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July 18, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-18

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Wfjt flWut2r
iaagw..# ,reV ,'sse g xcet Monday
thsas sru t summer Session by the
s.. s onxtrol of ;.Student Publication.
The Associated Press exclusively entitled
ts the use for republication of all news die-
#ea oredited to it or not otherwise credited
Sthis paper and the local news published
herein. alrights ofrepublication o specias
diqatehee herein are also reserved.
.ntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post.
oeie as second class matter.
Bubsoription by carrier, $1.50; by mal,
Otice.: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor. Michigan.
Tetiphene: EdItoriat, 4923; Business
Editorial Director ..... Gurney Williams
0. W. Carpenter Carl Mely
L. R. LChubb Sher Y. Quraishi
Barbara Nal Eleanor Rairdon
Charles C. Irwin Edgar Eacine
Susaa Manchester Marion 'Thornton
P. Cutler Showers
Asitant Business .anager .. VernonBishop
Contracts M[anager .............Carl ]Marty
Advertisinsg Manager .......,ack Bunting
Accounts. Circulation.... .....homas Muir


LEXANDER Magyar and George
Endres have added their names
to the long and increasing list of
long-distance flyers by successfully
navigating the space between New
York and Budapest, but;:the motiv-
ation for their project has been lost
in the shuffle and their feat is al-
most pathetically futile in view of
the results they actually obtained.
What they hoped to do was call
attention to what they believed was'
injustice to Hungary when, eleven
years ago, she lost Transylvania
Croatia and Slavonia, with a re-
sultant drop of 68 per cent in ter-
ritory and 59 .per cent in popula-
tion. The flyers named their plane
"Justice for Hungary" and so in-
directly called the attention of the
world to their cause, but because
the crusaders chose the wrong psy
chological moment for their fligh
the world has apparently remaine
indifferent to the reasons for it.
Like a succession of gags in a
musical show which, if presented t
a naudience in rapid succession los
potency, so the dangerous flight o
Magyar and Endres causes scarcel
a ripple in the minds of a news
reading public whose taste fo
trans-Atlantic flights has bee
cloyed by aviation's recent succes
The Hungarian flyers .complete
their plans from a mechanica
standpoint .but the sympathy the
expected is sadly lacking. It is re
grettable they did not realize tha
Hungarian troubles of another dec
ade cannot attract world-wide sym
pathy even by spectacular trans
Atlantic flights these days. Ther
is too much else going on.
ANOTHER heat wave is grippi
the nation and all the trials an
tribulations of the recent ten-da
spell have returned to us. We re
call some of the medical advice tha
the last torrid wave called forth
perhaps it might be a good idea t
review some of the major rules fc
keeping cool. Don't eat too muc
is the first one. Try to get along o
salads, ice cream, iced tea, and
minimum of foods that conta
numerous calories. That's eas
enough. Rule number two is: We
a minimum of clothing. That
easier still. Don't talk about th
heat, is the third. Most person
find this the most difficult of al
with the possible exception of ruJ
number four: Don't worry. It
awfully easy to sit down and groa
about the heat but the benefici
effects produced by a determine
effort to avoid the subject are tan
gible enough to those who belie
in the power of mental suggestio
Disregarding set rules for h
weather behavior, however, there
this point to consider. Most of u
work at the sort of jobs that kee
us indoors or at least provide som
opportunity for running off to th
"old swimming hole" for a revita.
izing submersion, and we have b
to look around us in order to reali
that we have no business moani
and complaining about unavoidab
weather conditions. Consider th
cop, for instance, pounding his be
ol sizzling pavements and weari
a uniform in which most of u
wiuld suffocate; consider the wor
nen laboring outside on the vario
b u i d i n g s under constructio
around town; and take a look at a
the others who are forced to main
tain strenuous physical activity n
matter what.
Hot? Of course it's hot; but b

fore you give up, just look around
and see how hot it might be if you
had the other felow's job.
What Others Say
(The Daily Ilini)
Fraternities and sororities are
again the recipients of a vigorous-
ly critical but eloquently voluble
denunciation. Prof. Jerome Davis
of Yale university, who asserted
that these institutions do nothing
but train their members to act
properly in social gatherings and
tend to discourage student think-
Asking, "What have the fraterni-
ties and sororities in this country
done to help deplorable social con-
ditions?" the Yale professor an-
swered in the same breath, "Almost
nothing." His reccommendation
is that all organized houses of this
nature be disbanded on the cam-
pus (referring to the University of
Wisconsin). We take issue with
Prof Davis on nearly every concept
set forth in his talk recommending
the disbandment of the fraternity
and sorority groups on the Wiscon-
sin campus. And we presume that
his statements concerning the Wis-
consin houses would also be suffi-
ciently broad in scope to include
the general organization of fra-
ternities and sororities throughout
the United States as inferred in the
pointed challenge set forth by Prof.
Davis as to their worth.
It has long been an issue among
the educators and authorities
throughout the nation as to just
what benefits were derived from
the relationships and contacts
made through the fraternity and
sorority system in this country.
1However, if it be true, as Prof Davis
' intimates, that they do "train
their members to act properly in
cosial gatherings," we feel that they
have earned a right to exist.
_ Although we have no official fig-
ures to show the profits gained by
e men and women in the organized
e houses of the country, the idea is
- current that while living in a fra-
ternity or sorority, men and womer
d acquire that idenfinable "some-
thing" that aids in their associa-
tions while in school as well a
a those in later life. Also, it is in-
f disputable that men and women ac-
quire close friendships, and gai
more of a sense of responsibility
( to others while living in close con-
r 'tact with one another during th
n four years of their undergraduat
The point that should be ques
d tion is whether the organization
l do train their members to act prop
Y erly in organized society. Do the:
- really learn the finer points of de
't portment and etiquette while liv
- ing in the average fraternity an
- sorority here on this campus? Judg
- ing by the manner in which th
e fraternity men and sorority wome:
conduct themselves at some of th
prominent social functions on th
campus an dat their own house
often leads one to doubt.
g While we certinly would not pos
d as an authority on social conduc
y and culture, a visit to the ordinar
- or average house on the campu
t leads one to believe that its mem
I; rbers might exercise a much greate
o degree of courtesy toward the
r guests as well as among their ow
h, members.
n Just how Prof. Davis' statemer

a ,that fraternities and sororities dis"
n :courage student thinking is to b+
y defined is questionable. It is im"
r possible to gauge the mind of tli
's fraternity man and the non-fra"
ternity man for a comparison. Hov
1 ever, if scholastic average might t
l, taken as even a remote means c
le judging the intellect or the amour
's of thought that either of the two
n groups might do, we might poir
a out that on this campus at leas
d Ithere is but slight difference in tli
- averages of the two groups. W+
re offer this not as an accurate gaug+
n" of the thinking done by the stt
at dent but as one of the only mear
IS +of setting up a concept of the situa
u tion.
p ~---.

1' 'I
To the Editor:
As a former Daily staff member,.
I had been hoping that you would
reply editorially to a campus opin-
ion, signed "A Journalism Student,"
in which the writer wondered why
>there was not greater cooperation
between the journalism department.
:and The Daily. He also stated that
The Daily would provide a "most
desirable training ground for jour-
nalism students."
Might I point out a few reasons
why The Daily would not be able to
afford this opportunity to students
taking journalism courses? In the
first place, members of The Daily
do not work on the staff with the
expectation of staying one semes-
ter perhaps and then turning to
economics, French, or some other
field. Those who drop out do so
after one or two weeks, and the re-
mainder stay with the staff until
they receive promotion to salaried
positions, sometimes for four years.
In the second place, those stu-
dents who work on The Daily re-
ceive adequate training before they
'are given responsible positions. The
job of reporter requires a semes-
ter's work as tryout, and the night
editors work an additional year as
reporters before they - are given
these positions.
In the third place, the writer of
the previous letter compared the
training the students might receive
with the internship required of
medical students. This would
place The Daily in the laboratory
classification, a paper exclusively
for experimental work of students
who had no practical experience.
And it seems to me that The Daily,
- as a regular daily newspaper, could
not afford to permit comparative
- novices to hold 'such responsible
- positions. Furthermore the jour-
l nalism department has its own lab-
- oratory paper, The Michigan Jour-
e nalist, which answers its own pur-
l pose sufficiently.
e Therefore, it appears to me that
e the journalism department and The
s Daily can work best as they are at
present. For those students who
e desire the practical work, or who
t cannot ' show sufficiently good
y grades to meet with the eligibility
s requirements, the journalism de-
- partment is on hand.
r A Three-Year Daily Man.

orchestra has to advertise cigar-
ettes in order to sell music, and a
broadcasting company has to sell
an orchestra hour to a cigarette
company in order that a radio
company can sell radio sets to cig-
arette-smokers, why where are we
anyway? Suddenly in the midst
of the megrims we sat down and
composed a form letter which we
plan to send to the p esidents of
all cigarette companies that sell or-
chestras, all automobile companies
that build skyscrapers, and all tele-
graph companies that sponsor
music shows. A simple letter it
was: "Please outline, in 150 words,
just what you are trying to do. Ba-
by has the megrims."
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous corn-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

1 .

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. rederick B. Fisher, Minister
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Bishop Ernest L. Waldorf,
Kansas City, Missouri.
12:00 N.-Student Bible Class at
Wesley Hall.
6:00 P. M.-Devotional Meeting,
Wesley Hall. Speaker: Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus.
Allisen Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, July 19
10:45 A. M.-Morning worship with
sermon by Mr. Heaps. Fourth in
a series of addresses on "Four
Gospels for Today." Subject:
The Gospel of Contentment as
illustrated in the life of Robert
Louis Stevenson."
Soloist, Thelma Lewis.

8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
10:00 A. M.-Brotherhood of St.
Andrew's Bible class, Harley Kline,
11:00 A. M.-Summer Kindergarten.
Miss Eunice Campbell, director.
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer, ser-
mon by Mr. Lewis "What it Means
to Pray."
7:00 P. M.-Sunset Service, Pres-
byterian Church House, Speaker,
Prof. Edward R. Adair of McGill
Open house at Harris Hall Tuesday
afternoon from four to six.

Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan B. Mann, Assistant


409S . Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning
Service. Sermon topic: "Life."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.

B. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Ministet
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:30 A. M.--Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Worship and Sermon.
Mr. Sayles. "Faith in a Personal
12:00 Noon-Prof. Charles C. Fries
of the Dept. of English in the Uni-
versity will speak on "Some Sub
jects of Linguistic Research in ;Re-
lation to Biblical Interpretation."
7:00 P. M.-Union Student Meet-
ing on lawn of Presbyterian
Church House, 1432 Washtenaw.
Prof. A. J. Adair of McGill Uni-
versity will speak on "Religion and

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson. Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, University Pastor

10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "What is the Good Life"
by Alfred Lee Klaer.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
People at the Church. House.
7:00 P. M.-Twilight service in the
Grove at the Church House, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. Speaker: Dr. Bd-
ward Robert Adair of McGill Uni-
versity. Subject: "Religion and

7:30 P. M.-Wednesday
testimonial meeting.


The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building, is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.



UtOdoor Ch urch ervCie
McGill University
Auspices, Ann Arbor Churches 1432 Washtenaw
NEXT SUNDAY:-Prof. Albert Charles Jacobs



Here's how you score when you use a Waterman's
fountain pen. You write better. Professor reads
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extra set of tennis. Everybody happy.
You write better because Waterman's pen
points are smoother, more flexible, longer lasting.
A wide selection lets you get just the point that

To the Editor:
Our great American daily paper
publisher, I am told, was to build
an annex onto his home; but right
there was his wife's favorite tree.
Disregarding the advice of his en-
gineers, he ordered the tree trans-
planted to the top of yonder hill-
at the cost of $125,000. What con-
struction or achievement of real
social significance might have been
made with this same expenditure!
The defense of spending set forth
in Thursday's Daily is based on a
dangerous half-truth. Socially
wasteful and at best a temporary
palliative, lavish spending can
scarcely be justified as program
to avoid or remedy depression.
Serious consideration of our eco-
nomic system is in order. There
can be no doubt that capitalism,
unbridled individual anarchy, has
failed-failed to give most people
what they might reasonably expect.
Why then do we so naively accept
it? Whatever we may think about
Soviet Russia, she has demonstrated
two things: (1) that our old and
precarious economic system is not
a necessity: it can be replaced by
a planned system in which (2) per-
iods of unemployment and depres-
mand much more than this, of
sion can be eliminated. We de-'
course, and more than Russia
seems to demand. But let's get on
the right track.
Charles A. Orr



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There's a Waterman's for every taste and every purse. For
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The Lady Patricia is the pen women have wanted for
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Every Waterman's is guaranteed forever against defects.



(The New Yorker)
In the hot-weather megrims, one
,teasponful of complexity will finish
off the strongest of us. We had
the megrims the other day unwrap-
ping a carton of Lucky Strikes: on
the other side of the package was
an advertisement of the Lucky
Strike dance orchestra and the N.
B. C. red network, with the com-
plete table of the hours when the
dance music is broadcast (in Eas-
tern, Central, Mountain, Pacific,
and Daylight time). If a cigra-
ette company, we thought to our-
self, has to advertise an orchestra
in order to sell cigarettes, and an

'Waterma u s
1' r
"' '
i ,

When you select your Waterman's.
have it filled with Waterman's ink
-that's the es plus ultra of writing
luxury. Waterman's new Blue Ink
in the blue carton; Blue Black in
the yellow carton. Use the first for
note -taking and general corre-
spondence. the second when per-
manency is needed.


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