Former Convict, Trapped on Ft.
Wayne Road, Shoots Way to
Temporary Freedom.
No Gun-Play Required by Police
in Affecting Arrest on
Fort Wayne Street.
FORT WAYNE, Ind., July 23.-(IP)
-Four hours after he shot and
killed two federal prohibition
agents to escape a trap they laid
for him, George Adams, reputed
Fort Wayne bootlegger and former
convict, was captured by local po-
lice early today.
Cornered on a road at the south
edge of the city with a load of
liquor the agents had ordered Wed-;
nesday night, Adams shot and kill-;
ed at close range John J. Wilson,
40, of Rockwell City, Ia., ranking
special agent in the Indianapolis
prohibition enforcement office. Wil-
son was said by his companions to
be unarmed.
Then, wounded in the neck and
cheek by shots from the gun of
Walter M. Gilbert, 33, special agent
from Cincinnati, Adams returned
the fire and Gilbert fell, fatally
wounded. He died an hour later
in a Fort Wayne hospital.
Agents Dive fr Caer.
A special federal prohibition in-
former, C. E. Green of Portland,
.nd., and another special agent,
Oliver Gettle of Indianapolis, who1
said Adams "seemed to go crazy,"
dove for cover to escape the fire
from Adams' gun. Both were cut
by barbed wire fencing in a culvert
into which they dropped.
Adams made his escape and a
wide search was organized. LocalI
police, tipped off by federal agents,
captured him without, a shot being
fired early today as he drove up to
the home here of Frank V. Kenier-{
ski. He was placed in Allen Coun-
ty jail.
Lloyd Krouse to whose home 121
miles south of here Adams drove1
after the shooting, was -held as a
material witness. Krouse bandaged
Adams' neck and then drove himS
where they were taken into cus-t
Investigation Ordered. 1
Maj. Howard Long, deputy pro-t
hibition administrator for northern
Indiana, arrived today to open anE
official investigation of the shoot-r
ing. Arival of Oliver M. Loomis,
federal district attorney for north-
ern Indiana, was awaited beforer
Adams will be given a hearing be-e
fore United States Commissionerg
William D. Remmel.
Adams was released from the
federal penitentiary at Leaven- i
worth, Kan., last January. He wast
sentenced by Judge Thomas W. i
Slick at South Bend, Ind., Oct. 7,s
1929, after pleading guilty to threev
federal liquor law charges.e
Green, the informer who helpedo
set the trap for Adams, was treatedc
at a hospital, and then telephoned
officers at Portland, asking a guard
be stationed at his home to protect
members of his family from possi-a
ble attacks. Portland records re- t
vealed he had been convicted on7
21 counts of liquor law violation, F
and had served the sentences con-s
Green and Agent Gilbert spent)
an hour at Adams' home early7
Wednesday night, arranging for I
purchase of a load of liquor. They-
designated the meeting place, near
Stellhorn bridge on the lower
Huntington road a mile south of
here. When Adams drove up
agents closed in, Adams drew a re-
volver, and the shooting began.
League to Inaugurate
Weekly Dances Tonight
Beginning tonight, a regular Fri-
day night dance will be held in the
ballroom of the League building
for both faculty and student mem-
bers of the University. Treasurer's
receipts must be presented by one
of a couple to secure tickets of ad-
Man, on Way to Vist
W[ife's Aunt, Confuses
depot, Police Station
CHICAGO, July 23.-(/P)-The af-
ternoon siesta of Sgt. John Maloy
Wednesday afternoon was abruptly
interrupted by the appearance at
the South State St. police station
of an elderly man, his wife, and a
"Is this the station?" he asked
the sergeant. Assured that it was,
the stranger saw to it that his wife
was seated on a bench and that his
suitcase was .properly placed,
whereupon he began to stride up
and down.
"it must be about time," he said
to the sergeant finally.
"Yes," replied the sergeant, "it
must be about time allright, but
about time for what."
"About time for the tran to
"Train?" "asked the sergeant. "We
have no train here."
"But you said this was the de-r
pot," argued the stranger. "I have
to take a train to Strong City Junc-,
tion to visit my wife's aunt."
A great light dawned on the
sergeant. He sumoned officers and
spoke to them in this manner:
"Take this fellow to a station
where he can get a train to visit
his wife's aunt. And don't bother,
me any more.",
T.V. Soong, Director of Fimnce,
Narrowly Averts Death cas
Secretary Is Hurt.a
SHANGHAI, July 23.-(RP)-Twok
bombs and a fusillade of bullets di-X
rected at T. V. Soong, finance min-f
ister and vice president of the Na-o
tionalist government, missed theire
mark here today but fatally in-o
jured Soong's secretary, Tang Yu-J
Six other Chinese were injured,c
some of them apparently by Soong'sf
bodyguard in answering the fire of
the unidentified assassins.t
The attack was launched just af-a
ter Soong and his party arrived byt
train from Nanking. The bombsc
failed to explode when thrown, butx
one of the later was discharged5
when picked up by a soldier. Hev
was possibly fatally wounded. A2
Cantonese student was arrested
later in connection with the inci-
Tang Yu-Loh was 32 years old
and was married recently. He for-
merly was a student at Both Har-c
vard and Yale universities.i
Soong, a pillar of the much-har-V
rassed Nationalist government, wasv
entering an automobile when theo
group attacked. Two bullets struckf
Tang Yu-Loh, who was near Soong.a
The shots threw a large crowdt
into an uproar. The density of the
throng prevented police from fir-i
ng at the assassins. Officers fired t
several volleys into the air in ab
vain attempt to halt them. They
escaped in the confusion. Tangs
was rushed to a hospital, where he
Doctor Is .Surrendered.
SHANGHAI, July 23.-(JP)-An
authoritative dispatch from Peiping'
today said Chinese authorities at1
Tsinanfu had surrendered Dr.
Francis F. Tucker, American mis-
sionary held for fatally shooting a
Chinese employe of a mission hos- t
pital, to the American consul atr
Tsinanfu on instructions from ther
Nationalist government.t
American Leaguef
Boston 13, Chicago 4.t
New York 7, Detroit 6 (13 innings) t
St. Louis 6, Washington 4.
Athletics 5, Cleveland 2.r
National League1
Pittsburgh 17, Brooklyn 6.r
Boston 6, Chicago 3.
New York 4, Cincinnati 2 (10 in-1
Phillies, St. Louis, rain.
W O O D _ M A IN T A IN S e H .. H g e S ai i s
State Has Highest Statistics
for Number of Men in
Priso, He Says.
Professor of Criminology Cites
Recent Developments in
Crime Treatment.
"Michigan sends more men to
prison than any comparable state
in the Union," said Professor Ar-
thur E. Wood of the department of
sociology speaking at the Natural
Science auditorium yesterday on the
subject "Recent Developments in
the Control of Crime." "For every
100,000 of the population in 1920
only 19.9 men were in jail, the pro-
portion rose to 69.2 in 1926 and in
1927 it went up to 78.2, a profound
increase in less than two decades,"
he said.
"Accumulation of reliable body
of facts concerning the criminal
and his background and the en-
trance of scientifically trained men
in the field of penology are the two
bright spots in the recent develop-
ments in the control of crime," he
said. "Statistics and their interpre-
tation lie at the base of public con-
trol of crime as they do in the Pub-
lic Health field," he stated.
Study Statistics.
Statistics on prison population,
number of arrests, of convictions
and the offenses known to the po-.
lice are basic in the study of crime
besides increased knowledge about
probation, parole and prosecutions,
Professor Wood went on. The ef-
f e c t of prohibition legislation
on prison population may be judg-
ed from the fact that 49 per cent1
of men held in federal prisons on
June 30, 1930, were liquor law vio-
lators and 67 per cent of those heldj
in State and County prisons of the
country were held for the same of-
fense, he explained.
"'Prisons and reformatories of
the States are full to overflowing
and the normal capacity is over-
taxed," Professor Wood said and
cited four typical examples. One
prison designed to accommodate
582 had 1157 inmates; another.
with a normal capacity of 1500 had
2408, a third with room for 1500
held 2373; and a fourth, normally
intended to hold 2,100, held 3488
on the days the reports were made.
Two Typical Areas.
Two types of crime areas are dis-
covered by a study of the geograph-
ical incidence of crime, Professor
Wood explained, areas of transition
where the effect of community dis-
organization are apparent and the
family life has broken down, the
area of isolation which has more1
than its share of crime.-
"Inmproved housing, stable fam-
ily life, lower cost of homes, and1
the stabilizing of employment would
be approach to a solution of crime;
in the areas of transition," Profes-
sor Wood said.
KANSAS CITY, July 23.-(IP)--
The old king heat sent tempera-;
tures rocketing above the centuryc
mark again today from the rocky
mountain states southeastward in-c
to Oklahoma.
In Kansas, where a maximum of
111 degrees was reached .yesterday,
freak storms accompanied high
temperatures today.
Hot wind coaxed the mercury to
the one hundred mark at 5 a.m.,
today at Emporia, Kansas, while a
few miles distant a tornado whirled
through the sky but did not come
to earth.
Thunderstorms which produced
no rain visited southern Kansas;
one of them launched a bolt of
lightning which fired a 55,000-bar-
rel oil tank at Humbolt.
Temperatures were only slightly
lower in more than a score of Kan-
sas cities, which reported marks
ranging from 100 to 111 yesterday.
Wayne County Prosecutor Says
Border Guard's Bullet
Wounded Excursionist.
Steamer Passengers Maintain
Rum Runners Did Not
Return Fire.
DETROIT, July 23.-(IP)-The
Wayne county prosecutor's office
tonight was gathering evidence on
which to base possible charges
against a United States customs
border patrolman whose gun was
said by police today to have wound-
ed an excursionist on the Detroit
river Tuesday night.
At the same time, William G.
Comb, an assistant United States
attorney said transfer of the case
to federal courts would be demand-
ed if Clarence E. Fish, the inspec-
tor accused of the shooting, is
bound over to Wayne county circuit
court for trial.
Ballistics experts reported today
the shot which struck Arthur Gaj-
eski, a passenger on the excursion
steamer St. Clair, was fired from a
pistol turned over to authorities
yesterday by Inspector Fish.
Fish and his partner in the pat-
rol boat, Walter Weslowski, report-
ed to their superior officer after the
skirmish of Tuesday night 'that
they had exchanged shots with a
fleeing rumrunner but that all of
the 31 shots they fired were direct-
ed away from the steamer St.
Clair, which carried 1000 members
of a church young people's society.
The prosecutor's office today
questioned numerous passengers on
the steamer, and said that there
was virtual agreement that the cus-
toms officers' fire was not returned
from the rumrunning craft.
Hoover Hails Results
as Important Sign
of Recovery.
WASHINGTON, July 23.-/(P)-
Led by President Hoover, the Amer-
ican capital tonight hailed the re-
sults of the London ministers' con-
ference at a foundation for Ger-
many's economic stability.
Secretary Stimson reported fully
by both transatlantic telephone and
cable the results of the conference.
Acting Secretary Castle of the
State department, who talked with
the Secretary after the adjourn-
ment of the conference, laid the re-
port before the chief executive.
In a formal statement, Mr. Hoov-
er characterized the conference's.
work as a contribution to the'
world's economic recovery.'
Sound Foundation Laid.
He said the conference had laid
a "sound foundation fr the estab-
lishment of stability in Germany,"
the major banking and credit
problems of which had been solved
through assurancesofco-operative
banking action.
The combined effort of the planE
for one year's moratorium on gov-1
ernmental debts supplemented by,
the accomplishments at London, he
said, should enable Germany to
overcome temporary difficulties and
restore credit.I
Disarmament Supported. 1
The conclusion of the London
meeting left disarmament as the
next important diplomatic problem
before the Hoover administration.1
The forthcoming general disarma-
ment conference at Geneva has re-
ceived the whole-hearted supportt
of the American government.
President Hover twice in the
past month has linked the burdens,
of heavy armament with world-
wide depression.
Dean Edmonson, Profesors Kyte,f
Hubbard and Davis Speak
Before Teachers.
In a statement to The Daily last
night, Dean Edward H. Kraus of
the Sumer Session said of the grad-
uate conferences in education7
brought to a close here yesterday,j
"I feel that the conferences have1
been very successful. They have
furnished a means for the Univer-E
sity and the School of Education
to keep in touch with the men and
women educators in the state.,
Their response to the program of-~
fered has been very satisfactory."
Yesterday more than one hun-
dred alumni attended the meetings
which were held throughout the dayj
in the Union. Speakers on the pro-
gram included Prof George C. Kyte,
Prof. F. W. Hubbard, Prof. C. O.
Davis and Dean James B. Edmon-
son of the School of Education. '
This is the second year the con-
ferences have been held. Present
indications are that they will be1
made a permanent feature of theE
Summer Session, according to an
announcement made by Prof.
Thomas A. Diamond, who has been'
in charge of arrangements.
Dean Edmonson, who made the
closing remarks of today's session,'
said, "We must realize that a too
careful selection of teachers can-
not be made for the work of edu-
cating our futures citizens." He
also pointed out that the education
of the average teacher entering his
profession for the first time, has;
just begun. "Superintendents
should take this fact into consider-
ation when welcoming new addi-
tions to their staff," he said.
Steps Taken to Revive
World Confidence
in Situation.
Bruening, Curtius Not
Enthusiastic About
LONDON, July 23.--(P)-- The
seven-power international confer-
ence ended today after taking tem-
porary measures to revive world
confidnce in Germany's financial
and economic future.
As it was forecast, the palliatives
were confined to a three months'
extension of the $100,000,000 loan
from the central banks of the world
powers, to concerted measures in
all countries to maintain existing
credit in Germany, and to' recom-
mendations dealing with Germany's
future needs.
Interdependence Stressed.
The final plenary session of the
conference ended with solicitous
farewells which stressed the inter-
dependence of nations and welcom-
ed the participation of the United
States through Secretaries Stimson
and Mellon.
In a formal statement expressing
his satisfaction with the results of
the conference, Secretary Stimson
pointed out that the governments
of all accredited countriesnHave
agreed to use their influence and
leadership in allaying the panic
which was causing withdrawal of
German credit.
Germans Unenthusiastic.
Only at the headquarters of the
German delegation was there a lack
of enthusiasm. While admitting
that their government has secured
a breathing spell in its internation-
al financial relations, Chancellor
Bruening and Foreign Minister
Curtius are still risking their polit-
ical positon, according to the in-
formed German view, unless they
take back with them to Berlin
some tangible assurance of new
credits. The American, French and
British delegations were agreed to-
night that the London meeting had
accomplished its purpose as far as
checking Germany's rush toward
a financial panic is concerned.
Secretary Stimson described the
meeting as a fitting sequel to Presi-
dent Hoover's reparations holiday,
announced June 20. Secretary Mel-
Ion emphasized that lack of con-
fidence in Germany is not justified
by Germany's internal economic
situation, which, he said, is inher-
ently strong.
French Satisfied.
The French expressed themselves
as eminently satisfied with the
meeting, because it leaves them in
much the same position they have
held heretofore regarding exten-
sion of new credit to Germany, ei-
ther on a short r long term basis.-
Tomorrow m o r n in g Europe's
"barnstorming statesmen" will leave
London for their home capitals;
Secretary Stimson will go with the
German delegation to Berlin. Sec-
retary Mellon will return to his Riv-
iera holiday, while during the week-
end Prime Minister MacDonald and
Foreign Secretary Henderson of
Great Britain will pay their delay-
ed week-end visit to Berlin, return-
ing the Germans' recent visit.
As far as new credits for Ger-
many are concerned, all the Lon-
don meeting did was to "note with
interest" the joint guarantees re-
cently pledged by hundreds of Ger-
man industrial concerns. Upon
these great concerns, Gernany, by
a recent emeergency decree, could
have asked for credit amounting to
$500,000,000 and the German view
is that unless 'some such deal is
consummated the Bruening regime
will be in danger of,
Disorders in Seville
Approaching Change
in Government.
(See Page 3, Col. 1)
SEVILLE, July 23.-(AP)-Artillery
surrounded a tavern frequented by
communists in the suburbs of Ma-
carena and reduced it to wreckage
with 22 rounds of rapid fire today
in the government's efforts to put
down syndicalist disorders. Soldiers
tonight manned machine guns and
artillery units, ready for instant
use should the disorders which to-
day cost five lives be repeated.
Dwellers in the tavern's neigh-
borhood, all outside the danger
zone during the bombardment, were
searched for arms. Authorities
said the tavern, a Mecca for com-
munists, contained a store of arms
which was destroyed.
The fatalities today occurred at
Alccala, in De Guadaira, and in Se-
ville. Here civil guards and troops
killed four members of a mob who
attempted to rescue prisoners. One
person was killed at De Guadaira.
In the town of Brenes strikers
attacked a mercantile center, de-
stroyed furniture and fittings, and
cut telephone lines.
Leaflets of clandestine origin,
calling for continuance of strikes,
were distributed in Seville.
Lindberghs Prepare
for Vacation Flight
NEW YORK, July 23.-(AP)-Col.
and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh
plan to start next week on a vaca-
tion flight to the orient.
Several more instruments are to
be installed in his monoplane,
which has been converted into a
seaplane by the attachment of pon-
A day or two before they take
off the Lindberghs will fly to Wash-
ington for a final conference with
state department officials, who are
arranging the necessary papers for
their flights to foreign lands.