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July 28, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-28

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-(Special)-Visitor's Day at the
University of Michigan biological
station will be held on Sunday, Aug.
7, it was announced yesterday by
Prof. George R. LaRue, director. A
cordial invitation to all students in-
terested in a tending has been ex-
Many interesting exhibits of ani-
mals and plants, samples of class
work,,and investigations on scientific
problems will be displayed. There
will be help in parking, lots for par.k-
Ing space, andguide service. And
everything is fre! Roads from Che-
boygan, Mullet Lake, Topinabee,
Brutus and Pellston will be posted
with Biological Station sigs, and
visitors need only follow the arrows.
Established in 1909
The Biological Station is a divi-
sion of the University and was estab-
lished on Douglas Lake in' 1909. At
that time all classes were held in an
old log cabin called the Log Labora-
tory. Here also research and admin-
istrative work were carried on, and
here was the post office, library, and
all supplies and equipment. Students
and faculty lived in a few tents and
got their meals with the engineers,
then also located on Douglas lake.
' The first session there were two
faculty members and 13 students.
From this humble beginning the Bio-
logical Station has grown to be the
largest freshwater biological station
in the world. The physical Rlant has
grown from the one log building and
half-dozen tents to a vilage of 130
buildings, 11 of which are used for.
laboratories and 92 for living quar-
ters. The remainder include the ad-
ministrative building where the of-
fics, stockroom, store, photographic
rooms and the dining room and
kitchen are housed, and the club-
house, library, aquarium, garages,
and harbor building. This 'summer
94 students and three .visiting in-
vestigators are enrolled. Students
come from 23 states and two from
13 Men Teach Here
The faculty now has thirteeni men,
most of, whom have served at the
station for many years. Michigan
furnishes the largest group of fac-
ulty members: Professor LaRue, di-
rector; Alfred Stockhard, secretary;
Prof. Paul S. Welch, zoology; Prof.
John H. Ehlers, botany; Prof. Carl
D. LaRue, botany; Prof. Frank N.
Blanchard, zoology, and Prof. Franii
E. Eggleton, zoology. ,
From other institutions the fol-
lowing members come to serve on
the station:. Frank C. Gates, profes-
sor of botany, at Kansas State Col-
lege; George E. Nichols, 'head of the
botany department at Yale; Herbert
B. Hungerford, head of the depart-
ment of entomology at Kansas uni-
versity; William W. Cort, head of
the department of hygiene and pub-
lic health at Johns Hopkins; Charles
W. Creaser, professor of zoology at
the college of the City of Detroit,
and Lyell J. Thomas, professor of
zoology at the University of Illinois.
' Started Reforestation
While the giving of instruction is
an important function of the Biologi-
cal Station, its function of investi-
gating many problems relating to
plants and animals and the publica-
tion of the results of these researches
is probably- of even greater impor-
tance. The annual output of sciaen-
tific papers reporting investigations
carried on at the station is now about

Schorling Tells
About Tealcher
Training Stidy
Six Important Pro ects,
Conducted in University,
Reviewed at Conference
Six important studies of problems
of teacher training, which have been
under way at the University during
the past year, were reported yester-
day by Dr. Raleigh Schorling, in a
lecture on "Investigations of Teache.
Training at the University of Michi-
gan" before the 4 o'clock education
conference. Investigations of teacher.
training here have been stimulated
by valuable foundation fellowships
which have brought outstanding
students here from various parts of
the United States.
IDr. Arthur M. Jarman, he said,
who is nowv teaching at the Univer-
sity of Virginia, completed a study
of laboratory and demonstration high
schools connected with university de-
partments, schools and colleges of
education. His study seeks to formu-
late and to evaluate guides to be
used in the administration of such
schools. Dr. Jarman personally vis-
ited ten universities in gathering
this data.
Another study now in progress,
under the direction of Ralph Van-
Hoesen, concerns the construction
and validation of a comprehensive ex-
amination in the professional courses
in education required for the teach-
er's certificate. He is attempting to
perfect an examination which will
measure the attitudes , interests,
ideals, and the information which
prospective teachers are expected to
acquire from these courses.
E. C. Russell is making a study of
the status of practice teaching in
Negro teacher training institutions.
This study is a part of the national
survey of teacher training which is
being made by the federal Office of
Education. Horace D. Pickens is
studying the problem of improving
curricular\materials for a course in
directed teaching.
Walter C. Richter has been study-
ing conferences b e t w e e n student
teachers and critic teachers. Seventy
students reported minutes of 574 of
such conferences. These reports
were analyzed and tabulated to show
the subjects most frequently dis-
cussed. A study of activities and
principles of high school teaching is
being directed by Mr. Roundebush.

The above two pictures were taken last summer at the Biological
Station of the University on Douglas Lake. The upper view shows
"State Street" of the camp, and the lower photograph, taken at dinner
time, is a picture of the mess hall. (Cuts by courtesy of the University
editorial offices.)

Mahatma an d h o
Is Fisher's Topic
In Fiial T alk t odhty
" r
"Mahatma Gandhi - - Prophetic
Statesman of Organized Love" will
be the subject presented at 4 o'clock
this afternoon at Wesley Hall in the
final lecture of Dr. FrederI B.
Fisher before the Summer Session
students. Dr. Fisher has just pub-
lished a book upon this general
theme in which he pictures, "That
Strange Little Brown Man, Gandhi"
as devoted patriot, clever diplomat,
organizer of literate and illiterate
alike, disciple of two great religions,
initiator of a new warfare of non-'
resistance and the man destined to
humble the western warrior and de-
feat militarism by a method which
militarism always fails to under-
"In his lecture, today," said Mr.
E. W. Blakeman, director of the Re-
ligious Education series, "we are ex-
pecting Dr. Fisher to make clear
several issues relating to the contri-
butions England has made in en-
gineering and educational projects,
the tenseness which exists between
Moslems and other Indians on local
issues, the bearing of trade and eco-
nomic independence of the British
Empire on the whole India affair,
and the subtle technique by which
this strange little man in a loin cloth
holds his followers of many tongues,
various ancestry, different religions
and severe suffering to 'a boycott the
most sweeping and effective the
world has ever seen."
Of Dr. Fisher's book the Boston
Transcript said in the issue of June
18: "It is not easy to make this fig-
ure, or any other Eastern one, intel-
ligible to western minds, but Bishop
Fisher has done remarkably well
clarifying many uncertain points and
helping us to see much more fully
and fairly the truly rich personality.
of a Gandhi consecrated to great
purposes and tasks. He explains the
reverses Missionary movements have
undergone in Oriental countries.
Very clearly, he explains the whole
matter of India's attitude toward sex
matters, and also why India is poor
and rebellious "against an outside
control. It is a fascinating, cormpel-
ling, and highly informing study of
a great mind and spirit seeking to
lead a great nation as it deals with
tremendous problems."
"Students from India and others
will join in an informal discussion
at the close of today's lecture," the
director announced.
PHONE 7418

TYPLWRITERS, all makes, bought,
sold. rented, exchanged. repaired.
O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State.
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done: O. D. MORRILL, 314 So.
State St.-c
LOST-Not if your furs are stored
here. Our policy protects your furs
completely 12 months. Zwerdling's
Fur Shop. Complete fur service
since 1904. -c
ED-Will call for and deliver.
Soft water used; washing done
separate. Phone 2-3478. -c
WANTED-Laundry. So f t water.
21044. Towels free, socks darned.
A West Allis, Wis., firmer reports'
that installation of a radio receiver
in his dairy barn "has made the cows
more contented and they actually
give more milk."

Er\y sunoier silk dress In
stock . . . sheers . . . chif-
fons..,crepes . . . wash
silks . . . prints . . . plains
sies14 to 46 . . . will be
Cleared out at
Half Price



Today Through Saturday

25 to 30, while the grand total to
date is 299.
The refdrestation of the University
tract is receiving considerable atten-
tion, and in co-operation with the
school of orestry, 354,000 pine trees,
mostly white and Norway, have been
set put since May 1, 1931, under the
direction of Prof. W. F. Ramsdell.
Scientific studies relating to naturalI
and artificial reforestation are being
carried out by Professor Ramsdell
and Prof. L. J. Young."
As part of this reforestation proj-
ect, the station in co-operation with
the schools of Cheboygan county and
the school of forestry dedicated in
May a George Washington Memorial
forest. These plantations of young
trees, as well as other parts of the
,tract, are protected by a system of
firelines aggregating about 11 miles,
built in co-operation with the State
Conservation department and the
school of forestry. The funds for
the planting and fireliies construc-
tion have come very largely from the
Pack family, which had extensive
lpmberinjg interestdin the Saginaw
valley in an early day.
Koos Tells Conference
Of High School Survey
A staff of 30 education specialists
traveled more than 200,000 miles
through 41 states in making the Na-
tional Survey of Secondary Educa-
tion, L. V. Koos, associated director
of the Survey, told an education
school conf erence yesterday.
On this trip, 850 visits were made
to 550 different schools. The reports
of all the investigators, consisting of
Monographs of from 50 to 300 pages,
will total over 3,500 pages.
Eighty inquiry forms, ranging from
one to 46 pages, in all about 800
pages, were sent to many more
schools throughout the country. Mr.
Koos estimated it would have taken
one man 60 or 70 years to compile
the material for the 28 monographs.

'Will Rogers'
Is 1ominated
For Congress
Polls 100,000 Majority
Over Rival; Murray's
Candidates Win

Entire stock of summer
purses ... mostly high
grade leather in ultra-
smart creations . . . will
be sold at
Half Price
A large stock of summer
blouses composed of ba-
tistes, laces, eyelets, and
silks and including every
wanted color .
Half Price
Skirts of crepe de chine
.. fannel . .. (balk crepe
-ideally suited for sum-
mer and early fall wear
Half Price r
Nikecls Arcade

--A flood of votes today had nomi-
nated a comparatively u n k n o w n
country school-master with a magic
name-Will Rogers - to make the
Democratic race for Oklahoma Con-
gressman-at-large office. I
Rogers amazed political observers
by surging more than 100,000 votes
ahead of Mrs. Mabel Bassett, popu-
lar state commissioner of charities,,
in the tabulation of returns from
Tuesday run-off primary.
Elmer Thomas, the state's senior
United States senator, known for his
leadership in the oil tariff and sol-
dier's bonus legislative fights, won
Democratic renomination. 'He de-
feated Homer Smith, Oklahoma City
lawyer, who had waged a vigorous
J. C. (Jack) Walton, deposed gov-
ernor, spurted ii front of A. S. J.
Shaw, former state auditor, for the
Democratic nomination for a seat on
the important state corporation coin-
mission. Walton's lead was only 2,-
000 votes, however, and the result
probably will be in doubt until a
complete tabulation is available.
Gov. Willian H. (Alfalfa Bill) Mur-
ray's selections were victorious in
three state senate races. Nat Taylor,
Sam Carmack and Louis Fischl, foi
whom the governor campaigned per-
sonally, won out over anti-Murray




Newport Beach
Portage Lake

5T KSDRU- --STORE, 106 S. MAIN St.





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no longer

tobacco of the
Dartmouth man
F you want to know the Dart-
mouth man's favorite tobacco,
watch him as he loads his pipe be-
tween classes in front of Dart-
mouth Row. Watch him as he
strolls along Wheelock Street and
pulls the familiar blue tin of Edge-
worth out of his pocket.
A pipe and Edgeworth-this is
the smoking combination that has
won the college man. Harvard,
Cornell, Michigan, Stanford, Illi-
nois ... all agree with Dartmouth.
Natural merit has made Edgeworth
the favorite smoking tobacco in
America's leading colleges and uni-
College men everywhere respond
to the appeal of pipes packed with
cool, slow-burning Edgeworth. Be
guided by their choice; try Edge-
worth yourself. Taste its rich nat-
ural savor that is enhanced immeas-
urably by Edgeworth's distinctive
"eleventh process." You will find
Edgeworth at your nearest tobacco
shop- 15¢ the tip. Or, 'for gener-
ous free sample, address: Larus &
Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Rich-
mond, Va.



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on the purchase of this

Bringing Hawaii within speaking distance
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Five years ago the United States had tele-
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Making the telephone practically world-
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-Edgeworth is a blend
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with its natural saoo-r

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