people'\ meeting at
the church house on Washtenaw
Fisher Continues Series'
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, of the
Methodist church^, will continue his
group of sermons on "Living in the
Twentieth Century," with "Tolerance
in Religion." Next Sunday his topic
will be "Standards of Behavior" and
on August 14, he will speak on
"Finding Personal Vi u dtoy.."
At the Wesley foundation, W .
Robinson, district representative of
the National Recreation. association,
is to speak at 6:30 o'clock tonight on
"Recreation and Religion." Robin-
son's district includes the states of
'Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, and
Pennsylvania. He has also been
connected with m a n y park-plan
"The Wings of the Morning," is
to be the subject of the sermon by
the Rev. All'son Ray Heaps,-of the
First Cong gational, church, this
morning. J. hristian Pfohl is to be
the organist and Gwendolyn Zoller
-will be the soloist for the servie.
This is to be the last service held in
the church during the summer.
Special German Service }
At the Bethlehem Evangelical
church this morning, the Rev. Theo-
dore R. Schmale will speak on Chris-
tian Stewardship." At 11 o'clock
there will be a special service in Ger-
man, also. The Rev. R. Edward Say-
les, 6f the First Baptist church, will
speak ..this morning on "The Non-
Conformitive Jesus."
Four Lectures
Will Be Given
'Here This Week
Shepard, Barker, Priee,
Hussey Will Appear on
Program of Spe eches
- Prof. John F. Shepard, of the psy-
chology department, will open the 5
o'clock lecture program for the week
MNonday in Natural Science audito-
rium when he -peaks on "The Minds
bf Rat and Men."
"Ways to Health" will be the topic
of the Tuesday lecture by Prof. Paul
t S, Barker, of the medical school, and
Wednesday Prof. Hereward T. Price,
visiting professor, Who is a member
of the Summer Session faculty, will
talk on "What the German Republic'
t Stands For."
Prof essorPrice is an outstanding
e authority in his field, and-bis lecture
- is especially timely due to the pres-

- ent ,German elections.. '
The Thursday lectufe will be given
by Prof. Russell C. Hussey, of the
geology department, on the topic,
"A Geologist in the Southwest."
- Circus Day to he
d- Held at Fresh Air
5 Camp on Thursday
y Circus day will be held at the Uni-
tversity Fresh Air camp Thursday
e afternoon when the boys and their
directors stage the annual affair.
Twelve acts and 16 sideshows will
Sfeature the performance.
Elaborate plans are being made for
n visitors who have been invited to
e visit thewPatterson lake camp be-
tween the dates Sunday, July 31, and
Friday, August 5. No admission is

Mayor and Chamber
Commerce Qdarrel
]bonus Marchers


and menagerie beasts with interest.
Cleanliness means much, and in some
even life, to the dumb inhabitants
of spangleland. Performances will
begin , at 2 and 8 o'clock Tuesday.
F. P'.' Bachman to Talk
About State Education1
Frank P. Bachman, director of
surveys of the George Peabody Col-
lege for Teachers, will speak at 2
o'clock tomorrow in the University
High School auditorium on "Profes-
sionalizati n of State Departments
of Educaton. "
At 4 o'clock the Men's "Education
club will hold its picnic and the
finals of the baseball series at Pleas-
ant Lake. A joint meeting of Pi
Lambda Theta and the Women's Ed-

Intramural Pool Open
To Ann Arbor Children
Ann Arbor children will be per-
mitted to swim in the Intramural
pool next week, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by L. H.
Hollway, director of the city play-
grounds. The invitation was extend-
ed by Fielding H. Yost, director of
athletics, and Prof. Elmer D. Mitch-
ell, director of intramural sports.
Park directors will be present at
the pool during the special periods
which have been reserved. Boys must
take their own towels, and are ad-
vised 'not 'to take valuables as there
will not be lockers for each one.
Dr. Hinsdale, Museum
Director, Ill at Home

JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 30.-(I)-
From the east and the west bedrag-
gled and hungry "bonus marchers,"
many of them in a surly mo.od,
straggled into Johnstowi today as a"
feaful citizenry waited apprehensive-
ly for the-coming of night.
Forced from Washington, hundreds
of unshaven and sulky men streamed
over the mountains into the city of
From the west, coming to back-up
their buddies, contingents arrived
from Detroit and Chicago. Fiel.
headquarters of the bonus expedi-
tionary forces, established in John-
stown yesterday after the route at
the Capital, received advices saying
other western groups are on their
A thousand ex-soldiers lolled abou
in ideal parks, waiting for whatever
might be in store for then'r while
their leaders pondered the problem o
obtaining adequate foodi and billet
in the office of Eddie McCloskey,
fiery mayor of Johnstown.
The chamber of commerce wired
Major Lynn Adams, superintenden
of state, police, saying the situatio
is serious and asking for state aid ir
getting the every-iricreasing hord
out of the city. When McClusk
heard of this action, he telegraphe
Major Adams and advised him t
ignore the chamber'srequest.
At a meeting of city council, h
rode rough-shod over an effort t
force the men out of town and thun
dered: "I shall be responsible fo
anything that happens here.
OC.afn ' ha_'hnnh r +r11.nri hoc rim

ucation club will be held at
o'clock at the Women's League.


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