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July 17, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-17

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WI mmmrr
Published every morning except Monday
during the Jniversity Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news di .
patetes credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post.
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.0; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephones: EditorIal, 4925; BusIness
Editorial Director .......... Gurney Williams
C. W. Carpenter Carl Meloy
L. R. Chubb 'Sher M. Quraishi
Barbara Hall Eleanor Rairdon
Charles C. Irwin Edgar Racine
Susan Mances~ter M"arion Thorn ton
P. Cutler Showers
Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop
Contracts Managern........r.. rCarl Marty
Advert:sing Manager .........Jack Bunting
AccounLs. Circulation ......... Thomas Muir
FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931'
iight Editor-Gurney Williams


Music & Drama II

The present type of college exam-
ination, based on mere rote learn-
ing for the most part, will soon
give way to the type advocated by
speakers at the Institute for Ad-
ministrative Officers of Higher Ed-
ucation, if tendencies continue to
(evelop. Educators have felt for a
iong tIme that something is radical-
ly wrong; that a change for the
better is essential if a college edu-
cation is to be lifted out of the par-
rot class of learning.
Ben D. Wood, of Columbia, sums
up the situation in two paragraphs:
"We have grossly underestimated
the importance of the examining
function of education," he says.
Examining can be done well only
a; the expense of time, talents, and
money. We have had little examin-
ing in this country, if by examin-
ing we mean a measure of individ-
ual growth. Our tests have been
unrelated and distorted snapshots,
not a record of development. Ex-
aminations do not and cannot de-
termine education, but they should
be a helpful guide to the student
testing his powers.
"The important thing is to ascer-
tain what the student has learned
by virtue of being alive, regardless

Encouraged by the success of the
University Fresh Air Camp drive,'
Rolls will shortly sponsor a cam-
paign designed to create a Stale
Air Camp where country boys, fed
up with fresh air and sunshine, will
be sent to the city for two weeks
of stewing and gasping amidst the
swelter and grime of a busy metro-
* * *
The idea, if carried out, should
do more than anything else to solve
the back-to-the-farm problem and
not only insure sufficient attention
to crops in the future, but prevent
further overcrowding of cities.
* * *
At the Rolls Stale Air Camp boys
would learn to dodge autos, steal
pennies from newsstands, snipe
butts, beat up the kids in the next
block, draw chalk pictures on suit-
able surfaces, and become expert
gang leaders. Watch for further
* * *
Last year we instituted a cam-
paign to discover what students
aiRed about when they were not
in classes. But people began to
glare so at us in Angell hall when
we listened to various groups chat-
ting between classes that we final-
ly had to give it up. However, we
were sitting in. The Den (free adv.)
the other night, and four young
ladies were in the booth next to us.
* * *
Over two slices of watermelon,
hey regaled themselves with some
of the folowing conversation. When
il four talked at once, it was rath-
er hard to get all, and then too the
radio was rather loud, but for the
what-students-t a 1 k-about depart-
ment we submit some of the fol-
lowing items.
* * *
It seems that matrimony was the
topic of conversation for the first
five minutes. Such things as "even
when you're fifteen years old,
there's a difference," and "she's on-
ly seventeen, but he's an engineer,
and they're going to get married"
and "I saw him kiss her" were some
of the bits that dropped over the
booth wall amid riotous laughter,
so that finally the manager came
over and spoke soothing words, and
that made us mad, because we
couldn't hear much more after
* * *
However, we WERE surprised
to hear one make the follow-
ing statement: "Even I wish I
were thirty years old." Now
that is something we never ex-
pected to hear someone of the
weaker (?) sex admit. To such
things has coeducation brought
* * *
Then a mutual boy friend came
under the verbal lashing the world
was getting. It seems that "he
wanted to see us" and that "I knew
what his motives were" but that ""I
told mother about that experience."
* * *
Then to top it all off, when they
left, we hald a conference with sev-
eral other Rolls Pherrets and came
to the conclusion that they were
school teachers. O tempora, o
mores. (Which translated, means
educational appropriations should
not be cut down.)
* * *
At last the really "'last day" of
the directory sales rolled around.
Monday, we heard one of the edit-
ors bellowing, "Last chance to buy
a directory!" Tuesday he was out
there again, saying the same damn
thing. But Wednesday he was
gone. The Fresh Air Camp lads

had taken his place. The day the
volume was supposed to come out,
we saw him and the other editor
scurrying around the campus with
worried looks on their faces, mutter-
ing "Fifty-five dollars and seventy
cents," twelve hundred copies by
noon," "page proofs," "Eleanor Sch-
maltzenblatt," and "payroll." But
we must hand it to Mr. Worboys,

A Review
Mr. Windt has done to Molnar's
"Liliom" just what (a priori) the
average movie director would do.
He has made it "foggy with tears"
and with an admirably poised
pleasant play he offers a tedious,
maudlin evening. This was particu-
larly stupid of Mr. Windt, it seems,
since throughout the play Molnar
scattered indications that he hadn't
lost his sense of values. Mr. Windt
and Miss Chapel (individually and
mutually) pushed the play for big,
grand, "meaningful" emotions that
would tug your heart (or throat)
and leave you pounding (or gasp-
ing) as at the movies. Whereas
Molnar literally bathed the play in
a whimsical humour that always
made explicit just how much emo-
tion and meaning he thought his
finely conceived and finely com-
prehended scenes would bear. In
the light of the truism that the di-
rector should be able to approxi-
mate or attain the intelligence of
the dramatist, one begins to de-
spair of Mr. Windt as the perman-
ent director of what should be one
of the best student organizations
in the country.
Such despair, of course, requires
elaborate justification.
Well-one began to feel that Mr
Windt was perhaps too deeply af-
fected by the play in the very firs
scene. As he interpreted it we wer
supposed to be somewhat awed by
the seriousness of the birth of lov
(or something of the sort). Mis
Chapel spoke her lines with an
aweful slowness and seemed striv-
ing for a sort of Katherine Cornel
emotiveness. Our little hearts wer
supposed to go out to her as Juli
earnestly intoned: "But-Mr.-Lil-
im--I haven't had-a-a lover
or "I'd give you my money-if-
had any-" etc. As I interpret it
the scene has no pretence to emo
tional depth; and it is silly t
strive for it. What Molnar ha
written is a sensitively humourou
version of a simple scene betwee
a tough and a peasant girl. Wha
Molnar sensitively enjoys is th
warmly comic way in which thes
two inarticulate people equivocat
and dilly-dally in the face of a pe
culiar emotion they can't expres
or understand. Played for sof
comedy by making it full of gig
gles, pauses, nervous whistling
blank stares, awkwardnesses, th
scene would be delicious. And th
emotion, the poignancy, woul
come through the lightness, givin
the scene its right depth, balanc
and beauty. Mr. Windt didn't con
cern himself much with the light
ness and the dilly - dallying. H
concentrated on the poignancy an
the result was pretty maudlin.
Similarly, in the beginning of th
next scene (Julie's scene with Ma
rie), Miss Chapel again spoke in th
slow, awesome tones that an eigh
teen year old peasant girl woul
be entirely incapable of. The re
action we were supposed to hav
was something in the nature of
"How terrible it all is! he hasn'
any work and he beats her!-- poo
thing! ... but she loves him thougi
. .you can see that.. how won
derfully deep and suffering peas
ant passion is . . . etc." Whereas
surely Molnar never meant Juli
to give an affecting recital of as
pects of the "lower depths." Juli
would tell these things to Marie iI
a simple, curt, blunt way witi
something of the peasant's natur-
al stoicism and unemotional resig-
nation. To repeat, this eightee
year old peasant girl would surel

never indulge in the luscious emo-
tionalising of Miss Chapel's Julie
If Julie were interpreted withou#
the sense of the poignancy of he]
own situation which Miss Chape
gave her, then again the poignancy
would come through, so to speak
There was one thing in the next
scene which convinces me that Mr
Windt approved of Miss Chapel's
! manner. As Liliom goes out with

sort of bewilderment. The scene
was oozed for big emotions. And,
certainly, the scene won't bear it; We have all make
it isn't that big. And if one won- - O Remington, Royal,
.ders whether Molnar thinks it Corona, Underwood
should have been taken so senti- ybe CUd
mentally, one has only to look at N K Colored dco finishes. Price $60
the very next pleasant scene in R . D. MORRILL
heaven, which Wednesday night o* L 3 -4 South StatSt."Phone661
gave one the feeling that Mr. Mol- E j A 3 "" aSh
nar was laughing, perhaps sneer-
ing, at Mr. Windt. The fault of __c ___ N
this death scene could have been A.- -
very easily corrected. Mr. Allen A JE S T
could have read Lilom's fran'tlcW
disjointed attempts at self--ustifi- LUNCHEON 35c NOW!
cation much more quickly with a DINNER 45c
sort of hysteria induced by his re-_-
morse, his perplexity, and his agony
of inarticulateness. Miss Chapel
could have spoken more rapidly, CHIGAN
'eagerlyembracing the opportunity
to make the confession of love #
which shame had stifled. And N w°
again, I submit, the scene would
have conveyed a balanced emotion
and not an emotion, as in Mr. The BrOadway
Windt's interpretation, to which Sta Success
the scene is in no way adequate g UCC;S:
and which only made us embar- "A
rassed that Mr. Windt was so ex-
cessively touched.
f And then, as a final corrobora- T l~
tion of the persistent fault I find
with Miss Chapel's Julie, there is
the way she read that astr ovely
s speech: "It is possible, dear-that - /f/
someone may beat you and beat
you,-and not hurt you at all." She
spoke it very slowly, very emotion-
ally, reacting to the wordsherself The funniest picture ever
Sin such a way as to suggest that made to measure for
she fully understood what it meant.
e I believemthe real poignancy of the W ILLIAM IRENE DELR Y
rspeech comes out only if JulieW I L A ,'E o RO
speaks it simply, unaffectedly, JAMES HALL
s bluntly, as a truth she has di - 5 L EW C DY
covered with her body alone, and NATALIE MOOREHEAD
- thus leaving us the luxury of re- y Directed by Roy Del Ruth
l acting to and understanding it. DOROTHY MARJORIE
e These errors of Mr. Windt and JORDAN RAMBEAU
e Miss Chapel made Wednesday eve- and others
- ning's performance, as I have said,
very tedious and maudlin. But EXTRA".
I some of the enumerated faults
, were so obvious that they will be "Crashing Hollywood" Also
- surely corrected. And besides, Farce Comedy Burton Holmes
o there'are some very good things in Epic
the production. Mr. Allen's work RIPLEY NOVELTY Farce Comedy
s as Liliom was excellent. He in no and_:._ ovlte
n way brought a sullen, childlike, fer- Novelties
t ocious personality to the part, so PARAMOUNT NEWS
e that very naturally a good deal of SUNDAY
e the effort of getting himself into "Ma___F_ _SUNDAY
e Liliom shows. His Liliom was not " altese Falcon" "ANNABELLSAFFAIRS"
- as racy, or as-exact as would be the
Liliom of some one naturally more
t suited to the part, who could have
- given it more vitality, more phy-
, sical resourcefulness. What is ex- SUMMER
e cellent in Mr. Allen's work is the
e understanding. There were no
d faults of understanding. All as-
g pects of the part he acted con-
e scientiously and skillfully and al-
- ways in the right direction. Miss
- Scott's Marie seemed a perfect per-
e formance: !thoroughly charming,
d genuine and convincing. Miss
Power's Mrs. Muskat had the right
e qualities: a harshness, a verve, a STILL AVAILABLE AT THE PRESS
-sort of shrewd vulgarity, and a S ILA A L B EA H R S
e peculiar pathos of its own; but it BUILDING
- was always a little uncertain as
d though she were not sure of its
- meaning. The performance of Hel-
e en Carrm, Phares Reeder, Robert
:. Hiuber and Frederic Crandall were
t all very adequate. The sets are a
r very successful imitation of Lee Si-
b monson's.
USc n Reflections

n At the Michigan
- Although William Haines is feat-
- ured as the star in "The Tailor
n Made Man," at the Michigan until T O
y Sunday, we liked the acting of Jos-
- eph Cawthorn best. As the German- -
. American tailor, both the script and
t the plot permitted him plenty of .-. --
r action, he made the best of oppor-
1 tunties offered him in the dia-
n logue, and really put all the enter- COME TO DETROIT
tainment into the picture.CO E D TRO'"T
William Haines, as usual the nYathis Summer, park your car on the dock, and enjoy this all-day
t debnair bol - as-bras. yang over the great International Highway of Lakes and Rivers. Free
debonair, bold - as - brass young Dancing on the boat. splendid Cafeteria and Lunch Service. See Detroit
. gentleman, who crashes h e r e, river front, Belle Isle, Lake St. Clair, the Flats and the celebrated "Venice
s crashes there, and always comes of America." This cruise of 61 miles each way takes you through a con-
out all right in the end, did his stantly changg panorama of rare land and water views.
e part toward contributing to the Port Huron, Sarnia, St. Clair Flats, Algonac
many laughs in the picture. He Starting this trip from Port Huron passengers leave at 3:10 p. m., arriving
was fortunately not allowed to lapse in Detroit at 7:45 p. m. Returning, leave Detroit at 9 the next morning,
too much into the vernacular and arrvig ii Port Huron at 2:10 p. m.
_slang as n previous oasions, and Str. Tashmoo leaves Griswold St. Dock at 9 a. m., Daily and Sunday; arrive
the int of cheapnes wictinged aPort Huron 2:10 p. m. Returning, leave PORT HURON, 3:10 p. m., arrive
" the hint of cheapness which tinged DetroIt 7:45 p. m. FARES: Tashmoo Park or St. Clair Flats, week days 75c;
, some of his former efforts was al- Sundays, $1.00, R. T. Port Huron or Sarnia, Ont., one way, $1.10, R.T. $2.
together lacking. He and Cawthorn T A$ H M O O PAR K
. kept yesterday afternoon's audience
laughing most of the time, and this ' bteeDetroit and Port Huron is Detroit's favorite pleasure ark
laughinmeo osdeof the ieadthisf where You may spend six hours and return on Str. Tashmoo in the
is some job considering the state of evening. Free dancing in the pavilion; picnic in the grove, baseball, golf
, the weather yesterday. and all outdoor sports and amusements.
Dorothy Jordan, in the other lead,
did not have much of a chance to Railroad Tickets Heron.eeors odn St.ashoo er di.s" i
do more than a little timely weep-
Sing here and there, look pretty, and Dancing Moonlights to Sugar Island
contribute the love interest to the Drive to Detroit and enjoy an evening of music and dancing on Str.
picture. For the benefit of 01r Tashmoo and in the pavilion at Sugar Island. Tickets 75c. Park en the
readers who are romantically in- dock. Leave at 8:45 every evening.
* dined, this phase of the show was
rather badly done. 4A#DO PI PULAR STR. TASHMOO FAj SW.iNt

of what courses he
taken. He should
about the building
he does about the
Caesar's bridge."
Commenting on
The Daily Iowan

has or has not
know as much
of Ford cars as
construction of
this statement
says that "Dr.

Wood is entirely correct about un-
derestimating the importance of the
examining function of education;
in the process an unfortunate stress
lhas been laid upon the outworn
types of examination without suf-'
ficient consideration of their mer-
its. Usually examinations are a
mere mechanical hurdle for the un-
dergraduate, entailing a large
amount of 'cramming' and memori-
zation, but revealing not at all the
student's aptitude or m e n t a 1
The Institute does not propose to
do away entirely with examina-
tions, but it hopes to work out a
system of tests whereby the initia-
t..e of the student may be ascer-
tained; a system by which the abil-
ity of the student to do some con-
structive thinking may be meas-
ured. Examinations will be formu-
late l with a view to finding out
whether or not the student can ap-
ply his learning to the sort of prob-
lems he will face after graduation;
learning will be brought down from
the pretty but impractical realm of
pure theory.
Examinations advocated are the
essay type confined to a single sub-
ject with a time limit of several
hours, objective tests resembling
the ordinary intelligence test, and
problem examinations in which a
student will be given a task to per-
form on his own resources in from
one to three weeks. Some of these
types are now in use here but a
more general application of this
plan in most of th University de-
partments would vastly improve the
benefits to be derived from four or
more years of study.
Not alone would the students
benefit; instructors would find their
work more interesting, and more
tangible results of patient teaching.
would be their just reward. The
basic idea is worth serious consid-


(who, incidentally, registered as be-
ing born July, 1931) that he made
enough money on the directory to
pay our salaries this week, even
though he is always griping, and
even though he got soaked $2 for
a Lion's Blind Children Benefit
Dance ticket which he tried to swap
to us for $1.
* * *
Talk about ways of getting even.
The officials made certain of the
staff members enroll in school be-
fore they could work here this sum-
mer; so just to spite them, one
member made out the address on
his grade cards as Monte Carlo,
Morracco, so the University would
have to spend five cents instead of
two, to mail the things to him.

the knife, he roughly throws Julie
on the fHoor. Now Mr. Windt Wed-
nesday night allowed Miss Chapel a
long time for "reacting" and for a
very emotive "pulling herself to-
gether" and "pulling herself up'
scene. If Miss Chapel had coughed
one would have thought her Cam-
ille, just abandoned by her Armand
And that suggestion of Camillean
emotional self-indulgence, which
Miss Chapel was constantly giving
was not only very wrong for Julie
but extremely ludicrous.
And then, the death scene. This
surely was both ludicrous and
maudlin; with no one to Thblame
but Mr. Windt. le made it go
very s-1-o-w-1-y. He had Mr. Al-
len read his long speech very slowly
for nonderous nathos. with Miss

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