M JULY 3, 1931
°' '!d1' TA
LY, JUIJY 3, 1931 TWI A7 VT11WMf.L W(fifA, LT.
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United States Shows Worse Deb
Since War Period After
Present Depression.
Agricultural Relief, War Veteran
Funds, Construction Work
Is Blamed.
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(IP)-Un-
cle Sam set out today to pull him
self out of his worst financial hole
since the war.
A check of his books July 1
showed he lacked just about a bil-
lion dollars of coming out even for
the past 12 months.-
A statement by Acting Secretary'
Mills of the treasury blamed the
$903,000,000 deficit largely upon
increased expenditures for agricul-
tural aid and relief, additional ben-
efits to war veterans, accelerated
governmental construction activi-
ties and upon a severe decline in
taxes, particularly income. Customs
and internal revenue receipts, im-
portant sources of government
funds, also fell off.
440 Millions in Debt.
Ordinary receipts during the fis-
cal year 1931 totaled $3,317,000,000
and expenditures $4,220,0000,000
Receipts were nearly a billion dol-
lars smaller than in 1930, Mills
said, and expenditures two and a
quarter billion greater.
Of the total deficit, $440,000,000
represented debt retirement. The
otal gross public debt outstanding
was increased, the acting secretary
said, by $616,000,000. The net debt,
he pointed out, was increased but
$463,000,000, since the general fund
balance increased $153,000,000.
Taxes Drop.
From January to June of 1930,
Mfills pointed out, the tax on 1930
ncomes showed a drop of 38 per
:ent in corporation payments and
f 49 percent in individual pay-
nents. The corporation income
ax decline during that period was"
;206,000,000 and the individual col-
ections dropped $330,000,000.
Musical programs for summer Being afraid of water is a sign
school students and townspeople of intelligence and rather the nor-
will be presented by the School of mal thing for one who has never
Music next Tuesday and Wednes- had much experience with it, ac-
cording to Miss Ruth Campbell of
day evenings, it was announced yes- the physical education department.
t terday. "However, when acquaintance
Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock, with this element has been culti-
Palmer Christian, University organ- vated," she stated, "one will find
ist, will perform on the Frieze Me- water a delightful companion. Af-
morial organ in Hill auditorium,
while on Wednesday evening Mrs.
1Helena Munn Redewill of San OL LE S SP R
Francisco will give a costume re-
cital in the School of Music audi-
torium on Maynard street. IELL FWOMEN
There will be no charge for the
- concerts, it was announced. A se- Physical Education Department
e ries of recitals by faculty members Enrolls High Number of
and students of the school will be Summer Golfers.
continued throughout the summer.
Of all the sports open to women
students this summer, golf seems1
FY PROTEST to be about the most popular and
most enthusiastically acceptedDue
to the large number of people who
have signed up for it, there will be
Dismss Iclasses receiving instruction in it
every hour from 2 until 6 o'clockt
University Professors Here Hit on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,k
Action of Ohio State and Thursday afternoons.
However, each individual will be£
on Sociologist, in only two of these classes a week
(Conteand on the alternate afternoons,
been taknued from Page One) she will be in a practice class which
exen tden soley because of his Is to meet at the same hour to per-
xpreae opionons on public issues. fect the things which she was in-
The acti dapparently wasutaken, structed in on the previous after-
they stated, without consultation
with the department chairman. noon.
Signers of the petition were: Miss Marie Hartwig, of the Phy-
Prof. R. D. McKenzie Prof. Rob-sical education department, is in1
ert C. Angell, Anna i . Cameron charge of the golf classes and will
Prof. L. J. Carr Prof. Ry H. Ho give instruction in all of the fun-
mes, and Prof A. E. Wood all of th damentals including grip, stance,
sociology department; and swings, as well as rules and
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, Prof. Car- etiquette of the game. She will t
ter Goodrich, Prof.;Morris A. Cope- also give advice on equipment toa
land, Prof. Margaret Elliott, Prof. all the students.
George E. Bigge Prof.Harcourt L "Later in the season," Miss Hart- R
Caverly, Prof. B. , Prof. wig stated, "we are planning to or-t
Shorey Peterson, and Prof Howar ganize a tournament to give the S
S. Ellis, of the economics depart- students both the fun and experi-
ment. neo oraetpa.
Prof. DeWitt H. Parker, Prof C. It was announced today that a
H. Langford, Prof. Roy Wood Sel- special four-weeks course will be s
lers, of the philosophy department, given, starting next Monday. This f
Prof. A. E. R. Baak Prof. en.class will meet at seven-fifteen on E
P.raeP.EAbeak, rof. Verner Monday and Wednesday evenings o
W. Cran Prof. Albert Hyma, and and It is intended to teach the fun-
Prof.r DwightL. Dumond, of the damentals in a more concentrated b
history department;manner
Prof. E. S. Brown, Prof. Thomas mne
H. Reed, and Prof. James K. Pol-L
lock, of the political science depart- Churches to Conduct L
ment; Open Air Gatherings
Prof W. B. Pillsbury, of the psy- t
chology department, Prof. Edwin Many of the churches of the city s
D: Dickinson, of the Law school, are co-operating in a Sunday open t
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge, of the ge- air meeting each week for summer
ography department; students, to be held on the lawn ofR
Prof Merwin H. Waterman, Prof. the Presbyterian church house lo- a
C. W. Blackett, Prof. C. E. Griffin, cated on Washtenaw avenue near A
Prof. R. G. Rodkey, and Prof. Er- University avenue. c
nest M. Fisher, of the business ad- Four visiting professors will ad- h
ministration school. dress these devotional services, the N
first of which will be given at 7:30 S
UNIVERSITY OF . CHICAGO - o'clock Sunday night, July 12. Sing-
More than 500 athletes from 124 ing will be led by George G. Al-
schools in 24 states were entered in der, and a student choir will be in
the twenty-seventh Stagg track and charge of N. S. Ferris. One of the
field interscholastic tournament at local ministers here will hold the a
Chicago recently. devotional services.
ter one has learned that water i
most willing to support the humar
body and that it is a good friend
when rightly used, then that per-
son becomes a lover of all wate
This summer, women students
are offered ample opportunity fo
learning to swim as there' ar
courses in beginning, intermediat
and advanced swimming as well as
in diving and life saving. Likewis
there are purely recreational pe-
riods in which only those desiring
instruction receive it.
These classes are given on Mon-
days, Wednesdays, and Fridays
from 10:00 to 11:00 and on Tues-
day and Thursday evenings from
7:30 until 9:30 in the Union pool
and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays from 2:00 until 5:45 in
the pool in the basement of Bar-
bour gymnasium. The regular gray
cotton tank suit is worn and a
Health Service certificate is re-
Besides the swimming classes,
canoeing is offered in the late af-
ternoon hours. Registration for all
of these classes takes place in Bar-
bour gymnasium between 8 a.m..
and 6 p.m.
g vING rTHfr
By C. H. B.
Visiting Professors Added
to Regular Staff for
Summer Session.
. Tonight will see Max Schmeling,
s champion leather pusher, match
r punches with our own Willie Strib-
e ling in the new Cleveland arena.
e The ballyhoo is in full swing, but
s it begins to appear that the gate
e will be closetto a half million dollars
shy of the total originally esti-
mated. And why? The promoters
won't admit one of the big reasons,
but the public is quite aware that
the match is bringing together a
couple of chaps who may look like
Herr Maxie's title is anything but
a source of pride to his country
folk in the Vaterland, nevertheless
it is now at stake and he may be
quite ready to put on a good show
to retain it. Likewise, Stribling may
be in a mood to bring it back. to
the home shores. Both boys have
stuff and it is barely possible that
the more hopeful than confident
faithful few will get their money's
worth. The fact that it is to be in
Cleveland's brand new arena may
prove helpful in bringing out a lot
of loyal home towners.
* * *
If there is truth in the old saw
that misery loves company, Bucky
Harris, Donie Bush and Rogers
Hornsby might well hold a conven-
tion. Right now, they are perhaps
the three most disappointed man-
agers in the major leagues. Harris
truthfully believed, when the sea-
son opened, that his band of Tigers
was dangerous. But they turned
in about the only brand of ball that
Detroit has known since Ty Cobb's
clan finished in second place in
1923. Then Alexander and Geh-
ringer went out with injuries, where
is the team today? But, it beat the
Athletics the first time in ten starts
Monday. That may mean some-
Donie Bush believed last spring
that his White Sox showed possi-
bilities. Sports critics agreed that
the team might have something,
but right now it is in the cellar, a
fraction of a game behind Detroit.
However, there also is hope in Chi-
cago, for the team just finished
taking three out of five games from
the fast-traveling Senators.
Rogers Hornsby is keeping his
team up, by the sheer potency of
his bat and those of Hack Wilson,
Kiki Cuyler and Gabby Hartnett.
It is in third place still, but Brook-
lyn is looming dangerously close
and Bill McKechnie's Braves are
nothing to be sneezed at. Were his
pitching staff able to turn in the
wins that Bush, Blake, Root and
Malone contributed in the past few
years, the Cubs might now be on
top. Instead, some of the teams
best pitching performances have
been given by Bob Smith, acquired
from the Braves, and Lester Sweet-
land, a former Philadelphia star.
There are a lot of elements in
building up a winning ball club,
and a team needs a certain amount
of all of them. Managerial ability
is one consideration, harmony an-
other, and confidence is a big fac-
tor. Connie Mack, for example, can
direct a ball team. Furthermore his
crew are all hustling all of the time.
And, confidence is helping to give
the individuals in his murderer's
row the punch every time it is
needed., Don't be surprised, there-
fore, to see the Macks win several
over a hundred games this year,
then again trample the exhausted
winners of a tight National Lea-
gue chase.
* * *
Indiana rather than Purdue and
Princeton instead of Harvard mark
the chief differences between the
Michigan football schedule of 1930
and that of the approaching cam-
paign. And, based on records of
the past few years, the Wolverines
are facing a less difficult task than
that which brought them a tie with
Northwestern for the Big Ten flag.
Denison, the only doormat for
Harry Kipke's charges a year ago,
will be missing and its place will
be taken by Central State Teach-
ers' college of Mt. Pleasant, but
that contest is only one of an open-
ing-day doubleheader. Michigan
State Normal will again make up
the second game on the bargain
bill as it did in giving the Maize
and Blue a scare last fall. And Il-
linois, Chicago, Minnesota, Ohio
State and Michigan State will again
match strategy with Michigan.
Whether they will provide fodder
for Kipke's veterans, and ambitious
sophomores remains to be seen..
Speaking of fodder, it is hardly
out of order to mention that Mich-
igan State proved an easy target
between the five yard lines last
fall, but showed a forward wall
which could hardly be{ dented, much
less pierced, beyond that mark.
Michiganractually went over the
goal once, but play was called back
because of an offside penalty.
At any rate the teams will meet
this year on November 14, at a
time when both should be at peak
strength, rather than at the start
of the season, as happened in 1930.
The contest will again see State's
strong line opposed to a Michigan
forward wall of uncertain strength
and in the backfields, Bob Mon-
nett, Abe Eliowitz et al against Cap-
tain Sol Hudson, Harry Newman
and others.
To provide for the expected at-
tendance of more than two thous-
and students, 12 visiting, professors
will augment the regular faculty of
he 1931 summer session of the
School of Education.
They are listed as follows: Prof.
Clarence L. Clarke, of the Lewis In-
titute in Chicago; Willford L. Cof-
ey, Dean, College of the City of
Detroit; Alvin C. Eurich, professor
of educational psychology, Univer-
ity of Minnesota; Frank W. Hub-
bard, assistant director of research,
National Eduction association; Prof.
Lydia I. Jones, John 0. Mallet,
Washington, D. C.; Willard W. Pat-
y, Professor of education, Univer-
ity of Indiana; Benjamin F. Pit-
enger, University of Texas; Paul T.
Rankin, director of research and
djustment, Detroit public schools;
Arthur J. Reed, head of commer-
ial department, Muskegon senior
igh school, Muskegon, Michigan;
Vila B. Smith, supervisor of re-
earch, Detroit public schools; and
3arvey L. Turner, professor of ru-
al education, Michigan State Nor-
nal College.
Mallet is a nationally recognized
uthority in his field and is a spec-
alist in commercial education in the
Department of the Interior, Wash-
ngton, D. C.
wo Reading Rooms Set Aside in
University High School
for Educators.
Two new reading rooms, both in
he University High school, have
>een opened for the convenience of
he students in the School of Edu-
ation. The cafeteria room on the
irst floor of the elementary school
ias been set aside as a committee
oom for small groups of students
irho desire a convenient place to
neet for the preparation of reports
.nd the discussion of assignments.
Jo books will be placed in the room
,nd no attendant will be provided.
Che hours will be from 8 o'clock in
,he morning until 5 o'clock at
In the new adult library near the
enter entrance of the University
lementary school, the open shelf
ystem will be in use, though an at-
endant will be present to give in-
ormation. Students will not be.
ermitted to withdraw books un-
.er any circumstances, since many
f the copies are the personal prop-
rty of the faculty. At present, the
tbrary is open from 9 to 12 o'clock
end 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock, although
hese hours may be changed if the
emand warrants it.
The room will accomodate about
wenty students and contains ref-
rences on pre-school education,
lementary education, psychology
f education, and secondary edu-
Permanent Waves
$4.00, $.00, $8.00
With Service
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Mosher Hall will have its first
musical hour Sunday afternoon in
the drawing room at five o'clock.
Mrs. Inez Lee will sing and Miss
Evelyn Swartout will offer piano
Miss Ethel McCormick, dean of
women for. the Summer Session,
spoke to the residents of Mosher
Jordan Halls at their first house
and get acquainted meeting Wed-
nesday evening. Election of offi-
cers will be held Monday. The
dormitory will continue the custom
commenced last year of being at
home on Thursday afternoons from
4 until 5:30 o'clock. Tea will be
served in the living room and the
residents may invite faculty mem-
bers and friends to attend.
In Jordan Hall the Society for
the Promotion of Education is
holding its summer session. A
picnic is being planned for the
fourth of July.
Betsy Barbour held an informal
dinner last evening honoring their
board of governors and the dean
of women. The guests of honor in-
cluded Mrs. Dean W. Myers, Mrs.
J. O. Schlotterbeck, Miss Fandira
Crocker, members of the board of
governors, and Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, dean of women for the Sum-
mer Session, MissCatherine Noble
and Mrs. Garrit Diekema.
Regular weekly teas will be spon-
sored every Tuesday afternoon and
the campus women are invited to
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