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July 15, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-15

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.._.._____________________, ~ ~_ WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 191
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wqw 'iimmr
Si t e a B ail
PbiUshed every morning except Monday
iting the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis
patles credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
herein. All rights of republication of special
'dipatches herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephones: EdItorIal, 49254 Business
' 2-1214
Editorial Director ..........Gurney Williams
C. w. Carpenter Carl Meloy
L. R. Chubb Sher M. Quraishi
Barbara Hiall Eleanor Rairdon
Charles C. Irwin ,Edgar Raine
Susan. Manchester Marion Rhornton
P. Cutler Showers
Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop
Contracts Manager .. ..........Carl Marty
' Advertising Manager......... Jack Bunting
Accounts. Circulation.........Thomas Muir
Night Editor-LYLE R. CHUBB
THE presidents of the country's
four societies of civil, mining,
mechanical, and electrical engineers
met recently with the Engineering
Foundation, their research agency,
and decided that civilization has
been male happier by the develop-
'ment of the Machine Age. As proof
of their statement they pointed out
the existence of unfailing supplies
of good water, sanitary disposal of
sewage, more and better artificial,
light, steadily cheapening power,
improved facilities for communica-'
tion, better built and equipped
homes, rapid and enjoyable travel,
safe and convenient explosives,
recording devices of all types,
machinery for preserving foods, and
a multitude. of farm implements.
Representing the minority in the
discussion, Dr. C. E. K., Mess, direc-I
tor of Research of the Eastman Ko-
dak Company, questioned some ofl
the alleged benefits of engineering.c
"The one great gift of science to
the world," he said, "has been the.
diminution of diseases . . . . We
may look forward without doubt to
a world in which widespread pesti-
lence can no more exist . . . But
apart from this I doubt if the life
of an agriculturist in any country
today is happier than that of a
peasant in the Nile Valley four
thousand years ago."

IWhat Others Say
(The Daily Iowan)


Sever e penalties are provided in
the penal codes of the various
states to punish contempt of court.
Most of the United States' efficien-
cy in its courts depends upon the
ability of judges to command re-
spect and to enforce their rulings.
These regulations help to build
up an impressive front for the ju-
dicial system, and in many in-
stances this same impressiveness is
an important factor in ironing out
civil and criminal difficulties.
Yet if anyone, including Mexican
consuls, is permitted to defy with
impunity the dignity of an Ameri-
can court the system is bound to
lose much of its potency.
Thursday Municipal Judge
Thomas Green of Chicago re-
sponded to international pressure
and dismissed contempt of court
proceedings against Mexican Con-
sul Adolfo Dominguez. The Mexi-
can representative was cited after
he had engaged in a verbal alter-
cation with the Chicago jurist
Judge Green said in dismissing the
case (his statement was forwarded
to the secretary of state's office)
that the proceedings were quashed
"to remove any possible belief that
my act was any indication of my
feeling toward Mexico or the Mexi-
can people or was intended to
create any unfriendly relations be-
tween the two countries.",
It'seems quite unfair that for the
sake of maintaining delicate inter-
national relations a foreign agent
should be permitted to violate the
law or be shown special privileges
that would not be extended to an
American citizen. Harmonious re-
lations with Mexico are all-impor-
tant, but there should be some ma-
chinery to dispose of cases of this
nature that would not involve a
strain on diplomatic ties.
Special hearings with Mexican
representatives sitting in might
prove feasible, but some sort of dis-
cipline should be forthcoming for
Consul Dominguez. Upholding the
morale of United States courts is
difficult enough without permitt-
ing contempt cases to go altogether
unscathed because of international
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
nunications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

The Rolls column and the edi-
torial board have been busy test-
ing the latest game invented by
the Rolls Pherret, and have found
it to be the biggest success since
t he push-other-people-off-the-
sidewalk-and-then-laugh game was
first brought to the public eye.
* * *
The preparations are simple.
All that is required is a second
story window, preferably -on the
second floor of some building, some
rather large yet light object. The
two players take opposite sides of
the street.
* * *
And now the modus operandi.
The object is thrown out onto the
sidewalk, to the tune of loud ex-
clamations, such as "My God, I
dropped the book," or "My God, I
dropped the picture," or "My God,
I dropped anything." This is the
cue for the assistant, or teammate
to say: "Ask someone to throw it
up." .This is said loud enough for
pedestrians on the street to hear.
r Then the chief player, or captain,
says very sweetly: "Would you mind
. throwing the .. ..up to me?" If
the individual does so, that counts
1 one point. If the individual is a
woman, it counts two. If he, or she,
brings the object into the house
and up the stairs, you get five
points. The first player to get ar-
rested loses.
* * *

Dr. Mess defined happiness as be
ing fundamentally a by-product o
activity of some kind, provided th
spirit is not oppressed by the ma
terial situation of the body. Thu
he maintains that although th
labor-saving devices now used by
the farmer aided him at first, it i
now undermining his status, an
may perhaps end by eliminating
him so that the old normal life of
man is passing, possibly never to
return. He states further that h
believes the inhabitants of ancient
Greece and Babylonia were quit
as happy as the modern American
because "there is little that a man
can get today which he could not
have had in Athens." In those days
he adds, there was more leisure, less
pressure, more opportunity for the
exchange of ideas, less emphasis on
material things.
We agree with Dr. Mess, not be-
cause we have any intention of
abandoning the conveniences of
civilizations to follow the tenets of
Thoreau, but because it is an ac-
cepted fact that easily acquired'
comforts are not so thoroughly ap-
preciated as those hard won by ac-
tivity. Life today consists for the
most part of pushing a button or
a lever when we want something;
stepping into a train or steppingon
the gas when we want to get some-
where; and twirling a gadget to
find the answer to a problem. Be-
cause of this we're soft, discontent-
ed, dissatisfied; we groan at the
thought of walking a mile or strain-
ing a muscle, and we spend more
time looking for labor-saving de-
vices than we do accomplishing a
worthwhile job.
What we really ought to do is
stop saving labor and spend some.
We'd be happier for it.
--T w r_ U 'n T A , I

A Pre-View.

- To the Editor:
s There are times when an indi-
e vidual's antipathy to the actions of
y his fellow students actually be-
s comes violent. I have arrived at
d that state. It is prompted by a
g total failure upon the part of
f many students in the University to
o utilize the library sanely.
,t I have recently run across sev-
e eral .volumes which have been
needlessly maltreated. The student
has carefully drawn his pencil
througy objectionable passages.
, When more vigorous in his denun-
ciation, he bans the entire page
with an ingenious censorship of pen
and ink. I suggest, if a student
'feels himself qualified to pass
judgment upon the nature of the
reading of a fellow student (this
type usually does), that he devote
his energies to the writing of a book
thoroughly conveying his views.
That would at least keep him out
of the library, for such individuals
have a decided inclination toward
intellectual self-satisfaction.
My criticism is not directed at
the casual underliner or the mar-
ginal note maker. This is an ex-.
cellent habit, but it also should be
employed with much more discre-
tion in the library than when
thumbing over a personal copy.
E. A. K. '33 .
The Icelander who became vio-
lently demented upon seeing his
first talkie wasn't so crazy after
The only way to make Ann Ar- ,
bor water popular is to pass a

It's an ill wind that blows evilly,
and this wind was blowing through
the 'Ensian office yesterday. It
blew an 'Ensian cover out the win-
,dow, and everybody forgot about
it, until some kind gentleman from
downstairs brought it up again. He
was thanked, and then the gentle-
man sitting in the window started
to fan himself with the cover. It
slipped, and what do you think
happened? It fell. This time' it
was one of the members of the
business staff who brought it back
up again. This was too good to be
true, so for a third the cover was
accidentally dropped. This time a
prominent professor in the Rhe-
toric, pardon us, English depart-
ment came by and threw it up.
Somehow, the players didn't catch
it, and the prof went on his way,
vowing vengeance.
* * *
The seed was sown, however, and
the players transferred their activ-
ities to the front of the building,
where finally 12 victims succumbed
and threw the cover up. It's really
an amusing game.
* * *
If you are fed up with the ab-
surdities of contemporary maga-.
zine advertising, go out and buy a
copy of BALLYHOO, the new
humor magazine that takes a crack
at advertising in a big way. We
haven't had, such a good laugh'
since we read one of our last year's
Rolls columns.
* * *
Those sprinklers out on the cam-E
pus, that whirl around and around,
are contributing to the delinquincy
of the younger generation. We sawt
one young gentleman, aged two,e
crawl out under the sprinkler,
which kept revolving just fast
enough to prevent the mothers
from rescuing her offspring. When
she had finally coaxed, threatened,t
begged and pleaded, a kind B andE
G boy came along and turned thet
hose off.
Speaking of B and G boys, we
watched one install a sprinkler then
other day. It took one hour and a
half. After bringing the sprinklera
down in a wheelbarrow, he returned,
brought back from some dark cor.-'
ner a strip of hose. After this was t
carefully stretched out on the lawn, t
he returned to the dark corner, o
and brought a second small stripw
of hose. This process was pro-
longed until another piece of hose s
had been made available. Then be- t
gan the process of hooking the (
three strips together. After they p1
had finally been arranged and re- m
arranged to complete satisfaction, s
the water was turned on. m
* * *a
And left on for all of fifteen o
minutes. i
* * * a
And if this doesn't fill up the p
column, it is just too bad because si
we are going around the corner and r
have a drink. (Adv.) cr

Ferenc~ Molnar is, of course, the
most wily of contemporary drama-
tists. He has a staggering list of
international successes, all of them
revealing an amazing facility to
write with theatric certainty and a
somewhat specious type of convic-
tion on an extraordinary variety of
subjects. He is the apotheosis of
the successful dramatist: softly
wise but not too wise, pleasantly,
almost sentimentally cynical, al-
ways ingeniously diverting.
These are stock truths about Mol-
nar. Everyone knows them. But
there is an extremely large group
(especially in America) who very
eagerly affirm that once, years ago,
Molnar wrote a play in which he
outdid himself, one of the most
sensitive and beautiful plays of the
century. At any rate, with their
production of it in 1921, the then
struggling Theatre Guild took a
large leap into prominence. The
production was graced by the ex-
cellent sets of Lee Simonson (which
have appeared in several textbooks
since), by the presence in the cast
of Joseph Schildkraut, Eva LeGail-
lienne, Helen Westley, Dudley Dig-
ges, and Henry Travers.
At any rate, it took New York
audiences and critics by the throat.
The generally robust Alexander
Woolcott, then writing for the
Times, nearly broke into tears over
it. He said among other things:
"It is a pensive and sanguine com-
edy which picks up a bit of human
riffraff in the debris of Budapest
and so twists and turns it that you
can catch the glint of gold in it";
and then, very wistfully," it reveals
the human soul, deeply imbedded
in the body of a dirty bum, a stub-
born sinner."
Edmund Wilson, writing with
more dignity in The New Republic,
made a nice remark: "It is the sort
of play Barrie might have written
If he had a truer sense of reality.
For Barrie will not admit that the
world is not composed of loveable,
sentimental, whimsical people, who,
however forbidding or stupid they
may appear, have really fine and
tender hearts; whereas Molnar be-
gins by admitting all the cruelty
and stupidity and then derives his
pathos all the more validly for the
reconizability of the material."
Liliom is a large and rough bark-
er, the main asset of Mrs. Muskat's
carnival because by seducing, de-
ceiving and robbing the servant
girls of Budapest, he attracts them.
A Prologue shows him in all his
triumph: the centre of the carni-
val's attraction: his lusty crudity
grandly attuned to the blare of the
carousel. Then he meets a new ser-
vant girl in the park, Julie is more
tender, less blatant, more myster-
ious. They sit on a bench in the
park. They try to talk. They don't
succeed very well. Julie gazes at
Liliom vaguely; Liliom gazes at_
Julie fiercely. She gives up her
job; he gives up his carousel. They
get married.
But marriage isn't much of a suc-
cess. Liliom is no good anywhere
except at a carnival. They are
starving. And they are both some-
what annoyed by and ashamed of
their love because they can neither
express nor understand it. Julie
weeps over Liliom's worthlessness
and nags him. Liliom strikes her
so he may keep his self-resepect.
Then he learns he is to be a fa-
ther. That, too, stirs him deeply.
But it is another emotion he can't
understand. He goes to the win-

dow and shouts the fact of his pa-
ternity into the streets. He grows
restless with a sense of responsibil-
ity towards his child and deter-
mines to make enough money to go
off to America. He gets trapped in
a miserable set of circumstances,
escapes by suicide, wakes up in
heaven's police court, is judged,
then given an opportunity to re-
turn to earth and by a visible act
of repentance to his wife and child
win his expiation.
And whatever other faults of
entimentality and under-writing
he play may have, that last scene
Liliom's perplexed attempt at ex-
iation) should surely be very
memorable in the theatre as it
eems both beautiful and profound
in the writing.
Molnar's "legend in a prologue
nd seven scenes" should prove one
f the most interesting plays be-
ng done this summer. Molnar has
very tender, very whimsical com-
rehension of his characters; and.
tructurally the play has a nice
ythm, going as it does from one
riais to another. each briefly and




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--- --





of the

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ss Building Maynard Street
Across from the Majestic Theatre.

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