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June 29, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-06-29

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The Michigan Daily to have conspired to regain his throne several legians is sadly lacking in all that would be ex-
etimes since 1919.pected of a University man, an intelligent, well-
Established 1890 educated, cultured individual. Whatever knowl-
Chancellor Von Papen is having his difficulties edge of a worthwhile nature that he may have
Published every morning except Monday during the abroad at the Lausanne conference and at home inadvertently assimilated, the student tries most
ilversity year and SummerPulctos Session by the Board in
utrol of Studen Publications, with the many dissatisfied factions. To keep both earnestly to conceal under this guise in order to
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- elements satisfied will be necessary to keep in escape the stigma of being designated as "high-
n -and the Big Ten News Service, office. Bruenig and Streseman seem to have been hat" or "intellectual snob" by those who them-
MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS able to accomplish the impossible for a while. selves adhere regously to the college standard
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for topics of conversation.
r republication of all news dispatches credited to it or But regardless of the rise and fall of cabinets, And if the subject matter of the conversation
t otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
blished herein. All rights of republication ofaspecial the republic appears to have come to stay in of students is to be taken as a criterion, it would
spatches are reserved. Germany.indicate that the ideal of a university as a place
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as where students obtain a grounding in the best
cond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by thought of the day, learn how to use their facul-
fird Assistant Postmaster General. t~uh ftedy er o oueterfcl
Screen As s nties, and as a place where they receive mental
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, training has never reached realization.
.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
al, $4.50. Yet at the other extreme are those who indulge
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, in talk that is smart and burnished and sounds
nn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. At The Michigan like a meeting of a literary club. Discussion of
Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Today-"Merrily We Go To Hell," with modish books, plays, and ideas is brought up
hirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, with astounding solemnity which robs the con-
oston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Il. Frederic March and Sylvia Sidney. versation of all naturalness and case. As grimly
EDITORIAL STAFF At The Majestic serious about the topics they take up as the aver-
Office Hourst: 2-12 P.M. Today, tomorrow, and Friday--"Street of age student with his flippant and uninteresting
ity Editor.. ...................Carl S. Forsythe Women," with Kay Francis and Alan Dine- conversation, they do not derive the proper satis-
ate Editor.. .........................David M. Nichol hart. faction and pleasure from this weighty talk if
ews Editor. .....................Denton Kunze At The Wuerth one is to judge from the schematic manner in
segraph Editor..................Thomas Connellan Today-"Sky Devils," with Spencer Tracy which they tackle their subjects.
ssistant Cityditor...........Guy M. Whipple, Jr. and Ann Dvorak. To steer a mid-way course between the foolish
BUSINESS STAFF and funeral types of conversation is what stu-
siss Maager..s: 9-12; 2-5 except Satuas T.- Kle COMING TO THE MAJESTIC dents who are University students in every sense
ssistant Business Manager........Norris P. Johnson " of the word should drive at. Good conversation
_ "STREET OF WOMEN" is certainly one of the most delightful forms of
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1932 leisure.
SHE KISSES with the shades up- so say ad- It is somewhere between solemnity and ab-
vance notices on "Street of Women" which opens surdity.


e Need More
[nsumer Control.

Professor Slosson made some very appropriate
remarks on American politics in his lecture Mon-
day, which might well be considered by every
voter in making his choices at the polls, espe-
cially in selecting Congressional candidates. Con-
sumer control, he pointed out, tends to keep the
United States democratic in the sense that it
makes it necessary for candidates to meet popu-
lar favor.
In the economic sense, however, the United
States-lacks a good deal of "consumer control."
Nothing was more apparent than when Con-
gress passed the recent tax measure to balance
the budget. With both parties attempting to take
the credit for balancing the budget, it has been
pointed out that now the budget is being bal-
anced by the men and women who buy gasoline,
toothpaste, cosmetics and other necessities of to-
day. But if there were "consumer control" in the
economic sense, Congress could certainly not
have passed such a measure. Although it accom-
plished what appeared to be an impossible feat,
it could never have done so had the already
over-burdened taxpayers had a voice in the mat-
ter. But Congress had gone ahead and spent
money during the session without making pro-
visions for collection of the revenue and had no
other alternative.
Organization of consumers would perhaps solve
the .problem of the mounting cost of government,
not only national but also state and local. When
candidates for office today are elected mainly
for their views on prohibition or the American
Legion, voters have no opportunity to voice their
sentiments on the cost of government. No doubt
the man who pays an extra cent tax for every
gallon of gasoline he buys would readily vote
for any candidate who supports President Hoo-
ver's proposal for a one-third reduction of arm-.
inents. Yet unless Congressional candidates be-
gin to have sudden twinges of conscience, he will
have to vote for candidates who have expressed
no opinions on such matters, and many of whom
will, later on, extol the glories of this magnifi-
cent country, praise its national honor, the
American flag, our soldiers and sailors, and end
with voting against any proposal to reduce costs
of national defense, bonus payments, or govern-
mental agencies because the voters affected by
such slashes are organized, and constitute a ma-
chine which will return him and his party to vic-
tory every two or four years.
Professor Slosson frankly attacked the hypo-
crisy of United States politics. Could this hypo-
crisy be pierced, we might have more efficient
and less expensive government. Consumer con-
trol is necessary, and by turning out of office the
Congressmen who voted for high expenditures
without thinking of where they would raise the
necessary revenue, voters can show the next
Congress that their burden must be lightened
and the only means to this end is the reduction
of the cost of government.

at the Majestic today for a three-day run. Kay
Francis, supposedly the screen's best-dressed wo-
man (and she wears 22 costumes in this picture),
is starred, while the supporting cast includes
Roland Young, Alan Dinehart, Marjorie Gate-
son and Allan Vincent. Gloria Stuart, a new find
who plays the ingenue role, is also featured.
Larry Baldwin (Alan Dinehart) who has gone
through years of a marriage devoid of love, meets
a young woman, Natalie, (Kay Francis) under
whose influence he is inspired to complete a
towering skyscraper, his greatest ambition. Lar-
ry's twenty-year old daughter and Natalie's
younger brother, however, keep them more or
less apart, fearing scandal.
Then they learn that daughter and son are
to be married. The two younger lovers insist
that Larry and Natalie remain apart, and Na-
talie and Larry.agree. But see if. they do!
DR. JACOB Gould Schurman, former president
of Cornell University, and Professor Charles A.
Beard, two of America's leading educators, visit-
ed the Warner-First National Studios in Bur-
bank, Calif., not long ago and had their first
glimpse of talking pictures being filmed, on the
set where "Street of Women," starring Kay
Francis, was being made. Miss Francis invited
the party to be her guests on the set for the af-
ternoon and presented them to Archie Mayo, her
director, and to Roland Young and Allan Dine-
hart, the principal players with her in the cast.
The former president of Cornell had never
visited an American motion picture studio be-
fore. The white-haired educator and diplomat
was a keen and enthusiatic observer of every
detail of the work. So both Miss Francis and
Mr. Mayo were kept busy between scenes answer-
ing Dr. Schurman's questions.
FOR FIVE years Roland Young has been try-
iig to find time for a trip to England. This spring
he finally succeeded.
Young, who has one of the principal roles op-
posite Kay Francis in "Street of Women," her
current starring picture, left for London six
hours after his work in Miss Francis' picture was
completed. He will play in two pictures for a
leading British producer, returning to Hollywood
early in July.
"Grand Hotel," starring Joan Crawford, Greta
Garbo, the Barrymores, and other Hollywood
satellites will not show here until July 14, 15, and
16, the Majestic announces. The adult top price
will be jumped to $1.50, and seats will be reserv-
ed. Some cheaper seats will be available though,
the announcement states.
By Hubbard Keavy
(Associated Press Writer)
Hollywood-A film starring the three Barry-
mores is approaching actually, Ethel being in
town with her name on the proper paper and
M-G-M writers conferring on possible story ma-
Two stories are being considered for the "roy-
al" trio, one an untitled modern piece, the other
"Rasputin," which probably will be the eventual
choice, since it has three acting parts of equal
importance: the mad monk (Lionel), a duke and
Lionel's comment about the forthcoming re-
union is merely: "Heaven help the poor sucker
who has to direct us."
It's 8:15 to 4:15 For Connie.
Constance Bennett, who makes enough money
to have her own way, has her own daylight sav-
ings plan. Usual picture making hours are from
9 to 5. She insists that her company start
promptly at 8:15 and finish the day's work at
4:15. She says she must have time to prepare
for dinner comfortably.
Short Shots.
Eddie Cantor believes the best place to begin
his daughters'-all five of them-education is in
the home. So instead of being waited on, they
wait on themselves and their parents. The Can-
tors have one servant, a cook. Mother and
daughters do the rest of the housework.
Instead of seeing the pictures they or their
friends are in at the larger, first-run theatres,
most stars wait until they arrive at the neigh-
borhood, second-run houses.
At almost any of the outlying theatres any
night, one may (if one cares) see a dozen more
or less prominent persons. One, in my neighbor-
hood, gets real chummy in its programs with its
prominent patrons.
"Do you know," asks the program, "that Lewis
Stone is a balcony fan? And that William Pow-
ell and Carole Lombard also insist on 'topside'?

(Salem Republican-Leader.)
The rather "taboo," or at least not publicly
discussed question of whether or not a woman
benefits through a college education was given
a most surprising answer recently at a meeting
of the American Woman's Association, by Mrs.
Mary R. Beard, co-author with her husband of
"The Rise of American Civilization." Says Mrs.!
Beard, "the most helpless people in the world
are the formally educated and there is a great
deal of evidence that college education is not
only negative, but is a liability in the business
And Mrs. Beard further states that "the great-
est contibutions of women to history have been
made by those without college degrees, contribu-
tions based on their humanitarian or imagina-
tive qualities." The educated person is represent-
ed as being "up against it" in a crisis, while the
"peasant" was the one who survived.
This is indeed a crushing blow to the many
long-suffering parents who have sent their chil-
dren to reap the alleged benefits of higher edu-
cation in our colleges and universities. The aver-
age parent of today is at a loss to understand
why four years of self denial to "make some-
thing" out of his offspring is thrown in the dis-
card and the child is given a "set-back."
As usual, the report of Mrs. Beard is made
with cold-blooded statistics. Perhaps she realizes
that thousands of women and men should never
go to college; thousands who consider the course
as an honorable vacation with the requirement
of a minimum amount of work.
This is not the time for discouragement, and
the idea that a high school education is suffi-
cient. Lack of funds can be met through college
extension courses, which permit the student to
study in his own home. A thirst for true knowl-
edge should never be satisfied with the thought
that it is useless and negative. Although all edu-
cation does not come in books, why ignore what
is given us by state universities through tax-
ation? . It's worth the effort to find ourselves,
even though it seems a waste of time. Education
can't be valued on its immediate worth. It builds
up a resource of knowledge that is ever an en-
joyment to its owner-gives us a philosophy to
meet Life on even terms. Let's go collegiate-
it's worth it.
(Daily Illini.)
Way back in 1832, which is a century ago any
you add or subtract, politics or government was
a thing that aired its sins whenever it felt like
it. Perhaps there were less sins per capita, or
the boys just naturally felt like letting off steam
about the things that irritated them. Anyway,
which ever it was, South Carolina stood, up on
its hind legs in convention assembled and told
the national government where to get off on the
"tariff of abominations." They made their points
and added as a postscript that if the lousy thing
went into effect they intended to take their mar-
bles and go home-never to play again with
overbearing boys as those that were inhabitating
the federal offices.
Since that time America has grown up, politi-
cally speaking. South Carolina took her beating
at the hands of Jackson,. and the doctrine of
secession now is definitely understood to be im-
possible. We still have governmental and admin-
istrative problems that seem to be placed in our
constitution and statues without proper regard
for the consequences. Out of one of these federal
enactments, the Eighteenth amendment, this
country has steadily drawn itself into chaos on
the law enforcement question that now threatens
to undermine the entire nation.
The present states and communities, far from
being so dense as to try the old nullification doc-
trine publicly, now resort to a new policy. On
the prohibition question and other distasteful
restrictions states have come to use a new gov-
ernment nullification. The legality of the
amendment and the Volstead act has been es-
tablished by judicial review of federal cases
taken to the supreme court. Now the prohibition
question is entirely a political issue.
Local authorities in all parts of the country
that have changed their views on the liquor
question to be contrary to the national law
have merely failed to co-operate with the na-
tion government in the enforcement of its decree
in the face in an inadequate federal enforcement
squad. This method of nullification is becoming
more popular, and, if allowed to continue,
threatens to form a precedent that will endanger
our whole legal system. The only way of main-
taining a legal system so needed in a civilized
country seems to be that of eliminating the cause
of the evasion on the parts of the sections not
favorable to the question.
If this is still a government of the people, the
majority rule should be followed in any question,
including the prohibition question. If a law is
in ha r,.nanarlit rnnc.th anfn,.nnarlnr n nn


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Germany's Monarchists
Plan a Restoration .. .
Once more rumors of a monarchist restoration
in Germany alarm France and Germany's other
creditors. The rumors have gained so much pub-
licity that recently the German Nationalist
party, the old guard of the right wing, openly
demanded the return of the Hohenzollern family
to the throne.
Were it not for the crisis now facing the Ger-
man government, and the fact that the present
cabinet is composed largely of the pre-war mili-
tary and nobility, this action might be dismissed
as a publicity move. Under existing conditions,
however, it deserves at least a little attention.
The Nationalist candidate in the recent elections
polled only two million out of a total of eighteen
million votes. As a party, its power has declined
considerably since it elected Hindenburg to his
first term as president. This was apparent when

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