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July 15, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-15

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'C)T. XI. NO.14,



WEATHER: Warm, Scattered mowers

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Student Players Plan to Present
-Liliom,' Molnar's
Large Cast Will Take Part in
Famous Story of Life
in Hungary.
Hary Allen will enact the title
role of Liliom in the Ferenc Molnarj
fantasy which will open tonight at
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, it
was announced yesterday by Valen-
tine B. Windt., director of the Rep-
ertory players.
The play will continue its run.
through Saturday.
Cast Is Large.
Other members of the large cast
are: Martha Ellen Scott, Eugenie
Chapel, Mary Power, Phyllis Orn-
stein, Dorothy Barnes, Vivian Chap-
lin, Judith Gropper, Willam Butler,
Charles Fines, and Franklin Coin-
Helen Carrin, Phares Reeder,
Fred Holmes, Robert Huber, Keith
Bennett, Frederic Crandall, Paul
Showers, GurneiWilliams, Nathan
Fox, John Doll, Richard Purser,
George Priehs, and Dorothy Barnes.
Bertha Cunningham, France s
Thornton, Martha Wheeler, Alice
JohnstonEthel McKinstock, Mar-
garet McMaster, Ada Ficus, Bere-
nice Bracket, Nina Lewis, Fern Bar-
rer, Liz Freund, Catherine Zimmer,
Linda Screibey, Thelma T o b y,
Madge Burnham, Doris Kerlin,
Jean Rayle, Betty Salow, Marguer-
ita Johnson, Jack McCarthy, John
Beuret, Kenneth Boyle, and Buryl
Windt Directs.
The play, which is considered
Molnar's most successful, is a fan-
tasy, the bizzare romance of a man
who contains all the good and bad
traits of humanity.
"Liliom" is under the supervision
of Director Windt.

Frenchmen Crack up
Near Siberian Town
MOSCOW, July 14. - (A)-
Dropped down in the middle of
Siberia in their atempt tofly
without stops from Paris to To-
kio, Joseph Lebrix and his two
companions planned tonight to
come to Moscow by train.
An unexplained accident to the
motor caused their plane, the
Hyphen, to crack up last night
near the town of Nijni-Udinsk.
Two of those in the aeroplane
came down in pa.rachutes, the
Pass agency reports. The third
brought the plane to earth,
where the motor fell out be-
cause of the shock of the forced
One of the pilots, it was un-
known here whether Lebrix or
Marcel Doret, was injured in one
leg, and the mechanic, Rene
Mesnin, was slightly hurt on the

Pathology Authority Speaks on
Three Causal Factors
of Disease.
"Cancer is curable if diagnosed
early and complete cure results by
its removal from the body," Pro-
fessor Carl V. Weller, Professor of
Pathology 'said in an illustrated
lecture on the "Present Opinion on
the Cause of Cancer" at the Natural
Science auditorium yesterday.
Cancer, which is a malignant
organization of body cells capable
of spreading, infiltration and de-
veloping distant foci of growth, has
three causal factors, Professor Wel-
ler explained, and is probably due
to the fact that the body has not
been pub together correctliy, the
embroyal factor, the intrinsic or
the hereditary factor and the ex-
trinsic or the mechanical, chemical
thermal or radioactive irritation.
Cancer is not believed to be
caused by-any known parasite and
is not infective. Neither diet, soil, or
ground water have any influence
on its incidence Professor Weller
Bigge Will Give Talk
Before Socialist Club
"Challenge to Socialism" will be
discussed by Professor G. E. Bigge
hf the Economics Department of
Brown University before the Mich-
igan Socialist Club at the Union
at 8 o'clock tonight.
Will Discuss History, Conditions
at Present in Lecture
This Afternoon.
"Iceland yesterday and today"
will be the subject of an illustrated
lecture at 5 o'clock this afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium by
Professor Frederick W. Peterson,
assistant professor of English.
Professor Peterson lived in Ice-
land during the summer of 1925
making an intensive study of the
language, history and social con-
ditions of the island and last year
attended the one thousandth cele-
bration of the Althing, the Ice-
landic Parliament with a party of
American delegates headed by Sen-
ator Norbeck of North Dakota.
"Iceland has made tremendous
advances in recent years," Profes-
sor Peterson said in an interview
"and the lecture will cover some of
the important scenic beauties o
the island and the growth of inter-
communication with Europe."
The Summer band wil play a
7:15 o'clock tonight in front of th

British Artist, Writer Requests1
Same Treatment for Both
Victor, Vanquished.
Potter Points Out Dangers of
Plans for Pan-American
Arbitration Board.
Distinctions between the victors
and the vanquished must be elimin-
ated from the next disarmament
agreement, William Arnold-For-
ster told participants in the British.
and American Students Conference7
on International Affairs at an open1
meeting last night.'
The principle of arms limitation?
should be the same for all states,'
he said, and reduction must be a'
leveling down, not up.'
"The prohibition of certain war
materials should apply equally to1
all states," Arnold-Forster asserted.,
This means that all weapons pro-
hibited for Germany should be
abolished in other nations, he said.
Large battleships, air forces, heavy
guns, tanks, and chemicals would;
be included in this prohibition, he
"It is a fantastic situation," Ar-
nold-Forster asserted, "that the,
United States, England, and Japan.
should hve preparations for a war,
that they agreed not to fight," he
Arnold-Forster pointed out that
the peace movement is, for the
first time, in a position to submit a
program for limitation of arma-
ments and international arbitra-
Prof. Pittman B. Potter, of the
University of Wisconsin, discussed
the weaknesses of the Pan-Ameri-
can Union, which, he said, is
neither a rival nor an assistant to
the League of Nations.
Before the governing board of the
Union can stimulate effective ac-
tivity, Professor Potter said, its
composition must be changed.
Settlement of the arbitration
convention, which has been virtual-
ly pigeonholed by failure of the
United States to take action, pre-
sents serious dangers, he stated.
"Undoubtedly, the influence ogf
such a settlement might be detri-
mental to world arbitration," he as-
League to Entertain
at Weekly Tea Today
Mrs. John Effinger and Mrs. Ed-
ward Kraus will pour at the regular
weekly League tea this afternoon
to which all faculty and students
are invited. The tea will be in the
concourse of the League bulding
and dancing with music by Ken-
,neth Lundquist's orchestra will be
held in the Grand Rapids room.
Students to Inspect
Ford Factory Today
The fourth Summer Session ex-
cursion, a repetition of last week's
trip to the Ford plant at River

Rouge, will start in front of Angel
hall at 1 o'clock today. The stu-
dents will be taken to the plant and
back to Ann Arbor by bus.
A few reservations for the tor
will be available this morning.
Courtriglt to Open
Instruction in Goll
, Instruction classes in golf under
R. O. Courtright, coaching teacher
f and assistant coach, will open at
4:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
The group will meet at the same
hour every Tuesday and Thursday
thereafter until six classes have
t been given.
e The course is open to any Sum-


Fifteen Boys Wilt Sell Tags
Campus to Keep S.C.A.
Institution Open.


* * *
Head of Reichs bank
Secures .New Credit

Lack of Funds May Necessitate
Closing of Final
Fifteen small boys from the Uni-
versity Fresh Air camp will be sta-
tioned at various points about the
campus and State street with tags
to sell today. It is the annual sum-
mer tag day sponsored by the camp
to get money for running expenses.
This year it has been declared
more important than ever, for the d
camp is feeling the depression and
will have to close early unless ad-,
ditional funds are raised.
S. C. A. Is Sponsor.
The Fresh Air camp is main-
tained by the University under the
auspices of the S. C. A. for under-
privileged boys who come from Ann
Arbor and Detroit. They are se-
lected by various social agencies
and are sent out, one hundred at
a time, for two weeks of vacation
in the outdoors. Last summer, the
camp ran five of these two-week
sections, taking care of five hun-
dred boys. This year, unless more
funds are forthcoming from the tag
day, it must close at the end of its
third section, thus denying two
hundred boys the chance to come
out. For this season, everyone has
been urged by camp officials to
contribute as much as he possibly
can for a tag.
Sports Varied.
"The benefits of such a camp for
city boys, come of whom have never
been at a lake before, are obvious,"
a statement by camp officials said.
"They live out in the open in well-
ventilated lodges. There is plenty
of nourishing food-the average
gain in weight for the two weeks
stay, is two pounds to a boy. Ex-
ercise in all forms, swimming, foot-
ball, basketball, baseball; rowing,
and hiking keeps them in good
condition and teaches sportsman-
ship. One hundred and seventy-
five acres of wooded hills between
two lakes give unusual opportuni-
ties for nature study. Practically
all of the native Michigan birds are
inhabitants of the camp property."
"Everything is done to give the
boys a good time and make them
appreciate the life of nature," the
statement continued. "A rather in-
tensive study of Indian lore is given
for those who are interested. It
adds to their appreciation of life
in the open and teaches them many
* interesting things about campcraft."
Malott to Lecture
on Education Series
Prof. John O. Malott of the
School of Education will address the
conference to be held at four o'clock
this afternoon in the auditorium
' of the University High School. Pro-
fessor Malott, who is the senior
. specialist in commercial education
s in the Department of the Interior
r iIs to speak on "Outstanding Prob-
l lems For and About Business."

Dr. Hans Luther,F
President of the Reichsbank, who
returned to Berlin yesterday from
Basel where he secured credits thata
will give Germany a temporary re-s
spite and himself a chance to buildo
up her finances.Y
German Tourists Stranded, Theirn
Currency Refused; Hungary i
Closes All Banks.
LONDON, July 14.-(A)-The ef-.
fects of the German crisis were ap-g
parent today throughout Europe.f
The situation at a glance:i
LONDON: British banks refusedd
German currency. The stock mark-a
ets closed weak.
STOCKHOLM: Banks and hotels,
refused to accept German currency e
and it was feared that thousands
of tourists would be stranded with-
out funds, as the banks would not
cash German checks. -
VIENNA: The Mercur b a n kr
which was controlled by the sus-
pended Darmstaedter und Nationalf
bank of Berlin, closed its doors.-
The bourse suspended trading in
Hungarian stocks for three days.-
BUDAPEST: All Hungarian banks1
were closed suddenly, after a min-
isterial conference, for three days.
RIGA: The Riga International
bank and the Bank of Libau sus-t
pended with respect to current ac-
counts and deposits. The Latvian
cabinet guaranteed deposits in Lat-
vian currency, but declared it
could not be responsible for depos-
its in foreign currency.
BRUSSELS: Reports from the
borders of Belgium and Luxemburg
told of thousands of Germans who
were crossing over with their cash.
Luxumburg suspended its marks
exchange. At Ostend many Ger-
man holiday-makers were strand-
COPENHAGEN: Thousands of
tourists were without money when
hotels, chauffeurs, and shopkeepers
refused to accept reichsmarks.
BUCHAREST: Financial circles
were distressed by the closing of
the Dacia bank at Jassay with a
$1,000,000 deficit.

BERLIN, July 14-(P)-Dr.
Hans Luther, president of the
Reichsbank, this afternoon re-
turned from his latest whirlwind
credit-seeking trip to a Germany
already acting. on the now wide-
spread slogan, "Don't wait for
otside help. Germany, save
The Lufthansa plane that.
brought D'r. Luther back from
Basel made the trip in the fast
time of three and one-half hours.
Immediately after his arrival, the
Reichsbank president hurried from
Tempelhof airedrome to the chan-
cellery where the reparations com-
mittee of the cabinet already was
in session.
Need More Measures
Meanwhile the government let it
be known that yesterday's emer-
gency decree closing all banks was
only one in a series to be expected
in the fight to halt panic, consoli-
date the nation's credit strength,
and preserve internal peace.
It was considered likely that a
federal commissioner with extra-
ordinary powers to control foreign
exchange would be resorted to.
Just how vigorously the Bruen-
ing government would have to act
to preserve internal peace was a
matter difficult to predict. The
nationalist opposition, led by Alfred
Huggenberg and Adolf Hitler, thus
far has been talking only vaguely
of "taking over responsibility."
Despite reports that a large part
of the nationalist funds were tied
up in the collapse of the Darm-
staedter und National bank, po-
litical police were keeping close
watch on the Hitlerites and also
on the communists, although the
latter were reportedly hoping that
Hitler would first pave the way for
Others Watched
Tense though the situation is
here, Germans were watching with
closest interest the reaction of the
suspension of the Darmstaedter
und National in other countries,
notably Austria, Hungary, Holland,
Poland, Denmark, and Latvia.
This evening the government is-
sued a new decree supplementing
the regulations of the bank holiday
decree. It specified that the "holi-
day" of German banks was to have
the same legal status as the other
bank holidays and provided that
any period of grace ending during
the holiday shall not be considered
to have ended "till one week after
the last bank holiday."

Cabinet Contemplates
Further Drastic
Financial Dictatorship
Likely; Period of
Grace Longer.

Veteran Professional
Crown in Uphill;


at Mississagua.
Toronto, Ont, July 14-(RP)-The
old showman, Walter Hagen, fought
an uphill battle to conquer Percy
Alliss, British pro at the Wannsee
club in Berlin, by a single stroke in
their 36-hole playoff for the Ca-
nadian open golf championship to-
"The Haig", after trailing Alliss
by one stroke in the morning round
with a 73 to the Briton's 72, shot
a brilliant 68 for four under par in
the afternoon, to win the title with
a 36-hole total of 141. Alliss fol-'
lowed his par-equaling morning
round with a fine 70 in the after-
noon, but it wasn't good enough.
In the final analysis the ding-
dong battle was decided on the
thirty-fifth hole. Alliss had
squared the match at the thirty-
fourth by sinking a 35-foot putt
for a birdie three. On the next
hole, however, Hagen's second just
failed to go down, and he sank a
short putt for a birdie three with-
out difficulty. Alliss' second had
rolled to within a yard of the cup,
but in this crisis the Briton's putt-
ing touch failed and the ball rolled
to one side of the cup, giving Hagen
the one-stroke lead he needed so
All told, the match was all square
no fewer than six times. Hagen
started shakily and found himself


American League
New York 19, 1, Cleveland 2, 5.
Detroit 12, Athletics 3.
Chicago 9, Washington 1.
St. Louis 5, Boston 3.
National League

NEW YORK, July 14-(IP)-American financial assistance was
formally extended to Germany late today as the Federal Re-
serve bank of New York agreed in association with other re-
serve banks to renew its participation in the $100,000,000 credit
to the Reichsbank, "subject to agreement to renew by the other
participants in the credit."
Prior to the announcement at the local bank, advices from
Berlin had said that the credit in which the banks of England
and France, the Bank of International Settlements, anc the
iFederal Reserve shared equally, was being renewed for three
uionths. The original expiration date was tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, July 14-(A)-The State department received
a telegram today from Ambassador Edge at Paris saying the
French government felt the situation in Germany was "easier".
Mr. Edge also said France was sending word to the Bank for
International Settlements that it did not expect to collect the
sums due it tomorrow in German reparations. Acting Secretary
Castle pointed out the crisis in Germany would have been much
more serious if the nation had not been relieved by the mora-
torium proposal. "If the Hoover plan had not been accepted,"
he said, "other nations would be expecting to receive the pay-
ments tomorrow, and Germany would have been unable to make

Pittsburgh 9, 4, Phillies
(second game 10 innings)
Chicago 8, New York 4.

4, 3,I

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