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August 05, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-05

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Str t a n at 1yWhat Others Say1
" s 7 hsmim ba. TIMELY
erstvbleatn a b . OPPORTUNITY
'lb. AeedatPress is zoluslvy ented
1e usfor rpublicatlou of all news &I. lii
S« to it ont.liedtd (Daily ini)
81 . a. yean the oanews bllhed With development of certain sig-
horul. 11 rihs of repbliction o! s
dbs*keherein are also reserved. nificant world relations during the
Natsret at the Ann Arbor, higan, pos, past few weeks, proximity and im-
.Use as icend class Matt- portance of the Geneva Disarma-
aberitioan by carrier, $1.si .by ma, ment conference to be held next]
$1.76. February is again thrust before the
Oftes Press Building, Maynard Street, public eye. Statements by diplo-
Am Arbor, iohigan.
mats of several more important
S n~E trIaI, 4925; Bsunoes world powers has brought to light
the fact that the conference will
EDITORIAL STAFF have more influence on world re-
MANAGING EDITOR lations and prospects for peace than
HiReOrD 0 - GRN e JR. sponsors of the parley had at first'
-terial Director .......... Gurney Wliamfondly hoped.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Since July 24, 1929, a new reason]
L C W arpenter Carl Meloy
SSher M. Quuat4hi for the immediate reduction of
DoaHall Eleanor Rairdon armaments has steadily become
su& anchestor Marion Thornton
P. Cutler Showers paramount. With the coming into
BUSINESS STAFF effect of the Peace Pact, by which
USI N MNAFER 58 nations of the world are bound,
WILLIAM R. WOROYS the world has embarked upon a new
international policy into which we
ra Manager...........ao$rl rty must fit our armaments. War has
4dvertiaing Manager.........ack Bunting been renounced "as an instrument
Aeounts. Circulation.........Thomas Muir
of national policy," which means
Night Editor-O. W. OAR.ENER that not only war itself but also
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1931 the threat of war has been con-
demned in our diplomacy. In oth-
HARD er words, no longer can national
LUCK prestige be measured in terms of
armaments. But so far this policy,
THE MARGIN between success it must be admitted, is largely on
and defeat in long distance air paper. It has not yet become a
flights is so small, and the num- part of the consciousness of gov-
ber of achievenments have been ernments, nor entered into practi-
so crowded one upon an other of cal politics. In the light of the
late, that we doff our editorial hat Pact, as Mr. Hoover has said, na-
to flyers who invest their fortunes tions must re-examine their arma-
and risk their lives in attempts to ments, for in their extent lies the
win new flying laurels. test of the sincerity of acceptance
Reg Robbins and Harold Jones, of the Pact.
the unfortunate Texans who were Since the renunciation of war,]
defeated Monday in their second the next step is to renounce the
attempt to span the Pacific, are the means of war-to reduce arma-l
particular to whom we extend a ments to the lowest limits consis-
sympathetic bow. If completed, their tent with national security. Good
flight would not have added any- faith requires it, both for the adher-
thing to present scientific data, but ents to the Pat and for the ad-
it would have made them air he- herents to the Covenant of the
roes; and quite frankly they were League of Nations. The Pact and1
out for a $25,000 prize. We can the Covenant have been supple-
appreciate their disappointment. mented by treaties of arbitration
One little slip-their inability to and conciliation. The Locarno
meet the refueling ship-cast them treaties cover the western portion
into the limbo of unsuccessful non- of Europe. At least forty nationsI
stop flyers and obliterated their have signed the Optional ClauseI
chances for fame, toward which which makes the World Court de-
they have been struggling. cisions binding in legal disputes.
Two other flyers-Pangborn and France and Britain have last winterI
Herndon-also have a big pill to ratified the General Act of Arbitra-
swallow, but theirs is not quite so tion making arbitration compul-
bitter as that of the Texans'. Al- sory in the case of disputes not
though they have fallen hopeless- settled by other means. There is,
ly behind the time set by Post and therefore, a substantial body of ma-r
Gatty and have abandoned an at- chinery for the pacific settlementt
tempt to beat their record, Pang- of international differences. Whatd
born and Herndon are still flying- the world needs now is confidencey
and keeping themselves on the -confidence that these treaties will
front page, be lacking until there is some sub-j
Once a flyer hangs up a record of stantial advance towards disarma-s
some sort, his name becomes a ment. For as long as nations re-p
household word for a week, a fuse to reduce their arms, just so
month, or perhaps years and he long are they open to the suspiciona
enjoys all the various elements of intending to use them-not for
of fame; but let him fail in his defense, but to support their nat-
attempt and he drops out of the ional policies, that is, to gain
news like yesterday's weather re- some national objective.
port. This is true, of course, for During the last six weeks a new
all those who strive for public ac- element has entered into the situ-
claim, whether it be in sports, pub- ation which must be faced. The
lic office, business, or the theatre, case of Germany has become acute.
but in aviation the rewards are Not only has her situation become
seldom lasting and success depends acute internationally in the finan-
upon much slimmer elements of cial and economic realm, but dur-
chance. That is why most flight mg the past year developments
stories flash across the page like have been reached whereby her at-
skyrockets and leave behind only titude toward the other powers of

trail of sparks that soon winkthe world has been such that dis-t
out; and that is why we admire any armament on the part of the Alliedn
flyer who girds up his loins for a nations is nearly compulsory to re-Y
game in which he stakes everything tain world peace. b
-and in which his chances are In clauses of the Treaty of Ver-
still too small. sailles, the Allied powers have con- h
ceded to do some disarming. At p
least that is the spirit in which the l
WITER German interpretation goes. She a
RELIEF regards these clauses as embodying
, RESIDENT HOOVER spent Sun- a moral and legal obligation on the
day at his Rapidan camp talk- part of the Allies to disarm, yet
ing over plans for meeting the un- eleven years have passed without Y
employment situation that is al- fulfillment. The success of Facists u
most certain to be worse next win- in elections of last September was si
ter. A large part of his time has perhaps more than anything else la
been taken up lately with con- an expression of their resentment w
ferences in which he and Secretary over the failure of Germany's for- s
of Labor Doak have talked over the mer enemies to take any steps to- to
reorganization of the Federal em- wards the promised general reduc- la
ployment service and the coordi- tion of armaments. a
nation of that bureau with State Unless the Disarmament Con- c
and local agencies. ference brings about a substantial O
. It is the President's idea now, as reduction, Germany will refuse to to
it was last year, that unemployment become a party to the convention e
relief is essentially a local concern and her withdrawal from the Lea-
and that responsibility for its ad- gue would logically follow. It is
ministration must rest with the af- advocated even by sincere lovers of
fected communities. Reports from peace in Germany. This would o
the Red Cross and governmental probably lead to further withdraw- w
agencies have not been encourag- als and at once a system of dan- a
ing and the President is now plan- gerous alliances would be set up in c
ning for a winter in which he be- Europe. Failure of the conference NI
lieves the situation may become mean the collapse of the League a
much more grave. of Nations or at least a fatal loss to
It is not the President's idea that of prestige. "The conference," we th
the federal government can solve may quote Viscount Cecil, "must ca
the whole problem. The Federal succeed. The alternative is too sin- ti
unemployment bureau cannot do ister for any man or woman of a
much more than coordinate the ef- good sense and good will to con- y

, TH E L E G N
(A synopsis of the first install-
ment will be found in Sunday's
paper; or, if you've used it to wrap
up the garbage in, just use your
"Yipeeee - yipeeeee - yip," yelled
young Jack Slade, as he dashed
around the corral in spite of the
attempts of Yellow Beauty, the
ranch's wili horse, to unseat him.
Pretty Esmeralda Schultzenheimer
sat in the bleechers, yelling "Hit
that line: come on, baby needs a
new pair of shoes," and encourag-
ing him in every possible way. For,
dear reader, Ezzie was quite taken
by our young hero. It fact, almost
taken for a ride, but she didn't like
the looks of the horse.
"Sumpin' tells me thet thar lad
is in fer bad luck pretty soon,"
growled Hank Porter, the faithful
hired man, punctuating every other
word with a stream of tobacco
juice, throwing in one for good
measure since the sentence had an
odd number of words. "But I tole
his old man I'd take care of him."
Dubiously, he waggled his head.
But while all is well on the X-bar
Y-circle-Z ranch, what is this, two
hundred miles away. Silently, this
silence only broken by the clatter
of horses hooves, a rider dashes on
his mad way. Behind his back, the
sun is slowly setting, and as dark-
ness gathers 'round, we lose sight
og him. But soon (for the X-bar-
Y-circle-Z ranch was on Central
Standard Daylight Saving time) the
sun rose again in front of him, and
we see him again. Now he is get-
ting sunburned on the other side,
while his two horses tandem below.
What portends this messenger?
Brings he ill news? That is the
question facing Jack, and Ezzie, and
Hank, while they wait patiently for
the next installment in tomorrow's
TOMORROW! DON'T miss this stu-
pendous, thrilling, heart-throbbing,
gigantic serial!
* * *
There! That's over with. And
now we have a contribution. And
talking of contributions, we won-
der what has happended to last
year's faithfuls, such as SUE CO-
ED, and WILLIE, and others.+
Yvonne Fagan is the only old con-i
sistent going, and here is today's
poem, specially written and copy-
righted for Rolls in Canada, Mexico,
and all other countries having free
liquor control
The oyster's a confusing suitor
It'srasc. and fem. and even neu-
But whether husband, pal, or wife
It leads a soothing sort of life.
I'd like to be an oyster, say,
In August, June, July or May.
* * .*
And that is what they call hit-r
ing the nail on the head. We aref

low open for contributions to thev
Yvonne Fagan fund to buy her an
ottle of Tomato Ketchup to maket
ler feel more at home. (P.S. Those
ostcards won't do-you owe us aa
etter, and it's high time we got ana
. * .j(
We went to the circus Monday. i
es sir, we did. And that remindsp
s, while we were looking at thec
ide show, we overheard a young n
Ldy discussing this here column t
vith her partner, and wishing that
ometime one would be dedicateds
o her. So, in appreciation of ours
arge fan populace, we gratefullys
nd affectionately dedicate thish
olumn to HER, who, in the light i
f later developments, turned out
o be none other than Grandmoth-a
r Whoofie!
* * a
Alas, she is no more. After takingL
ne look at the African pigmies,
vho could only say "yes" and "no"
nd "Rosie" she decided to join thec
ircus. Oh well, she comes fromn
ew Yoik, yeh know, and will prob-n
bly prove to be a pretty good imi-
ation. We forgot to tell her thata
he barker told us later the Afri-o
ans probably had the lowest in-a
elligence of any person living, ifd
ny at all (intelligence, not people,o
ou sap) but that doesn't matter. .t

Music & Drama
A Pre-View.
Kauffman and Connolly don't
need much introduction. Individu-
ally, and together, they have been
responsible for not a few of some
very familiar popular successes in
the past ten years. Just now, Kauff-
man, associated with Moss Hart,
has on Broadway "Once in a Life-
time"-a slam-bang dig at Holly-
wood that was mentioned for the
Pulitzer Prize and fulfills all the
specifications better than the play
seen here last week; Connolly is,
of course, the man who dramat-
ised "Green Pastures" from Roark
Bradford's tale. They are two of
the surest craftsmen in the Ameri-
can theatre; and they can be de-
pended upon for a sound, if not pro-
found, play a season.
"rhe Beggar on Horseback" was
and perhaps still is their best
achievement. It was dated 1924 and
r was preceded, I think, only by "To
The Ladies" and "Merton of the
Movies." The theme, the structure,
and a good deal of the detail was
borrowed from a German play--
Paul Apel's "Hanns Sonnensbuer's
Trip to Hell." The Germans cre-
ated the serious expressionist meth-
od. And they also were the first
ones to discover how it could be
appropriated to reckless, satiric ex-
travaganza, making caustic re-
marks in stage terms at a rapid
pace. So America has no claim to
originality with John Howard Law-
son's "Roger Bloomer," Elmer
Rice's "Adding Machine" a n d
Kauffman and Connoly's "The Beg-
gar on Horseback." But it can
claim a high degree of achievement
in their use of expressionism for
reckless satire. And "The Beggar"
-though it is somewhat more light-
hearted and less pretentious than
the other two-is not the least of
The story is probably familiar to
most people through its numerous
stagings and through the movie
version. Neil McRae is a young
composer who feels that the sym-
phony he contains within him is
being stifled by that awful neces-
sity, hackwork, and all the dirty
contexts that go with it. The girl,
also poor, with whom he is in love,
advises him to marry a rich girl
that has been hounding him. An-
noyed by the unromantic good sense
of her suggestion, he calls up the
Cady girl and she accepts him over
the phone. Then he falls asleep
and has a dream. And what a
dream- a dream that outlines his
future with all the horror that rap-
id strokes of caricature can give.
What Kauffman and Connoly
really do with the dream is to
make it a nightmare of the fatuity,
the vulgarity, the dogged, proud
stupidity of the American scene.
Neil is surrounded by the terribly
Philistine Cady family; and pressed
,nto service to satisfy their pur-
poses. He is thrust into a factory
for the mass production of all kinds
of art, forced in his search for a
pencil to break in on a pompous
director's meeting etc. One doesn't
remember all the details; one only
remembers that they are fast and
funny. Neil does, I think, kill the

whole damn family; and is then
made to undergo a deliciously fan-
tastic trial by jury.
In the course of the dream, the
authors write caustic travesties on
aspects of American art, American
politics, American justice, American
journalism. And all this is done
at a gay, quite mad tempo: which
s a nice correspondence to the tem-
po of the things satirised. Some
critic said that Kauffman and Con-
noly achieve a "jazz poetry"; and
that is nearly so.
Alexander Woolcott, trying to
say that the satire of the play isn't
savage, said that James Barrie and
Sinclair Lewis rolled into one might
have written it. The satire really
is gay and irresponsible and suf-
ficiently broad and general so that
all individuals can escape it. This
luckily allows all the people who
are actually the subject of the de-
vastating comment to come and
laugh at themselves.
Though built of sure-fire mater-
ial, the play is something intri-
cate to produce because of the
number of people to be handled and
manipulated into sharp rhythms.
Mr. Windt already has to his credit
a good production of the "Beggar
on Horseback" given three years
ago with the students of Play Pro-
duction. The present production
opens this evening and will con-
tinue until Saturday night.
wm Vr

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With a Smart Cast


Tomorrow-tConfessions of a Coed"-Sylvia Sidney

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