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August 06, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-06

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YM ei 7 mewning exept Monday
*e t'avoty hmmer 5ession by the
I Ooral .a tudent Publications.
fte Aasuefated Fress is exclusively entitled
to us efr republication of all news dis-
eredited to it or not otherwise credited
asper ad the local news published
111ia A right of republication of special
d etthe hereinare also reserved.
ihtered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post.
eflee as second class matter.
snbscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
Offlees: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephones: Editorial, 4925; Business
Vditorial Director........... Gurney Williams
C. W. Carpenter Carl Meloy
r. R. Chubb Sher M. Quraishi
Barbara Hall Eleanor Rairdon
Snaw Manchester Marion Thornton
P. Cutler Showers
Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop
Centracts Manager ............ Carl Marty
Advertising Manager.........ack Bunting
Accounts. Circulation.........homas Muir
Night Editor-Sher M. Quraishi


What Others Say
(Detroit Saturday Night)
A self-sufficient America! What
ideal constitutes a more popular
theme with some of our patriotic
organizations and the editors of
the jingo press? But let us con-
sider for a moment the situation of
one of these editors who is con-
tinually thundering against foreign
entanglements and who insists on
dealing with the rest of the world
on the basis of patronizing charity
instead of co-operation. Let us re-
call some of the international ob-
ligations he incurs every day.
He rises in the morning and takes
a look at the thermometer filled
with mercury from Spain. He
cleanses his body with soap to
which the cocoanut, the palm and
olive trees have made their un-Am-
erican contributions. He brushes
his teeth with a Japanese tooth-
brush and pulls on a pair of socks
made from silk from the same
country. His shoes are as interna-
tional in their composition as the
league of nations. The buttons on
his coat are from the ivory palm
of Colombia or Ecuador.
He walks out into the dining
room on a carpet or a rug whose
basis is the jute yarn of India. He
sits down to a table covered with Ir-
ish linen, sips a little Java coffee and
proceeds to cut up a banana from
Honduras on a biscuit whose con-
stituents once lay on a Kansas
wheat field in a sheaf bound with
sisal fibres from Yucatan. He finds
at his plate the morning newspaper
printed on Canadian wood. pulp
from ink whose gums, oils and col-
ors came from overseas.
On leaving the house he puts on
a felt hat made from the surplus
Australian rabbit crop. He climbs
into the seat of his automobile and
finds it covered with mohair which
once grew in the Malay archipelago.
His train is drawn by a locomotive
to whose basic substance, steel, 57
countries have contributed 40 dif-
ferent materials.
Arriving at his office he switches
on an electric light which with its
connections is the product of five
continents, and summons his sec-
retary by the office telephone, an
instrument to which an Irishman
has contributed flax, an Egyptian
long cotton fibres, a Hindoo mica,
a Russian platinum, a South Afri-
can gold, and a native of the Straits
Settlements rubber. While his sec-
retary is coming he takes out a pen-
cil filled with graphite from Cey-
lon and proceeds to sketch out an
editorial on "America for Ameri-
cans-down with the Foreigners!"

administration." The government
is the goat.
Be it admitted that both prohi-
bition and Mr. Hoover have their
weaknesses. Still they have enough
troubles of their own without sad-
dling them with all the ills of the
universe which may or may not
have any connection with them.
But it's a convenient method of
disposing of problems, and that's
what a scapegoat is for.
(New York Times)



Those of you who have
'Beggar on Horseback" are
ones to whom this scientific
is addressed.


Our worthy contemporary, THEl
MORNING-EVENING, took up the
widget situation pretty well, but
it did not mention the latest trend,
Roll's improved widget machine
("widgeter," to be technical.)

'BECAUSE it is their public duty,
newspapers should and must
print crime news, but without glori-
fying crime or criminals, delegates
to the International Association
for Identification convention were
told in Rochester recently. M. V.
Atwood, associate editor of the
Gannett newspapers, said that since
the primary function of the news-
paper is to give an objective view
of the world of reality, crime news
cannot be omitted.
"We have schools to educate us,"
he said, "and churches to make us
better, but we have only the news-
papers to tell us about ourselves .. .
Whether the story is good or bad
is not the concern of the newspaper
or the editor. The press is only
remiss when it portrays inaccurate-
ly or unfairly our world as it ex-
This is a sensible view of a ques-
tion that inevitably pops up in any
national meeting of newspaper men.
Mr. Atwood said that he believed
the average crime news content of
the country's newspaper is only
three or four per cent, but there
are, however, far too many papers
-notably the tabloids-that "playl
up" crime far beyond reasonable,
proportions. Murders and crimin-
al violence of all types make good,


The small group in Montreal who The improved mechanism is es-
appealed to the Pope for a uni- pecially important because it al-
versity of their own must be stir- lows for floating power and throat-
red to see the gigantic building of ease:
the University of Montreal rising
on a northwestern shoulder of hand instead of power if
Mount Royal.d
Most Canadian universities, like1i ,,
many American, have followed 125unds
closely the English type, though Mc-r
Gill, Dalhousie and Queens are pat-
terned after Edinburgh. The Uni-
versity of Montreal has turned to
the University of Paris for its mod- ( 115
el, and its guiding principle rests 0
on the belief that the university.
exists for post-graduate work only.
Undergraduate work does not con-Y
stitute its main purpose, but serves Improved Widgeter
as an adjunct only, and is dele-
gated to sixteen colleges classiques
located in various parts of the Pro-
vince of Quebec. Their course of'
study is in no part elective; their
professors hold. university appoint-
ments; their examinations are set
by university officers, and their de-'
grees or "brevets" are conferred by
the university.q
The plans for the university call The Finished Product
for one single building, with num-' "The improved wdgeter," stated
erous wings, measuring 1,000 feet Fredrick Cady yesterday, between
by 960. There are to be a univer- putts, "is especially important be-
sity hospital of 480 beds, operating t'cause it is an improved widgeter."
rooms, dispensaries, out - patient
clinics, dental clinics, an observa- * * *
tory tower rising 250 feet above the THE INGENUITY OF SOME
St. Lawrence, and a power plant. PEOPLE DEPT.
The institution is the first lay MAKE CHECK OF PLANE-Yes-
universty in French Canada. It will terday's Daily.
borrow professors from French uni-
versities abroad, and send each CHILD PRODIGY DEPT.
year one of its own to deliver a se- Thomas Alva Edison showed more
ries of lectures on French Canada activity and more interest in out-
at the Sorbonne. All the lectures side affairs today than at any time
are in French, and English is rarely since Sunday when his son, Charl-
heard. The University of Montreal es, revealed the 34-year-old inven-
represents everything which French' tor was "critically ill."
tradition has accomplished while -Ditto
it was arriving at a consciousness of -DittoL
its power as a distinct force in * * *
American life.
We don't envy the Lidberghs, About Books-
flight over barren Canadian wastes
but at least the temperature in theTHTCE RFO
cockpit isn't 98 degrees, and they THAT CLEVER FOX,
don't keep bumping into "Is it hot NOAH WEBSTER
enogh for you?" people. Webster's New International Dic-
enough -fftir you?.npeoplo"-.-

scribed as "a family of small or
acalyptrate (which is not a new
word) two-winged flies; apple
blotch, which they have as "Hort."
A disease of apple trees caused byl
the parasitic fungus Phyllosticta
solitaria . . . "; campfire-girl; gro-
ceteria; lip stick, and so forth; and
besides all these a dictionary of
geography, of biography, and the
whole topped off with a reference
history of the World.
The style of Mr. Webster and hi.,
followers is slightly more turgid
than that of the delightful Mr.
Webster whose Sunday Supplement
comic, "The Man in the Brown Der-
by," has done so much to keep the
pe ws empty on hot Sabbaths. Thus
you come slightly bewildered now
and then as I did on page 2060 over
the following criptic remark.
"Strobiliferous-a. Bearing or
producing strobiles."
In the Dictionary Mr. Webster
deals with a great many proper
names and some that are not so
proper, I fear, among the former
of which rank the Nipmucs (a
t-e ibe of Algonquin Indians), the
Hupas, Walpurgis, and many oth-
ers who crowd the overflowing
pages in a continuous procession
of eves -increasing awesomeness.
The little Hupas are really delight-
ful, but after you have said that,
there is really not much more to
say. The perpetual delightfulness
on some pages give the effect that
everything is "sweet and rosy",
somewhat even to the Pollyana
effect, thus on page 590 you get in
rapid succession: delight n. delight
v. t. delight v. i. delighted, delight-
ful, delightfully, delightfulness, de-
lighting, delightingly, delightsome,
delightsomely, delightsomeness ...
Though in the next breath, by re-
flex perhaps, you may find your-
self murmuring: deliquesce, de-
liquescence, deliquescent...
The Doctors Whoofle.
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Fish Brand's unmatched pro-
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Fish Brand Slickers are sold
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Prompt service . . . Experienced oper-
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fS'f BRN$D


"copy" in any paper and they are Such are the international obli-
component parts of what we call gations that our militant editor
civilization; nevertheless the prac- incurs before he even starts his
tice of overvaluating them in front day. Even if he succeeds in provok-
pages is justly condemned by good ing war, the war department will
journalists. tell him that he must get these
Mr. Atwood has little sympathy despised foreigners to lend us at
for the sob sister stories on crim- least 30 essential materials before
inals and heartily commended the we can carry on war effectively
manner in which newsmen strip- against them.
ped off the glamor which had sur- The matter with this man is, as
rounded Al Capone up to the time ex-Secretary Redfield puts it, that
of his arrest. We agree heartily he is doing candle-light thinking
with him on that point and look in an electric-lighted world.j
forward to the day when all crime
news will be handled with proper PLAYING
regard for its effect on readers. Un- THE GOAT
necessarily glaring headlines over
stories that glorify crime will doi (Daily Iowan)
more harm than good. One would The children of Israel had a
think that never-ending murders charming little custom. Annually,
would bring about a general revolt on the Day of Atonement, the sins
on the part of those down whose of the people were publicly con-
throats the news stories are ram- fessed and formally laid upon the
med, but human nature does not head of a goat. This "scapegoat,"
rebel as often as it should. Rath- as he was called, was then led away
er, there is a tendency toward mor- to perish in the wilderness or was
bidness, and a too large majority pushed over a precipice. With him
eagerly devour the lurid reports of2 went the iniquities of the communi-
unethical newspapers whose circu- ty.
lation is built upon the sure-fire It was a convenient method of
theory that people want thrills. disposal. It is still in use. But it's
Newspapers are made by fallible hard on the goat!
mortals for fallible mortals and it' Just a few days ago James W.
is often difficult to draw a safe line Gerard, pre-war ambassador to
of procedure, but in the case of Germany, said that repeal of the
crime news it is difficult to see why eighteenth amendment would im-
proper judgement cannot be more mediately put a million men to
consistently exercised. Thomas work and solve the unemployment
Jefferson once said that we should problem. The incident in which



One of the most remarkable
things about all these current air
flights is that the names of all the
participants can be pronounced
by almost anybody.
Screen Reflections
At the Majestic: "Transgres-
sion" with Kay Francis and
Ricardo Cortez. Closes Fri-

Ricardo Cortez adds nothing to
the plot of "Transgression" which
has to do with the age old sub-
ject of smooth Spanish villians who
flirt in Paris with other men's
wives. Kay Francis as the wife of
an Englishman falls in love with
our Spanish hero. Naturally, Paul
Cavanaugh, the husband, returns
from India at the crucial moment.
However, he most graciously leaves
for England while Kay goes to Spain
supposedly to a house party. But
there were no other house guests.
Kay Francis was, as usual very
alluring, as a Parisian product, but
she is not a convincing tragedienne.
It would seem to us that the credit
for good acting should go to the
minor parts. Nance O'Neil is an
excellent old maid, Paul Cavanaugh
takes the part of an English hus-
band very well. His brusk manner
is a pleasing contrast to the effected
polish of Ricardo Cortez, who is not f
a very convincing Spanish marquis.
We always believed that the mo-
tion picture had yet to film a pro-
duction which was worth repeating.
Certainly "Transgression" would
not bear a second showing. However
we can distinctly recall seeing . a
plot similar to "Transgression"
which starred Conway Tearle sev-1
eral years ago. Or maybe a dozen
of them.
The added attractions include a
rather interesting trip through Aus-
tralia. Ford Sterling appears in a
comedy, "Foolish Forties" and is ex-.

tionary of the English Language,
1929. Published by G. C. Merriam
Company, Springfield, Massachus-
etts; Price-Enough all right, all
Review Copy from The Michigan
Daily Library.
Typewriter by Royal; paper by
Bond; Review set, up and printed
by Ann Arbor Press, Maynard
You can't start about reading
this book in the usual way. The
publisher has gone and printed
four pages of color plates ilustrat-
ing: a) the official flags of the Uni-
ted States; b) Great Seals of the
United States and Territories; c)
arms of various nations; d) arms
and flags of Great Britain and her
colonies; e) flags of various na-
tions, and lastly, f) yacht club flags
of the United States and Canada.
It is a darnable idea-as full of
holes as a seive, you- know. It as-
sumes that you are too dumb to
know what your country's flag looks
like, that it is necessary to start
you off with a little color - the
plates are magnificently done in
four colors, it will have to be
(grudgingly) admitted. Though who
knows, these may be printed at
the demands of our picture-loving
American reading public.
' "What is the good of a book
without pictures?" said Alice.'
Possibly it is the desire of the
book publishers to rob the poor
talking picture magnates of an op-,
portunity of giving the public pic-
tures in color; it's hard to specu-
late. And much worse for you
when you do. Ayway the whole'
thing is a darnable idea; in fact,
now that I think of it (if you never
use "i" in an article, you'll miss-
pell a lot of words) this whole par-
agraph has been rather darnable
so far, and so has the whole darn-
able editorial been darnable.
The International Dictionary was
published in 1890 and 1900. The
present edition was based on the
earlier, is now completely revised
in all departments including also
a department of new words on
pages lxxxl-cxx, examples such as
Agromyzidaexx, which Mr. Web-
ster's followers have so quaintly de-

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be safer in a democratic country
without a government than without
newspapers, and if we are to con-
tinue to believe that statement we
should discourage the type of paper
that exists principally on crime
A Springfield, Ill., doctor told the
Scientific Association of Chiropod-
ists at their meeting in Chicago re-
cently that within 100 years women
will have feet like the hoofs of
horses if they continue to wear
shoes with high heels. We have
been looking around for Professor
Shull, heredity expert, so we can
have a quiet sneer with him.

several New York chidren were
shot by gangsters was another
crime of prohibition, he further
generalized. Augustus Busch, re-
tired brewer, recently announced
that the return of legalized beer
would restore prosperity. Prohi-
bition is the goat.
On the other hand, "Look at de-
pression! That's what Hoover has
done for us. We're swamped with
wheat. We're out of work. Things
are getting worse and worse. Why
doesn't the government do some-
thing? The political "ins" are al-
ways scapegoats for the "outs."
They even used to say, "The hens
won't lay. It's all on account of the


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