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July 18, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-18

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VOL. XI, NO. 17.



WEATHER: Cloudy, Slightly Cooler


Two Flyers Will Try to Lower
Post-Gatty Record of
Eight Days.
Dual Controls May Aid Success
of Hop; Mishap Mars
First Takeoff.
July 17-(/)-A tortoise of the skies
was due to leave tonight on an at-
tempt to beat the time of an aero-
nautical hare around the world.
The tortoise is the red Bellanca of
Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Hern-
don, who dodged death this morn-
ing when the plane failed to rise
with its heavy load of fuel.
The aerial hare is the Winnie
Mae ofWiley Post and Harold Gat-
ty, who girdled the globe in eight
days, fifteen hours, and 51 minutes.
The Bellanca is far slower than
the Post-Gatty Lockheed, but Pang-
born and Herndon expect to win1
the race for the same reason that
the tortoise beat the hare in Aesop's;
Save Dual Controls.
For though it has great speed,
the Winnie Mae is a one-man plane
its second occupant being entirely
a navigator. For this reason time
had to be taken out for sleep, and1
so almost as much time was spent
on the ground as in the air during
the world flight.-
But the Bellanca has dual con-
trols, and when Pangborn wants,
to sleep Herndon can pilot, and
Will Make Stop.
Until the mishap today Pang-E
born and Herndon planned to fly]
non-stop from New York to Europe,
starting due east across the ocean.s
But that plan was revised when it
was found that they could not get
in the air with enough fuel to ac-
complish this purpose. Now they
plan to follow the same route as
Post and Gatty, with a fuel stop,
at Ha'rbor Grace.r
Dean of Yale School Discussesr
Growth of Importance
as Social Agent.1
Nursing is one of the most im-
portant fields of social and eco-
nonic activity for women according
to Dr. Annie W. Goodrich, dean of
the School of Nursing of Yale uni-
versity. "Nursing has entered the
third or the scientific phase of de-
velopment and the nurse now takes
her place as a health educator as
well as a remedial agent," said Dr.
Goodrich at yesterday's health in-
"For the first time in the history
of nursing education at Yale it has
been made possible for the faculty
of a school of nursing to install,
test and discard or continue dif-
ferent methods in an effort to de-
velop an effectively organized pro-

gram of theory and practice direct-
ly applied to the prevention of suf-
fering and disease," Dr. Goodrich
"Although the city of New HavenJ
is well supplied with medical and
nursing care, the work of the nurse
is not complete as long as sordid1
tenement districts continue, be-
cause," Dr. Goodrich explained,;
"there is a very large incidence of
crime, of mental deviation and their
influence upon the living condi-1
tions in the community is great."1
The Public Health Institute will
be continued today at the West
Medical building. "Methods and
Materials in Health Education"
will be the subject of an address
by Dr. Glenadine Snow of Michigan
State Normal College at Ypsilanti.
Dr. Gladys H. Dick will speak on
"Scarlet Fever" at 10 o'clock. Miss
Margretta Fish, health dramatizer,
Tuberculosis and Health Society of
Detroit will speak on "The Postur-


By Susan Manchester.
"One of the particularly interest-
ing features of the Conference,"
said Amy Hemmingway Jones, dis-
cussing the British-American Stu-
dents Conference in an interview
yesterday, "is the fact that the dele-
gates are not dividing according to
nationality in expressing their
"Rather, each student seems to
be voting as an individual, and
there is no decided breach in the
attitudes of the British and Amer-
icans on the different problems."
Miss Jones, who is the assistant
in the Intercourse and Education
Division of the Carnegie Endow-
Magyar, Endres Greeted by Big
Ovation From Budapest
BUDAPEST, Hungary, July 17.-
(IP)-Focusing the world's spotlight
on their native land with the first
trans-Atlantic flight from America
to Hungary, Capt. Alexander Mag-
yar and George Endres gave them-
selves up today to the plaudits of
their countrymen.

ment for International Peace, is
Iacting as chairman of the Confer-
ence which is being held in Ann
Arbor this week. She expressed par-
ticular delight in the fact that the
Conference has been so successful.
She has found that the students
not only came well prepared to
take an active part in all of the dis-
cussions but have been well bal-
anced in all of their decisions be-
tween idealism and too much prac-
ticality. They have maintained a
high standard throughout but have
not gone off too far into the realms
of the impractical, she said.
Both Miss Jones and Robert Mc-
Clintock, of Stanford University,
who is acting as president of the
Conference, spoke of the benefit
which the delegates are gaining
from the personal contact and as-
sociation with each other.
Sunday afternoon,the British del-
egates leave for Washington, D.C.,
where they will remain until July
24, when they return to New York
in order to sail for home.
Leaves Roumania for London at
Short Notice; to Make
V. *S T_ _ .L _

They landed the monoplane "Jus- Visit to Kelatives.
tice for Hungary" near the village BUCHAREST, Roumania, July 17
of Bieske 14 miles from Budapest, at
7:40 p.m. (1:40 p.m., Ann Arbor -(P)-Queen Helen took a tearful
time) Thursday night, missing their departure from the capital tonight
Baal. bythe scantiest of margins on what may become a permanent
because their fuel ran out. They exile.
had flown 3,329 miles from Harbor At the station when she boarded
Grace, in 26 hours and 22 minutes the Orient Express for London
since Wednesday noon after a short were the dowager Marie, former
hop from Roosevelt field, N. Y., Queen of Greece, Prince Anton, and
Monday. Princess Ileana all of whom frankly
Their plane came down in a forc- wept. Helen herself appeared par-
ed landing by the side of a railroad ticularly depressed, and was still in
track, damaging the propeller and tears when the train pulled out of
one wing but inflicting no injury the station.
on the pilots. They crawled out When the express passed Sinia,
and telephoned the news of their where King Carol has taken Prince
arrival to Matyasfold Airdrome. An- Miha for the summer, the Queen
other plane brought them to the looked out of the window in vain
city. for a view of her child. There was
A crowd had waited to receive not even an adjutant on hand to
them but thousands had gone home, give the royal salute.
The men were taken first to the It has been rumored that her
home of Premier Bethuen where he present journey was prompted by
and members of the cabinet felicit- disappointment at not being allowed
ated them on their achievement in to pass the summer with her son
behalf of H'ungary's rights. and not being invited to the wed-
"We hardly saw anything of the ding of Princess Ileana, the King's
ocean during the trip," one of them sister. Prince Anton, Ileana's hus-
said. "It was wrapped rina dense band-to-be, was on the platform
blanket of fog. We were over- with his fiancee tonight.
taken by a severe storm towards In a letter to the marshal of the
midnight last night. The storm court, Helen explained that she was
lasted three hours and shook the going abroad to visit relatives and
plane very badly. would not be back until October.
They plan to remain here about It was learned at the departure to-
a month and then make a return night that Helen will visit her
crossing of the Atlantic via Africa mother in England and thence go
and South America. Their ship to Italy with her brother, the for-
must be repaired and reconditioned mer King George of Greece, before
before they can start the homeward returning here in the fall to see
flight to receive the congratulations Mihai. It was also rumored she
of their adopted country. would settle permanently in exile
in Switzerland.
EATHERPRPETiFoundn St. Peter's,
Bomb Wrecks Garden
Removed from the interior of the
church for examination, a bomb
Rains Originating itoNorthwest exploded early today in the garden
Expected to Decrease Heat of St. Peter's cathedral six hours
in Central States. jafter it was discovered.
It was found late Thursday night
(By Associated Press) near a portable pulpit, 50 feet from
Middle-west Americans, suffering the great altar where the pope cele-
beneath torrid skies today, have brates mass on important occasions,
been promised relief Saturday. and was moved to the grounds to
Rains, originating in the north- await inspection.t
west, were on their way toward The explosion was heard through-
Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio out Vatican City but was first at-
today. North Dakota and Minne- tributed to backfire of a motor car.
sota, which had been swelterig It damaged a few trees and was
under temperatures running over sufficiently powerful to have wreck-
the hundred-degree mark, found ed considerable harm on the cath-
themselves sighing with relief as edral.
the mercury dropped, in some 10-
calities as low as 80. BASEBALL SCORES
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Mis-
souri and southern Illinois appear- American League
ed due today to reap the first fruits Washington 12, Chicago 7.
of the cooling showers. St. Louis 6, Boston 2.
While the Pacific coast enjoyed Athletics 6, Detroit 3.
normal weather, and the southern Cleveland 2, New York 1. (Eight
and eastern states were cooled by innings; rain)
vagrant showers, thermometers in National League
the middle-west Thursday jumped New York 7, Chicago 6.,
into the three-figure class. Chicago, Cincinnati 5, Boston 0.
however, had a miximum of 96 de- Brooklyn 4, St. Louis 1.
arses. Phillies 4. Pittsburgh 1

More Than 100 Alumni Indicate
Intention to Attend,
Diamond States.
Faculty Members to Talk Before
Teachers on Progressive
More than 100 alumni who have
done work in education have indi-
cated their intention of being pres-
ent at the graduate conferences to
be held in the Union next week,
according to an announcement
yesterday by Prof. Thomas A. Dia-
To iew rends
The conferences have been ar-
ranged with the idea of supple-
menting the work of the Alumni
University by providing an oppor-
tunity for graduate students not
able to attend the Summer Session
to become familiar with the most
recent developments in the fields
of their interest.
Last year Dean Edward H. Kraus:
of the Summer Session said: "The
conferences for graduates in edu-
cation, conducted for the first timel
during the summer of 1930, attract-,
ed 96 school ex ecutives who wouldt
not have been here otherwise. We
'believe the conference ,successfully
served its purpose and intend to;
continue the idea."
Faculty to Aid
The general theme of the con-'
ference, "Progressive Practices in
B4ducation", will; be discussed by
members of the faculty in termst
of their particular fields.
Speaker at Student Conference
Declares States Not
Ultimate Goal.
"The world will never be civilized
if states must be considered as ul-
timate," Prof. C. R. M. F. Cruttwell,I
principal of Hertford college, Ox-j
ford, asserted last night in an open'
meeting of the British and Ameri-
can Students conference. There
must be an attempt to create a
general security, he said.
The British government, Profes-
sor Cruttwell said, recognizes that
the world is in a period of transi-
tion, and since the World war has
changed its foreign policies to meet
new circumstances. The attempt
to maintain a balance of power in
Europe has been abandoned, he
said, because balance of power no
longer contributes to stability. En-
gagements in other European coun-
tries, formerly held in the interests
of Britain, have also become ob-
solete, he declared.
Prof. Albert C. Jacobs, '21, of Co-
lumbia university, discussing a pri-
vate lawyer's view of international
affairs, pointed out the need for

educating the general public in de-
sire for disarmament.
"Even if the Geneva conference
is a success," he said, "that is only
a step towards peace. Any rule or
law, to be a success, must be one in
which the people believe."
Peace must be cultivated, not as
an outward symbol but as an inner
nature, Professor Jacobs said.
In a plenary session today, the
conference accepted with some re-
vision the report of the commission
on arms limitation recommending
immediate armaments reduction be
the World Disarmament conference
to be held in February, 1932. The
commission argued that the pledges
given by the allied and associated
powers to the partly disarmed
powers have not yet been adequate-
ly honored, that armaments create
'a heavy economic burden and re-
duction would contribute to recov-
ery from the period of depression,
and that there is a genuine danger
In iarms nmnetitin.

Minister Hits Hopeful
Note in Parting
BERLIN, July 17.-(IP)-Chancel-
lar Heinrich Bruening and Foreign
Minister Julius Curtius left Berlin
tonight for Paris, followed by the
fervent hope of millions of their.
countrymen that in their meeting'
tomorrow with the statesmen of
France they will lay the founda-'
tion for co - operation between
France and Germany and will help
the Reich out of the economic crisis.
The last words of Herr Briening
as he boarded the north express'
shortly before 10 p.m. were an ex-
pression of hope that the outcome
of the journey would be trustful
collaboration and visible proof of
international solidarity.
Germany Hopeful.
There was an almost unanimous
feeling in Germany that much
more was at stake than the $500,-
000,000 or whatever Germany final-
ly gets in the way of international
financial assistance to help her
through the economic crisis. Al-
though much of Germany looks
hopefully on the Paris negotiations
and on the discussions scheduled
to be held later in London, the Com-
munists saw in the two meetings
an attempt to form "a united front'
against Moscow." The Reich radi-'
cals were sure the conversations
would result in new humiliations
for Germany and therefore a more
helpless international s i t u a t i o n
than before. Such, at least, were
the expressions in their newspapers.
Invitation Friendly.
The invitation to Paris, officially
delivered today, was couched in the
most friendly terms. No demands
covering political conditions on
which French assistance will hinge
have been received by the Reich.
Nevertheless, Paris press com-
ments have left no doubt in official
circles that the French wishes and
suggestions along this line will be
laid before the chancellor and the
foreign minister and that they will
be brought face to face with far-
reaching difficulties in the discus-


French Proposal Makes
English Leaders
All Other Powers Will
Be Represented
at Parley.
LONDON, July x7-(P)-
Great Britain views with some
apprehension the French propos-
al that a $500,000,000 loan to Ger-
many be guaranteed by German
customs receipts, and in some
authoritative quarters it is said
that the French terms in their
present form may not be accept-
able here.
Arrangements for Monday's
meeting of the principal debtor
and creditor nations are proceed-
ing, but a serious hitch threatens
the plans for that conference.
France Doubtful.
Reports from Paris indicate, that
the French are unwilling to come
until Germany agrees in principle
to the terms, which are to be pre-
sented when Chancellor Bruening
and Foreign Minister Curtius get
there tomorrow.
The absence of French repre-
Sentatives would seriously impede
the work of such a conference, al-
though all other nations invited, in-
4luding the United States, Ger-
many, Italy, Belgium, and Japan,
have accepted.
Program Indefinite.
No definite program for the
program has been drawn up, and
the conferees merely hope to come
to an agreement on some form of
aid for Germany so that the eco-
nomic crisis in that country may
not spread to others.
It is possible that this aid will
take the form of a large credit, and
certain political aspects are likely
to enter into the negotiations, but.
present plans are vague.


PARIS, July 17-(P)--For the first time since the days of the
Versailles treaty negotiations, a German chancellor and his
foreign minister are coming to Paris tomorrow. Chancellor
Bruening and Foreign Minister Julius Curtius will be met at the
train by Premier Laval and Aristide Briand. Almost immediate-
ly they will go into conference with French officials in con-
nection with Germany's financial situation.
Laval Outlines Plan.
Premier Laval will give them an outline of the plan decided
upon today at a meeting attended by French, American, and
British representatives. On Sunday morning there . will be an-
other session of the four powers, and if these conferences re-
sult satisfactorily, all hands will go on to London for a con-
ference of seven nations on Monday evening.
Tomorrow the German statesmen will hear at first hand
the conditions which France imposes on her participation in
extending financial assistance.
Want Guarantee.
These conditions have not been made public, but it is under-
stood the background of the French proposal will be that any
loan must be guaranteed by German customs receipts, and that
some sort of international controlling committee must super-
vise Germany's expenditures somewhat in the fashion of the
Dawes plan.
The plan presented at today's three-corner conference had
been worked out by the French but was agreed to in its final
form by Secretary of State Stimson and Foreign Secretary Hen-
derson. In main outlines it called for an immediate loan of
$500,000,000 to the Reichsbank.
BERLIN, July 17-(IP)-Pistol shots which were heard from
behind Communist barricades in the inductrial Ruhr today
emphasized the seriousness of the financial situation which is
speeding German officials to Paris tonight for a parley with
French statesmen.
Communist Killed.
As Chancellor Bruening and hi goreign minister were snatch-
ing a few hours sleep in preparation for an arduous week-end,
rioting broke out in Gelesenkirchen and police battled Commun-
ists for possession of the streets. About the same time a Com-
munist was killed and two were wounded by gunfire in a brawl
with National Socialists at Darmstadt.
Police Forced to Fire.
In Gelsenkirchen, 40 stores were plundered, windows were
smashed, lights were knocked out and pavements were torn up.
The rioters threw up fortifications in three throroughfares
and defied the efforts of the police to dislodge them, replying
with bullets, bricks and bottles. Similar frays occurred in Dus-
seldorf and Coblenz.
At Coblenz pistol fire by police prevented Communist efforts
to make barricades of street paving blocks. At Dusseldorf, po-
lia fired nn a mnh after hain' naelr1'itlh +Imcnc


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