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July 23, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-23

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Chinese President Asks
Reprisal for Deaths
in Korean Riots.
Cantonese Government
Unfavorable; Fails
to Answer.
HONG KONG, July 22.-(P)
-Chiang Kai-Chek, president of
the nationalist government of
China, was said by the Cantonese
insurgent government today to
have asked the rebels to join in
a war against Japan in conse-j
quence of Korean outrages upon
Harassed by new rebellious
. alignments against the nationalist
regime, Chiang was asserted to
have offered to resign the Presi-z
dency and take command of a force
of 500,000 men to be raised in vari-1
ous provinces and thrown against
Japan at the Korean border.
Killing Is Motive.,
The nationalist president was
said to have seized the recent kill-
ing of 100 Chinese in Korea by na-t
tive mobs as a motive for makinga
war upon Japan, which rules Kor-
ea. The Korean riots grew out oft
an attack by 500 Chinese upon 200f
Korean irrigation laborers in Man-
Although Japanese police stationsx
were refuges of hunted Chinese,t
and Japanese police killed Korean
attackers, Chiang was reported tor
seek hostilities against Japan as a]
means of ending factional strife in1
China in a struggle against a com-
mon enemy.
Canton Unfavorable.s
The Canton government, however,e
was represented as not disposed tor
fight Japan, and it had not repliedt
to Chiang's proposals. These were
announced as having been trans-e
mitted through Chang Hsueh
Liang, the governor of Manchuria,r
an ally of the national government.-
r~reiiuuhiu nm rnnnr

Tribune Enters New
Site, Changes Name
The Washtenaw Tribune yes-
terday entered new offices at 206
East Huron street and opened
publication under its new title,
the Ann Arbor Tribune. Congrat-
ulations from numerous men,
prominent in state and local af-
fairs, appeared in the opening
issue of 32 pages.
The Tribune, originally the
Washtenaw Post, was established
in 1879. It has been published as
a tri-weekly for more than a
Among those torcongratulate
The Tribune were: Governor
Wilbur M. Brucker; Mayor Wirt
J. Newkirk; Regent Junius E.
Beal; Carl Lehman, attorney;
and Jay G. Pray, probate judge.
Novice Flyer Proclaimed Newest
Sensation After Hop
to Montreal.
NEW YORK, July 22.-(IP)-If
James Goodwin Hall, aviation's
newest sensation, has set out to
capture the laurels of Captain
Frank M. Hawks, pilots believe the
most thrilling chapter in American
speed flying history is about to be
Both flyers today were in action,
Hall chasing a Montreal-New York
record made by his veteran rival,
and Hawks poising for a flight be-
fore dawn tomorrow to Havana,,
to try to set new marks for that
flight, both north and south. ,
Hall flew to Montreal early this,
afternoon in one hour, 57 minutes,;
probably setting a low mark for
that 350-mile course.
On the return trip, however, he
required one hour and 59 minutes,
14 minutes slower than Captain
Hawk's Montreal-New York record.
Hawks for more than a year has
been rated the world's premier'
skysplitter. His dashes to the Pa-
cific coast and back, and his most
recent record-making flight be-
tween eastern cities of the United
States and Canada opened a new
era in fast travel.
Hawks made 92 trips in six
months, covering 25,000 miles and
attaining a speed of 280 miles an
hour. His average for the period
was something like 145 miles.
Hall, hardly beginning his career
as a speeder, did notbother with
the flight time of any of the lesser
demons of the skies, but went
straight after Hawk's New York-
Havana record.
Seek Eighty Men Under Ponar
After Infantry Uprising
in Argentine.
BUENOS AIRES, July 22.-()-
Airplanes were ordered out today
to search for Leut. Col. Gregorio
Pomar and 80 men, who, according
to a government communique, have
fled from Corrientes after an up-

rising of the infantry regiment to
which they belonged.
The government charges Pomar
with the death of Lieut. Col. Lino
Montiel, commander of the reg-
"Complete tranquility prevails
throughout the country," the com-
munique said.
American League
St. Louis 8, Washington 4.
New York 2, 9, Detroit 3 ,5.
Chicago 2, 9, Boston 3, 3.
Athletics 7, Cleveland 3.
National League
Pittsburgh 10, 2, Brooklyn 6,3.
Chicago 5, Boston 4 (11 innings).
Cincinnati 4, New York 3.
St. Louis, Phillies, rain.




for Health in Children
Now Being Realized,
Says Lecturer.

Finds Education Centering More
on Child as Whole, Not
Knowledge Alone.
"Statesmanship is realizing more
acutely that the future belongs to
that nation or race which produces'
the greatest number of healthy ba-
bies and which is actively interest-:
ed in providing for these children;
all the health and protection need-I
ed," said Prof. John Sundwall yes-;
terday at the afternoon meeting
of the graduate conferences in Ed-
Must Seek Normalcy.
Continuing Professor Sundwall
said that not only must we be in-
telligently and actively engaged inr
the prevention of emotional, phy-
sical, and mental defects but that'
we must see to it that the child
grows up and develops normally.
"Modern public school education
is characterized by the shifting of
its center of interest to the child1
as a whole, its physical, mental and
emotional make up. This centering
of interest on the normal growth
and development of the total child,
is the result of the modern child
conservation movement which be-
gan, in a large measure, with the
first White House conference on the
interests of children.
Awareness Necessary.
In concluding Professor Sundwall.
said, "Schoolmen who do not pos-
sess an impelling awareness of thet
momentous importance of child
conservation, and who are not act-
ively concerned with providing ef-
fective machineries for the con-
servation of the child as a whole
will have no place in the publicI
schools of the future."
Lecturer Says Need Is for New
Constructiveness, Not
"The realism of the war and
post-war literature is tinged with
pessimism and, as a reaction to
the Victorianism which proclaimed
'God is in his heaven and all's right
with the world' and did not dare
to face the harsh and ugly truth,
has gone to the other extreme to
find universal hollowness and emp-
tiness in life," said Professor J.
Douglas Bush of the department
of English of the University of Min-
nesota in an address at Natural
Science auditorium yesterday.
"Love to the new realist is not an
exalted feeling; it is a biologi-
cal urge, and the central position
that man occupied in the scheme
of things has been lost to him since
the milky way of which the solar
system is an unconspicious speck
is itself a negligible part of the uni-
verse," he said.
Unity of purpose and conscious-
ness of direction which the writers
of the earlier times could discern
and believe in has vanished, he
explained, and the modern realists
have lost faith, love tragedy, and
romance in their utilitarian and de-
featist philosophy of life.
"In the middle ages religion and
reason were united in christian
humanism and although thicker
and thicker wedges of knowledge

separated them as time went on,"
Professor Bush said, "the spiritual
energy inherited from the Middle
Ages kept the literature of the fol-
lowing centuries vital.
"The need of modern literature
is for men who will not be content
to make faces at the universe but
think constructively," he said.

A Review by William J. Gorman.
Marivaux's style was so thorough-
1y defined that it contributed a new
word "marivaudage" to French
critical jargon. It is a similar
stylistic precision which Mr. Mer-
cier has brought to his production
of "Love and Chance", and for
neat, theatrical thinking it should
prove one of the most interesting
productions of the summer session.
The play itself is a thoroughly
piquant study of the amiable love
which grows between Dorante and
Sylvia, who have been masquerad-
ing respectivelyaas valet and maid
because they were intended for one
another and each wanted to get to
know the other comfortably. Mari-
vaux's drama is as simple as that
It is thoroughly symmetrical
drama, each moment of which is
perfectly lucid and perfectly poised.
The people in it have amiable sen-
timents, which they do an elegant
minimum of graceful thinking
about and which they reveal with
grace of manner. Marivaux's ami-
able world is Watteau's Cytherea.
Mr. Mercier realizes all its quali-
ties in a lucid theatrical design.
In the first place, the game of love
and chance is "framed"; and we
watch the "picture" with Orgon and
Mario not at all bothered by its
delicious artificiality since we are
delicately remineded of it by the
production. Within this rigid
frame, the play is completely acted.
The gestures and movement of in-
dividuals and their movement into
,groups always gives the flavor of
the scene. The play, actually very
slight, is a masterpiece by very
reason of its "theatrical" nature,
its potentiality for inspiring neat
theatrical patterns. And Mr. Mer-
cier's production is very revealing
in this respect.
Of course, it takes actors with
rich completely controlled styles to
get the complete savour of these
Watteau figures across. An actor
has to be very mature to be sucess-
fully artificial. Mildred Todd plays
the role of Sylvia extremely well.
She gives us all the grace and the
bharm of an ingenious, serious
young girl, honest in sentiment and,
though only slightly, deliciously
self-analytical. Richard Purser
gives quite a rich, and amusing
performance as Harlequin; though
it might have been a little more
sharply defined, he has and gives
abundant fun with the part. Mr.
Cox's Rorante is not as successful.
Last night it was awkward and mo-
notonous. When he is making love,
Mr. Cox is not witty, or impressive,
or varied enough; when he is a ject
he is not either dignified or appeal-
ing enough. His Dorante hasn't
quite enough stature to be opposite
Miss Todd's Sylvia. Mr. Freed's
Orgon, too, was neither free nor
full enough. Since we in the audi-
ence are more or less idendtified
with Orgon, who watches the game
with us, Mr. Freed's Orgon was con-
stantly embarrassing since he was
not having as much fun as we
were. Miss Kratz's Lisette is com-
'nvestigate Wounding
of Boat Excursionist
(See Story on Page Three)
DETROIT, July 22.-(P)-Four
investigations were being conducted
tonight to fix the responsibility for
the wounding of a passenger on an
excursion steamer on Lake St.
Clair last night.
The investigations were being
made by Walter S. Petty, assistant

collector of customs, Representative
Robert P. Clancy, Assistant Prose-
cutor Herbert E. Munro; and Fred-
erick J. Simpson, vice-president of
the Detroit-Windsor Ferry company.


Officials in Washington
See Success for
WASHINGTON, July 22.-(P)-
Successful conclusion tomorrow of
the work of the London ministers'
conference to afford financial relief
to Germany was predicted tonight
by high administration authorities.
Late in the day, Secretary Stim-
son telephoned Acting Secretary
Castle of the State department in
Washington that recommendations
to be submitted to the conference
tomorrow are satisfactory to the
United States. The recommenda-
tions were adopted by the finance
minsters attending the conference.
The Secretary's mesage by tele-
phone was the only report received
during the day by the American
government from its representa-
Press dispatches outlining the re-
commendations showed they very
closely folowed the proposal which
Mr. Castle had said was made to
the conference on behalf of the,
United States.
The first two points of the re-'
commendations, providing for an
extension of the $100,000,000 central
and world bank credits and for
maintenance of levels on private:
credits, coincided with the Ameri-
can suggestion as made public;
EBBETTS FIELD, Brooklyn- 1
July 22.-(IJP) -Jack Sharkey
and Mickey Walker fought to a
draw in fifteen rounds here to-j
night. Sharkey gave way before
Walker's superior aggressive-,
ness through the early anda
middle rounds of the charity
battle but rallied strongly to-
ward the close.
3ession Open to All Students,,
Public Health Workers
of State.
Special Public Health Institute
No. Four open to all Summer Ses-
sion students and designed to give
intensified work on Fridays and
Saturdays for those public health
workers who are unable to attend
the regular Summer Session will be-
gin tomorrow at 9 o'clock at the
West Medical building.
"Undulant Fever" will be the sub-
ject of a lecture by Dr. Robert C.
Rothenberg, Instructor in Internal
Medicine of the University. Pro-
fessor Malcolm H. Soule will discuss
"Some Medical Problems in Porto
Rico" at 10 o'clock. City Health
Service will be discussed by Dr.
Henry F. Vaughn, Commissioner of
'Health of Detroit at 11 o'clock.
"Rural Problems of County Nurn.
ses" will be the subject of an ad-
dress by Mrs. Elizabeth H. Vaughn
.of the Nursing Service of the Amer-
ican Red Cross. Dr. Frank L. Rec-
tor, Field Representative of the
American Society for the Control
of Cancer will speak on the "Pre-
vention of Cancer" at 4 o'clock.

Seeks Way to Prevent
Foreign 'Withdrawal
of Investments.
Four Resolutions to Be
Subject of Plenary
Meeting, Report.
LONDON, July 22.-(P)-The
committee of finance ministers
of the seven-power conference an-
nounced tonight that it had de-
cided on a plan for economic and
financial aid to Germany and that
the plan would be presented to-
morrow to what, it was believed
here, may be the final plenary
session of the conference.
The plan, it was understood,
would include measures intended
to give Germany at least a nine-
ty-day "reprieve" in her struggle
against financial and economic
It includes a proposal for ex-
tending for three months the
$100,000,000 credit from the World
Bank for International Settlements
and other measures chiefly con-
cerned with the prevention of with-
drawal of foreign investments in
Germany and with general aid for
Germany's finances and those of
the Reichsbank.
From one quarter close to con-
ference affairs it was learned that
four resolutions would be presented
to tomorrow's session. These, it
was stated, would provide: (1) that
the central bank aid the World
Bank for International Settlements
extend the $100,000,000 German
credit for a further period of three
months; (2) that private banks ,be
urged to leave their credits now in
Germany in German hands for the
present; (3) that a World bank
committee be appointed to consid-
er the question of short-term loans
to Germany and the conversion of
existing short-term loans to long-
term loans; (4) that the conference
"note with satisfaction" the action
of German industrialists in creating
a reserve of approximately $125,-
000,000 on the German gold dis-
count bank.
Seeps Thyough Gasket Placed on
Well After Disas:rous
Blaze Is Stopped.
MT. PLEASANT, July -22.-(P)-
The wild "Struble No. 1" gusher was
under control today, but the pres-
sure of the pent-up gas androil was
so great that gas still was escaping
through the control head to con-
tinue the menace "of another fire.
Five hours after the plume of
flame which spouted from the well
for nearly 60 hours was extinguish-
ed Tuesday a new control head was
installed and it was thought the
danger was over.
An hour later, however, a gasket
gave way and a fountain of oil
again shot upward. Within a short
time repairs were made and the
leakage reduced to a trickle.
Combustible gas continued to

blanket the well area, however.
The ground and near-by trees were
kept saturated with water to min-
imize the danger.
Storage tanks were being moved
out of the danger zone. When the
well's flow can be piped into them,
it is believed, the leakage will be
stopped and the fire menace per-
manently removed.
The death list from Saturday's
fire was increased to nine today
when Thomas D. Lamb, a driller,
died in the hospital here.

Million Dollar Brewery Attached
in New York; Fifty of
Employes Escape.
NEW YORK, July 22.-(AP)-Fed-
eral prohibition agents today were
in possession of the five-story
Phoenix brewery, which they raided
Tuesday night under the personal
supervision of administrator An-
drew McCampbell.
More than thirty agents, armed
with bars, sledge hammers, and
battering rams, descended on the
plant, at 10th Ave. and 25th St.,
which they value at $1,000,000 and
forced their way in after a half
hour's pounding on various doors
and brick walls.
Fifty employees escaped while the
agents were entering. Four men
remained behind to submit to ar-
rest. The brewery was described
by the raiders as the most com-
plete and modern in this area.
Lindbergh to Hop off
for Orient Next Week
NEW YORK, July 22.--(P)-Col-
onel Charles A. Lindbergh an-
nounced tonight that he and his
wife would take off next week on
their flight to the Orient.
Colonel Lindbergh said he was
not ready to name the day of his
departure because it had not been
determined upon.
His route lies over Canada, the
Hudson Bay district, and through
northern Alaska down the eastern
coast of Siberia to Tokio. He will
then fly to China but the itiner-
ary has nort been fined.



Registration for the excursion to
Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie, is now open
at the summer session office, room 9,
University Hall it was announced
yesterday. Round-trip steamer
tickets are. on sale and people de-
siring bus transportation are asked
to register as soon as possible so
that the department will know in
advance how many buses to pro-
Buses will leave Ann Arbor at 7
o'clock in the morning, Saturday,

August 1. There will be a 120 mile
boat trip on Lake Erie and a 3 hour
stay on the island which is famous
'for its beautiful caves.
The cost will not exceed $3.50, ac-
cording to the announcement. This
may be somewhat reduced if per-
sons desire to bring picnic lunches.
The Put-in-Bay trip has been for
many years one of the most popular
of excursions, and is not restricted
to summer students alone, but is
open to the public.

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