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June 29, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-06-29

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The Weather
Partly cloudy and slightly
warmer in s o u t h; scattered
showers i extreme north por-
t 10o n Wenesday.

Idtomm ow
al, r

Official Publication of The Summer Session

We Need More Consumer
Control; Germany's Monar-
chist Restoration Rumor.



Sees rowth
Of Equality
Edinonson Reports Trend
Away from Languages
And Mathematics
Tells Fraternity
Of Federal Survey
New Philosophy Gradual-
ly Dominating Field of
Education, He Says

Michigan Delegates Join in Wet Parade at Conventin

General adoption of the philoso-
phy that secondary education should
be open to all children of adolescent
age, improved relations between col-
leges and secondary schools, and a
trend in curricula away from for-
eign languages and mathematics
were some of the important findings
of the National Survey of Secon-
dary Education reported by Dean
J. B. Edmonson, of the educational
school, -before the Phi Kappa Delta
luncheon yesterday.
The Survey was sponsored by the
Federal office of educatio nand car-
ried out by a committee of promi-
nent educators, including Dean Ed-

When Sen. Alben W. Barkley proposed resubmission of the Prohibition question in his keynote address
at the Democratic national convention, the state delegations vied with each other in getting their banners
into the parade around the stadium. In this Associated Press photo is seen the Michigan banner.

Dana Claims

MustProvide Varied Types
"The public has discoveredsthat
teachers and administrators are not
in agreement regarding the philos-
ophy of American secondary educa-
tion," said Dean Edmonson. "The
older philosophy assumes that sec-
ondary education is a privilege to
which only those of proved capacity
are entitled. In contrast with this
oider philosophy there is the newer
point of view that has found expres-
sion in many new developments,
some of which are resented by the
advocates of the older opinion. The
newer philosophy implies that the
secondary school must provide types
of education as varied as may be
demanded by the interests of the
pupils. The findings of the survey
show that the newer philosophy is
gradually dominating the objectives
and practices of secondary educa-

Forest Land
Well Handled.
Work of Roosevelt Is
L a u e d; Purchased
Four Million Acres
The national forest land is the
most efficiently handled natural -re-
source in the country today, Dean
Samuel T. Dana, dean of the School
of Forestry and Conservation, said
yesterday in the second of a series
of lectures sponsored by the Univer-
sity for the Summer Sesison stu-
By 1870, it was evident that our
forest domain was rapidly being dis-
sipated, and the future supply look-
ed dubious, Dean Dana, said.
A law was passed in 1901 which
permitted the President to set aside
forest reserves, and in the same
month President Harrison created
the Yellowstone National park .it
was not untW Cleveland's admini-
tration, however, that laws were put
into effect providing for the protec-
tion of the forest reserves.
Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford
Pinchot are the two men who have
Bartlett Will Speak
On American i Juggles

Visit-Many Schools
"The survey reveals certain wide-
spread tendencies to change the cur-
riculum of the secondary schools.
Two dominant shifts are revealed.
One of these is away from foreign
languages and 'mathematics, the
subjects favored by requirements
for entrance to college; the other is
an increasing emphasis on instruc-
tion in the social studies and physi-
cal education.
"The survey will also make a con-
tribution on the problem of college
and high school relations. It is
common knowledge that the public
is critical of our secondary schools
because of the numerous criticisms
made of them by the colleges. The
survey will show that certain col-
leges have adopted measures which
have greatly improved the articula-
tion between the secondary schools
and higher institutions. It is my
prediction that these findings will
end the foolish, wasteful and unin-
telligent bickering relative to college
a dmissiojis."
In telling of the work, Dean Ed-
monson stated that it was undoubt-
edly the most significant study of,
education ever' undertaken in the
United States. The staff visited 550
schools in 41 states. Congress ap-
propriated $225,000 for the three-
year project.
Maor League

Even A Uniersity
President las is
IHorsey Divers ions
Even presidents of universitics
like to play cowboy.
President Alexander G. Ruthvenf
is having his horse, "Jinigles," andt
his son's broncho, "Beauty," shipped
to his summer home at Frankfort,
Mich., so that the two can ride
through the woods and "whoop"
things ui in the gold old western
"Jingles" was purch sed last,
April by -President P,uthiven-. A]-
though his chief diversion is ridin,
business has kent the President from
visiting the bridle paths more than
once each week.
There are bridle paths all through
the woods where Ruthven's summer
home is located, and he will have
ample opportunity to ride every day
with his son, "Bnd." "Bud" has had
plenty of experience riding and is
almost a full-fledged cowboy.
Forestiry ei
Coima Fromn9
Statecs, Canada
Cam11p Filibert Roth Opens
With E nIrol1e11nt of 18;
New Courses lered
MUNISING, Mich., June 28.-_
(Special) -Nine states and the Do-
minion of Canada arc re('esetcd
by the 18Student at h.ie University
forestry station, Camp F ilibert Roth,
which opened its fourth annual se:-
sion yvesterday as a nart of thic Uni-
eversit.y Summer Sesston, Utah,
meexai lunime oin
'rexas, Conniectict ;,ctdl'J'cimcssee
are the more distant . oints; froln
which students have arrived.
Courses offered included a begin-
ning course in forest mensuration
with field work in the measurement
of logs, trees, and whole stands of
timber; a course in forest fire pre-
vention and control, and another in
forest improvements, which includes
practice in planning and construct-
ing telephone lines, lookout struc-
tures and trails. Instruction is also
offered in the identification of
Michigan tree species.
Professor Craig is being assisted
by Prof. Shirley W. Allen and Dr.
Eldred R. Martell. Dr. Martell fin-
ished his graduate work this spring
at the University.

New Students
Will See City,
On First Tour
Arboretuil and Libraries
icalured ill Excursion
'l'Iotih Ann Arbor
Old .riodicals telling of George
Washington's death, early news-
papers, and maps and books relating
to early United States history will
he shown students in the William
L. Clements library Thursday after-
noon during the firsf University ex-
cursion, which leaves from the steps
of the General library at 2:30
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
of the Clements library, will tell
briefly of the collection's beginning
and its puroose. The original Ben-
;3tmii Wet painting of the death
of Wolfe will also be featured as a
nart of the xibition.
In a car,:van of automobiles fur-
i;;hrcd bv faculty members the party
will visit pots of interest on the
ca'rnus, and later will cross the
huron river to the hilltop entrance
of Cedar Feinddrive and through
the beautifurl Nichols Arboretum. A
drive through the downtown busi-
ness section, a stop-over at the sta-
din", and a"view of the new Univer-
sity golf course will conclude the
.1 the amII)us the students will
visit the General library, the Clem-.
ents library, William Cook Legal
Research library, and the Union.
Staff members of the -General li-
brary will conduct the party through
the several library departments, in-
cluding a trio into the bookstacks.
'There will he no charge for this
ecursioni, and st.dents are urged to
obtain tickets at the dean's office
early today, since accommodations
can not be assured if rbservations
are delayed until the last afternoon
preceding the excursion.
Dr. Auden Scheduled
For Two More Lectures
The biological point of view on.
mentt l deficiency, combining the
theories of the sociological and eu-
genic schools, will be discussed by
Dr. G. A. Auden of Birmingham,
England, in the second and third
lecture of a series on "School Medi-
cal Service in England," at 4 o'clock
today and Thursday in the west
amphitheatre, West Medical build-

To Break Up
Franco-German War Debt
Agreement Cannot Be
Reached at Lausanne
Delegates Prepare
to Adjourn Parley
Six Leading Powers Will
Meet to Name Experts to
Solve Difficulty
LAUSANNE, June 28.- (A.P.) -
Every effort to bring about a Fran-
co-German reparations agreement
failed today and the international
statesmen who gathered here in a
spirit of hope two weeks ago pre-
pared to give the Lausanne Confer-
ence decent burial.
Unless there is an unforseen-al-
most miraculous-change of front
overnight, the six leading powers
will meet tomorrow to prepare for
adjournment and to arrange for the
usual gesture of appointing a com-
mittee of experts to solve the prob-
lems they have been unable to solve.
Meet in Fall
In the fall another attempt will
be made to compose the reparations
conflict at another international
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon-
ald, of Great Britain, made almost
superhuman effort to bring about
an agreement between Premier Ed-
ouard Herriot, of France, who in-
sisted that reparations must not be
cancelled, and Chancellor Franz von
Papen, of Germany, who insisted
that they must.
Mr. MacDonald received M. Her-
riott and Herr von Papen at a joint
conference this afternoon and an-
other get together was arranged for
later in the evening,
French, Germans Fearful
But the negotiations got nowhere.
,Both the French and German rep-
resentatives were fearful of the poli-
tical effect back home of any dis-
position to give in.
The six powers participating in
tomorrow's meeting are Britain,
France, Germany, Italy, Belgium
and Japan.
Colleges Join Move
To stop Broadcasts
NEW YORK, June 8. (AP)-The
ban on college broadcast this year,
decided upon by a group of 12 lead-
ing institutions, apparently will be
widespread this fall, in an attempt
to keep up dwindling gate receipts.
The Western conference, accord-
ing to its commissioner also is op-
posed to putting future games on
the air, but may defer to any deci-
sion made by the National Colleg-
iate association.
The Southwest has ruled out all
broadcasting except that covered by
existing contracts.
Economy Bill to Go to
Hoover; Passes Senate
---The national economy bill, badly
battered through weeks of contro-
versy finally was approved tonight
as Congress cleared one of its ma-
jor three adjournment hurdles.
Watch Your Health,
Dr. Forsythe Tells


Roosevelt Forces
Win Three Ballots;
Walsh Is Chairman

Named Chairman


Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, of the
botany department and director
of the Botanical Gardens, will
lecture at 5 o'clock this afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium
on the topic, "In Central Ameri-
can Jungles." The lecture will be
illustrated. P r o f cs so r Bartlet
was botanist for the U. S. Rtub-
ber company in Sumatra in 1918.
He is a past president of the
Michigan Academy of Science.
done the most for the national for-
est, continued Dean Dana. Credit
for the national forest system is due
largely to Roosevelt. In 1911 more
than 160,000,000 acres of forest land
was owned by the government, and
a bill was passed in that year to
purchase 4,000,000 acres more.
Fire is one of the greatest enem-
ies of the forest, Dean Dana stated,
Over 50 per cent of the fires are
caused by lightning, while those re-
sulting from smoking are second.
Every year brings an increasing
number of people to the national
forests for recreational purposes,
said Dean Dana, In 1930, 32,000,000
people visited the forests for recre-
ation, he said.
Mrs. Herd man Dies in
Edinburgh, Scotland
Mrs. Nancy Thomas Herdman,
widow of Prof. William J. Herdman,
a former member of the medical
school faculty here, died at Edin-
burgh, Scotland, June 5, a disnatch
received here states.
You can't reach as many
people as The Daily reaches
cver rlctnv rof thee p a~'t(ex-

Senator Thomas J. Walsh, Demo-
crat from Montana, was named per-
manent chairman of the Democratic
National convention in a hotly con-
tested vote yesterday'afternoonThe
count was 626 for Walsh to 528 for
Jouett Shouse, his opponent.

First Summer
Play to Open
Here Toniahlit
'Mr. Pin Passes By' Will
Have Four-Day Run at
' Mendelssohn Theatre
The first of seven Mays, "Mr.
Pim Passes By," a comedy of bril-
liant errors, will open the fourth
summer season of the Michigan
Repertory Players at 8:15 o'clock to-
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Supported by a cast of stage fa-
vorites of the uast several seasons,
A. A. Milne's drama is expected to
play before a large first-night house,
Following tonight's performance, it
will be staged tomorrow, Friday and
Saturday nights. On July 6, the
second play, "Paolo and Francesca,"
will open for a four-day run.
In the cast for "Mr. Pim Passes
By," the production of which is in
charge of Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tor of Play Production, are Harry
R. Allen, who plays the part of
George Marden, J. P.: Kathryn
Kratz, who portrays Olivia Marden;
Herbert A. Milliken, as Carraway
Pim; Martha Ellen Scott, as Dinah;
Frances L. Young, as Anne; Lauren
Gilbert, as Brian Strange, and
Frances Johnson, as Lady Marden.
Allen is with the Repertory Play-
ers for the third summer; he played
the title role in "Liliom" last sum-
mer. Miss Kratz, with the company
last year, played in "Paris Bound"
and had a major role in "Love and
Chance." . Milliken, Gilbert and
Frances Johnson are with the com-
pany for the first time, while
Martha Ellen Scott last year played
in "Liliom."
A sale of season tickets is being
made daily from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
at the box office of the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre in the League.
Fischer's 151 Is Third
At Intercollegiate Meet
HOT SPRINGS, Va., June 28.-
(AP.)-Henry Kowal, of Colgate,
today won the 36-hole qualifying
round medal in the National Inter-
collegiate golf championship tour-
nament with a score of 149.
Two Yale golfers, Sidney Noyes
and. J. E. Parker, were second with
150. John Fischer, of Michigan had
151 and Billy Howell, of Washing-
ton and Lee, 152.
Fischer had nines of 39 and 40
today for a 79. He was in a four-
way tie for the lead at the end of
the first round with a 72.
Match play will begin Wednes-
Students Warned
To Obtain Tags
Before Driving
A definite warning to Summer
Session students not to drive until

Montana Senator Given
Margin of 626 to 528.
Over Jouett Souse
All Tests Carried
By 100 Majority
Wets Clair Victory as
Repeal Plank Goes to
Resolutions Committee
CHICAGO, June 28.- (AP) -
Three times a Rooseveltian smashed
the opposition in today's intense ses-
sion of the Democratic convention,
naming Senator Walsh of Montana
to the permanent chairmanship, set-
tling in its own way the two delega-
tions' content, and in general hur-
tling on with enthusiasm in a su-
preme effort to. capture the presi-
dential nomination.
But their majorities in every in-
stance were more than a 100 short
of the 770 that will be required to
nominate, the attempt to allow lee-
way simple majority nomination
having been given up by all hands.
Ending the six-hour meeting, the,
convention specifically adopted the
hundred-year-old rule.
Roosevelt Forces Parade
Welcomed by an uproaious Roose-
veltian procession that twisted in,
both directions through the con-
gested isles and with cheers that
drowned some few shouts of deri-
sion, Senator Walsh was given a
626 to 528 margin.
In the ever too hasty, trying roll
call, the Rooseveltian block seated-
the Senator Huey Long delegation
from Louisiana by 638% to 514%
and the Minnesota delegation lead
by a count of 6581/2 to 492 .
Vote Is Disorderly
Although they have been expect-
ing confidence all along, partisans
of the New York governor held their
breath just the same during the
fierce and at times disorderly roll
call in the Lousana contest. Not
until each state and territory had
been called and a return of those
which had been held up momen-
tarily was the outcome certain.
James A. Farley, Roosevelt man-
ager, ejaculated immediately "that
was our weakest vote," as he joined
the cheers. But it proved not to be,
a lighter lead coming for Walsh.
Resolutions Committee
Hears Repeal Demand
CHICAGO, June 28.-(A.P.)-The
Roosevelt - controlled Resolutions
Committee stood in the way of the
prohibition repeal drive tonight, but
leaders in the movement, pointing
for the showdown on the Demo-
cratic Convention floor tomorrow,
claimed victory.
Taking up the wet and dry dis-
pute tonight, a majority of the
platform-making committee- looked
favorably on the proposal brought
forward by the advocates of Gov.
Roosevelt for submission of a re-
peal amendment to State conven-
Smith is Leader
The prohibition issue is blowing
about the Convention with force
that promises a gale, Alfred E.
Smith appears the actual leader of
the attempt to pledge the Party to
repeal and immediate modification
of the Volstead Act.
Senator Walsh, of Massachusetts,
is leading the contest in the Reso-
lutions Committee for the move-
ment. He presented a plank today
agreed to by 20 of the 53 members
of the committee representing states
and territories of 566 delegates-12
less than a majority.
The text of the plank follows:
"We favor the repeal of the Eigh-
teenth Amendment,
"We demand that the Congress
immediately propose such repeal to
truly representative conventions in
the states called to act solely on
that proposal.
"We urge that the Democratic
Party co-operate in the enactment of

such measures by the several states
as will actually promote temperance,
effectively prevent the return of the
saloon and bring the liquor traffic
into the open under complete super-
vision and control by the states.
"We demand that the Federal
Govetnment effectively exercise its
(Continued on Page 3)



N. York..........46 19
Detroit............ 37 27
Athletics ...........40 30
Washington.37 30
Cleveland ..... 36 31
St. Louis .......... 33 32
Chicago .....23 41
Boston .........12 54
Tusday's Results
New York 5, Washington 2.
Athletics 5, Boston 4.
Only games scheduled.
Games Wednesday
Detroit at Cleveland.
Chicago at St. Louis.
Washington at New York.
Only games scheduled.
Pittsburgh ......... 33 27
Chicago ........... 35 30
Ttn2nn n 11



Disarmnaeiut Seeni as Requisite
To Europeai Delt Gancellationl

Definite assurance of some meas-
ure of Euronean disarmament and
of economic and nolitical co-opera-
tion between the nations of conti-
nental Europe might conceivably be
the prerequisite to war-debt, cancel-
lation by the United States, in the
azinion of Prof. Charles F. Remer,
of the economics department,
"This might very possibly be the
idea," Professor Remer stated, "that
he American delegation at Lao-
anne has been A ttemtiit to pre-
ent. The interesting thing about
the entire conference i. the move to

to the circuinstances," Professor
Remer added.
Although there has been some talk
of an alliance or "rapprochement"
between France and Germany, this
has been denied by the French
premier. Professor Remer ridiculed
the possibility of such an agree-
ment. "They might promise mu-
tually to be good," he said.
The entire question before the
conference at Lausanne, he said, re-
solves itself into an acceptance or
refuaal of the existing fact that no
more payments can come from Ger-
many -at least in the near future.

Professors may warn against "get-
ting behind in your work," but Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service prescribes "g o 1 f
rather than midnight oil."
Don't overwork merely because
of the short time allowed in the
Summer Session for the completion
of assignments, Dr. Forsythe urges.
Remember, he said, the University is
as vitally concerned with your gen-
eral health as it is with your aca-
demic achievement.
Dr. Forsythe said that golf is a
fine prescription for tired students
who want to relieve themselves from
the rigors of academic routine. (Dr.
Forsythe is not subsidized by the
University golf course). "I do not
wish to be quoted as opposed to the
attainment of cultural achievement
in various courses of study," he said,
"but I do know that there is a limit
to the physical capacity of the best
of physiques."
No essential deviation from the
regular schedule of clinical and dis-
pensary activity at the Health Serv-


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