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July 24, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-24

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F'RILIAY, JULY '24 131

S d -an a..ttjIWhat Others Say1
PsMI*.I . every morning except Monday
d rme hegCniveity humer Sessio bthe The Summer Student
toI In C trel el tudent Publications. ,, r :r-


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About Books"_I


The Assoeiated Press is exclusively entitled
Mo thte use for republication of llt news die-.
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this paper and the local news published
*herein. All rights o! republication of special
dispateh.s herein are also reserved..
atred ats the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
otfb's as second class matter.

and Intellectual Growth

Subscription by earrier, $1.50; by mail,;
Offices:" Press Building, Maynard Street,
Aan A rbor, ifchigan.
Telephenee: Editerial, 4925; Businessj
Editorial Director...........Gurney Wmwians
C. W. Carpenter Carl Meloy
f.. "R, Chubb Sher M. Qurashi
Barbara Hell Eleanor Rairdon
Charles .C. -Irwin Edgar Racine
SusanManehester MarionThornton
P. Cutler ShowersI
Assistant fButunesa Manager .. Vernon Bishop
Contrats Manager.............Cari Marty
Advertirsing Manager .........Jack Bunting'
Accounts. Circulation..c......Thomas Muir
Night Editor-Gurney Williams
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1931


After Germany's present chaoti
uproar quiets down-believing a
we do that the seven-power con
ference will eventually create ;
semblance of order-we must turn
back to the moratorium busines
and stop kidding ourselves that th
one-year holiday will put an en
to our troubles. The moratorium i
in fact, a mere respite of suc]
short duration that unless furthe
steps are taken, the situation
year from now will be worse tha
ever. Several suggestions worthy o
note have come from recent de
velopments: J. Maynard Keyne
suggests cutting all internationa
payments in half for a five yea
term; Edwin L. James quotes "
distinguished European editor" a
saying that "possibly we are movin
toward a total abolition of wa
debts and reparations;" and Pres
dent Butler of Columbia says wa
debts chould be "marked up t
profit and loss."
In spite of the cries of econom
ists and others we agree heartil3
with the two latter statements
War debts are obligations that rep
present values wiped out in the in.
sanity of war. The vain efforts t<
collect them dragged the world t(
the verge of financial panic; anc
any further efforts will take us righ
back there again. The idea ma
seem unbusiness-like but let us con-
sider the results of the first step
We agreed to postpone debts due
amounting to a quarter of a billior
dollars. Within one week the in-
crease in security and commodit3
values on our markets amounted
to at least five billions. Odgen Mll
realized the soundness of the mora-
torium idea when he said, "If this
turns the tide, it will be a good in-
vestment for the United States
Treasury." Immediate results prov-
ed it was.
There has been a great and self-
righteous hue and cry about the
great "sacrifice" we made but our
"sacrifice" wasn't one, two, three
with that made by France. Let us
then drop all this stuff about moral
leadership and realize the truth of
the statement made by the Lon-
don Standard that "Altruism and
sound business are joining hands.
We have finally discovered that
isolation not only does not pay but
it is virtually impossible.
President Hoover, in making his
debt proposal, said boldly, "Inas-
much as the burden of competitive
armaments has contributed to
bring about this depression, we
trust that by this evidence of our
desire to assist we shall have con-
tributed to the good will which is
so necessary in the solution of the
major question." The major ques-
tion now has to do with relating
debts to armament, the conference
about which will be held next Feb-
ruary at Geneva. I negotiations
between now and February will be
carried on to make the further re-
duction of debts contingent on re-
ductions of armaments,, we shall
really be getting somewhere. Unless
this is done, the moratorium will
prove to be merely a short vaca-
tion from a killing job.
Add anomaly: The seven-power
London conference met for an hour
and three-quarters last Monday,
agreed that every hour was prec-
ious, and then adjourned until
What we need now, in order to
keep up to the schedule, is a day-by
day diary of former Secretary Fall's
prison life.

(The Daily Illini)
President Nicholas Murray But-
ler of Columbia university recently
stated that only a very small min-
ority of people grow intellectually
after they have reached the age of
twenty-three or twenty-four.
In view of this fact, it is interest-
ing to consider the majority of sum-
mer school students. Most of them
have already attained and even
surpassed 'the age pointed out by
President Butler as marking the
end of intellectual growth for the
majority of people. Yet we wonder
if these students belong to the re-
spected minority who are continu-
ing their intellectual growth. Have
they come to the University to sat-
isfy a thirst for knowledge and in-
tellectual stimulus, or have they
come merely because they feel the
need of an advanced degree in the
teaching profession?
We further wonder how they
compare as students with the
younger men and women who are
here in the regular school year. One
instructor recently remarked that
the summer students seem unim-
aginative and do not offer the in-
tellectual challenge to their instruc-
tors that the younger students do.
Is this true of all types of work and
of most professors, or is the atti-
tude an exception?
Then, too, a local bookman re-
cently stated that most of the books
are sold to people who are under
twenty-five years of age. Why
should this be true? Have they lost
a device to keep abreast of the in-
tellectual trend of the times, or are
they too busy to read? Have the du-
ties of earning a living so tired
them that they seek recreation in
the least possible mental effort?
Complaints are constantly being
made that summer school social
life is dead. Does not social life de-
pend to a certain degree upon in-
tellectual stimulus? Failure to keep
abreast of the times would un-
doubtedly tend to deaden social
life. Even though a person is bur-
ied for nine months in the small
community in which he teaches, he
need not be excused from knowing
what is new and worth while in
the whole world.
Summer school students appar-
ently work more doggedly at their
studies than the winter undergrad-
uates. They have a fund of valu-
able experience upon which to
draw in many courses, but do they
study mechanically or with a gen-
uine keenness? Have they become
too worn out with the grind of
teaching to retain their intellectual
vigor? Should they not make the
most of their work here as a means
of jogging them out of the rut in-
to which they may have fallen?
Without attempting an explana-'
tion, we wonder if it would not be
desirable for every summer school
student to examine himself and his
intellectual achievements in the
light of President Butler's remark.'

. ' NO SIR
The new Toasted Rolls Bldg. on
Maynard street has been literally
swamped with letters and telegrams
of congratulation since our an-
nouncement yesterday morning of
our change of name. Most of them
want to know what the hell.
WHAT THE HELL" says a telegram
from Fliptsch Whoofle, former edi-
tor. There were lots of others just
like that.
* * *
All we can say is that if you
don't understand, it serves you right
for not keeping abreast of the
news. You've simply got to try to
follow our drift. (Following drifts
was a form of sport popular in
early Switzerland, but we AREN'T
going into THAT).
* * *
A contribution from Cousin Smffx
Whoofle, fellows!
* * *
Dear Drs:
Von Hindenburg's plea, as re-
corded in the Daily the other morn-
ing, is one of the most touching
bits I have read in a long time, but
I do think that he should have been
more articulate if he expects us to
sympathize with him. For instance,
he begins paragraph three with the
following information: "I, there-
fore, have put into ef-powers con-
ferredi on meniteidigrefifect,
through the extraordinary powers
coneferred on me . ." Perhaps he
was just overcome by emotion.
Hoping you are the same,
Cousin Smffx
* * *
That's only a beginning, Smffx,
if we are going to go into the Daily.
For instance, on page two of the
same issue, we find that the United
States is so large a country that
there is little opporvorite numbers
and riddle every program with red-
hot shots of adtunity.
* * *
Look! The state's most eager
Reunite at Culture's call.
Now THEY've had to take in lec-
It's a fine world after all.
* * *
We went to Observatory Night
recently, and such fun, my dears
you never did see. While no one
was watching us, we managed to
get a Rolls picture of the astral
situation. Lookee:
* * *
* * *
* * 1 *

HANNIBAL: by Arthur Nether-
cot: published by Oxford Univer-
sity Press, N.Y.C.
* * f
With an elaborate fund of knowl-
edge about his subject, a thorough-
ly sensible and balanced view of
his merits- and defects both as a
poet and a man, Mr. Nethercot of-
fers what probably will be the ul-
timate biography of Abraham Cow-
ley-one of the very attractive lit-
erary figures of the seventeenth
Cowley's poetic reputation was
probably about doomed when Pope
asked: "Who now reads Cowley?"
But if there was any doubt about
it then, there wasn't after John-
son's famous Life of Cowley. John-
son, as you remember, began:
"About the beginning of the 17th
century appeared a race of writers
that may be termed the metaphy-
sical poets." And by the tone of:
that remark and the rotundly em-
phatic condemnation that followed'
Cowley was bowled over. Yet, as
the subtitle indicates, Cowley had
aspired to climb Alpine heights of
. poetry. He got off to a good start;
indeed, he is perhaps the most
startling juvenile poet in the his-.
tory of English literature, his poet-
ry written around the ages of 12
and 13 being still very readable. In
the course of his career, he con-
tinued and perhaps killed the
poetic style begun by Donne, in-
vented the irregular pseudo-Pindar-
ic ode, composed that well-known
sequence of amatory poems "The
Mistress," started an elaborate re-
ligious epic "Davideis," and wrote
such quite perfect things as the
elegies on Harvey and Crashaw and
certain of the Anacreontics. He was
considered during his own time the
greatest poet of his day; and indeed'
was sincerely admired and stolen
from by both Milton and Dryden.
Mr. Nethercot treats Cowley's p-
etry very modestly, not at all car-
ried away by his obvious delight
in Cowley as a man into an exag-
geration of the merits of his poetry.
But principally, Mr. Nethercot is
interested in Cowley as the typical
man of his age. Cowley was "a fine
Latinist, a philosopher, a botanist,
one of the founders of the Royal
Society, and an active participant
in the great political events of his
day." With this rich life as a focus,
Mr. Nethercot produces a vivid and
quite valuable picture of the Civil
Wars period. Indeed, when one wit-
nesses his extraordinarily diverse
activity, one can understand why
Cowley never clarified his poetic
aims and never produced some-
thing great with his very superior i
poetic talent.
Mr. Nethercot's biography will be
of interest to all those who find
the figure revealed in Cowley's es-
says (the first and some of the
best intimate essays in English lit-
erature) a warm, attractive person-
line of Anthropology: Edited by
V. F. Calverton: The Modern Li-
brary, N.Y.C. Price 95c.
« * *
Mr. V. F. (George) Caverton. 3d-
itor de luxe, who spends a great deal
of his time collecting and editing
the works of other people, has his
virtue: he knows good work when
he sees it. And there is plenty of
good work briliantly organized in
this volume, which certainly is the
best anthology of anthropological

essays to be published since the ad-
vent of Boas' Source Book.
The book furnishes authoritative
and in the main well-selected es-
says on six major anthropological
problems: fossil man, race and lan-
guage, social organization, sex
customs, religion, and conative de-
velopment of attitudes. The prob-
lems are discussed by such lumin-
aries as Boas, Morgan, Sapir, Riv-
ers, Levy-Bruhl, Goldenweiser Wes-
termarck, Malinowski, Frazer,Kroe-
ber, Radin, Lowie, and Ruth Bene-
Complete as the volume is, regret-
tably absent are longer discussions
of contemporary work being done
in physical anthropology, especial-
ly by Ales Hrdlicka who is not rep-
resented, and the work of Ameri-
can archaeologists in the Southwest
and Mayan regions. Also, instead of
the selection from Miss Margaret
Mead's reports on Samoa, a chapter
from her latest book on adoles-
cence and education in New Gui-
nea compared with that in the U.
S. would have been a happier se-
lection. Likewise, a chapter from
Malinowski's Sex Repression in Sav-
age Society would have better ex-
pounded the author's theories than
the piece chosen from his earlier
work. L.R.K.


Just Another
Noble Experiment"


Flip the Frog Cartoon
"Flying Fists"
Comedy Act


In a Fish Brand
Slicker you're always
Under Cover
POURING cats and dogs. Class
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rive wilted and forlorn--or
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For this occasion and hun-
dreds of others like it, a
Fish Brand Varsity Slicker is
Roomy, comfortable and ab-
solutely water-proof, it pro-
tects you, clear down to the
cuff of your trousers, as thor-
oughly as if you went all the
way under cover. Full-lined,
too, for warmth on blustery
days. Built with wear-resist-
ing sturdiness.
There is a wide range of
Tower's Fish Brand models.
Send for illustrated folder.
A. J. Tower ,Company, 24
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What Does He Know?
Men's lives, women' s
loves hang on his silence
..........,when he has to
speak ..what happens?

k Camel"

.. LAW *J ?
Clyde ' Hearst I Hilarious
Comedy .News I Talkartoon





screen Reflections
At the Michigan: "Party Husband"
with Dorothy Mackail. Closes Sat-
"Party Husband" recalls to our
mind a lot of words which are not
nice to use. It is beyond our pow-
er to understand why time, money,
and the good nature of an audience
should have been wasted on this
Dorothy Mackail is, of course, as
attractive as ever, but even she is
powerless to add an appeal to the
show. The pseudo-seriousness of the
plot is let down some by bits of
comedy humor.
The picture opens with a wedding
scene in which Dorothy is natural-
ly the bride who blushingly "tells
us" that this marriage has risen
from a new order and will bring
together two honest-to-god indi-
viduals. And just as honest-to-god
as the individuals the plot next re-
veals two darling little love birds
on a honeymoon. Of course the
really modern wife like Miss Mac-
kall continues her career. A few
quite serious complications result
from the noble modern experiment.
It would seem that this produc-
tion is a new attempt at putting
a new front on the old morality
plays. One can get some very good
advice on how to keep the home
fires burning at home and not in
Reno. This is straight information,
folks, from Hollywood. Everything
is in good fun. There is no need for
a handkerchief regardless of howF
readily you must.C


On left, Big Dipper, a ridiculous
number of miles away. On right,
Secretary Stimson shaking hands.
* * *
Now that the oil well fire seemsj
to be over (yesterday's paper said
the gaskets were loose, but that
sounds pretty improbable to us) it
can be told. We found this state-
ment in an Associated Press dis-
patch in an eminent local paper:
S ,*
"There was a flash and flames
were shooting around me. I thought
at first the truck was on fire. Then
then the fire disappeared as sud-
denly as it came save for the blaz-
ing oil tank near the truck. I
leaped out and ran back into the
woods to see if any one there need-
ed help."
*- *
You never can tell when some-
body will be drowning or falling
into quicksand way off by himself.
* * *
Or, that is, will be tomorrow.
Honest! We have been postponing
it a bit, but we'll really crash
through tomorrow morning with
Part One of Roll's Mamoth Serial,
In the meantime, let us give you
another synopsis of what has gone
before. The first one wasn't very
good, anyway.
Strange things have been
happening at the gloomy old
Whoofle mansion on Long Is-
land. People say that-but it
is better left unsaid. Reggie
is deeply in love, but doesn't un-
derstand what Claudine means
when she says it's raining out-
side. Reggie is a bit dense,
One night, there is a strange,
sinister tapping on the door.
Reggie flings it open, but there
is nobody there.
* * *1






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July 28th Last Day
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