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August 12, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-12

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their official attitudes towards
armament Conference of


PdirheI YW r bg e t Monday
the 0 rIsesi4 ti o
IN oe~w Stdmnt Isbieatioa.
The Ase.Iatqd Press to eselusivey eatile
s b e eiweerepublieat1.a et all news41o.
t*ss geeditd to it or eotherwise esedited
ist paw a"to 1...l sews i ubshed
Ada. Allrighte of republilae e tsesta)
Iratehe hee are asI* reserved.
Etered at the Ann Arbor, michgak, post
Noe as sesend clasn atter.
subscrpton by carrier, $1.6O; by a&-
Oto..: Preo Building, Maynard Street,
LM Arbor,, Michigan.
Telephones: Editorial, 4925; businese
ditorial Director...........Gurney William
*W. Carpenter Car)i Meloy
R. ut b Sher M. Qura
larbstra Hal hleanor Rairdon
uaL'r Manchester Marion Thornton
P. cutler Showers
stant Buines .anager .. Vernon Bishop
)eetraets Manager............ arl Mart~y
.dvertising Manaer.........Jack Bunting
ccountsa. Circulation....... Thomas Muir'
Night Editor-Sher M. Quraishi

League of Nations next February.
If it is true that disarmament
can only follow a sense of interna-
tional security as France insists
it is equally true that armaments
remove that sense of security which
peaceful neighbors feel towards
one another. It is also evident that
with armaments a nation takes the
risks of war and with disarmament
it takes the risks of peace. World
statesmanship is called upon to
make the choice between these risks
and perhaps the fate of civiliza-
tion depends upon this choice. In-
deed, it is no exaggeration to say
that the next war may succeed in
wiping out all the contending par-
ties without definite victory for
either side. This is the risk of War.
The risks of peace, even at their
veiy worst, are by no means so
great or so certain. Growing World
opinion is in favor of settling inter-
national differences by negotiation
and arbitration. As a matter of
fact all important nations of the
world have solemnly renounced
their "right" to attempt to solve
their differences by any other ex-
cept pacific means.
In an international policy of
peace there is security for all while
in a policy of international lawless-
ness, that is war, there is security
for none and a possible destruction
of civilization.

some worker it Always .mens n
Since the worker cannot em-
business man, to whom the com-
mnunity has delegated that task.
So long as there is free capital
seeking investment, we are assur-
ed by respectable economists, prof-
it-seeking business men will step
in and create jobs. But somewhere
this theory breaks down,. there is
continuous unemployment and a
vast amount periodically. Read-
justing the economic system to con-
form with new principles will take
some time. MOeanwhile the would-
be worker is thrown out of the eco-
nomic picture and he comes out
with a social point of view. The
American plan, he learns from the
President, is to leave relief to pri-
vate charity. But our relief is only
for victims of natural disaster such
as flood and earthquake (war?)
states the President of. the Ameri-
can Red Cross. The welfare of its
victims as well as the general su-
pervision of our great economic
machine is evidently nobody's busi-


What Others Say
(Chicago Tribune)


Campus Opmiion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous comn-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.


SHERIFF Jacob B. Andres has
been aroused to action by the
unusually high number of recent
fatal automobile acidents in this
vicinity and has instituted a dras-
tic campaign against motorists. All
roads in the county, particularly
those leading to lakes, he stated,
will be patroled, and summonses
will be served on reckless drivers
by deputies. While this action is
strictly in the line of duty on the
part of the Sheriff we nevertheless
commend his swift action, and sin-
cerely hope that zealous and un-
abating activity will characterize
the campaign.
At the same time, a similar cam-
paign within the limits of Ann Ar-
bor conducted by the local police
would go a long way toward co-
ordinating the efforts of the Sher-
iff's deputies. Minor infractions of
traffic laws within the city expand
to major acts of carlessness when
the reckless motorist finds himself
on an open road. A careful check-
up by the police would undoubted-
ly show that city drivers whose
tires scream at every corner, whose
brakes screech at every intersec-
tion, and who consistently fail to
heed Stop signs are the-very motor-
ists who present the greatest men-
ace on the open road. It is, in oth-
er words, a matter of education. If
a driver cannot handle his car sen-
sibly in the city where speed is
necessarily lower and where he is
partially protected-in spite of
himself-by warning signals, how
can he be expected to use any sense
when a wide open road confronts


W HILE American farmers burn,

SV Tthrow away, and otherwise To The Editor:
destroy their surplus wheat, about Probably the darkest cloud in
ten million Chinese face starvation, this storm of social problems is the
Mr. John E. Baker's suggestion that crime situation. Racketeers, gun-
at least five million bushels of men, dope peddlers, and highway-
men, infest our cities. They run
wheat be shipped immediately to free of the police and courts, and
relieve the Chinese situation seems are heartily supported b3 the news-
not only logically sound but neces- papers. They are portrayed iz. the
sary from the standpoint of hu- "movies" as heroes-typical of the
manity. American scene. Our prisons are
Mr. Baker is an authority on filled to capacity, yet crime has not
Chinese disasters and his descrip- been deterred; we have electrocut-
tion of the situation may be taken ed many a murderer, yet the homi-
as authentic. The Chinese govern- cide rate is on the increase. We go
ment, he states, has been too busy on trying to stop crime by making
putting down rebellions and eradi- long prison sentences and capital
cating reds and bandits to make punishment bills without even at-
adequate plans for flood and fam- tempting to get at its real source
ine relief, and sixteen provinces It is like trying to eliminate a
are now suffering from a flood plague of malaria by killirg indiv-
which has done $300,000,000 dam- ual mosquitos.
age. Whether or not the Chinese Let us get at the underlying
government would pay the entire sources of this "social plague." The
amount asked for wheat exported leading criminologists today tell us
from America should not delay im- that the crime wave is largely
mediate negotiations for relief. The caused by the poor conditions of
facts to bear in mind are that China our cities, especially in the large in-
needs wheat badly and Ameican dustrial sections. Picture for your-
farmers are unable to dispose of self a factory section of a large
America's surpluse American city with its noisy smoky
streets crowded with men, women,
and children of at least ten differ-
NOBODY'S 'ent nationalities-all working. or
BUSINESS rather trying to Mork, in order to
make a living. When the five o'clock
Can we place responsiblity for whistle blows, you can see thou-
unemployment? In feudal and sands of these people coming out
slave societies someone was respon- of the great factories and going
sible for the worker. While he was home-to what might be called a
not free, he was secure. An owner home. Then comes the depression
would no more let his slave starve and the dark shadow of unemploy-
than a farmer would his horse; it ment. The bitter cry is raised, "We
was to the owner's interest to keep have no work now, what shall we
his help in good condition. That do?" What can they do? There is
was not a free society, but it recog- I the bread line, but it does not put
nized the common interest of em- clothes on man's back or shoes on
ployer and laborer. his feet. The individual is thrown
Every school-child is acquainted out into an industrial chaos where
with our present-day theory, in the only possible incentive is the

The prohibition district of Buf-
falo has produced another aspect
of Volstead enforcement. A girl,
whose name is mercifully concealed
in a pseudonym, was brought into
the city court, charged with drunk-
enness. A man companion, charg-
ed with intoxication and the use of
profanity, was fined. He was re-
vealed as a prohibition agent, and
the girl, it was disclosed, had been
hired by the federal enforcers as!
an investigator. It was pleaded for
her that she had become intoxi-
cated getting evidence. The two
were arrested following an automo-
bile accident which had been caus
ed by their drinking.
Allen S. Barlett, the head of the
prohibition office in Buffalo, issued
an order prohibiting further use of
women in obtaining evidence and
said he did not know the practice
had been so general, but added: "It
has never been condoned except in
one instance. Then it was impossi-
ble to get evidence in any other
Prohibition nas put the United
States in some queer business, such
as man killing and contributing to
the delinquincy of girls. In the
case of Jacob Hanson, killed, and
this "Ruth Callahan," demoralized,
the Buffalo district has had two
outstanding examples. In each
case the crime of enforcement was
worse than any possible offense
under the Volstead act, against
which therenforcement was sup-
posedly directed.
.Volstead is just such a law as
will produce turpitude in admini-
stration. Error being inherent in
its purpose, depravity is unescap-
able in the execution of it. To com-
mon feeling and sentiment such de-
bauchery of a young girl is of great-
er moral turpitude than the viola-
tion of prohibition, of which she
was to obtain evidence, because it
1 is given the sanction of law.
- The advocates of prohbition have
condoned so much irregularity, such
disregard of law and of rights, that
the excesses of enforcement have
merit instead of condemnation. An
unenforceable law, which has less
and less general acceptance with
the passage of time, is in itself pro-
vocative of disorders. The more it
fails of public approval the more
wretched the conditions of its ad-
ministration become. It necesarily
is a corrupting force, demoralizing
to the agents employed, and when
a pretentious morality indorses the
methods the social injuries are
complete. This episode in Ameri-
can history will run its course. It
will be an amazing one when it is
all in retrospect, and exhibit in
moral hysteria.
(Daily Iowan)
Jimmie Walker, New York's "gen-
tleman" mayor is sailing for Ger-
many for a five weeks rest. Broad-
way's head official has experienced
an unusually fatiguing year, hav-
ing only recently emerged trium-
phantly from the public spotlight,
where his alleged methods of of-
fice graft withstood the trial of
cynical politicians.
Friends of the most popular host
in the United States will wish him
a restful excursion, one that is free
from care and speech making.
Walker admits that his health is
failing; hence the lay off. The1
mayor has acted wisely in taking
this measure to fortify the one
quality that is mostly precious to

himself and his action should be
taken as an example by other men
and women who are shouldering
heavy responsibilities and steady
There are any number of citizens
today who 'are apt to belittle public
officials or leaders of industry for
extended vacations. Very often,
too, the office girl of the laboring
man is criticized for forgetting
worldly cares, and breezing away to
the lake for a few weeks. When one
is reminded that a doctor's pre-
scription for many ailings is a com-
plete rest, the practicability of a
vacation is all the more emphasized.
The president of the United
States is not betraying the trust
bestowed in him by slipping off
to his camp on the Rapidan each
week end during the summer. The
White House physician tells him
that it will be best for his nerves
and mind to leave the noise of the
city and the pomp and pride of the
capitol environment each week
end. And by retiring to his quiet
office in the Virginia mountains,
Mr. Hoover is fortifying himself
against the strain of his, position.

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Trying to out-ritz each
other in
a Qtwt q burr'
Ex-laundresses. Now rival Holly.
wood mothers. Fabulously wealthy.
Trying to mix with Kings. Keep-
ing you in kinks of laughter!

We have often advocated more
strict enforcement of traffic regula-
tions. Now more than ever do we
suggest decisive action. With Sher-
iff Andres' campaign under way
and the memory of last week's-dis-
astrous crashes still fresh, some
worthwhile work can be done; but
it must be done NOW.
The failure of the Hitlerites and
German Communists, strange bed-
fellows, to overturn the Prussian
Government is hailed in France as
a proof of German sanity. The pos-
sibility of improved relations be-
tween France and Germany as a
result of the reassuring vote of last
Sunday is an encouraging outcome
for the continued peace of Europe.
French political demands as the
price of aiding Germany in her fi-
nancial crisis will, in all probabil-
ty, be toned down or altogether
dropped. Now that the revsion of
the Versailles Treaty is no longer
an imminent danger to French
prestige in Europe the uncontrol-
led and hysteric fear of France.
should be assuaged considerably.
The emphasis of France on her
"security" against a disarmed Ger-
many has not tended to win for her
any great good-will and her inor-
dinate insistence in the letter of the
Versailles Treaty has alienated a
great deal of sympathy from her.
Friends of peace would welcome
the execution of that section of
the Peace treaty which while set-+
ting up the League of Nations made+
the immediate disarmament of Ger-
many a prelude to the eventual
disarmament of other European9
Powers. The measure of the seri-]
ousness of European Powers in the
cause of peace is to be taken in

which the humblest citizen worker
enjoys all the political and social
rights of the richest and most po-
tent industrial magnate. But as a
matter of fact the status of the em-
ployee of the great industrial con-
cern is not one of independence.
When the worker has a job he be-
longs to an organized, disciplined
labor army, responding to the com-
mand of an agent, controlled in his
hours of rising, beginning and end-
ing work, his mealtimes, the
amount of leisure, even in the
place of his residence, by a profit-
making employer. If he is less for-
tunate he belongs to another great
arm; he is then free. In any case
his position is insecure; the fear of
unemployment weighs down on the
workers, it is claimed, heavier than
the catastrophe itself.
An incidious type of unemploy-'
ment, good times and bad, results
from intermittant production. Un-
employment caused by seasonal and
Please, Mr. Editor, get the Union
to restrict them to part of the
time or better yet, provide some
strong silent man to drown them
neatly when it is advisable.
style industries must be added, and
>to this a huge "reserve" which is
ever changing, but represents an
idle army permanently attached to
disorganizea maustries, such as
coal mining. This usually is no
fault of the individual employer
who is only supposed to use effect-
ively what labor, land and capital
he does need. If he can produce;
more with, less labor help, that
clearly is a gain for him. But to

Almighty Dollar. If you can un-
derstand this situation, you can
certainly see the reason for the ma-
jority of our crimes.
It is not difficult to find a cuie
for these conditions. What we need
is a definite program of pianned
economics which would insure em-
ployment, high wages, better hous-
ing and community planning. In
short, what we are in desperate
need of is a radical change of our
economic order which would make
possible production for the use of
everybody and thereby the absolute
elimination of the city slums-of
poverty, unemployment, and conse-
quently, crime.
It seems to me that it is the duty
of the student body of our Ameri-
can colleges and universities to ta re
an active interest in the elimina-
tion of our unsolved social prob-
lems. Interest yourself in Social-
ism as a very possible solution to
many of them.
To The Editor,
Loath as we are to follow in the
path of L.R.K., noted campus jour-
nalist who wrote diatribes against
the Union showers last spring, we
feel the need for an appeal against
the shrieking, splashing, disgust-
ingly joyous ten-year olds who in-
fest the adjacent pool.
The pool, built supposedly for+
University use, is filled at various+
hours of the day by terrifying my-+
riads of small boys, and it makes+
us, for one, pretty jittery.

Novelty, "Alaska"
"The Inventor"




'The Common Law.

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