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July 03, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-03

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07 4 P

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. XI, NO. 5.



WEATHER: Fair, Slightly Cooler


Professors Here Demand Study
of Case; May Seek His
Charge Sociologist Lost Place
Because He Gave Opinions
on Public Issues.
Action protesting the dismissal
last month of Prof. Herbert A. Mil-
ler, of the sociology department of
Ohio State university, has been tak-
en by members of Michigan's social
science departments, it was learned
here yesterday.
In a petition to the president and
the board of trustees of the Ohio
institution, 33 faculty members
asked that the American Associa-
tion of University Professors be
given full facilities for investigation
of Professor Miller's dismissal, and
demanded that he be reinstated if
the investigation proved he was dis-
missed for expressions of opinion
on issues within the field of his
special competence.
Demand Statement.
The petition also urged that Ohio
State university authorities issue a
statement of policy, explicitly rec-
ognizing the right of its faculty
members to give opinions on sub-
jects in their fields without endan-
gering their positions.
This action is necessary, the pe-
tition stated, in order that the Ohio
university may regain public con-
fidence "and that its faculty and
students may continue the pursuit
of truth fearlessly and for its own
sake both in the field of tie social
sciences and in other fields."
Question Motives.
The Michigan faculty men point-
ed out that Professor Miller's dis-
missal appears, from statements of
the president, the board of trustees,
and the chairman of the sociology
department at Ohio State, to have
(Continued on Page 3)
Noted Geologist Explains Long
Process of Development
of Famous District.
"The Niagara Gorge about seven
miles long is of even greater geo-
logical interest than the famous
Grand Canyon of the Colorado riv-
er," said Prof. William H. Hobbs of
the geology department yesterday,
lecturing on "The Geology of Niag-
ara Falls and Vicinity." Each of
these wonders of nature, he pointed
out, is of first interest in its class.
"But," he continued, "while the
cataract draws many people, the
gorge for seven miles below it is
perhaps of more interest." The
gorge he went on to explain, shows
to the geologist a long and inter-
esting history of the falls. The cat-
aract began at the Lewiston es-

capement shortly after the retreat
of the last ice cap and has since
been cut away, leaving below it a
gorge seven miles long.
The water of the river, pouring
over the edge of a layer of lime-
stone, creates a great whirlpool
which cuts away the soft rock be-
neath, undermining that hard lay-
er sip that the edge gradually crum-
bles away into the pool. Through
this action, the cataract has cut
the gorge from the Lewiston es-
carpment to the present position.
At present, he said, the cataract
on the Canadian side is cutting
back about five feet each year. At
the beginning of the Christian era,
he estimates, it was about two miles
farther down the river.
Present indications, he said, are
that the Canadian falls are going
to cut back and "capture" the
American falls, leaving the lime-
stone shelf on this side high and

Hoover to Be Host
to Gatty and Post
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(P)-
The magic of a dizzying dash
around the world opened White
House doors to two quiet airmen
who six weeks ago passed nearly
unnoticed in Washington.
President Hoover, in dispatch-
ing congratulations to Wiley Post
and Harold Gatty, included an
invitation to a luncheon. The
fliers' representatives accepted
for Monday.
The President, a globe trotter
himself, followed the flight with
interest. He has received other-
of aviation's daring ambassadors
before to talk not so much of
flying as of the places they have
Broadway's Reception Exhausts
Holders of New
NEW YORK, July 2.-( P)-Wiley
Post and Harold Gatty covered to-,
day perhaps the most nerve-wrack-
ing stretch of their record-smash-
ing trip around the world-the six
miles between the Battery and
Forty-sixth street.
With such fierce-sounding places
as Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk
and Novosibirsk behind, they faced
the showers of ticker tape and con-
fetti, screaming sirens and boat
whistles, hurrahs of thousands and
the stares of lines of humanity
along Broadway and Fifth avenue.
Only the Winnie Mae herself,
sturdy maid of the world skies, had
a chance to take the day quietly.
She stood, like a patient charger,
in her Roosevelt field hangar, into
which she had been rolled when
the world-rounding flight ended
last night after eight days, 15 hours
and 51 minutes. She could have
started out and done it all over
again, mechanics said; if she'd
wanted to.
The day began for Harold Gatty,
navigator of the flight, when his
wife, after a plane-train trip from
Glendale, Cal., crept into-his room
at his hotel and awakened him with
a kiss shortly after 9 o'clock this
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Gatty and
Mr. and Mrs. Post, together with
Florence C. Hall, millionaire oil
man who backed the flight, break-
fasted lightly, and then the proces-
sion of welcome began.
New Record Set; 4,186 Register;
Graduate School Passes
2,000 Mark.
Following the establishment Wed-
nesday of a new Summer Session
enrollment record of 4,132, regis-
tration continued to increase yes-
terday to a new high total last
nightaof 4,186, a gain of 318 over
the same day last summer.
The Graduate School passed the
two thousand mark with a large
gain over Wednesday's total. Grad-

uate students registered to date
number 2,072. Enrollment in the
Colege of Literature, Science, and
the Arts reached 780,gan increase of
36 over the preceding day.
These figures include 101 students
at the Biological station, 37 at
Camp Davis in Wyoming, 23 at the
Geological andaGeographical camp
in Kentucky, and 14 at the For-
estry and Conservation camp in
Northern Michigan.
American League
New York 13, Detroit 1.
Washington 13, St. Louis 5.
Cleveland 12, Athletics 4.
Chicago 2, Boston 0.
National League
Brooklyn' 4, Cincinnati 3.
New York 3, St. Louis 2.
Chicago 2, Phillies 1. (11 inn-
Pittsburgh 1, Boston 0.

Unknowns Tie in Race for U.S.
Title Over Difficult
Inverness Course.
Dutra, Duest, Barron, Williams
Seize Lead From Large
Field of Favorites.
July 3-Four dark horsemen of the
American links, unconcerned by the
inferno of Inverness and unchecked
by its hazards, galloped out in front
today to establish a four-cornered
tie for the lead in the United States
open golf championship.
While the British forces experi-
enced a series of staggering set-
backs and American favorites were
struggling to survive the heat wave
and stay within striking distance,
the quartet of unheralded and un-
attended competitors rode the fair-
ways to finish in a deadlock with
old man par with scores of 71 each
for the first 18-hole round of the
72-hole championship chase.
The four leaders, Mortie Dutra of
Long Beach., Cal., Harold Duest,
another Californian now located at
Deal, N. J., Herman Barron of Port
Chester, New York, and Eddie Wil-
liams of Cleveland, took temporary
command of the battle to determine
the successor to Bobby Jones.
Shoot Par.
Duest and Williams posted cards
of 36 and 35, total 71, while Bar-
ron and Detra came in with 35 and
36, total 71, to duplicate exactly the
par layout of Inverness.
The prime American favorites,
though failing to furnish fireworks
for the smallest open championship
gallery in many years, moved into
contending positions after a strug-
gle with the rough and the bunkers.
On the heels of the four leaders
was Al Espinosa, with a 72 that
would have been a stroke or two
lower but for two putts that rim-
med the cup.
Favorites Close.
Two strokes behind the pace-set-
ters, at 73, in addition to tht Brit-
ish pair, Robson and Davies, were
McDonald Smith, the Scotch styl-
ist; Billie Burke, the sharpshooter
from Greenwich, Conn., who star-
red at Scioto last week; Joe Tur-
nesa and Henry Ciuc ,of the me-
tropolitan New York group; and
Frank Walsh of Chicago.
Gene Sarazen and Walter Hag-
en each posted 74, serving warning
of their challenge to retain cham-
pionship honors. A stroke behind
them came Tommy Armour, the
British open champion, whose 75
represented a shaky start and put
him alongside Leo Diegel and
George Von Elm, two of the Wets
Coast's star entries. Light-horse
Harry Cooper registered 76, Horton
Smith 77, while Danny Shute of
Cleveland and John Golden of Pat-
erson, N. J., damaged their pros-
pects with 79 each.
Editorial and business staff po-
sitions are still open for both

men and women students desir-
ing newspaper experience. Call
at the Press building, Maynard
street, at 3 o'clock, any after-

Hilda Krahwinkel Defeats Helen'
Jacobs at Wimbledon in1
Startling Upset.
Cilli Aussem Favored to Win
Women's Title; Americans
Lose Men's Doubles.
LONDON, July 2--(P)- For the
first time in the history of Wimble-
don championship tennis play, two
German girls will face each other
across the net tomorrow for the
women's title on which Suzannet
Lenglen and Mrs. Helen Wills Moo-
dy held lease so long.
This was determined today as1
Hilda Krahwinkel, a feminine
Frank X. Shields in stature, defeat-I
ed Helen Jacobs, 10-8, 6-4, in a
startling upset and Cilli Aussem
disposed of Mme. Rene Mathieu,
France's last representative in sin-
gles play, 6-0, 2-6, 6-3.
Miss Aussem, although lacking
the stature and strength of her1
countrywoman, is an exponent of a
varied and subtle game and is fa-
vored to defeat Miss Krahwinkel.
Sad Day for U. S.
It was a sad day for America in
every department of play except
the mixed doubles. Frank X. Shields
limping from his injury of yester-..
day, and Sidney B. Wood, Jr., were<
eliminated in the semi-finals of the1
men's doubles by Henri Cochet and1
Jacques Brugnon, of France, 6-4,c
7-5, 6-2.
Both American youngsters seem-t
ed to be saving themselves for their
all-American final in men's singles
Lott, Harper Win.
In the mixed doubles George Lott,
Jr., and Mrs. L. A. Harper advanced;
to the semi-final round by victories
over Baron Von Kehrling and Mrs.
Satterthwaite, 6-3, 6-4, in the fourth,
round and E. Maier and Miss Adam-
off, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4, in the quarter
Council Overrides Mayor's Veto
of Resolution Closing
Lodging Places.
DETROIT, July 2.-(AP)-The De-
troit Council's decision to make a
sharp cut in the city's deficit ex-
penditures for public welfare relief
during the present fiscal year was
indorsed today by Mayor Murphy
when he appeared at a hearing be-
fore the council.
After the hearing the council, in
a formal session, unanimously over-
rode the Mayor's veto of its resolu-
tion closing the city's lodging houses
for homeless men. This means that
the lodges must close at once.
Mayor Murphy said that, al-
though he agreed that the welfare
department should be held down to
what the city can afford to spend,

the department itself should be al-
lowed to bring in a study of what
can be done. Then, he said, the
Community Fund and the indus-
trialists should be acquainted with
the exact situation.

Heat Wave Moves Eastward to
Appalachian Region.
The heat wave that scorched the
Middle West for more than a week
moved eastward Thursday into the
Appalachian region.
Western Pennsylvania, Western
New York and parts of Ohio, West
Virginia and Kentucky felt the
scorch of a pitiless sun as the cen-
tral states grew comfortable again
under clouded skies and occasional
It was still hot in the most of the
Thunderstorm conditions moving
down the Atlantic seaboard gave
some relief and threatened to
break up the heat wave before it
reached the coast.
Thermometers in the Middle
West that htd held monotonously
to 90 and 100 degree readings for
a week fell down to 70 and 80
Thursday, and the sun-baked pop-
ulace considered it cool.
Ministry Escapes From Defeat
by Narrow Margin on
Tax Amendment.
LONDON, July 3.-(J)-A rough
and tumble fight, unprecedented
for more than a quarter of a cen-
tury, took place today in the staid
old House of Commons, "Mother of
Parliaments," when left-wing La-
borites resisted the suspension of
one of their members.
Later, after order was restored,
the government escaped defeat by
only five votes on an amendment
to the Snowden land tax bill which
would have exempted Garden City
and Garden Suburb from the tax.
Several Liberals voted against the
The trouble was ended after the
offending member, J. McGovern of
Shettleston, Glasgow, who had de-
fied the Speaker, was removed
bodily from his seat and ejected.
Throughout most of the fight,
which was between half a dozen
left-wing Laborites and attendants,
the Conservative members s a t
aghast and thunderstruck.
The disturbance arose over the
preaching of the gospel on Glas-
glow Green. - McGovern asked if
the Secretary of State for Scotland
was prepared to investigate the ar-
rest of four lay preachers for a
breach of the city law forbidding
meetings on'the green.
Dissatisfied with the Secretary's
reply that he would investigate,
McGovern remained on his feet de-
spite shouts of "Order!" from the
Chicago Civic Opera
Shows Million Loss
CHICAGO, July 2.-(P)-A loss of
$1,079,473.06 by. the Chicago Civic
Opera company for its 13 weeks of
operations in the Civic Opera House
last fall and winter, was reported
today. The figure was estimated to
be nearly twice as much as the
amount subscribed by the com-
pany's guarantors. Samuel Insull,

one of the company's sponsors, said
the difference between the loss and
the payments made by the guaran-
tors was made up by advances from
the Chicago Music Foundation.1
Chicago Employes Put
on 5-Day Week Scale
CHICAGO, July 2.-(JP)-Mayor
Anton Cermak had today ordered
that 7,245 city employes who are,
paid by the day be placed on a five-
day week basis. He also instruct-
ed department heads that they
must cut at least 10 percent from
their annual expenses, which does
not include salaries and wages.
With a plan for payless vaca-
tions now pending before the city
council finance committee, it was
estimated by city officials that the
retrenchments ordered would save
the city about $5,000,000 out of its
n700.00 budget for 1931.

R e a c h Understanding
on Major Issues,
Is Report.
Great Britain, France
Near Young Plan
PARIS, July 3. ()-Settlement
on a very favorable basis of the
Franco - American negotiations
centering about President Hoo-
ver's proposed war debt holiday
was expected tonight.
Although no official announce-
ment was likely before tomorrow,
it was learned from reliable sourc-
es that an understanding had been
reached on certain of the outstand-
ing issues on which the French and
American viewpoints disagreed.
This information was that France
has agreed to give Germany more
than five years to refund a loan
based on,- the unconditional repara-
tions, and that ten or more years
probably would be granted.
May Make Loan.
France also was said to have re-
considered her suggestion that some
of this money be loaned to Jugo-
slavia and other small European
It was learned also that France
and Great Britain are approaching
an agreement on the guarantee
fund under the Young plan. This
was one of the points about which
France was most concerned.
Conference Delayed.
A conference scheduled for to-
night between Secretary Mellon and
the French representatives in the
negotiations was postponed this
afternoon so that Mr. Mellon and
Ambassador Edge might confer
with Washington on counter-pro-
posals submitted by the French
The French proposals were draft-
ed today at a special meeting of the
cabinet, with President Doumer at-
An announcement by Great Brit-
ain of her "willingness" to call a
conference of the most interested
nations had no apparent effect on
the de' rmination of the French
and American representatives to
continu- the negotiations.
Chiang Kai Shek Moves Against
Cantonese Insurgents
in Kwangtung.
HONG KONG, July 2.-(A)- The
vanguard of President Chiang Kai-
Shek's Nationalist army today
reached the border of Kwangtung
province, domain of the new insur-
gent government formed at Canton.
The advance column was expect-
ed to await the arrival of the main

army before attempting an inva-
sion of insurgent territory.
Although President Chiang is-
sued a proclamation saying his of-
fensive would start July 1, there
has been no fighting thus far. Can-
ton forces expect a clash any time.
In announcing his Kiangsi expe-
dition, Chiang made no direct men
'tion of fighting the southern xe-
gime and indicated his campaign
would be against the outlaws in
the province adjoining Kwangtung
on the north. His forces are said
to number about 250,000.
JStevenson Made Head
of Education Society
F. G. Stevenson of Dubuque, Iowa,
was chosen president of the Men's
Education club, when its 200 mem-
bers met recently to elect officers.
H. B. Heidelberg, of Clarksburg,
Miss., was named vice-president,
and L. L. Thurston, of Ann Arbor,


During the summer, a number
of special conferences will be con-
ducted for graduate students in the
School of Education. These ses-
sions, which deal with progressive
practices in modern education, will
be held from July 20 to 23 inclu-
The session on July 22 wil be giv-
en over to a series of round table1
conferences. These meetings will
be in charge of members of the
faculty, and those who attend will
hb aiven an nnnrtinnit iworent

problems of general interest to the
group. The chairmen responsible
for each, are listed as follows: "City
School Administration in Large Cit-
ies," Prof. A. B. Moehlman; "School
Administration," Prof. George Car-
rothers; "Vocational Guidance,"
Prof. George E. Myers; "Elementary
Education," Prof. Clifford Woody;
and "High School Instruction,"
Prof. Raleigh Schorling.
In addition to the conferences for
graduates, there are a number of
afternoon sessions, beginning July
A fmn all a1ti nt aofneduation.

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