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July 07, 1931 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-07

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su m R a G. v DAY



Women Offered Sports STUDENTS TO VISIT
Instruction Each Week Rnnn nniirr Qrn RM T



Physical Education Department
Provides 4-Week Courses.
Activities for women in the De-
partment of Physical Education
have been divided into four-week
periods of instruction for each dif-
ferent sport; each week the begin-
ning of a new class in an additional
activity will be announced by the
department. The purpose is to give
the beginner in a sport, instructions1
concerning the etiquette and skills;
of a game and1 help him judge
prices and kinds of equipment to
be usedi.
The members of these classes will
not be charged any coaching fees
but are expected to furnish their
own equipment and meet charges
made for swimming at the Union
pool, for riding, and for canoeing.
The use of the pool in Barbour
gymnasium is gratis.
At present courses being offered
by Physical Education Department
are Riding and Golf on Monday and
Wednesday; recreational swimming
or class work, Tuesday and Thurs-
day at the Union pool; beginning
swimming on Monday and Wednes-
day in Barbour Gymnasium; and
Tennis on Tuesday. There are also
classes on Tuesday in Rhythm, Tap-
dancing and Canoeing. Archery will
be offered, hours of which have not
yet been decided upon. All of these
classes meet at 7:15 o'clock at
Faculty members present at the
meeting were Dr. Margaret Bell,
Prof. Cleo Murtland, Prof. Laurie
Estelle Campbell, Sarah M. Gillam,
Edith Thomas,- Mildred A. Valen-
tine, Edith L. Hoyle, Dean Lydia B.
Jones, and Nida B. Smith.
More than 40 members were pres-
Music School Alumna
Will Present Recital
Mrs. Helena Munn Redewill, an
alumna of the School of Music, will
give a recital of modern Russian,
Norwegian, French, and Spanish
music, illustrated with original po-
ems, at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in
the auditorium of the music school,
Maynard street.
Mrs. Redewill has won distinction
in the West, where she is active in
both musical and literary fields.
The Los Angeles Times, in a re-
view of one of her performances,
described her as "a woman of rare
personality as well as a musician
and poet of outstanding power."
There will be no charge for the
recital, according to music school

r !

S e c o n d Excursion Sponsored
by the Summer Session
Begins Tomorrow.
Methods and technique of large
scale manufacturing will be in-
spected tomorrow by students tak-
ing the trip to the Ford plant at
River Rouge, on the second excur-
sion sponsored by the Summer Ses-
The excursionists will visit Ford's
motor assembly plant, the final as-
sembly lines, the open hearth fur-
naces, and the rolling mill. The
conveyor-belt system will be in-
spected, and other examples of ex-
treme specialization will be pointed
Efficiency in the standardized
processing of materials will be
shown to the students in their in-
spection of the furnaces, where
great ladles holding 90 tons of mol-
ten steel are lifted by overhead
cranes and ,carried to the pouring
The excursion will start by bus
at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
front of Angell hall. About two
hours will be spent at the River
Rouge plants, and the excursionists
will be back in Ann Arbor at 5:30
o'clock. Carlton F. Wells, secretary
of the Summer Session, will direct
the trip.
Reservations for the excursion
must be made before 5 o'clock to-
night in the Summer Session of-
fice, University hall, Wells said yes-
terday. The only expense will be
$1 for bus fare. No charge will be
made to students furnishing their
own transportation, Wells added.
Betsy Barbour to Hold
First of League Teas
Residents of Betsy Barbour house
will be at home from 4 to 5:30 o'-
clock this afternoon to members of
the faculty and students of the
University. The tea is the first of
three that have been planned for
this week through the League so-
cial committee. Tomorrow after-
noon a tea dance, which is to be a I
weekly event, will be held in the
Grand Rapids room and Concourse
of the League building, and on
Thursday Mosher-Jordan halls will
be hostesses at tea from 4 to 5:30
Special emphasis is to be placed
upon the informality of these teas.
Men do not need to be invited by
a woman or escort a woman in or-
der to attend the affairs.

Tommy Armour, the canny Scot,
who holds forth at Tam o' Shanter,
and who was picked as the fav-
orite in the United States Open,
was completely off form throughout
the 72 holes of play, and finished
with 315 strokes, far behind the
two leaders, George Von Elm and
Billy Burke. Armour had been
picked to win largely because of
the driving finish he made to take
first honors in the British Open
at Carnoustie. But, while he stood
ace-high in the heavy going on the
Scotch course, he faltered badly at
Von Elm turned in the same sort
of finish at Toledo that Armour did
at Carnoustie, showing a card of 69
for the last 18. In the first day's
play-off he performed in much the
same way, winning the 36th hole
again to finish the day all square
with Burke. He was two down at
the end of the 18th on that day.
Britain's performance in the nat-
ional open was unimpressive. Sev-
eral of her golfers failed to qualify,
and those who did were unable to
turn in anything less than 320.
Fred Robson was first among the
invading contingent.
* * *
Speaking of golf, the miniature
game is taking an awful licking
this year-that is, from the finan-
cial standpoint. And the odds are
that the American fancy for fads
is the chief reason. That fancy
brought the abbreviated course to
every crossroads in the country a
year ago and now its passing is
leaving those same courses desert-
ed. The depression may have some
small share of responsibility for the
present condition, but prosperity
wasn't at peak in 1930 either. Fur-
thermore, a quarter is a cheap as-
sessment for an evening's enter-
student here recently discovered
that a high school friend had
handed in one of his own themes
in a college contest. It took the
prize. "Evidently good literature
never loses its true value," the
Spectator, student newspaper, re-

With 15 letter men returning,
Indiana is hardly expected to prove
a doormat for any of the teams in
the Western Conference during the
approaching football campaign.
The Hoosiers will meet Harry Kip-
ke's stalwarts in Ann Arbor Novem-
ber 7, and the fact that they will
have present a considerable num-
ber of the men who helped trim
Purdue 7 to 6 last fall adds interest
to that game.
Michigan succumbed to Indiana
6 to 0 in their last meeting, which
took place during the disastrous
start of the 1928 season. Tad Wie-'
man was at the helm here then,
and though his men turned back
the knife-like thrusts of Chuck
Bennett, Hughes and others for
three quarters, Bennett finally slip-
ped through for the lone score.
While mentioning that game it is
only justice to say also that in the
final contest previous to the 1928
game, that which took place of
Ferry' field in 1925, "Hurry-up'
Yost's championship eleven ran the
Hoosiers into the ground. Adding
machine tape at the close of that
contest showed the following:
Michigan 63; Indiana O.
Getting back to 1930, Michigan
and Indiana both laced Purdue by
a single point, Michigan by a 14 to
13 score. Michigan surprised the
world by turning the trick at the
season's outset, While Indiana gave
the dope bucket another kick by
doing it in the season's finale. But,
if football results from one week
to another during the same season
are hardly a criterion for judg-
ment, results from one season to
another are much less so.

To Be Open Only During Hours
Librarian Is in Charge;
No Books to Be Taken.
Because books have been remoyed
from the library of the Women's
League building, the room will be
open only during the hours when
a librarian is in charge, it was an-
nounced yesterday. Mrs. Maude
Thompson, library chairman for the
summer, and her assistants have
planned library hours to include
times of greatest demand.
All women are encouraged to take
advantage of the fine books which
are to be found in the library but
are requested to replace them be-
fore leaving the room. Either by
mistake or design many valuable
works have disappeared from the
shelves and should be returned im-
mediately; many of the offenders of
this rule are known but an oppor-
tunity is being given them to re-
turn the books because of a proba-
ble misunderstanding of the cus-
tomary regulations, Mrs. Thompsop.
said. These books, most of them
costly, have been donated to the
League through the kindness of
alumnae, students, and organiza-
tions, and their loss would be great-
ly regretted.
A history student here, having com-
pleted the answer to a question,
changed his mind, scratched it out,
and wrote another. The first one
was right, and the professor mark-
ed it "B," adding the following note:
"You fool, don't you know that your
first guess is always right?"

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Its a fact that the most desirable fash-
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Jacobson 's

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