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August 12, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-12

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1. NO. 38.



WEATHER : Partly Cloudy, Cooler


Eugenie Chapel to Act
Part of Dumas'
Allen, Crandall to Take
Roles in 'Camille in
Roaring Camp'.
Thomas Wood Stevens, author
and director of the melodramatic
omedy, "Camille in Roaring Camp,"
which will open tonight on campus,
vade public a partial list of the
fast last night.
The following, in part, make up
he list of players:
Art Secord, Edward Freed, Derek
Fox, Victor Hoppe, Charles Fines,
Phares Reeder, .Clarence Damon,
Kenneth Boyle, Keith Bennett, and
Bill Butler. Fred Crandall, Harry
Allen, Eugenia Chapel, Paul Show-
ers and John Doll.
Helen Carrm, Muriel Thompson,
Mrs. Tucker, Helen Belcher, Wm.
3chrier and Wilbert Miley. James
MacMonagel, Mary Kerlin and
Mary Powers. Dee Thompson, Fern
Barrer, and Helen Eastland and
Francis Eastman.
Stevens composed the play from
Alexandre Dumnas fils' drama "Ca-
mille" and Bret Harte's "Roaring
Camp" characters. It has been pre-
sented in Chicago and St. Louis,
and is.part of the-"mellerdrammer"
trend -of the last few years which
tis been represented by "After
Dark, Or Neither Maid, Wife, Nor
Widow," "Wooden Kimona," "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" and "Ten Nights in
A Barroom."
"Camille in Roaring Camp" deals
gambling hall, and the sudden ap-
pearance of 'Junius Kemble Clif-
foid's little band of actors, who,
stranded, are allowed to.give their
show only- when the miners learn
that 'the Women'members of the
cast are starving. "Hamlet" is veto-
ed in a. hurry, and "Camille" is
added to the repertoire.
The miners remain on the stage
while the "play within a play" is
going on, and their sympathetic re-
actions to the heavy-tragedy meth-
ods of the cast furnish the comedy.
The characters are taken straight
f om Bret Harte's works. Readers
of "The Ouseasts of Poker Flat,"
"Tennesee's -Partner" and "The
LU(cikof Roaring Camp" will recog-
nize ohn Oakhurst, The Duchess,
Yuba Bill, and Dungaree Joe among
a large number of familiar char-

Professor Murtland
Addresses Teachers
"Twenty years have passed
since the first recorded attempt
at vocational guidance was
made," declared Professor Cleo
Murtland yesterday at the week-
ly conference of the School of
Education. "In that time the
underlying principles of voca-
tional counseling have been evol-
ved. It is no longer opportunis-
tic though techniquehand pro-
ceedures are still in the experi-
mental stage."
Professor Murtland said that a
number of communities have de-
veloped extensive guidance pro-
grams in these years. "There is
no longer any question of the
necessity for guidance programs,
and no doubt about theirplace
as an integral part of education."
"Choice of an occupation and
the determining of fitness for
the work involved in it consti-
tute the focal point of counsel-
ing," Prof. Murtland said. "This
problem confronts the individual
early in life or about the junior
high school age, and continues
to be of vital importance until
a suitable occupation has been
secured and adjustments to its
demands reasonably established."
Italo-French Disputes on Lybia,
Discrimination in Tunis
Are Discussed.
"Alleged discrimination against

Prof. Arthur Summerfeldt Talks
Before Annual Affair on
German System.

Deplores Lack of Background
Student After Secondary
School Years.


Summer students of education
closed their activities with a ban-
quet at the League building last
night. The program included ad-
dresses by Dr. G. Carl Huber, Dean
of the graduate school, Prof. Ar-
nold Summerfeldt, of the University
of Munich, and Prof. Thomas M.
Marshall, of Washington University,
St. Louis.
Summerfeldt in the course of his
address, gave a brief description of
the state schools in Germany.
Huber Optimistic.
Dean Huber, who was the princi-
.pal speaker of the evening, sound-
ed an optimistic note for the future
of graduate study. He said that
the number of students engaged in
graduate work had increased from
400 in 1912, the first year of the
graduate school, to 2,142 during this
last year. Stating that educators'
at large had expressed both fear
and opposition to the increasing
number of individuals enrolled in
the graduate schools of the United
States, Huber said that such fears
were unfounded.
"I find that the quality of grad-
uate student is better from year to
year," said Dr. Huber. "I am quite
willing to admit that all persons
graduating with the rank of either
master of arts or doctor of philos-
ophy are not of the same grade.
However, graduate students should
demand first class teachers."
Blames Students.
The last speaker on the program
was Prof. Marshall, who is a gradu-
ate of Michigan. He stated that
college professors in various fields
have found that their students have
not been thoroughly prepared in
primary and secondary education.
"Scientists complained that stu-
dents do not know science while
English teachers find their students
lacking proper background in that
subject," he said.
"This is no fault of the teacher,"
said Prof. Marshall. "It is due tol
the nature of the student. They
are the products of a complex so-
ciety never before equalled in his-
tory. The United States has 'ex-
perienced a most radical change in
the last 60 years. History has nev-
er before revealed in its annals ar
change in humanity so great."

Danish, Norweigian Officials Are
Doubtful of Success in
Hunt for Cramer.
Colonel, Wife Arrive at Safety
Bay After Hop From Forced
Landing Place.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Aug. 11
-(JP)-Danish and Norwegian avia-
tion and governemtn circles were
tonight almost unanimously of the
opinion that Parker Cramer, Amer-
ican aviator, and the radio opera-
tor, Oliver Paquette, had perished
in the stormy waters of the North
sea. The airmen attempted to fly
from Shteland island to Norway
last Sunday.
Seaplanes of both governments,
however, continued their search to-
May Be on Island.
Aided by surface vessels, the
searchers continued on in the hope
that the aviators might have land-
ed at some small, uninhabited is-
land off the Norwegian coast. Ac-
cording to present plans, the search
will be continued for two days
The British fisheries cruiser,
Norma also joined in the search
today, sailing into the North sea
from Lerwick, Shetland island, in
the hope of finding some trace of
the missing plane.
Norwegian wireless stations
warned all ships in the North sea
to keep a sharp lookout for the
missing plane. A Danish survey
ship steamed into the north sea
off the Danish coast and two fly-
ing boats were also operating off
NOME, Alaska, Aug. 11.-(/P)-
Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind-
bergh arrived at Safety bay, 21
miles east of Nome, at 10:40 a.m.
(4:40 p.m. Ann Arbor Time) today,
completing their last hop over
American soil on their vacation
flight to Japan.
They flew from Shismaref on
Kotzebue Sound, where they were
forced down by fog last night on a
flight from Point Barrow, north-
ermost settlement of Alaska.
Colonel Lindbergh headed his
pontooned monoplane for Safety
bay after circling the Nome water-
front several times and flying over
the Nome river, which had been
recommended as a landing place.
Will Hop Sea.
The next hop is for Karaginsk,
Siberia, 1067 miles from here,
1 across Bering sea.

Brothersi Quizzed
in Death of Four;
Lore Shot, Claim
Lawrence Keene, held for investigation in connection with the
deaths of Vivian Gold, Anna Harris, Harry Lore and Thomas
Wheatley, burned to death in a car yesterday morning, was still
being questioned early this morning by the office of the prosecut-
ing attorney.
A bullet was found lodged in the spinal column of Lore, ac-
cording to physicians at the medical school, where an autopsy on the

Justice Department
Weighs Fall Pardon
-Three closely guarded opinions,
declaring either for or against
executive clemency for Albert B.
Fall, were received today by the
Justice department.
Meanwhile, Fall, former sec-
retary of the interior, is com-
pleting the first week of his sen-
tence at the New Mexico state
penitentiary in Santa Fe. He is
serving a year and a day for
accepting a bribe from Edward
L. Doheny in exchange for an oil
The opinions received today
were those of Justice William
Hitz of the District of Columbia
Court of Appeals, who presided
at Fall's trial; Atlee Pomerene,
special prosecutor for the gov-
ernment in the oil trials; and
District Attorney Leo A. Rover
of Washington.
James A. Finch, federal par-
don attorney, to whom the pap-
ers were submitted, declined to
say today whether their receipt
completed the personal investi-
gation he has been making into
the case.
State of Martial Law Declared
in Attempt to Put Down
Spreading Revolt.


Italians in Tunis by the French and'
the rectification of the southern
boundary of Libya are the two pres-
ent day colonial issues between
italy and France," said Prof. How-!
ard M. Ehrmann of the department
of history in a lecture at the Natur-
al Science auditorium yesterday.
Italy claims that the rectification
of her boundaries promised in the
secret treaty of London that was
the price of Italy's joining
the war on the side of the Allies
in 1915 should extend the southern
boundary of Libya to the Lake Chad
region in equatorial Africa, Profes-
sor Ehrmann explained. The Italo-
French commission appointed in
1919 has not yet met the wishes
of the Italian government, while
the Italo-British group appointed
at the same time has finished its
task regarding the boundary exten-
sion of Italian Somiland satisfac-
torily years ago, Professor Ehrmann
Italian demand for naval parity
that France flatly refused and for
which a solution was expected last
March, Professor Ehrmann said, "is
still an open question clouding the
relations of the two nations."
French armament along the Alps
and the military assistance given
to Jugo-Slavia by France, their
"the chief enemy", as the Italians
think, "in the Balkans" is a source'
of uneasiness for Italy, Professor
Ehrmann said.
"But the difficulties of France
and Italy are not unsolvable," Pro-
fessor Ehrmann declared. "They
can be solved by compromise as
many other more serious interna-
tional situations have been solved
in the recent past provided serious
effort is made by both sides to
bring good-will to bear on the task.'
on the task."



Two Thousand Houses Razed by
Big Typhoon; Mexican
Floods Increase.
TOKIO, Aug. 11.-(M)-Japan suf-
fered greatly from the elements to-
day and Monday. There were five
known dead, scores injured, thou-
sands of buildings destroyed or
damaged and many fishing boats
The known deaths and damage
resulted from a typhoon that swept
the islands of Miyako and Ishigaki
i the Loo Choos, south of Japan.
Two eruptions of the volcano
Asama, near Karuizawa, showered
the surrounding country with ashes
and small stones.
Citizens ran into the streets at
Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture,
about 100 miles southwest of To-
kiq, when an earthquake shook the,
city shortly before midnight. The
town was in darkness for hours,
but no damage was done other than
the breaking of electric lines.
The quake also was felt at Yo-'
kohama, only a few miles from To-
kio, and at Osaka, Nagoye, Atami


'Jacobs Hits Breach of Promise
as Glaring Evil in Law of Family

The Summer band, under the
direction of Nicholas Falcone
and student conductids, will
present an open-air concert at
7:15 o'clock on the steps of the
Main library, it was announced
American League
Philadelphia 8, Detroit 1.
Boston 4, St. Louis 3.
Washington 3, Chicago 0.
New York-Cleveland, postponed
National League
(All games postponed, rain).

By Edgar H. Eckert
"One glaring evil in our present
family law is the possibility of suits
for breach of promise to marry,"
stated Prof. Albert Jacobs of Co-
lumbia university law school in an
interview with The Daily yester-
"At the time when the action de-
veloped, some hundreds of years
ago, the courts allowed it because
of the very . large advantage which
a woman gained through marraige
and of course, the consequent loss
which she suffered when the con-
tract was not performed. The
emancipation of women has pro-
gressed far enough so that entirely
different considerations now con-
trol. If the heart of the particular
plaintiff is really broken it is im-
possible to conceive of sordid cash
repairing the breach."
Jacobs said that the law is ap-
parently concerned with the pres-
ervation.of marraige. "At times it
seems to realize that marraige is
like an investment in realty," he
said. "More dividends are paid from
the wise selection of a lot or a mate,
before the cornerstone is laid than
afterwards. You would think that
the law would be extremely hos-
tile to any marraige which did not
give promise of turning out well.

However that is not the way the 1
law feels about it." To illustrate'
this latter statement, Prof. Jacobs
pointed out recently widely publi-
cised breach of promise cases in
which beautiful women have been
awarded handsome judgments.
Divorce is probably the most im-
portant phase of family law in the
limelight today according to Prof.
Jacobs. Although most states are
constantly altering their divorce
laws, practically all states provide
some means by which a divorce can
be obtained. Jacobs qualified this
statement by saying that the finan-
cial details must be first arranged
before divorces were consumated.
"Legal rules in regard to collu-
sion cannot be enforced," Prof. Ja-
cobs declared in answer to a ques-
tion regarding divorce by mutual
consent. "In general collusion is
any agreement between husband
and wife to deceive the court into
granting a divorce which the court,
were the facts known, would not
"Divorce is a matter of personali-
ties and complex human relations,
which depend on social forces, and
as such is beyond the reach of
statute makers," Jacobs went on.
"Lawyers and judges are aware of
this fact." Recently a divorce law-
(Continued on Page Four)

HAVANA, Aug. 11.-(P)--All Cuba
was in the grip of martial law today
and strict censorship prevailed as
the government struggled to put1
down a revolutionary movement
which was spreading throughout
the island.
President Gerardo Machado, act-
ing on the authority granted him by;
congress, suspended constitutional
privileges in all the provinces, sign-
ing a decree which recognized that
the situation was serious.;
"Political elements hostile to
the government, in accord with
enemies of the present social sys-
tem," he said, "have lent greater
activity to their campaign against
the public peace, realizing in vari-
ous sections acts of rebellion of
armed forces in frank revolutionary
A clash between government
troops and rebels was reported to
be imminent in the Guanabacoa
section on the outskirts of Havana,
where the loyalists had surrounded
a band of insurgents and were pre-
paring to atack.
Nine revolutionists and one rural
guard officer were believed to have
been killed and six others wounded
in a sharp engagement in Guana-
bacoa Monday night. Another
skirmish took place at San Nicolas,
where federal forces captured five
prisoners and wounded one.
Former President Mario G. Men-
ocal, with two of his aides, was re-
ported to have landed on the north
coast of Oriente province, long a
;hotbed of intrigue, with the inten-
tion of assuming leadership of the
insurgent forces. He has been
sought by the government since the
movement started Sunday.
A manifesto, purporting to come
from Menocal, was distributed in
Havana. It called on all Cubans to
join striking "one blow of strength,
magnitude and swiftness."

bodies was performed. This an-
iouncement came after it had
been said at the Medical school
that no cause of death other than
[eat from flames was found in
two other bodies.
The two brothers, Paul Keene,
49, and Lawrence Keene, 39,
were taken into custody this af-
ternoon by state troopers, who
found 50 gallons of mash and
ten quarts of wine in and near
the wagon in which the Keenes
Stains, alleged to be made by
lood, were found on clothing
taken from Paul and Lawrence,
Keene, held at the Washtenaw
::ounty jail last night in connec-
ion with the murder Tuesday
norning of two couples, burned
to death in their car on a desert-
d road three miles south of Wil-
is. The two suspects were ques-
tioned by Prosecuting Attorney
Albert J. Rapp and Miles M.
Culehan, from the prosecuting
attorney's office of Wayne coun-
ty and stoutly maintained their
The articles of clothing, shoes,
suspenders and underwear, ap-
parently recentlyrwashed,were
yen by Dr. Herbert W. Emer-
son, of the University hospital,
for analysis. . He stated that no
results could be expected for six
Red stains, stated Culehan,
were found on the underwear and
shirt collar of clothing taken from
Paul. In the presence of three
witnesses, when first shown the
underwear, he said, "It looks like
my underwear." Later, when the
garment was turnedso that he
could see the spots, he vehemently
denied ownership of the underwear.
Questioning of blind pig opera-
tors in the vicinity of the murder
failed to reveal any clue of the ac-
tions of the group during the night.
The two brothers were taken into
custody yesterday afternoon by
state troopers. The burning of the
car took place about three-quarters
of a mile from the home of the
Keene brothers, described as a
shanty on wheels. Both stated
that they could not have seen 'the
fire from where they lived.
A new theory advanced last night
after invesigation was that the
murder of the two couples took
place at some other spot than where
the car was burned. After the al-
leged murder occured, the culprits
moved the car to Willis road and
burned the car and its oz-pants.
rracks, according to Rapp, showed
that another car had driven along
side of the first car, stopped sud-
denly, turned around about 75 feet
further, and then come back to-
wards Ypsilanti.
Investigation is being conducted
jointly by Washtenaw and Wayne
county prosecuting authorities.
"Mr. Rapp," said Culehan, "has
neither the investigators nor the fi-
nances to investigate the affair
alone. Although the car was ac-
tually in Wayne county when found
both officers are coop rating in the
In addition to the clothing, sev-
eral clubs were found at the Keenes'
house as well as two rifles. The
rifles, however, were of small bore,
and the bullet found in Lore's spin-
al column was said to be of .38 cal-
Hundreds of persons yesterday

visited the scene- of the murder,
though the burned automobile was
removed during the afternoon and
placed under police surveillance.

ties estimated 2,000 build-
aued.~on Page Three),

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