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August 15, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-15

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WEATHER: Mostly Fair







Forwalter and Catherine Keller
Held for Questioning
by Prosecutors.
Evidence Shows Girl Remained
With Murderers Until
Early Tuesday.
(By Associated Press)
Behind the walls of Michigan
State prison safe from mob violence
which threatened them last night
the three torch slayers completed
the first day of their life sentences
Meanwhile officials arrested a
fourth man for questioning, and
continued grilling a young woman
said to be the sweetheart of one of
the killers. They said they had evi-
dence the woman was with the trio
in the early hours of last Tuesday
when the slaying ocurred.
Harold Forwalter, 24, Ypsilanti,
was the man arrested today. Au-
thorities said that David Black-
stone, one of the slayers, had told
them Fred Smith, another of the
trio, obtained from Forwalter a gun
used in the slaying.
Officials said they would question
Forwalter in an attempt to uncover
evidence which they believe will
show that the three slayers parti-
cipated in other robberies, possibly
slayings, in this section. They did
not reveal the nature of the ques-
Catherine Keller, 25 - year-old
niece of the late Judge Darwin Z.
Curtis, of the Ypsilanti municipal
court, remained in the county jail
here. Prosecutors said she admit-,
ted being with Smith, said to be her;
Forwalter owned a gun and au-,
thorities are trying to find out if
he was with the slayers when the
murders, occured. Miss Keller in-
sists that she left the convicted,
trio at 9 o'clock Monday night but
evidence shows that she was with
them until 2:30 Tuesday morning.
Last Performance of Camille'
Will Conclude Third
Summer Season.
With tonight's performance of
Thomas Wood Stevens' "Camille in
Roaring Camp", the Repertory
players will conclude their third
and most successful summer seas-
A report issued last night by Play
production department estimated
that more than 10,000 people at-
tended the seven plays. More than
500 patrons bought season tickets,
a gain of 100 over last year.
More than 100 different students
acted in the plays, and many of
them took six or seven parts dur-
ing the course of the summer. Be-
sides these, the entire enrollment
of Play production department had
some hand in producing the plays
-as assistant directors, wardrobe
workers, script holders and stage
Besides Director Valentine B.
Windt of Play production, the Rep-
ertory players were able to secure
Thomas Wood Stevens and Jean
Mercier, both nationally and inter-
natonally known directors.
American League.

Cleveland 13, 9, New York, 7, 1.
St. Louis 12, Boston 2.
Chicago 5, Washington 4.
National League
New York 2, Pittsburgh 1.
Boston 1, 3, Cincinnati 0, 1.
St. Louis 9, Brooklyn 3.
Philadelphia 14, Chicago 4.

Pistol Believed Used in Slaying Found in Home
of Smith's Sweetheart; Confessions
Considered Incomplete.
Continued investigation by local and state authorities yester-
day followed the sentencing Thursday night of Fred "Curly" Smith,
David T: Blackstone, and Frank Oliver to life imprisonment in the
state penitentiary at Marquette for the slaying of two young couples
early this week.
While state police, headed by Lieut. Detective G. W. Waterman,
and Ypsilanti officers fruitlessly dragged the Huron river in the
vicinity of Tuttle Hill bridge in an attempt to connect the three
killers with the burning of a stolen car on Aug. 6 and a possible
murder at that time, two more persons were being questioned by
county authorities here to determine if they were implicated in
Tuesday morning's torch murder.
Catherine Keller, 25, Ypsilanti, alleged to be Smith's sweetheart,
was brought to Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp's office late yesterday after-
noon when police discovered in her possession a gun which it is be-
lieved was used in the slaying and recently laundered clothing, belong-
ing to Smith. Frank Forwalter, 24, also of Ypsilanti, was seized by po-
lice on the confession of Blackstone that he had supplied the gun
Smith used in the killing.
Following the questioning of Miss Keller, Prosecutor Rapp, Edward
A. Bilitzke, assistant attorney-general, and Clarence A. Snyder, Wash-
tenaw county deputy, went to Jackson yesterday afternoon to grill the
three slayers temporarily held there in an effort to link them with
previous crimes in the vicinity.

Aourtesy of the Detroit Free Press
Above is shown Catherine Keller, Ypsilanti girl, being questioned by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp short-

ly after her arrest yesterday.

Norwegian Ship Master Reports
Floating Body; May Be
Cramer, Oliver.
HAUGESUND, Norway, Aug. 14-
(P)-Whether the body of an air-
man sighted off the Shetland is-
lands was that of Parker Cramer
or his radio operator, missing since
Sunday on a flight to Copenhagen
was the subject of speculation to-
The master of the Norwegian
steamer Sjoeglimt, which arrived.
Thursday, reported that his crew
had noticed a body clothed in what
appeared to be flying togs floating
west of the island of Foula Sunday
afternoon. Foula is located about
20 miles west of the Shetland is-.
Storm Batters Ship.
Battered by heavy storms, the
steamer had run into the lee of the
Shetlands when the discovery was
made, he said, but there was no
opportunity to salvage the body.
The crew were of the opinion itj
'mighthave been Cramer or Oliver I
Paquette, his companion.
The airmen left the Shetlands
Sunday morning on the final stage
of their flight across Canada,
Greenland and the North Sea to
chart an airmail route for Amer-
ican aviation interests. Their radio
signals were picked up by Scandi-
navian stations some time that af-
ternoon, but no trace of them has
been found by rescue expeditions.
The captain said if Cramer had
stayed on an easterly course toward
Copenhagen this body could not
have been his, because it could not
have drifted that far north and
west from the time that the flyers
took off from the Shetlands
Sponsors Lose Hope.
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 14-(A)-
Officials of Transamerican Airlines
said today they had abandoned any
optimistic hopes for the safety of
Pilot Parker D. Cramer and his
radio operator, Oliver Paquette,
since the body of an airman was
sighted floating near the Shetland
"With the passage of time since
he disappeared en route from the
Shetland islands to Copenhagen,
we are gradually being forced to
relinquish our optimism and fall
back on the last hope, that Cramer
might have taken refuge on some
remote island, or in an out-of-the-
way Norwegian fjord, or have been
picked up by a ship without radio,"
an official of the company said.

Lindberghs Consider
Flying Around World
NOME, Alaska, Aug. 14-()-
The vacation air tour of Col and
Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, orig-
inally destined to end in the
Orient, blossomed today into a
projected flight around the
Their intention to extend their
7,000-mile trip by thousands of
miles across Asia, Europe and the
Atlantic was disclosed here1
Thursday night by Col. Lind-
bergh to a few friends as the
flying couple awaited favorable
weather for their dash acrossf
Bering sea.c
American Flyers May
Be Fined by Japanese
TOKIO, Aug. 14 - (1P) - Rengo'
News agency said today it had been
informed that the public procura-
tor had decided to refer the case of1
Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Hern-
don, jr., American flyers accused of
photographing fortifed Japanese,
areas, to the district court with the
recommendation that the aviators
be fined.
Doheny Reported Ill
in Los Angeles Home
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14-(R)-
Edward L. Doheny, multi-million-
aire oil man was reported seriously
ill today but members of his family
would make no statement.
More Troops Called
to Quell Cuban Rebels
HAVANA, Aug. 14-(P)-While
President Gerardo Machado was be-
lieved to be negotiating a truce,
additional troops were on the way
to Santa Clara province today to
deal with the insurgent forces..
Four cars of soldiers, including
one machine gun detachment, left
the central station Thursday night*
under command of Maj. Francisco
Fernandez de Lara. President Ma-
chado went to Santa Clara Thurs-'
The governor of Santa Clara re-
ported the rebels had burned the
United railways station at Agabama
and had blown up the bridge over
the Cuaracabuya river. They cut
telegraph lines between Fomento
and Baez and seized a quantity of
arms, retiring before the arrival
of federal troops sent to check their
The palace refused to say when
the president would return and no
news of his efforts filtered through.

Boost Business Plan Expected
to Materialize Within
Short Time.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(P)-
Some key industries are co-operat-
ing toward a boost business plan
under which workers would be
guaranteed long time employment.
How soon announcement can be
expected is indefinite, but it might
come within a short time. The
movement for such employment as-
surance has been encouraged by
the United States Chamber of Com-
merce, which has experts intent on
devising an unemployment relief
program for submission to Presi-
dent Hoover before September 1.
The President meanwhile contin-
ues his conferences on the business
and unemployment situation. The
topic was up at today's cabinet
Also, Senator Dickinson of Iowa
emerged from a discussion of the
problem with Mr. Hoover with the
statement that an "administration
plan is in the offing." He did not
go into details.
Neither was there any word
whether the effort of the key in-
dustries' representatives are being
dovetailed with the President's an-
nounced activities.
One factor getting administration
attention involved the five-day
week, which some major industries
are understood here to be coming
to favor, but promise of difficulty
has been seen because these indus-
tries are reported to be counting on
five days' pay for the work, while
organized labor wants six days'
The plan for unemployment
guarantees, in so far as details
have filtered out, at present call
for industries to assure a stated;
Inumber of their workers that they
need not fear for their jobs with
profitable pay for specified lengths
of time.
Hold Donald Waterman
Funeral Services Today
Funeral service for Donald L.
Waterman, 16-year-old son of Prof.
and Mrs. Leroy Waterman, 1835
Vinewood Blvd., who died Thurs-
day afternoon after a week's ill-
ness, will be held at 3 o'clock this
afternoon at the residence. Dr.
Howard Chapman will officiate.
Waterman was born Aug. 7, 1915,
in Ann Arbor, and had nearly com-
pleted the tenth grade at Univer-
sity High school.



Iowa Senator Says Doles Are
Prohibited in State of
WASHINGTON, August 14.-(P)-
The proposal of Governor Pinchot,
of Pennsylvania, for a federal bond1
issue to be used in unemployment,
relief drew immediate attention
here today and a response from
Senator Dickinson, Republican, Ia.
Senator .Dickinson remarked that,
it was his opinion that "such doles
are prohibited by the constitution
of the state of Pennsylvania." The
senator made this observation as
he left a conference with President
Hoover on the unemployment sit-
uation and he added that he did
not think a direct federal appro-
priation for unemployment would
be necessary.
Governor Pinchot in his Detroit
speech yesterday insisted that his
word was not to be construed as a
bid for the republican presidential
nomination for which he has been
However, there is every indica-
tion that the Hoover republican or-
ganization is aware, at least, of the
possibilities of a Pinchot candidacy.
Senator Dickinson upon leaving
the White House himself brought
up the subject of Governor Pin-
chot's proposal.'
"The thing uppermost just now,"
said the Iowan, "Is a survey to de-
termine the exact preparations be-
ing made by the various localities
for taking care of their needs. The
President wants to know what de-
mands will be made and their abil-
ity to meet them.
"An administration plan is in the
offing. I expect the plan to be one*
encouraging the communities to
expand their relief budgets."
State Board Announces
Test for Architects
The Michigan State Board of Ex-
aminers for the Registration of
Architects, Engineers and Survey-
ors has announced the next exam-
ination for Architects to be given
at the University, September 17, 18,
and 19.
Application blanks and full in-
formation may be obtained by writ-
ing to the office of the Board, 1043
Book Building, Detroit.

Prosecutor Rapp said he would
question Blackstone concerning a
criminal assault on a Flat Rock girl
near Ypsilanti on April 19 and also
on the burning of the stolen car,
which occurred near the spot where
the four young persons were mur-
dered on the Tuttle Hill road. He
stated, however, that h& would not
reveal the results of the grilling.
Ypsilanti police said last night
they would continue dragging the
river in the search for evidence
of a murder at the bridge.
It was generally admitted that
the three killers had veiled several
details in their confessions at the
trial Thursday night. Prosecutor
Rapp expressed the belief that Miss
Keller was with them at the time
of the slaying, although she main-
tained that she left them five hours
The gun found in her possession,
which, it is said, appeared to have
been fired recently, formerly be-
longed to her uncle, the late Judge
Darwin Z. Curtiss, Ypsilanti, Pros-
ecutor Rapp believed. As adminis-
trator of Curtiss' estate, he denied
reports that she had inherited large
sums of money from him.
Deputy Snyder, who accompanied
Rapp on the trip to Jackson, de-
clared that Smith told him Miss
Keller was with the slayers when
thew robbed the two couples. r:Ac-
cording to Smith, he said, she left
them in Ypsilanti when they were
driving through with Wheatley's
Both Miss Keller and Forwalter
are being held in the county jail
here pending further questioning.
A further detail which failed
/to tally with the killers' Story was
the continued insistence of Norman
England, waiter in Grandma's
Pantry, at Milan, and Tom Good-
rich, Milan constable, that the two
couples had visited the restaurant
after 2 o'clock Tuesday morning.
"Anyone may be mistaken,"
Goodrich told reporters yesterday,
"but I don't think I am wrong in
this case. I saw four just as I see
other couples who eat at Grandma's
Pantry. I had seen Lore several
times and I knew him. He got out
of the car ten feet away from me."
A waitress in the restaurant de-
nied that England could have been
influenced by a desire for publicity.
I'They were here, all right," she said.
Clerks in the hotel in which the
.restaurant is located placed the
time when the couples arrived af-
ter; 2 o'clock, when the lights in
the lobby are extinguished. Eng-
land, described by townsmen as a
quiet young man, has been em-
ployed as waiter and clerk in the
hotel for about a year.

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